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Most underrated perk in game

In this text, I would like to ask you what you think is the most underrated perk in the game. What do you think is a powerful perk that people don't use and what is your favorite perk? I'd love to hear from you what the most underrated perk is in the game, but first let me introduce Dramaturgy, which in my opinion is the most underrated perk. I use Dramaturgy+Vigil in my meta build and it is multifunctional. Dramaturgy makes you faster than the killer for about 10 meters (more if you get an extra 2 seconds of boost). You cannot change direction for the first half second. People make a big deal about exposed, but it's not that bad. If you are not in the dead zone, this effect means nothing. Also, if your aim is to use Dramaturgy, you can also use vigil like me. Perk can give you items that may be useful to you in chase. If you are doing gen and there is no loop very nearby, you may not stay in gen until the killer gets close to you. You can use dramaturgy and make 1-2 extra turns on the pallets, but this is not exactly the case in Dead Hard. If you are turning around the pallet and you accidentally turn 1 more turn, you can use dead hard to avoid dying, and there are two possibilities here. You can make a killer swing so you can take another turn, or you can't make a killer swing and drop the pallet. You could pass through bear traps by throwing dead hard, but there is no such thing in dramaturgy. At the same time, although it does not cause direct damage to miss, if you predict that the killer will lunge and use dramaturgy 1-2 seconds before, the damage is guaranteed to miss. Dead hard boosts you about 4 meters. Also, using dead hard does not require any skill and was very easy to use, but using dramaturgy is something that requires much more mastery. Also, even if you don't use dramaturgy to get items, if you escape, you will probably escape with the item my dramaturgy gave you. It is also very fun to use. Taking a few more turns around the pallet, moving to another nearby pallet, going to a place you can't normally reach without taking damage, avoiding the lunge attacks made by the killer from a little distance, not having to go to a pallet immediately when making gen and the killer is close, escaping with an extra item at the end of the match. Dramaturgy provides advantages. Dead hard, on the other hand, prevented you from taking any kind of damage, allowed you to reach the pallet or window, and allowed you to pass through hitboxes and bear traps. But after all, the old dead hard is no more and if you want to experience the nostalgia of it or if you like the idea of boosting you forward whenever you want, it's time to say wellcome to this perk that provides you almost the same features .

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  • Member Posts: 6,556

    quick and quiet and trail of torment.

    quick and quiet constantly throws killers off during some loops where they lose eye sight and have to use sound. It actually does far more during a game than one might expect.

    idk... trail of torment is cool. try equiping it to tier 3 myers. :) (or the new one from the ptb when it comes out)

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Light-footed has quickly become one of my favorite perks especially when paired with Background Player. I’ve gotten some nasty saves the past week because of this. Not to mention not making footstep sounds is super solid on many maps and tiles.

  • Member Posts: 1,619

    Trail of Torment and Coup de Grace.

    Trail of Torment is a free constant stealth and can potentially give you free hits and downs, it is specially good with killers like the two chainsaw boys, specially when combined with aura reading perks. In the last update this perk was also indirectly buffed because a survivor have to repair a generator 5 seconds for cancelling the effect and frequently when a survivor see the aura of affected gen they think someone used blast mine until you surprise them for first time, other people don't even know why you were undetectable and why the generator aura, because is so underused that they don't know its effect.

    Coup de Grace is a very good perk which can make the chases way shorter due reducing the loop amount and gives you a lot of hits unexpected by the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    Dramaturgy is a good perk but it has a skill cap sort of like current Dead Hard. It can get a lot of value but if timed wrong it can sabotage you or be utterly useless. Either making you exposed or being caught in a scenario where it won’t give you enough distance to get anywhere useful. Also, the requirement to be healthy limits its use in tunneling scenarios as it won’t get the same value off hook as most other exhaustion perks.

    Basically, all of this makes it pretty inconsistent. People might try it and have a bad experience that makes them drop it from their builds and never bring it back. Its good but not as easy to use as other options.

  • Member Posts: 5,956

    Huntress Lullaby. I swear, you'd be surprised how many times even survivors with thousands of hours still fail skill checks with this perk.

  • Member Posts: 822


  • Member Posts: 8,322

    In terms of very strong effects that people constantly downplay (and to give a different answer, someone else already mentioned Light-Footed which is deeply underrated), I'm gonna pick Lucky Break.

    I see that perk fairly consistently in those "bad perks that need a rework" lists people like to do from time to time, which is insane because it's far and away the strongest stealth perk in the game and one of the strongest perks period. It's largely underrated because it requires some thought to use, I think, people generally don't like "needing" to bring other perks to unlock something's potential and that's where Lucky Break sits.

