Bhvr come on!!!

Why is it fair that fortnite gets lady gaga and we get no one cool like lana del ray or smth!!
EDIT: i mainly made this post as a joke and didnt expect people to get so heated but I didn't mean lana as like a full on survivor just a skin, also someone else said matthew lillard that would be cool af!!
I mean Nicolas Cage is pretty cool.
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Yeah I guesssss
BUT I mean come on Lana rel rey..
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We got Taylor Swift
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Kate is Taylor Swift in anything, but name.
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Lana Del Ray is overrated. I rather get a Michael Jackson wearing his red Thriller jacket as a Legendary cosmetic for Myers.
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Nick Cage slumps in his seat... "Everything I've done, the legacy I've built, the masses I've performed for. Lana Effin Del Rey"
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I kinda hope we don't get too many real life celebrities in the game (unless they actually have something to do with the horror genre, like Elvira).
Nicolas Cage is a weird enough addition as it is.
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Elvira would be amazing, I'd like Rob Zombie and Sheri Moon too. I'd buy them all twice
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lol Yesss! Duuuude, that jacket tho🔥
Gotta have Myers reppin’ his Moonwalk King!
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I doubt it would happen but man it would make BHVR so much money.
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If Kate is anyone it's Julia Stiles.
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Don't insult Kate like that. Why you gotta be so mean.
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I was an instant fan of hers since I watched “10 things I hate about you” as a wee lad. I hoped/expected her to be more prominent in Hollywood after being in the Borne movies. I’m sad she didn’t but I still love her.
I don’t see Kate resembling her, though.
If I had to pick a survivor that resembles her most it would be Feng Min. (Kidding 😈)
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I'd LOVE Elvira ingame soooooo much !!!!! PLEASE make it happen BHVR !
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I’d imagine most girls don’t want to put themselves in a game where they quite literally get murdered with a community that oversexualizes everything…
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Okay, now that they’re next to each other I can see it.
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Elvira would be an incredible addition.
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I thought she's supposed to be Sally? From TCM.
I guess it's all speculation lol
If Kate looks like anyone it's Bradley from Bates Motel imho.
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I'd rather we kept the inclusion of real life people or celebrities to a minimum unless they're playing a character related to the horror genre.
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Same. Nicolas Cage was fine but I'd rather it be a character from something horror related than random actors/singers.
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Elvira would be awesome! The Mistress of the Dark in a realm of horror.
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I'm 50/50 on Nic Cage, while his inclusion as himself is not out of left field considering him playing himself in movies as well as in horror movies, the precedent his inclusion sets is something i'm not a fan of.
Because of his inclusion, people now have a justification and excuse to try and bring in other real life people, outside of this thread having people who wants celebrities like Lady Gaga or Michael Jackson in dbd, i've already seen some trying to get people like James from Dead Meat or Otz as Survivors, so we constantly keep pushing the line.
How long before we start bringing in any popular content creator or vtubers for creator skins? or random celebrities that have nothing to do with horror or movies in general?
If we start broadening what should and shouldn't be added into the game outside of horror, DBD will just end up turning into Fortnite on a thematic level.
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Yes, because nothing says horror like freaking Lana Del Rey. While we're at it, let's just spin a big wheel of random celebs to determine who is brought into the game.
The minute I feel like DbD is trying to be like Fortnite in any meaningful way, I'm done.
Now this would be cool.
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Honestly you probably aren't far off but if Lady Gaga came to dbd I would be so happy even if she was just a skin.
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God yes, give me Elvira!
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I see where this is coming from but at the same time DBD branching out has given us some of our cooler chapters. There was a time back in the day when SciFi and Video Game killers were hardly mentioned in speculation because there was nothing like that in the game (aside Bill, but he wasn't talked about much). There were even people back then that argued that including franchises like that would damage the heart of DBD's atmosphere.
