Yet another toolbox revamp suggestion

I thought of another way to revamp and balance toolboxes in a healthy way: their individual repair speed bonus is lowered, but using them while repairing with other survivors lowers the efficiency penalty (by default 15% for 2, 30% for 3, 45% for 4). I also reworked the addons.
This solves the issues of toolboxes being used on solo generators to effortlessly repair them, their longevity and their stacking. It also promotes a co-operative playstyle and a strategic use, mostly to break 3 gens or to quickly repair the last generator together. Feedback is always appreciated, thank you.
If I really look at the numbers behind this one it doesn't seem like a good change at all on paper, lets just look at 1 toolbox in a vacuum for an example and compare
Current brown toolbox vs changed one
Solo current brown toolbox saves 5.33s (not counting skillchecks yet)
New brown toolbox saves 1.8s
With skillchecks over 11.6s you are likely to see a skillcheck every 2.5s and given ~1s to hit the skillcheck that should be ~3 skillchecks so 2.7s extra time saved on a gen so 8s gained total for the item
With skillchecks on the new toolbox 18.1 / 6.25+1 so about 2.5 skillchecks so only about 2.15s extra time saved or 4s gained by having the toolbox
But if we add another survivor to the mix the above brown toolbox only repairs 4.5s extra + 2.7s for skill checks so 7.2s with a teammate
and the reworked one is 1.8s * 0.9 + 2.15s so 3.77s worst case senario its still a 50% nerf to toolboxes
and just in case ill compare the current max with what I think would be the max with this rework
Engineers + Wire spool + new rare vs commodious + charges to keep it simple
Commodious 32 charges + 12 charges + 8 charges = 52 charges, 52/3 = 17.33s saved on a gen counting a skill check every 3.5s given 34s of use is about 9.5 skill checks or about 8.55s saved extra so about 27s saved on a gen
New changes 20 charges at 30% speed 4.6s saved with ~2 skillchecks if its multiplicative or if additive ~3 skillchecks so about 1.8 or 2.7s saved extra so either 6.8s saved on gens or 7.7s saved on gens, total
Throwing in another survivor makes it 4.2s + 1.8s or 2.7s so either 6s or 6.9s saved on gens.. for a maxed out toolbox
and just to have it out there commodius would be 15% slower so it would save 14.7s + 8.55s = 23.s saved with a teammate
Numbers wise this rework cripples toolboxes completely and nerfs them all about -50% to -66% in all scenarios, and while toolboxes have some pretty high highs in the right builds / loadouts I don't think making them completely useless is the right change
also the ultra rare addon is basically a meme going from 10% penalty to 9% penalty is a joke basically the only thing these toolboxes would be good for at all is sabo and bringing in a bnp
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Thank you for giving me the raw numbers; the idea is making toolboxes weaker when used by yourself, but perhaps I made them too weak, and the cooperation buffs aren't enough. I will tweak the numbers accordingly because I really like this "team buff" rework. If you have anything else to add please feel free.
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I decided to buff the numbers a bit to save more time when cooperating, keeping in mind that they only have 20 charges so the effects won't last long.
Of course the lower rarities won't have such a noticeable effect, but now all toolboxes will almost completely negate the penalty for 20/30 charges, especially by using the ultra rare addon. This should give them a big boost when needed while keeping their strength at bay.
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Here I made a crude spreadsheet with formulas in it to play around with where you should just be able to input 4 values and get all the results you want all you need is how many charges, the speed boost, the skillcheck chance multiplier, and inefficiency penalty and it should give you a lot of data, this should help you get the numbers changes you want for the toolboxes and the addons
although one solid change to get toolboxes to work the way you want is just invert the penalty into a bonus for using a toolbox with a teammate
which would make solo toolboxes less value (it shouldn't with prove thyself for obvious reasons if you take this route though) so it isn't broken and I think the spreadsheet will allow the negative number in the inefficiency penalty and calculate everything properly to get the numbers you think they should have
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I'll figure something out, thank you for the help
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I updated the rework, I think this is the sweet spot.