The Irony here

I love how people say distortion isnt op or good, and yet those same people run it,
says a perk is bad.
yet runs it and gets constantly value from it.....
perk is op, give me one reason its not op
starts at full stacks
you can get stacks back (wtaf)
it hides aurea AND scratch marks
it enables stealth players even more to not only hide all game but screw over there team.
the perk isnt fun for either side.
Distortion did kind of annoy me at first but it's definitely not overpowered. It's a strong perk but not OP, you're effectively using up a perk slot to hide your aura when the killer can still very much find you without aura reading.
What I can say is that it sure as hell encouraged me to switcheroo the wall hax I usually got comfortable with before Distortion entered the meta. I'll still run BBQ, but Whispers and Spies from the Shadows are really solid and underrated perks that don't get trumped by Distortion while also enhancing your ability to look for survivors without aura reading. Deathbound is also cool, it may be on the weaker end but it's pretty fun to middle finger Oblivious survivors that just finished healing.
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how do you know the people telling you it isn't op or good are the same ones running it?
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I only see it every few games and it's always just some survivor playing normally. No Left Behind. Just some dude playing the match normally.
Losing your mind and calling people scumbags for runnning it is overkill.
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@OneAutumnLeaf Let's be frank - if you can't find, track or kill a survivor without the helping hand of an aura read, then you are not a very good killer. Back in the day this aura reading stuff barely existed and we all managed to learn killer
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Its not op but I definitely hate the gameplay loop surrounding it since it just leads to more tunneling / going back to hook which nobody likes at the end of the day and not giving a killer a chance to evenly spread pressure means instead of a 1v4 its a 1v3 which means its usually over before it starts
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bc they defend it in end game chat lol, I like having converstations with people in end game chat, kinda wish we had a lobby chat so we can talk to everyone on in the game, would be kinda nice :)
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for me my only real issue is that you start with full stacks, if 4 people are running it thats 16 aura read negations...thats wild dude, I think it should start at one stack and then you earn stacks. if they have lethal it negates it then your at 0 stacks and need to actually build them up, I mean hell can you imagine spawning in with full stbfl stacks?
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I jam to spotify when I play killer, so I kinda have to use aura perks pal, and aura perks have been in the game since pretty much forever idk what your on about saying it barely existed when aura has always been used on killers....
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the only ones I called scumbags are the people who run it WITH left behind and dont help there team at all. I dont think thats overkill at all I think thats a very accurate description of people who screw over there team for a easy escape like that dont you?
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I love whispers, just wish it didnt proc when your near hooked people bc then it gets confusing bc you dont know if someone is around for hook save or not and then it looks like your camping lol. Spies is pretty nice too ngl.
Ill have to try deathbound sometime thanks for the perk recommends man.
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"the perk isnt fun for either side, bc survivors who use it use it in the most seflish scumbag way possible"
If you were being inarticulate then fair enough. But you literally said that survivors who run it play like scumbags.
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well other than maybe reducing stacks I think the perks token regeneration should only be in chase / being hooked meaning rather than stealth rewarding more stealth taking some pressure off the team rewards stealth
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Killers don't deserve to see all survivors all the time without a counter
They should just make tokens regenerate in chase
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You don't have to listen to music when playing. Audio is a huge part of playing DbD, and if you're voluntarily handicapping yourself by jamming out when playing, you really don't have any room to complain at all. Honestly, saying "nerf this perk because I need guaranteed aura perk value because I don't actually listen to the game" is one of the most entitled things I've ever read here.
That's they way the game is designed; sometimes your whole build is countered by your opponent's build. No one is guaranteed value from the perks they run.
And while aura perks have always been around, they haven't been as numerous or as prevalent. We are in an unprecedented aura reading meta. You aren't entitled to seeing where everyone is all the time because you don't want to fully pay attention. GTFO with that nonsense.
Turn the music off and play the game as intended before you complain.
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So just because someone is using a perk it means that the perk is OP? Fogwise OP i guess. Sigh.
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as a player leaning more towards killer, i'll say distortion isn't op. stack generation doesn't make sense and isn't on par with similar terror radius perks but whatever. only the scratch mark hiding part of the perk is kind of annoying but still doesn't make the perk op, in my eyes at least.
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It’s a decent perk. It’s only bad against me because I main SM Myers when I play killer and I will eat through all of your tokens!
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hard countering a huntress so she has 0 perks is nice
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I don't run it as part of my builds but I have used it on the odd occasion for certain tome challenges to ensure I don't get found first with LP, and it certainly isn't OP. If it were, then I'd have noticed an impact on my games/escape rate when I've used it and I definitely haven't. If you're relying on aura perks to track survivors then yeah, it'd feel OP to you. But there are other ways to track survivors.