    Bring it with an Exhaustion perk (especially Overcome), breaking chase gets super easy. Bring those two with Bite The Bullet and a reliable method of self healing, it becomes broken. Even on its own, the value is pretty easy to see and not that difficult to achieve.

  • Member Posts: 663


    Spies from the Shadows.

  • Member Posts: 342

    I do like using Overcome at the moment, can combine it with other lesser used perks to break chase entirely, although it can be a bit of a waste against one hit killers, especially a tier 3 Myers.

    For killer, I use Spies from the Shadows a fair bit. Can help track down survivors in places you don't expect then to be, extremely useful against the stealthy style survivors who aren't good in chase. A good player will still need to be caught though which can be tricky sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 9,039


    it’s not much but being able to get 25% healed faster against a killer that zooms back to the hook is nice and plus you can give your teammates a 25% boost to the gate (old wake up numbers) while you go to unhook another guy

  • Member Posts: 110
    edited February 2024

    Believe me, if you don't use Dramaturgy in the dead zone, the exposed effect doesn't mean anything. But having to heal is not good. Also, if you master using Dramaturgy (more difficult than the old dead hard), there is an epic loop perk. Use the perk and see its value.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Hell even leader is useful for allowing your teammates to delete Noed faster

  • Member Posts: 259

    deja vu... this perk is also useful when you can't do gen and you are in chase. Why? You direct your chase away from the gen

    this perk is simply amazing

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    I've been seeing this more and more lately, and yeah for my friends, who are a mix of skill levels, it ends up being as important to cleanse as Ruin.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Info perks are generally underrated, with the exception of Windows and Kindred which I'd argue are marginally overrated.

    But Deja Vu and Empathy would be my top picks due to the relevance of the info they provide. They show you the gens you need to focus on early on, and precise info on where a chased survivor is and where they're about to go down, indirectly giving you the killers location too.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    I am one of those T_T

    Huntress Lullaby 5 stacks is of the devils and in the same priority category as Devour Hope.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    Zanshin Tactics.

    No, I'm not kidding. I genuinely believe it's an excellent guidance perk for both newer and experienced players allowing you to know which pallets and windows have spawned or which pallets have been broken. I love running it on Pyramid Head because it helps me get the exact location of the pallet or window in order to get the perfect shot. It's also good for pathing as Knight, and for setup killers such as Trapper and Hag in order to quickly setup traps.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Agitation. You have no pressure or lethality when you're carrying at base speed. The perk is a straight efficiency boost in multiple ways. You spend less time carrying and hooking. You can get free health states from survivors who are being aggressive. You have more flexibility about where you hook someone, which can swing games.

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    YES. I love Leader. I replaced Prove with it in my main build and I get a lot of value from it. Everything from faster heals, faster unhooks, faster exit gate opening etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,149

    I think Lucky Star is the most underrated aura perk for all the info that it gives you. I tend to make full aura builds, but if I can only bring one aura perk then it's this one.

    I'm really enjoying Self-Aware / Fixated at the moment. You can stealth around the map reasonably quickly and it obviously pairs well with Sprint Burst. But you can also use the info it gives to create misleading scratch marks and to break line of sight / mind game at certain loops. Now that Killers don't kick gens so much and Nowhere To Hide is less common, you can use it to walk quite far away from your gen and the Killer won't want to waste time looking for you. It's just a great perk with so many uses.

    I think Self-Care / Botany Knowledge are also an underrated combo. I don't care what anyone else thinks, access to unlimited 30 second heals all game is strong and potentially game changing imho.

    As for Killer perks, Iron Grasp and Lightborn are underrated. If you take both of these perks, you are near guaranteed to hook the Survivor you're carrying.

  • Member Posts: 905

    tbh, 85% of the perks in the game are plain bad, 10% underrated, and only 5% good and used

  • Member Posts: 2,267


    Now before your eyes roll and you instantly judge me as being an immersed survivor who also enjoys leaving my team mates on hook to get hatch, I am pretty decent at looping and I play aggressively and I will sacrifice myself to unhook a team mate and let them get out.

    However with all the aura perks in the game Distortion can allow you to hide for an unhook, pressure an essential gen and be ready for a flashy/flashbang save along and heal without being detected. I cant tell you how valuable this is as a solo queue only player!

    However one caveat - if you're using Distortion simply to hide to avoid chases, you're doing it wrong and not getting the true power from the perk. I actually hope people keep sleeping on it as I don't want it nerfed

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    And there is also the case where you sind by the exit gates and suddenly lose a stack and just know that the jig is up and a Bloodwarden is coming and thus just book it in time.

