Its time.

I will make them fear the dark.
Thats the spirit! But tell me for whom the bells toll?
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This probably the best killer skin in the whole game. W from BHVR.
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The Bush fears no one. Everyone fears The Bush.
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Great skin. I verse this killer so infrequently. Does the game still force Dredge into the locked locker when there's a side by side locker set-up?
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Yeah my first game was difficult because it was erie with everyone doing that lol.
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Bench press Dredge
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I might get this skin but only when it can bought with shards looks sick.
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It's licensed so it may not ever be available for shards.
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No that's the Dredge!
(Please laugh)
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This is licensed content, i doubt there will be shards. I hope i am wrong.
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Bummer that's still a thing
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Best skin in the game hands-down.
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i got you homie
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Even darkness is not strong enough against girl power
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Can Meg join the team too?
I love these T-shirts so much, they are top tier.
I hope Sable gets one too when she's released (I'm saving my Auric Cells just in case).
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Ofcourse :)
Any help will be appreciated because as you see monster is scary.
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Fear of the Dark ...
Fear of the Doc!
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Great collection and you won't be asked to name 3 songs when wearing the t-shirt.
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this makes me want a slayer collaboration
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I did a scream for me build on the doc using the Pharoah skin inspired by Powerslave. Did not kill anyone. Just pulled my best Bruce Dickinson at the end in chat. Lol was fun. Love the skins.
Up the irons!
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I didn't plan on buying any of these, but The Dredge and Doctor skins are amazing. Especially the Dredge.
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Sadly yes and you can only get it with auric cells. Seems best skins are always licenced one oni skin I also like was too recently.
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Iron Maiden works so much better on Doctor. You can fake a static blast and then hear the scream shortly after when a survivor exits the locker they tried to hide in.