no "fear of the dark" menu theme after buying iron maiden set

Bought a survivor shirt and the dredge skin (both are equipped), neither of them have the new menu music. Anyone else have this issue? Pretty disappointed since that seemed to be a big selling point of the collection. Not sure if it's relevant or not, but I'm on PS4
Best Answer
Check if you have anonymous mode activated, this removes the iron maiden music
check to make sure the "copyrighted music" setting is enabled (or disabled?)
maybe thats in the future patch? maybe no music until then? idk :(
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I checked, no setting for that yet. It isn't until next patch.
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also not getting the music :( not anon , no protected music mode
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Do the normal shirts get the music? Or is it just the VIP ones for Kate and Jeff?
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The new menu music, "Fear the Dark", only plays in the main menu for me, not after you have selected Killer or Survivor.
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I bought for Kate, Zarina and Mikaela. And all of them have the music.
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Dang. I had it and didn't hear the song in the main menu. Don't get it when everyone talked about via forum and Reddit. Thanks! :D
I possibly buy a shirt for Gabriel, I'm not an Iron Maiden fan - though, I surely heard a few songs from the band in my lifetime - but like that song.