  • Member Posts: 650

    Calm Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Sole Survivor!

    A growing aura protection and more or less everytime I'm the last survivor I just let the killer close hatch and I open the exit escape. Of course I pair it with Wake Up also to make it stronger. But if you think about there are many games as solo survivor where the killer win and you are the last survivor and a perk that grants you escape instead of dying that is a good perk.

  • Member Posts: 820

    For Survivor, I think Plot Twist is so consistently useful that it's become the best way to self heal, especially if you're bringing Unbreakable as well.

    As Killer, Trail of Torment on characters without stealth can throw survivors off so bad they're already past the point of no return by the time they get a grip. People really underestimate the element of surprise. Maybe Unknown's new perk will become popular too. The scarier the game, the better : )

  • Member Posts: 338

    Dissolution. Survivors either vault pallets, not knowing what it does, or won't vault because they know what it does. What ever it is, I'll get value.

  • Member Posts: 6,140

    I started using Any Means Necessary a few days ago and I actually love it. It's a great way to save resources. Most killers kick pallets but occasionally I'll get a killer, like a Dredge I faced yesterday, who'd use his power around loops and leave the pallet. So I was able to reset a number of them.

  • Member Posts: 5,606


    Activates when the Killer is within 32m of a Survivor and the Killers get a whisper yes or no when looking at a Survivor

  • Member Posts: 712

    Personally, Potential Energy from Victorrio. Its an excellent example of high risk, high reward. You are able to store 20% of a gens progress ,and can install it in any generator. Caught in a potential 3 gen? Trying to do the Normandy gen? Maybe you dont want to worry about Merciless Storm?

    Imo, the main problem is so many players aren't smart when they use PE. If you are working on a gen solo, you should NEVER activate PE and start gaining charges until you are at 98% or so on a gen. Basically enough that you gain full stacks, and immediately repair the gen. If someone is on gen with you than yes, activate it and gain the stacks.

    If the Killer is coming close, just dump the stacks you have. You dont NEED to build the 20 stacks to dump them, only to continue working on a gen.

    The biggest downside is obviously if you get hit you lose your stacks, but thats what gives the perk its risk element to justify the reward. Not saying its the greatest out there, but a lot of people sleep on it I think

  • Member Posts: 712

    The generator on the Normandy from the Alien map. The one every Survivors loves to loop the Killer around the big table

  • Member Posts: 8,322


    The ship from Mass Effect is called the Normandy, that might be what you're thinking of?

  • Member Posts: 712
    edited February 2024
  • Member Posts: 8,322

    Easy mistake to make, to be fair. Both iconic sci fi ships staring with "No" lmao

  • Member Posts: 178

    Some of these may be more popular than others, but here's a list of a lot of perks I've used frequently that I feel others don't appreciate as much. (I upload my matches to nightlight so taken from there.)

    Decisive Strike - Even a few seconds of a stun when getting tunneled can be very helpful especially against a lower tier killer.

    Hope - You can be practically impossible to catch with this perk equipped, even just raw holding W is heavily boosted with this perk.

    Iron Will - 75% is still a sizable reduction in volume that'll do just as good as the old one on almost every survivor.

    Borrowed Time - Every killer counts to 10, but nobody counts to 20. Even more useful in endgame.

    No One Left Behind - Helps immensely with end game saves, and can easily max out your points in the altruism category.

    Sole Survivor - Keep struggling to escape in solo cause of those lame teammates that keep dying? This perk basically guarantees an escape.

    Agitation - Edgar covered this one well, but very versatile perk that grants more freedom of where you can hook which can be huge in some games.

    Overcharge - Regression boost may not be much anymore, but can still help if survivors stay off the gen for long enough, also skill check failure is always instant value no matter what which even good survivors may fail from time to time.

    Brutal Strength - Great perk for zoning, even the smallest boost for kicking can make the difference between the survivor making the next pallet/window or getting hit. Works especially good on killers like Wesker or Clown.

    Hex: Ruin - Recent buff to this actually did improve this a little bit, the ability to regress gens without having to kick them really can come in handy even though the base regression may be low. Especially useful on killers that can force a secondary objective or keep the survivors busy in some other sort of way. (Wesker, Singularity, Twins, Pinhead.)

    Remember Me - Its buff may have been small, but was still a nice boost to make this perk quite useful in end game builds with No Way Out. Only flaw this perk has is the fact that the obsession can open the gates without being affected by this perk's penalty.

