Will Sable be able to dethrone Feng as the most popular survivor?

Goth girl vs Gamer girl, who wins?
Sable isn’t goth. Smh
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Inb4 she gets goth skins.
Also saying she's not goth or giving goth vibes is straight up wrong.
Post edited by Adaez on1 -
I doubt.
First look why Feng is so popular and you will see it's just not possible.
- Feng is pretty popular survivor in China and Japan since she is cute Asian girl.
- She is gamer girl which is loved by gamers and another reason of her pick-rate.
- She is free character on consoles with decent perks.
- Also Asian characters are simped in west so much from what i saw on internet.
Sable will be popular. There is no doubt about that but i don't think she will be on that level. I can see she will be popular as like Yui, Mikaela, Kate, Nea. But i highly doubt she can dethrone Feng, Meg, Claud or Dwight.
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Dwight is best boi for real!
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God I hope so.
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Dunno. I feel like I see less and less Fengs as time goes by tbh. I think Sable will be extremely popular and will have alot of new cosmetics for the next 12 months or so.
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I feel like their vibes are very different.
There might be a competition between Mikaela and Sable though since they're closer in style and attract the same audience.
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I believe we are going to have at least 3 sable per lobby in the release month. My friends are eager to play as her.
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Feng has a more dedicated playerbase and will always have much more cosmetics. Sable will be popular but nobody is dethroning feng
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I used to hate Fengs because they were usually the most toxic to go against. Then they came out with the Bunny cosmetics and they somehow became the most wholesome cutie pies that made me want to let them all live.
Even as survivor, I found the Bunny Fengs would usually go out of their way to help someone. They softened my heart and I no longer hate them.
Mikaela is now the object of my hate along with Nancy. Ohhh how I hate Nancy mains.
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and they somehow became the most wholesome cutie pies that made me want to let them all live.
This is fake news. There are only two Fengs, noobs who join you for every generator and miss every skillcheck, and toxic mean girls, and both of them have insufferable voice lines.
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Your hate is understandable, just know that Feng still loves you
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Feng will reign supreme. She has loads of cosmetics and is already one of the most popular survivors. Sable will undoubtedly be very popular though. I hope we get some good cosmetics for her.
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I don't think that is possible.
hatsune miku herself could join dbd and feng would still be #1.
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I don't think there's that much overlap in their simps. She'll likely be pretty popular, more popular than most DLC survivors but she's got more in common with Mikaela I think than Feng.
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Nah. She will be very popular and undoubtly amass both: a big, loyal fanbase and lots, lots of cosmetics. But Feng is too well connected to the game and too long a thing. Sable is awesome, but she won't be hitting everyones buttons and is not the be all, ultimate form of all cute survivor girls,
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She won't come even close. Not worth it when it comes to perks.
No doubt you'll see more of her when she releases, like the usual. But besides that, no.
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You can play as wholesome as you like, but know that every injured cry of pain, every excruciatingly sarcastic "oooh oooh ooooooh" is communicating "oh dear mister killer, seems you missed your attack, would be a shame if this pallet were to hit you in the face, again" (cue her three plastic teammates standing nearby sniggering).
Feng to her SWF mates out of earshot: "omg they totally just believed that I love them, can you like even believe how pathetic they are, like totally."
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Nah, nothing is going to topple how much nerds can drool over an Asian hardcore gamer grrl. As others said, Sable as the dark 'n' edgy "I'm not like other girls" girl appeals to a different kind of nerd.
I hope Sable gets a variety of cosmetics instead of being a one-note goth.
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Fengs might buy the most cosmetics, but are we even sure Feng is the most popular Survivor?
I swear I see more Claudettes, Megs and Dwights in my games than Fengs. As much as I'd love to hear less of Feng's injured moaning in my future trials, I'm not that lucky... She's not going anywhere.
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I would be very surprised if she didn't break the Top 5, potentially second or third place. But Feng has some serious advantages that I don't think she can overcome.
