Anyone SWF with other countries?

As in very far away countries. Perhaps US to Korea. Can you even do this? How is the connection when paired with people so far away?
Yeah i do. I played DbD with my Japan and American players and ping is insane ofcourse.
But i just want to say, Asians are playing different game then we have in EU.
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Is it unplayable with the ping being so high?
What do you mean different game?
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I did it once, I believe he was argentinian. cool dude.
but it was one of those "get paired once, match was good so we just do it again for the rest of the day" type of deal. not something I do with any frequency.
connection was fine for what I can remember
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Yes, countless times.
I've played with people from the US, UK, Germany, Russia, Belarus and other countries.
Ping is a bit high yes, but definitely isn't unplayable.
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Yeah if im gonna plan to play with someone 14 hours ahead of me. Just wanna know in advance if this is gonna be a ######### show.
How does the game handle who we then get paired with?
I can't find reliable server information either. One list claims there is one IN Seoul. Then ironically one of the US servers is RIGHT by me. Interesting concept that we're both right on top of our respective servers. Then again another list shows the servers totally elsewhere.
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I'm EU but I can SWF with people on the East Coast just fine. West Coast is straight up unplayable levels of ping though.
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I'm in the UK and have played with a couple people in the US. Don't know where in the US they were but the ping wasn't too bad. It was certainly noticeable but not unplayable.
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Oh yes. Roll with several fine survs from England, a few up in Canada, and one very skilled player from Australia, although I'm in the US. A couple are on different platforms from me so there's no comms, but we make it work.
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server will follow leader party region
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It's like they never changed the meta and are stuck in a time loop.
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Weird. I am curious if they're far better than what I am used to. At least I will have an excuse to suck with my ping being mad.
I imagine all the killers on the asian servers to be ridiculously well played.
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From the survivor side, player tend to be way more selfish, often bringing self care every match. From the killer side, doesn't really change much, outside of being able to take advantage of self care by bringing perks that counter it (nurse's calling, sloppy, etc)
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That's part of it, but SWF and comms is much less common in some regions compared to say in the US, South America, and Europe. So the surv mentality tends to be more self-reliant than teamwork oriented, hence a perk like Self Care being wayyyyyyy more prevalent. Selfish gameplay isn't quite the right wording, more like a different pov.
They'd also double down on something like Windows of Opportunity, because they'd be even less likely to know what resources like pallets have been used. That's why the usage of that perk is universally high across all regions.
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I've SWF'd with people in EU before. (I'm NA East.)
You can do it, but ping will be very high.
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Always wanted flags in the pre game lobby or post game to see who I'm playing with. Would like to know the nationality of my opponents, not that it matters to most.