    Thrilling Tremors - Fantastic information perk that can counter Distortion.

    Gearhead - Not as good as other aura reading perks, but still surprisingly decent especially on someone hit and run like Wraith or Sadako.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Yep another case of the useful information from Distortion.

  • Member Posts: 165
  • Member Posts: 8,861

    Open handed. Currently running it with bond and kindred. Being able to see my teammates auras from over 50 meters away makes finding gens to help out on/teammates to heal me super easy. With Kindred, I gain a 32 meter killer aura reading every time someone is hooked, which can be VERY helpful if hooked in a centralized location.

    The fact this buff applies to my teammates too is pretty awesome.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    This combo was my go-to survivor loadout, no matter if I ran solo or in a SWF. People claim that SWFs get this perks for free, and while its true that they get a budget version of this info by just calling out to each other, there is a very direct and visceral feedback from actually SEEING whats happening in real time, instead of getting it described by someone, possible in a butchered and stumbling manner of speech, because they are chased by a cracked Billy or Huntress.

    Open Handed beautifully enhances this two basic perks that get a bad rep for being baby perks, but its so good to constantly see what your team mates are doing. And Kindred with Open Handed is kinda busted. The killer has no idea they your team gets wallhacks over half the map, sometimes quite literally. You could even use is aggressively and combo it with Camaradry and someone giving you a Rebecci reassuring Thumbs Up to have 2min wallhacks per healthstate, but its also a bit risky, because the team will be one person short. Still, it can be occasionally fun to play the living recon for your team.

  • Member Posts: 8,861

    For sure, lol. Kindred+open handed feels like cheating on maps like RPD when someone gets hooked in the main hallway. All of a sudden, I see the killer's aura for AWHILE due to multiple floors.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Yeah not many use it thats why it's underrated. I always play for the team but when there is no team around anymore you need that last line of defense. Like the goalkeeper in football or the safety in American football 😀

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited February 2024

    Overwhelming Presence (albeit, with some caveats):

    The 2 killers with the capacity for the largest TR's, Doctor and Wesker, get the most use out of Overwhelming Presence. With Distressing Wesker gets a 50m TR, and Doctor can achieve a 54m TR with his 2 highest Calm add-on's thrown to the mix.

    While killers get no visual or audio feedback that OP is working, the fact that you can achieve a Roaming 50+ meter heavy Power drain for all items means that the survivors either have to stop using their items within your TR, or only get half of their expected results from them. No full heals from medkits, Flashlights don't get as many save chances, Toolboxes save only 5 seconds of repair time instead of 10 etc., and if the Survivors notice OP working against them, they just stop using their items until they can get out of your TR. In essence by bringing in OP + anything that increases your TR, you benefit from slower heals, gen progress, and less frequent/brazen flashlight save attempts.

    Obviously the killers with the largest TR's can make this a menace on small - medium sized maps, but Wesker in particular makes this nasty even on large maps due to his high mobility. All it takes is for a survivor to attempt healing with a base medkit for 1 second in your TR to ensure they won't get a full heal from it, and the fact that OP starts acting against survivors the moment they enter the edge of your TR means they have to stop using their items immediately or suffer a massive loss to the items usage.

    In general, survivors bring items in with a plan in mind, and this perk has a tendency to throw a wrench into said plans. While there is also Franklin's Demise to mess with survivors items, FD requires you to "basic attack" the survivors, and can be easily countered by them simply putting their items down before they are chased/struck. Not the case for OP, which only requires they be within your TR, and the only counter is to get out of your TR and far away from their objectives/you, or to Stop using the item entirely, which is what the killer wants them to do in the first place!

    I actually have OP in one of my saved Wesker and Doc builds specifically because of how it screws with survivors items, and I've personally had end game chat hate for this perk because survivors plans/builds became useless. Imagine that: Survivors actually complaining about "Overwhelming Presence"!

    Overall It's not the best perk, and frankly, it only becomes feasible to use with the 2 aforementioned killers + Distressing as anyone else trying to use it will have a 40m TR at most with Distressing, and unable to apply as much anti-item pressure unless they also have high mobility, but for those that can... It's a highly underrated perk as it's the last thing survivors expect, decently slows down the game behind the scenes, and ensures survivors can't rely on their "toys" to save them.

  • Member Posts: 510

    Forced Penance

  • Member Posts: 273

    Killer - Starstruck

    Makes Survivors think twice about save attempts and can be used tactically, particularly good with Wesker and his huge Terror Radius.

    Survivor - Reactive Healing

    You kind of need other healing items or perks if playing solo but you get a surprising amount of value out of this during a match.

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