Should there be changes made for Ranged Killers on Console?
I think it's kinda weird that most of the game's playerbase is generally considered unable to play a lot of the ranged cast at higher levels because of console controls making aiming difficult. Now, this issue has been in the game since Huntress, so I think we've all sorta just internalized that it's how things are, but does it really have to be that way? Surely, there's something that could be done to even the odds, at least just a little.
My proposal to give Console Killers more of a shot (pun intended) would be an aiming reticle, which I feel could be added to most ranged killers without making them OP. Maybe Huntress, especially in her PTB state, would be more overtuned, but I think other characters like DS and Trickster would be fine.
I think higher sensitivity would help with flicks for Slinger and maybe others, I play on 100% and I wish it went higher. I don't even play other games on like max sensitivity, usually like 6-7 (out of 9).
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While it is more difficult to use ranged killers on console, that doesn't mean high level play is impossible. The misconception here is that there is a cap to how good a console player can be which is below PC, but that's not the truth. Console players have as good as, and sometimes better aim than PC players.
The only real advantage that PC holds over Console is sensitivity which is way higher and allows for more quick and unpredictable hits/reaction.
In terms of a sight, that is something that can be remedied on one's own. There are certain monitors that come with sights that can be toggled on or off regardless of the game. Realistically however, the only real solution is to play, play and play until you get a feel for where exactly the hatchet, throwing knife or spear is going.
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I swear didn’t they do specific changes for trickster on controller?
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Yes, but that was a unique situation to Trickster and not ranged killers. He had recoil on his throwing knives and PC players had a much much easier time controlling that recoil which is why it was removed completely
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Nope, they just made the blades have little to no recoil which, as a side effect, helped controller players which had more difficulty with aiming.
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I do think aiming sensitivity should be higher for controllers, that being said you can easily get a crosshair on your screen, whether that be through your monitor, or the old fashioned way with clear tape
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I tried saying that ranged killers struggle on console and I got mocked for it and told that console players don't struggle at all, so I would say they probably won't make any changes anytime soon. I was fighting for you and me but no one agrees :(
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If we're referring to changes for console, monitors isn't really a solution for getting a sight, since most people on console use TV's. Still, this comment is very true in that there's no real substitution for skill!
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I think ranged killers should have a cross hair because it's easy for PC players to install one or use a built-in cross hair on their gaming monitor, whereas consoles are usually connected to a TV which doesn't have that option.
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I think they do need to make a few more changes to allow those of us on controller to flick a bit better. I'd say we're almost there. I play Blight, Xeno, and main Singularity on controller. The main thing I notice is that PC players are able to flick faster than we are. When I watch PC Singularity gameplay, I see that they are able to flick the cameras around faster. If we could get that on controller, then I think that they'd have resolved the worst issue.
However, it's not as bad as it used to be. Blight apparently used to be unplayable on controller.
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I don't know about Trickster, but I do remember that they made controller specific changes for Blight and the console community was elated.
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That bit about specific changes to Blight on console/with a controller is absolutely true. It was the last thing McLean did before leaving their dev team, and oh yes it made Blight actually playable, and with moderate practice able to be run well with a controller. 🎮 🎮
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Oof, that hurts seeing that McLean's gone now. Hopefully we get more changes to improve QOL for controller killers, because console's a huge portion of the playerbase.
Decend Beyond's user reviews on the Playstation store were terrible for years because of Blight's issues on controller. BHVR has a financial interest to make killers as smooth to play on controller as they are for mouse and keyboard.
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They seem adamant not to add M&K support for the consoles, which make up the vast majority of the playerbase. So failing that, the next option is to provide way more robust setting options for the dang controllers.
Things like the dead zones in the sticks, above average input delay, insufficient sensitivity settings, etc.are all big time problems for playing many killers anywhere near their full potential.
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They could implement just a brown crosshair addon for Huntress, Trickster and Deathslinger.
Wouldn't be a big deal as PC players can use crosshairs anyway.
(Remember that Nurse Addon what showed you where to blink)
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They should probably consider doing all of these things, as a lot of people seem to be saying that console players comprise a huge part of the player base. I've seen some people even say console is the majority, but I don't think I'd go that far without data.
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Gyro controls on console would be pretty cool and fun. Would allow for more freedom with aiming as well.
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We cannot ever get the numbers for the players by platform sadly. I believe there's more peeps playing DBD just on the PlayStations than on all of PC together, so yeah the consoles are definitely the majority of the playerbase.
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I’m sorry but this just isn’t true.
It is biologically, mechanically, and logically easier and better to aim with your whole arm rather than your thumb.
There’s a reason aim assist exists in most console games where there’s minimal to none on PC for the same games.
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I'm not really a fan of those add-ons tbh. It shouldn't cost a slot just to add a quality of life aspect that could be there at base, y'know? DS has a skin that gives him a sight, so I think he's game at least.
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I never said that at all. PC has the advantage plain and simple, but having the advantage doesn't mean everything. I was referring to skill. Console players have proven time and time again that their skill is on par with PC. Playing on PC doesn't make someone automatically better at a game.
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Totally fair, I can definitely agree with that. I misunderstood you so that's on me!
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I think they should do something similar to some FPS' and give console aim assist.
Its harder to be as precise as M&K, so it would help bridge the gap
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Blend in any kind of Aim Assist with their Aim Dressing, poured on top of their coding. Add a Nintendo Switch for flavor. Stir slowly, and let lag dry.
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The issue with this is that we are talking about behavior, and while I'm not outright doubting the developers, having them developer aim assist for a game like dbd sounds like a disaster
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Crosshairs should be an option for everyone. Not just console killers. The devs allow you to use them but they still are against adding them to the game. That's just weird.
Something I think would help console players more is higher sensitivity settings. On a controller, you will never be able to aim quite as accurate as with M&K because it's just less responsive but at least the sensitivity could be slightly higher to allow players to adjust their aim quicker.
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Us console players have been asking for years for these things: better controls, dead zone and response curve settings for controller, an optional reticle for ranged killers. BHVR acts like keeping reticles away from console players somehow means PC players can't and don't just use their own reticle while console players get double screwed.
First and foremost the big big thing we console players need is more controller settings. We have an abysmal lack of options, I don't know why BHVR insists on ignoring this.
I'm actually really really frustrated with the controls in the game right now. Move the analog stick slightly, slightly, nothing happens, slightly more, still nothing, push slightly more, and then the camera or the cursor or whatever you're trying to move jumps a mile. I'm sick of it. When playing killer on Switch, I can't hit survivors if they're standing still, forget trying to hit a moving target.
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This is an eternal issue, but I also don't think it's a good idea to have a system where the difficulty level changes depending on the device. There may be a lock-on function.
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Isn't it funny how adding in M&K support would go a long way in dealing with these requests?