Do you think Solo Queue is the easiest it has ever been?

Raccoon Member Posts: 7,784

If not, when do you think the best Solo Queue experience existed?


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Weirdly enough when they were changing matchmaking to see which system was better, one of those days I had really good games where teammates knew what they were doing. Shame that matchmaking system didn't get implemented.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,068

    It's always been a crapshoot. Sometimes you get good teammates that can pull their weight, and other times you get boiled potatoes that play so badly that it's impossible to win or even have a decent match. The only improvement we got was the HUD. But it doesn't make bad teammates good, as the dodgy matchmaking has always been the biggest issue.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 969

    before a new chapter release (because the ´´casual´´ players will come back to try the new stuff)

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,716

    I think it depends. Old rank matchmaking was really good if you were above average at the game, because it didn't matter how many hours you personally had the system was matchmaking you with a monthly progression check. I think specifically before rank resets became largely meaningless before resetting you back only 1 rank color, an above average survivor was doing pretty well in solo queue.

    That said, it was also one of the worst times to be a new player to the game, because it was really easy to be constantly matched with killers out of your skill level.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I don't think necessarily easiest, since I'd say the game was easier for survivor regardless of whether you're in a SWF back when there was more of the game's broken nonsense to abuse. The game did, strictly speaking, get harder for survivors after each of those big things were removed, the same way it did for killers each time their broken stuff got removed.

    However, I do think solo queue is the healthiest it's ever been. Barring specific annoyances that happen in every team game where you get dumb teammates who do dumb things, a lot of this game's solo queue holes have been patched up over time, and a lot of fun things were added that spice up survivor gameplay from either direction.

    Anecdotally, I play a lot more survivor these days than I used to. Sure, it's not as much as killer still, but I used to avoid the role outright because I felt it was kinda miserable. Now, though, I'm happy to spend some time doing survivor challenges and such.

  • felipesegatto1
    felipesegatto1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95

    obviously it is the exact opposite of this. how can you even ask something like this?

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    I think there just too many bad survivors and the devs intentionally pair them up with better players( to the better player’s detriment) so they’d get carried a little and not have a horrible time.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,784

    I just M1 until the gen is done in most instances and let the other people do whatever.

    I'm running SC/BK/WoO/Oc and have a pretty even/maybe slightly more than even escape rate.

    I'm usually doing gens away from the action and use Overcome to escape/reset on my own.

    Windows also allows me to carry via chases, with Overcome allowing me to skip a tile or two if I want to leave stuff to chain for later.

    I usually play pretty selfishly - if I see people meandering around/notice they didn't do well in chase or any gens, I'll open the gates and leave solo if I don't think they have the coordination to reset for a save or whatever depending on the situation.

    If I see people making decent plays, I'm more inclined to play altruisticly.

    When I do unhook someone and I can't hear the TR, I'll butt dance so they'll let me heal them. If they run off to the corner of the map, I'm probably not following to heal them and hop back on a gen. If they follow me to a gen after unhooking, I'll heal them if they want it - most people let me heal them once they see the yellow bar.

    If there is one other person left on hook with a gen left, they're probably dying on hook so I can get hatch.

    I just do whatever is immediately beneficial to me at the time, usually.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    I feel like there were far less complaints about solo queue during the old ranking system era, so I guess that era was the best for solo queue at least from my experience as well other than the occasional 3 man games which were ridiculous (glad they removed those).

    I will say that the main strength of SWF lies upon being able to pick your teammates, in solo queue it depends on luck with the MMR system, so I believe the issue is MMR.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,784
  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 395

    Yep I understand that, I always try and do gens and I do get saves but you know what the stinker is? Because I'm doing gens and get saves strategically where the killer doesn't see me they think I don't do anything so when it comes down to the 2 of us left guess who gets ratted out and chased around the whole map? Me!

    I'd understand if I was sat in the corner doing nothing but it's always the way unless I'm with a good team who can hold their own while I do gens it just always ends the same.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Have the tome challenges ever really been that bad? People make that point a lot but they've always seemed fine to me.

