Would it help if the gen block perks didn't stack, but instead thrump eachother?

SoGo Member Posts: 1,999

An example of this:

You hook a survivor, go away from the hook, Grim Embrace activates AND TRUMPHS Dead Man Switch. So after GE ends, the gen gets unblocked and only gets blocked if a survivor starts repairing and lets go within the DMS time limit

Would it help if the gen block perks didn't stack, but instead thrump eachother? 12 votes

Yes, it would help!
Marc_go_soloAlex_DepressedlegionCrusor 4 votes
It doesn't do anything
aeonskulBbySugaryOreos[Deleted User]canonjack001 4 votes
It makes it worse.
BlueberryEmealmahiroaTommyDorkelson 4 votes


  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,999

    It would depend on which perk activates first, if you are wondering.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,233

    I think DMS is just a problematic perk, there's been multiple cases now where it's been at the center of some build or combo being overpowered. Which is why I think DMS shouldn't activate when a survivor is forced to let go of a generator for any reason (including Grim Embrace), would fix most of this stuff.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,999
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    Yes, it would help!

    Makes sense to have Perks which cannot interract with each other to avoid over-buffing things.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,706

    They don't stack as it is. DMS + GE doesn't lead to gens being blocked for 42 seconds. It ends up being however long DMS would last.

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143
    Yes, it would help!

    funnily enough i tried to figure out a way to make the grim embrace DMS combo less busted. what came to my mind was to make DMS not activate if you are forced to leave the gen without your will (i.e. a doctor shock, the gen getting blocked by other means). this would also destroy some of the healthy ways to combine DMS (i.e. doctor). So i really like your idea.

    i in general think that this kinda logic should be used more often. its like the haste status effect which shouldnt stack imo

  • OneAutumnLeaf
    OneAutumnLeaf Member Posts: 103

    Its not a problem at all..... its not like it regresses the gen dude. its not diffrent then deadlock. simple fix, dont get off gens if you know that have DMS?

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,233

    I never said it was a problem if the survivor lets go of the gen themselves. If they do that, that's on them. What is a problem is when it is combined with other perks that force survivors to let go of a generator against their will. It's not as big of a deal with Pain Res + DMS since you can react to the survivor's aura going on the hook/let go right before, but in other cases like with Grim Embrace or Ultimate Weapon it's not really realistic to try to let go and wait for those perks to trigger before getting back on the gen, you don't know when they're going to trigger and you sometimes can end up wasting more time trying to counter it than you would've if you just worked on the gen as long as possible until it gets blocked.

    It's very different than Deadlock, Deadlock activates 4 times per match and only blocks 1 gen each time (there's also no guarantee anyone is even doing that gen, you might get no value), whereas the Grim Embrace + DMS combo can block multiple gens at a time that were being worked on.

    And it doesn't matter if it doesn't regress the gen. Gen blocking = gen progress that's not being made. That's still slowdown.

  • OneAutumnLeaf
    OneAutumnLeaf Member Posts: 103

    I still dont see a problem with that your taking up 1-2 perk slots for a set effect, and again its not like the gen is regressing you can literally go hide in a locker till its up and bam your still at like the same amount of progress, and gen blocks dont really help killer much either since you cant kick/regress a gen, the amount of times Ive seen a gen at 99 blocked is insane.

    Grim Embrace and DMS dont stack, its still just 30 second block.

    Gen blocking = gen progress that's not being made. That's still slowdown.

    yeah having to wait a extra 30 seconds to pop a gen really dosent impact much dude, you can go hide in a locker and wait it out and bam, perk did literally nothing useful but waste some time.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,233

    There is value in wasting survivors' time, that is the whole point of it. If there wasn't, these perks wouldn't be meta.

  • OneAutumnLeaf
    OneAutumnLeaf Member Posts: 103

    Survivors arent on a time clock, killer is dude.... survivors can literally afk for 30 mins in lockers come back and still win if they wanted to..... idk where this myth that survivors need to do gens fast came from, survivors arent on a time clock.