If she came out at the same time as Feng with good perks, she could have, but not today.
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Isn't Feng free? That alone will have an impact.
She already has years worth of cosmetics too. However for me, Sable wins easily as her voice isn't nearly as annoying (she does not sound like a mouse and she's quiet)
Her aesthetic is way more appealing to me, we have the same hair (well mine is blonde and pink) and dress very similar.
I find Sable more appealing and relatable than Feng, who wasted her life on gaming and ended up a depressed drunk.
I don't know much about Sable yet, her lore reminds me of how I was a few years ago when I was like 13 lol. Kind of one of those blunder years moments/cringe.
Also I don't see her a Gothic, I dress the same way, and I don't consider myslef a goth, I'm just me, with my colored hair and whatever clothes. Idk what the name for it is but it ain't goth...alternative? Idk sorry lol.
However, I think she will be up there in the top 3. Then again it all goes back to being free...but if it's in regards to people spending money I think she can at least compete with Feng.
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As much as i hate feng, people are overrating the new survivor😭
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Her lore is pretty bad, a lot of it comes off as trying too hard, way too hard. It's almost wraps around to endearing.
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Yeah honestly I've seen these comments everytime a new Mildly interesting Female Survivor comes out. Jane, Yui, Yun-Jin, Mikaela being the biggest examples i can recall off the top of my head. Safe to say i see a decent amount of them, but honestly i doubt they are even close to the Feng Population. I see a more varied survivor roster nowadays than i do a few years ago. Still the fact is Feng is free on console, has 1 amazing perk, 1 sleeper perk, and a beginner friendly perk. Free on console so a easy choice to pick. Released back in early 2017 so a higher number of cosmetic and players have had her maxed out and more likely to use her. Not to mention she has a reputation for Cute Asian Gamer girl that some people absolutely go wild for.
Sable has the cute alternative style going for her with some currently very meh perk's on top of being a dlc everyone has to grind out or pay for. Her style will draw in a crowd, but no more than what a new character will. Her style also clashes with some cosmetics that Nea, Kate, and Mikaela have. SO unless they release some killer cosmetics early on i feel she will drop after the first few week's to months drastically like most do.
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People often act like it's some sort of big factor, but does anyone actually weigh perks heavily when choosing a survivor? Or a killer for that matter? I'm looking at this from the perspective of someone who picks up everything anyway, but I think what perks a character comes is this pretty close to a non-factor, since almost everyone is just going slap a bunch of pre-existing perks on them anyway. Especially survs, who are essentially just skins of each other.
It's not like she's licensed and will cost actual money. Most people with a spare 9K shards are gong to pick her up.
And no one will ever dethrone Feng simply because so many people already have a metric ton of cosmetics for her. But I'd bet Sable is going to be the most popular new surv in years, and will having some staying power. And I'd be stunned if BHVR doesn't immediately start loading her up with cosmetics; she's going to be a great vehicle for selling them.
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New girl will do well. Feng has years of content to keep her ahead. In the future one can hope though.
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Depends who you ask..me? I don't purchase any survivor just based on looks or visual. If they got good or interesting perks, then I start to consider it.
As for killer, different cause they have a unique power to them. Like I love Blight's kit of being a bouncing wrecking ball, so I got him for that alone. I mean 9k shards is 9k shards I could use on something else like a cool cosmetic. I don't need a big library of survivors w/ bad perks. I'm not obtaining survivors just to...have a bunch of survivors to pick from. Most people have 1-3 survivors that they cycle through anyways. I'll obtain survivors only if 1) perks are decent or I see myself using them 2) they are appealing both in visuals and audio (like grunts of pain or how loud they are, how the character is animated, etc).
I think Sable will see some popularity in the beginning & then fall off like all the others, IMO.
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"She is not even japanese. The fad will die down pretty soon and no one will talk about her in 3 month max."
- some clueless norm
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Not to mention Feng has better teachables for newer players. So newer players might be drawn to her over Sable.