Going further, the original conception of what a DBD killer could be was actually pretty limiting. Freddy still can't speak because he was designed at a time when killers weren't supposed to. I'm my opinion, the Devs pushing boundaries has only resulted in more creative killers and chapters. Before Demogorgon, a lot of people said an animalistic killer wouldn't make any sense with the deliberate nature of the trials and hooking survivors. If that mindset was still held, we wouldn't have killers like Dredge, Xeno, and now Unknown.
If all these ideas could change over the years without DBD losing it's focus on horror, I think we'll be fine for the future in that regard. Even the latest chapter put a bigger emphasis on horror in the marketing. So Pandora's Box may be opened, but it doesn't seem like anything is leaving it anytime soon, if that makes sense.
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But we've got Nic FUGGGGIN' CAGE!
And we almost had Tony Hawk but he declined.
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Most celebrities probably don't want to have a representation of themselves getting eviscerated by some filthy mori-spamming hag main.
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That's exactly how I feel too. Nicolas Cage is the last actor I'd want in the game, from here on out I'd prefer if they stick to horror and their original characters. If they add anyone else, it should be the horror character (Like Sally from TCM)
Yeaaaaah let's stick with no content creators in here please (I don't watch the but they don't fit) and no other celebrities please...
This lady gaga one takes the cake though. She absolutely does not belong in dbd. I don't have anything nice to say so I'll leave it at that heh.
There are so many more amazing horror IP's they can add. I'd love to see Parasite Eve added. Eve as the killer and Aya Brea as the survivor.
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Apologies for double posting,
Wait, I'm not like...100% directing this at you but how does Tony Hawk fit into dbd the horror game? Haha that's way out in left field to me. I wonder what the lore would have been lol
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Cote mentioned in an interview that Tony Hawk was the first celebrity he contacted because he wanted someone who was recognisable but wholesome and unlikely to do anything bad in the future and Tony Hawk was the first person who came to his mind. He declined though because he doesn't want his image associated with any game aside from Pro Skater.
His lore would have the potential to be hilarious though. Just imaging him doing a show then the Entity is like "cool tricks but you're mine now"
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I would totally be a Gaga main if she came to DBD.
As far as why does Fortnite get insane collabs like Lady Gaga it all comes down to business. Fortnite generates tons of money and the amount of exposure the game offers is very appealing.
Have you ever watched a horror movie... like ever?
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Tbh, I feel like only Celebrities we should get should be tied to the horror film genre including people from Scary Movie or even horror parodies.
Having Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Jim Carrey, or even Mark Hamill will feel more like a Fornite Collab.
Throw in Vincent Price, Johnny Deep, Matthew Lillard, or Christopher Lee [I will die if they add Vincent or Christopher ingame]
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There’s a huge difference between acting (yourself) and being in control of random people. Why do you think Jamie Lee Curtis and Sigourney Weaver denied their portrayals?
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We don't know that Sigourney Weaver actively declined her likeness to be used. They just as likely didn't ask her. Remember, the only reason that Pinhead is voiced by Doug Bradley is because Clive Barker made it happen himself, months after Pinhead was released as thats when he got the rights back. Before that, Bradley had no clue what Dead by Daylight even was, and still doesn't really, just that it's a horror game that he reprised the role of Pinhead for as a personal favor to Clive Barker.
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We don't know why they don't have their likeness.
Laurie most likely doesn't look like Jamie Lee Curtis because they never used the actor's likeness until Ash. Jamie Lee Curtis may or may not be open to it, we don't know. There's way more behind the scenes then just what the actor chooses. Kyle Gallner even admitted he is fine with giving his likeness for Quentin but for some unknown reason he wasn't able to.
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You said you imagine most women don't want to put themselves in a game like DBD and its community. You made 2 distinctions there: the game and its community. As far as the game goes, I believe most women who follow careers that depend heavily on appealing to the public would be more than happy to collab with companies who also depend heavily on appealing to the public in the entertainment industry. That is why I brought up horror movies. A lot of women love to audition for roles in horror movies despite the fact it often involves the characters they play having the same things done to them as happens to characters in DBD. I don't know why you'd think that would be a deterrent when the entire entertainment industry proves otherwise.