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Isnt the average huntress just running bitter murmur as a aura perk?
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I think thats totally fair tbh, bc just being in a killers TR isnt even risky anymore play on midiwch agaisnt wesker and you constantly getting stacks back.
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Id be fine with it if they made they regen that way tbh, them regening just by being in the TR is super stupid as you can do objectives or just heal and gain stacks.
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the perk in general is unfair dude, music aside the perk is stupid asf, full stacks at the start of the game and regen stacks for doing literally nothing. thats not a me thing thats a terribly designed perk thing.
it blocks aura read for 10 seconds each stack, so even if you had a aura perk proc 2 times it wont do ######### bc 10 second immunity, thats not balanced whatsoever, you get 4 of that and you can regen the stacks like #########?
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its op bc it starts at full stacks and regens just for being in the killers TR,
should start at 1 stack and regen while in chase, not just being in the killers TR.
it would be like STBFL starting at full stacks, it just makes 0 sense and breaks the game flow.
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Um....aura perks arent all the time they have activation requirements.... distortion you just run and dont have to do jack and you get value from it, aura perks you dont just get value from you need to either hook, kick a gen or be in chase and have a set thing happen to activate said aura.
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What is your suggestion for Distortion
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You yourself just explained why the perk is terrible it makes it where your teammates die. Escaping through the hatch is not a win it does not raise your elo and if killer gets the hatch first your usually screwed so yea the perk isn't op from a winning stand point. Annoying yes op no. Self explaining why a perk is not op while ranting about it being op now that's irony lol.
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I once faced a group of 4 blendettes, all running Distortion, Urban Evasion and a mix of various perks like Head On, Deliverance, Power Struggle, etc that have the potential to turn any killer game into a frustrating experience. And of course they send me to Dead Dog Saloon, a fun map when it appears randomly, but a hellhole of misery if send to by survivors with a plan.
They later told me in postgame chat that they usually goof around and hope for the killer to DC out of pure frustration. By some fluke of luck, I was playing Amanda's Letter Pig. It was still slow and meticulous work, but with the constant Aura reading I had at least a chance to burn through their Distortion and eventually corner someone.
It was minutes on minutes of slowly paced crouching through scrubs and patrolling out of the way regions, interspersed with rare, but sudden burst of intense chases. One of my bigger criticism of Distortion is, that a killer without constant aura reading or four aura reading perks has basically no way of burning through all the stacks, while they so easily regenerate.
Is there a way to make it more effective against killers running a lot of aura reading, while not gutting killers running a single one?
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And if you can't slow a game down without slowdown perks you're a bad killer. And if you can't end a chase without chase perks you're a bad killer. Basically if you have to use any perks you're a bad killer.
It's almost as if your opponents are actively trying to hamper your efforts and using their own skill against you, and you're supposed to use perks to give you an edge over them in certain aspects of the game.
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The awkward moment you realize that the top killer complains are Deja Vu, Distortion and Clown update not getting enough buffs to be S tier killer.
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I don’t know the solution, but I personally always wanted Whispers as basekit. While it won’t directly counter Anti-Aura Reading builds, it’ll at least let the killer know the survivors in the general area.
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If you get rolled by a group of Distortion users because you need to listen to music, then man it's deserved.
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Not all Distortion users hide all match. I run it but would hardly call myself a stealth player. I still go out of my way to help my team by taking hits/downs and even purposely going to the killer to take chase if needed. Distortion only helps me in those situations where I need to be hidden to finish my objective (i.e. finishing a gen, heading to a hook to save someone, etc).
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Well killers cant play to win, survivors can according to alot in this forum
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and thats literally all im asking for, is for killers with only 1-2 aura perks to actually have a chance....
that one perk negates so many perks its actually stupid, and it dosent help that you can gain stacks just for being in the killers TR. like Im fine with the perk for the most part but like you just said when you get 4 mans with a full stealth build and all you have is maybe 1-2 aura perks it makes your game miserable. Im not asking for much just for the odds to actually be even.
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I just find it funny that just bc I listen to music im instantly a bad killer, and that dude was talking like aura perks didnt exist since the dawn of this game.... information perks have always been a integral part of playing dbd, more so in this meta where if you dont find people fast enough they snowball you and win fast, my main issue with distortion is that you gain stacks just for being in the TR, it should be in chase, you gain 4 stacks at the start of the match.
against a full aura build sure 4 stacks isnt alot
but if all your running is nowhere to hide or BBQ it literally never lets you see there aura.
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Distortion is a top tier perk, it just has a bad rap because immersed survivors use it to be even more immersed and this is very annoying when you play killer. Plus these survivors will often not take hook states or any pressure from the killer so their team mates die while they get hatch with zero hooks.