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I never played Feng because i'm scared to become a Feng main, i'm happy with Dwight, he's all I need.
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I think Sable's the next Yun-Jin. She'll be popular at first because she has a unique look and nice default skin, but her cosmetic catalogue will never catch up to Feng.
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Oh god I just read it for the first time. It reads like an 'OC do not steal' fan fiction.
"Mikaela declined to get her own tattoo. She flirted with the dark side, but she didn’t live it. Not like Sable. The dark side made sense to Sable, and she revelled in it. Partly because it freaked out her parents and teachers. Partly because it felt like who she was. Some called her a goth because of the way she presented herself."
"Mikaela liked her horror with a little comedy, but Sable liked it meaner. Scarier. Bloodier. She relished the gore. Enjoyed the terror. Liked to feel the adrenaline rush."
"But then she thought about the terrifying creatures and the sadistic killers and the endless horror, and she quickly decided she wasn’t going to let her best friend have all the fun."
It's so bad it's honestly hilarious.
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I hadn't read her lore yet. It's... something lol so did she voluntarily follow Mikaela into the fog?
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Hahaha it really does read like those OC DONT STEAL FANFICTION lmao I'm dying.
Ah, me at 13. So embarrassing lol.
I guess we'll see more in the tome whenever they make it haha.
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Yep. She went looking for Mikaela, found the Entity still chillin' there and decided to go in. The trailer is when she goes into the fog as well. Which is why I honestly don't like the trailer that much because the Unknown doesn't appear nor does it have anything to do with the trailer.
Her tome should be the next one and I can't wait to see it! It's going to be so hilariously bad haha. I hope it also makes her not feel as forced into Mikaela's backstory. Mikaela's lore focuses on her and her best friend, Julian. And then Sable just comes in like 'Hey I was here the entire time too! My parents don't love me!"
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It is hilarious, I can't decide whether I love it or hate it. It feels like Sable wrote her own bio to prove how cool she is, she's almost like a cartoon character. But somehow, I think I like her more than Mikaela. I want to play as her and act like a dumbass.
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does she? self-healing yourself is one of best tools for a new player to acquire. I am pretty sure that strength of the shadow is going to be a popular perk. It might be a meta perk with like 10% pick-rate. that is my prediction. i am hoping the perk doesn't get nerfed but i would not be surprised if the perk ends up being weakened to 35% healing speed like current self-care in 1 year or 2 year time.
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I doubt that, I imagine most players will write it off as a bad perk because it only works in the basement, which will require travel time and evading the killer to reach. Most will just bring medkits as usual.
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I mean if they do that, it will be Self-Care but weaker. You can use SC anywhere while this perk is only working in basement.
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We need a goth gamer girl!
I think Sable is going to be very popular. Easily in the top 5 and I can see her being as popular as Feng. I'm glad to see them making cool characters again.
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She'll just be another cute survivor to tunnel..
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yeah I already want a dark brown haired verision with more straight black goth clothes.
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Top 5, i really don't know.
Meg, Claud and Feng are top 3 survivors. Probaby followed by Dwight. Next are Kate, Nea, Mikaela and Yui. I just don't see her to outclass any of those survivors. Maybe she can replace Nea or Yui but i still doubt.
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A lot of players already go to the basement to look for medkits to heal.
It might not be efficient but it works well enough outside of top MMR that the behaviour is reinforced.
It's probably going to be on par with Selfcare.
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i don't think the condition matters because strength of self-healing is the fact other survivor don't need to walk to you to heal you.
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Yeah but no healing is stronger as we saw. If survivors are not healing, this means they will rush gens even harder. BHVR is trying to nerf no heal meta and buff healing meta, at least that's what i am seeing with their road-map
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I'm sorry, but this is no contest. The base kit character that everyone has and has a hundred different outfits isn't getting dethroned by any upstarts.
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Not a chance.
Sable will be at least semi-popular I think, but nobody's coming close to Feng and no one ever will.
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No it wont, the speed is obviously faster, sigh, no need to downplay.