As far as the community goes, I don't think your opinion on it reflects the community as a whole. I also don't think it is as much of a deterrent as you think it is. These collab decisions are in fact more business focused than anything. If someone thinks their career could grow with collabing with a game like DBD then I don't think they would be too worried about what a few perverts may do with some fanart.
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Elvira might give dbd an pass, though
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Ngl, Otz, Ayrun, Spooks or ScottJund as characters would be really funny and somewhat appropriate for me. Seeing how some peeps gobble everything up this content creators say and do, while others hate them with their guts, this would also not be the worst in terms of engagement,but (here comes the BUT) as this are real persons, it wouldn't take long for someone to cross some line and do something unapropriate.
Also, while Feng Mins cosplays are cute and in character, I don't want actual VTuber girls or full fledged animr characters, who are they themselves and not some cosplay-ish interpretation (like AoT was), in the game.
AoT was done really well and the characters were all anchored in reality enough that it didn't clash with the overall aesthetics, but imagine a Holo Live or Magical Girl collaboration.... nah please no. I love anime but I don't want it in my DBD.
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T_T I am sorry, I was just trash talking T_T
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We just had Iron Maiden and we've either already had or will have Slipknot tie-ins.
We have Nick Cage and just about every major horror icon of the 80's/90's/early 2000's
I love Gaga, but we're good.
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I see where this is coming from but at the same time DBD branching out has given us some of our cooler chapters. There was a time back in the day when SciFi and Video Game killers were hardly mentioned in speculation because there was nothing like that in the game (aside Bill, but he wasn't talked about much). There were even people back then that argued that including franchises like that would damage the heart of DBD's atmosphere.
Thing is, there's a difference between adding things from the horror genre as a whole and adding things from outside the horror genre. Sci-Fi and Video Games are still within the horror genre while content creators and celebrities are not.
DBD has remained almost consistent with it's chapter releases being set within the horror genre only, the only exceptions to it is the inclusion of Stranger Things & Nic Cage, the only reason they're excused is because Nic Cage has strong ties to horror movies since he has acted in them and Stranger Things is horror adjacent.
If we start doing chapters about IPs that are outside the horror genre, then it will losing itself on a thematic level and eventually become a mish mash of different genres rather than staying true to the horror genre like a horror game should.
Going further, the original conception of what a DBD killer could be was actually pretty limiting. Freddy still can't speak because he was designed at a time when killers weren't supposed to. I'm my opinion, the Devs pushing boundaries has only resulted in more creative killers and chapters. Before Demogorgon, a lot of people said an animalistic killer wouldn't make any sense with the deliberate nature of the trials and hooking survivors. If that mindset was still held, we wouldn't have killers like Dredge, Xeno, and now Unknown.
My problem is not about gameplay, in fact they need to keep pushing boundaries on that front to come up with new powers.
My problem lies primarily with the thematic end of things, just because you can do or add something, doesn't it mean that you should.
If all these ideas could change over the years without DBD losing it's focus on horror, I think we'll be fine for the future in that regard. Even the latest chapter put a bigger emphasis on horror in the marketing. So Pandora's Box may be opened, but it doesn't seem like anything is leaving it anytime soon, if that makes sense.
The only thing that has changed is dbd expanding itself into other parts of the horror genre, which is why outside of skins, it is still primarily horror focused and secondarily horror-adjacent focused to this day
The moment we allow for IPs or celebrities from outside the horror genre or content creators in general to be added, then yes, the game will lose it's horror focus eventually.
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Small correction: Tony Hawk didn't join because he wanted his name to be associated only with the pro-skater franchise, but because his name is legally tied to it and it alone.
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Thanks for the correction :)
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Iron Maiden is probably the best crossover event we or any game has ever got. (Alongside Slipknot in Smite)..