    I also meant more, any kind of challenge. Adepts, gimmick builds, daily rituals, tome challenges, etcetera. I don't tend to play either role without some kind of idea in mind in that regard, so I'll swap to survivor if there's an incentive and see what I feel like doing.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,784

    If they're actively teaming, that is against the rules.

    If it's someone doing a drive-by to get you killed while they hide for hatch, that's a classic final 2 play.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    The easiest? Probably not. There was a time when the game was objectively very survivor sided, so that would make it the time that solo queue as well was the easiest.

    I'd say solo queue is more convenient than it has ever been though. The HUD and the overall experience of players mean, that many old school solo queue moments don't happen anymore. With Bond becoming a more popular perk (still underrated in my opinion) solo queue is really not that terrible.

    It's still not great but it is absolutely playable as long as the matchmaking doesn't go haywire.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,784

    The HUD helps and definitely lets you plan around how the game is probably going.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Before they nuked DS.

    I am all for other changes but DS is really needed perk and replacing it with OTR was biggest mistake ever they did. OTR's counter is just so easy and it's not effective like DS

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    It's hard for me to say when the best time was because it's hard to know if I think it's gotten worse or if I've just gotten burned out over time.

    I would say for the role itself the best time was close to when I started which if I remember was summer of 2017. There were so many resources on the map that just two survivors were a force to be reckoned with. One game in particular we had two DC's right at the start. I don't know who the incredible player was I got matched with that game but I managed to get all gens done while they ran the killer the entire time. We both escaped.

    Back then moments like that and the resources made every match feel hopeful no matter what happened. Nowadays just seeing one person not doing gens can make an entire match feel lost right from the get go.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Yeah it generally is easier as far as information goes but the game was a LOT more survivor sided years back, so it has kinda been balanced out... at least as much as DBD can be balanced out.

    That being said, I almost always run Kindred as I solo queue most of the time and I still die on first hook every so often even with Kindred.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,784

    I haven't died on first hook in a dog's age....knock on wood >_>;

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    No it doesn't happen often but it actually happened to me yesterday lol. I cant be low MMR as I have a lot of hours in DBD and rank 1 surv in a few days if I play (not that rank means much) so I must be doing something right.

    So the fact I get team mates who still let me die on first hook when I have Kindred really is quite mind blowing

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Sad things often happen. However, you may have experienced something that is not the case. You smiled bitterly without getting angry, right? ``Let's move on, next'' and that's it. We always are, don't really care.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    No but it's in a good spot. There was a time when kill rate was lower for killers with DS and Dead Hard at it's peak but now 40% it's as it should be. I think my own escape rate is higher though 50% perhaps.

    It's much more fun playing solo now with the info on what other do and that my team can see that I'm on gens or in chase. All the hate solo survivor gets it's ridiculous. Sure in low MMR where teammates don't do gens or heal forever with SC or hiding sure I understand but overall it's fine.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    As always, i respect your opinion (and i might be a little bit tilted on this subject) but please do the same when i say that i highly question that advocates of "solo survivor have easy time compared to the past" are legit. I am fully aware, that the forum population is and was always leaning towards killer players and the recent outry of survivors due to the upcoming changes might feel a little overwhelming for some. And i understand that killer feel threatened that survivors will complain so much that their long fought for gameplay improvement is in danger, which might be true or not. But again, asking a question that way has only one purpose, and i explained it already why that is. It is dead obvious, that 2016-2022 survivor, no matter if solo or not was of course more easy then it is now.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Yes, i assume that everyone who thinks survivor right now is the easiest ever is either lying or completly clueless. Do we really need to prove that survior became more and more difficult over the years?

    This is a small taste of what old DBD looked like, just for the sake of it.

    What is there really to discuss?

