Luck (Offerings) Rework

Can we please see either:
1) the Luck mechanic be reworked to cover things beyond a single self-unhook per trial? Such as increasing the chance of finding rarer Items/Addons in chests, which would synergise well with Ace's perks.
2) the Luck bonus from Luck Offerings be multiplied by 5?
i) increased to +5% for Chalk Pouch & Salt Pouch
ii) increased to +10% for Cream Chalk Pouch & Black Salt Statue
iii) increased to +15% for Ivory Chalk Pouch & Vigo's Jar Of Salty Lips
As it stands, the Luck mechanic doesn't contribute anything substantial to the game, especially when the perk Deliverance makes Slippery Meat, Up The Ante and the Luck Offerings redundant for the most part. For most players, the Luck Offerings in their current state are simply a tax to get through the Blood Web and would be better off not existing.
For my fellow players who might consider option 2) too great of an increase, consider that it won't provide any more advantage in solo queue than a similarly priced Item or Offering might, and that SWFs have far better options than committing 4-8 perks slots and 24,000 BP worth of Luck Offerings for a once per trial trick, especially when all 4 could just run Deliverance and see up to 3 self-unhooks for a smaller investment.
To celebrate the One Year Anniversary of this topic, I thought I’d swing back round to share what I’ve learned since then.
Did you know that Luck Offerings aren’t used in DBD tournaments and other competitive settings because they’ve been deemed too powerful? The truth may shock you :o
Elsewhere, do you know how many killer mains have told me that upon seeing a Luck Offering whilst a trial is loading, will promptly DC and uninstall the game, before taking a break of no less than one (1) month away from the game to avoid any negative impact from exposure? Again, the truth may shock you :o
Meanwhile, do you know how many posts I’ve seen complaining about how the Luck mechanic makes the game survivor sided and if something isn’t done about it they’re going to find other parts of the game to complain about… whilst still regularly playing DBD? Now you better believe that the truth may shock you :o
So in the interests of game balance, killer main sanity and player salt, I feel the only recourse is to remove Luck Offerings from the game, whilst offering us a considerable bounty (3% of their current value) for each such offering surrendered by a player.
Furthermore, I feel the Luck bonus should be removed from both Slippery Meat and Up The Ante, just to be on the safe side. Now some of you might ask how it’s remotely fair to leave Adept Ace with a perk that does nothing, to which I’ll break character and counter with “What’s the difference?”
Here’s looking forward to the 2nd Anniversary of this topic where Luck continues to be the worst mechanic in the game and its offerings still nothing more than a bloodweb tax for survivors.
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So it's come to this...
As of today, I have submitted requests to the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, Gamblers Anonymous Montreal and the Nerf Pig Alliance to take direct action against Behaviour Interactive for the continued and unsafe inclusion of the self-unhooking 'aids' known as:
1) Slippery Meat;
2) Up the Ante; and
3) The following offerings associated with 'Luck';
a) Chalk Pouch;
b) Cream Chalk Pouch;
c) Salt Pouch;
d) Black Salt Pouch;
e) Ivory Chalk Pouch; and
f) Vigo's Jar of Salty Lips
These alleged aids have only become more game breaking with the nerf to Made for This, especially with the proposed perk Wicked, which if combined with any of the above aids will give survivors a greater than 100% chance to self-unhook, allowing them to swing off the basement hook and immediately into the next trial or something, which means they don't have to Urban Evade all trial before escaping through the Hatch.
The Luck perk/offering abuse must end, so here's hoping it won't take another year for these organisations to present their official responses.
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If you ask me they should replace the Jar of Salty Lips with a Pack of Gummy Lips that you can eat mid-trial.
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I didn‘t read everything, but I also think that luck should affect the items in chests and that luck offerings should get some more %.
Behavior should also make „ace in the hole“ base kit, so that chests are more worthy the time and when we are already changing chests. There should be more chests around the map and in the basement. Maybe even make a special chest, which requires a special key like on nostromo.
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Iridescend Salt Bag: get a 66,6% chance to successfully unhook yourself, but you only get one chance before you slip into stage 2.
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And so it has come to this, for too many years now, my pleas for change have been ignored, forcing me to resort to revolutionary bhvr!
Last night, I kidnapped Mathieu Cote‘s Hag and replaced her with an imposter who plays identically and yet commits her every hiss and growl towards mocking his taste in media to the other killers and survivors.
If a positive overhaul to the Luck mechanic, along with its perks and offerings, isn’t seen within the next year, I will not only continue to hold this Hag hostage but also escalate this bhvr, kidnapping and replacing other staff member’s killers and survivors with substitutes that mock them when they’re not looking!
SincerelyThat forum member obsessed with the Luck mechanic
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Luck in general should just be removed. No one should have to rely on a random chance they escape the hook, or how fast they escape a trapper bear trap. Its so boring and unimaginative.