I use Distortion a lot but I play aggressively and am pretty decent in chases but I have had abuse end game for running that perk alone. Despite me being the one with the most saves max chase and highest points!
In the age of aura perks Discordance can be clutch in helping you pressure a gen they don't even know you are at, healing and the other day I got us all out because the Killer had Awakened and didn't realise I was right beside the hook so by the time they realised I insta-saved we all got out.
I hope people don't start using Distortion all the time though, as I want it to be slept on as its a great perk
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Im fine with it normally I just think its unfair to start out with full stacks of it. I legit use 1 aura perk and its nowhere to hide, so I could need to kick a gen 4 times to get rid of there stacks, honestly it should start at 1 stack then you earn stacks in chase, I think it would be a LOT more fair that way
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I would be fine with starting with one stack at the very least.
I should mention, I would recommend this perk to solo survivors who struggle to escape/pip as not getting first chase generally means you aren't getting first hook either so it increases your chance to make it to endgame and you'll get your gen progress points out of the way early
Edit: On the other hand, do consider that 90% of the people running Distortion do so for a reason - they don't want to be found because they are bad in chase. So while you may not get aura value, good game sense can help a lot and once you find them it is usually an easy chase.
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I always considered Distortion to be fine before it was buffed to regenerate tokens. Sure it meant it ran out and became an empty slot, but in the process of using it you learned exactly what aura perks a killer did or didn't have (well, up to 3). That's valuable info and it serves you throughout the game, you learn a killer has BBQ so you preemptively hide in a locker before the next hook, or you learn a killer doesn't have Nurses Calling so you finish up your healing even in the TR, etc.
I think some of that higher level of play has been lost with easily regenerated tokens. I know I think a lot less about how the killer can see me when I run Distortion and just focus on making sure I have at least 1 token as much as I can. It's a lot less to think about.
I think the regeneration could be reworked to be a bit more measured but still accessible. Either:
1. Tokens only regenerate in chase, not just in the TR. This makes it a little fairer verses Undetectable killers, and it feels more "earned" as you need an at least sonewhat decent chase to regain them. You're trading killer engagement at one moment for stealth to evade the killer at another later time.
2. Tokens don't regenerate, but they are fully replenished after each hook. This similarly trades engagement for stealth, but not so contingent to maintaining long chases, and it kinda serves as a light anti-tunnel perk too.
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I think perks like distortion and noed, are horrible for the game, it makes people rely on those perks instead of just learning how to get better at chase/pressure etc.
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Not much to add here, my friend, I agree completely.
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Not op but one survivor perk shouldn't counter an entire class of killer perks so easily. I think it's pretty fair to think that. As of now you have to run all aura reading, use bad aura reading perks or have add-ons like c21 that can burn through it instantly but by then your already in chase with that survivor.
It was one of my problems with old IW as well, even if the killer ran the equivalent stridor it didn't do anything.
Imagine if killers had a good perk the consistently turned off exhaustion for survivors.
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Distortion is decent but somehow not in the top 10 survivor perks. I don’t personally see it as game breaking either way (as killer or survivor).
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As a killer who runs like 2 aura perks and lethal pursuer a lot on quite a few different killers I find that Distortion is pretty much active for 99% of most games. The perk might as well read Distortion blocks all auras generated by the killer for the whole match.
It should definitely have diminishing returns and gets weaker the longer match goes on. I wouldn't class it as mega OP, but more of an annoyance because it renders a huge amount of perks completely useless for pretty much the whole game.
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Yeah it just continues to make the person engage in more immersed gameplay which will eventually screw over their team because no killer wants to spend 20-30 seconds looking for someone who started trying to hide the moment they hear a TR so they will just walk back to hook.
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This is EXACTLY my point, its one thing when killer can counter something like blind with lightborn but distortion against someone with 1-2 aura perks your pretty much perma aura free. its stupid.
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The thing that confuses me about the perk is if its supposed to reward immersion. Why does it also regenerate in chase? But if it can do both. Then why can an entire group of killers bypass its existance? (Wraith being a golden example with his purple) it covers to many bases while also countering lower tier aura reveal builds. But also theres a bunch of killers that can make the perk non existant eventually. So if im clown with his purple. The perk counters me the whole game. But if im wraith with his purple. They lose.
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ONE TOKEN literally counters every aura read perk in the game with lethal’s effects EXCEPT for the last Bitter Murmur proc in which you get a 2 second aura read after all gens are done and Hex Retribution. Not only that it tells you which perk the killer has exactly and even when out of tokens you can hide in a locker because you know what perks they have too. It’s very annoying tbh.
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Killers: *Running 2 to 3 aura perks every game*
Surv: *Puts on Distortion because they are tired of constantly being found so quickly in the match and (probably) tunneled out*
Killers: Stop that