    Healthy is a totally different topic, and since the topics is stating unmistakeably "easiest", the TE clearly does not mean healthiest. That is maybe an interpretation for yourself you can make of course.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267
    edited February 2024

    Honestly nah I don't really care.... I just maybe mutter 'what in the actual bros' to myself then go to the next game. It is what it is in solo queue

    Post edited by JocelynAwakens on
  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    It's better but still not where it needs to be and won't be until they enforce team play on the survivor side.

    You should not be able to have a loadout dedicated to stealth and hatch escapes. Survivor chances of winning if even one person is doing this drops too dramatically.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    I guess it depends?

    Sandbagging teammates, tunneling/slugging killers are still a dime a dozen but I will recognize I've been getting more good matches than bad recently.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047

    Never been worse.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Nope, probably not. It doesn't really help to know if your teammates are doing a gen or totem if you will go down quickly because the map is one big deadzone.

    The extra information is helpful (although they didn't have to overhaul the entire HUD for it), but it isn't everything. If going back in time was possible in this game, we could actually have a way better Solo Queue experience, simply because survivors had more resources to work with.

    It doesn't even have to be 2016 levels of survivor's strength. We can find a sweet spot.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,716

    Tbh, it's not really an issue of survivor strength. Between mmr matchmaking being lax and survivors often giving up over any little inconvenience, it's hard to get good solo matches where the skill difference is min and survivors actually try.

    The recent data for high mmr 4 man swf showed they have an escape of 48% and ~9% difference of high mmr solos.

  • Cypherius
    Cypherius Member Posts: 150

    No. The easiest would be in a different meta when survivors in general where stronger.

    While there are issues and possible improvements (a ping system would be nice) with the role i do think its in a mostly decent state. Most of my matches feel balanced unless someone gives up early.

    The sentiment that solo queue is awful or borderline unwinnable that some people express here in the forums is not something i experience in my matches.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
    edited February 2024

    Survivor main here. 🙋🏻‍♀️ No, solo queue is not the easiest it has ever been. Not by a long shot. It was easier before the healing nerfs, and the nerf to DS, and the innate killer buffs (basically all of 6.1.0), and the nerfs to all but 6 META survivor perks (that may be on the chopping block now), and the huge influx of anti-loop killers, and the new 3-gen killers (Knight, Skull Merchant), and the individual buffs to already strong killers (Huntress, Hillbilly), and the revamped maps that are smaller/condensed and spawn way more dead zones & unsafe pallets, and killers clueing in to the fact that turning the game into a 3v1 ASAP is the shortest path to victory.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    It's kind of an unusual question because any period of time that had pre 6.1 DS and pre 6.1 DH would have been much easier than now. Don't get me wrong; I think pre 6.1 DH was an abomination but whenever I hit Iri ranks I'd slap it on for the pips since my escape rate would increase by 20% or more which made it super easy to get my million BP from Iri One survivor. I never want to see pre 6.1 DH again because of how op it was but it was definitely easier.

    I'd also say anytime with infinite loops was also easier but, once again, I don't want to see that again. A lot of the stuff in the past was incredibly broken which made the survivor experience easier than now.

    Survivors have more info than before but that doesn't make it easier. More importantly than easier though, I would say solo survivor is at a low point for fun right now which is far more important to a video game than easier.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047

    Most of the matches are extremely one-sided. In the majority, the killer quickly gets momentum, and it's obvious the team will never come close to getting enough gens done. And even worse, when that doesn't happen, it's usually just the reverse; the killer struggles to get even a single hook for the entire game. Come to think of it, both of those are probably promoted by the return of the 4 slowdown meta, i.e., either the team does play hard enough to break the gen slowdown or they don't even come close, and if they do break it, maybe it was only because the killer was woefully outmatched from the start. Either way, matches where one side just gets stomped are boring even if you're the side winning imo.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    I had the best experience I've ever had when bidirectional matchmaking was enabled. Instant queues and great teammates.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,784

    I can agree with your conclusion for sure.

    Games where I body the killer or get an easy 4k are not at all appealing.