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survivor is stronger in high mmr

i faced a sabo squad so i couldnt hook. i slug and they have unbreakable, then when they get picked up , buckleup. then heal up and activate bloodpact. they knew my every move because of wiretap, then knew where my noed was. i managed to bleed one out and one got away because of buckle up and the other one i was chasing was given the hatch. and to top it all off, i got a entity displeased. what a f@%#%^# terrible experience. now i dont care if survivors get mad over camping and tunneling because survivors can be just as evil and dont give u a break, so neither should you.

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  • Member Posts: 1,026

    Even if you have a high MMR, the MMR doesn't work too well, so the so-called "skill gap matching" maintains the killer's win rate.

    Your impressions are probably talking about a pure competition of ability, aside from the carnage that cannot be called such a match.

    This is a difference in perception towards the game, at least I agree.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Those kind of matches can really break someone. It seems that those are more about making the game as horrible for the killer as possible. Kinda like a payback from something they suffered by a different killer.

    Viscious circle.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    It doesn’t necessarily have to do with them being high MMR. They could just be a group of friends who are decent at the game. We really have no way to tell.

    Now on to the subject, matches like what you described are why some killer mains just stick to the strongest killers like Nurse and Blight. If the killer knows the ins and outs of their power and how to chase, survivors have very little chance to “bully” them. Maining Pyramid head is a good choice as well because once you can learn how to get the survivors to stand in your trail, they can’t pick themselves up since you can just cage them.

    I don’t really like describing it at bullying though because if they were actively progressing the game and not being toxic (t-bagging and pointing after pallet stuns) then it’s not really bullying. It may be frustrating for you, but it’s your job to figure out how to counter it. It’s no different from killers coming in with a slug build and survivors playing around it. Easiest method is to identify the weak link and tunnel them out asap.

  • Member Posts: 491

    Were they supposed to give you a free kill?

    What's the problem here?

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Those matches are demoralising but you just gotta not let it get to you. You got dunked on. Move on. Learn from your mistakes and do better. If their toxic, shrug it off. Those survivors don't matter. At the end of the day it's just a game.

  • Member Posts: 324

    Everyone gets a game like that once in a while either as killer like you described, or as survivor when you get slugged or tunneled by some aura build tunneling comp build Blight. The above is the best advice, it will only very occasionally be a match like that. Just take what blood points you get and move on to a better match.

  • Member Posts: 3,253

    So they used unbreakable on you when they could have used it in late game.

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