Family Residence (Yamaoka Estate)



  • Lil_Tigz
    Lil_Tigz Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    More gens in the middle would help balance things out a bit. Map feels a bit long and creates easy 3 gens. I do feel it is pretty balanced for both sides.

  • IvanCornelius
    IvanCornelius Member Posts: 4

    A bit big but overall feels good; the only downside is there are matches where I never see parts of the map.

  • Hailoh
    Hailoh Member Posts: 83

    Reasonably balanced, even if it does lean to the survivors' favor. Very reliable spawns, a strong top and bottom side of the map, and lots of good places to stealth. However, killer players still have a very healthy 3-gen that can spawn along the top side of the map, and there aren't any super-strong combos that can spawn anywhere. I don't think this map should ever change.

  • Nickool4u
    Nickool4u Member Posts: 2

    The map is relatively balanced, but I feel like it favors me as a killer a little bit. There can be a lot of dead zones that I can take advantage of, and not much on the edge of the map for survivors to work with.

    However, I do like the way it looks and wouldn’t mind an update is design wise as long as it kept the same esthetic that it currently has.

  • TheFishChampion
    TheFishChampion Member Posts: 3

    It could be a little smaller and I think the bamboo should be more clear and consistent on whether you can or can't walk through it but it's a pretty balanced map.

  • LSDoneal
    LSDoneal Member Posts: 7

    Map feels brutal on Killer. If you don't have high mobility, you're hoping the survivors make macro mistakes. Loops are balanced overall. It just takes 5 years for people to cross the map. Which is generally worse for killers when it's that way. Also map is very good for stealthing on survivor side. Which is fine, I think variety is good. Just Know some people really HATE stealth survivors.

  • Adrien
    Adrien Member Posts: 91
    edited February 29

    Overall balanced. Not a map with a lot of pallet density, fairly large. I don't think it needs changes.

  • NotJared
    NotJared Member Posts: 442
    edited February 29

    As many have mentioned, my only issue with the map as Killer is that it can sometimes feel quite a tad large to patrol for Killers without movement abilities should the last 3 gens spread on opposite long sides of the map; however, I think this can be mitigated by Killers choosing more strongly defending certain sections of the map throughout the game to reduce late-game gen spread.

    Gameplay-wise, it feels very balanced, though! Probably one of the more balanced maps. The loops are balanced, it doesn't feel like there are too many or too few resources, and the distance between tiles feels very fair. Both roles are very fun to play on this map.

    Should the map be shortened for easier patrols, I think the map would run out of resources too quickly on Survivor, because as-is it does feel like resources can deplete quickly and make deadzones across the map. Right now, it feels like there are ample enough resources that this isn't a problem, which is why removing resources could create an issue.

    I am not a fan of some of the recent map reworks, such as Forsaken Boneyard and Decimated Borgo, that strip maps down into a small square-shaped map to make things easier to patrol on Killer. Shorter patrols on shorter maps are objectively easier for Killers, but it strips unique gameplay opportunities out from the maps for both roles, and removes a sense of identity and placefulness from the realms, and begins to make the game feel more... well, game-y.

    I can't think of any immediate solutions for the long patrol issue without sacrificing the identity and fairness of Family Residence's current design and balance. As I've said, gameplay feels balanced as-is and there are things killers can do to mitigate the patrol issues, but they aren't guaranteed methods of course.

    I don't feel that the patrol issues are terribly bad at all. They are definitely felt when it the circumstances do align, though.

  • Iri4head
    Iri4head Member Posts: 25

    Map is mostly ok, but the lighting could be changed to be a bit easier to see and navigate. I remember it being a bit brighter when it first came out, maybe be reverted to that? Some objects could also be redone to make it clearer as to what actually has collision and what doesn't. Other than that, it could be slightly shrunk as covering one end of the map to the other can take awhile as killer.

    IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 78

    I feel like there are a lot of deadzones in this map, and few meaningful places to interact with a chase. If the map were maybe a smaller one with a small handful of very small 2-story shrines, that might be a cool change to see.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Overall It is a fine map, however it some issues, it shape makes it so that you cannot really patrol all gens because of how long it is, basically forcing you into a 3 Gen situation, then it also has weird collision issues, for example in the main building where you bump on nothing as Billy or Bubba and the same goes for some of the rock loops where the visuals just don't match hit boxes.

  • DeleteSM
    DeleteSM Member Posts: 3

    The map is a bit big with weird gen placement but overral is ok

  • MeepLessThan3
    MeepLessThan3 Member Posts: 85

    I'd say the Yamaoka realm is fairly neutral to the side it favors, but because of the long rectangular shapes of them, it will benefit killers who have faster map traversal than others above all else. Esthetically Family Residence is very appropriate for its chapter in terms of lore. Family Residence could use a shake up in it's layout, structures, assets or be expanded upon overall.

  • Ghostinhell
    Ghostinhell Member Posts: 2

    -The map design is great and looks wonderful already💚

    -Fireflies perhaps?

    -We would all love to go up into a 2nd story of main building, perhaps making the map slightly smaller would give room for this to be possible for gameplay sake.

  • Attckcat
    Attckcat Member Posts: 58

    I'm fine with making maps smaller if fast killers get slower.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    We need more players advocating on the devil’s behalf.

    Making all the maps smaller only favors the Killer, and doesn’t help SoloQ at all.

    Experienced Killer players have predominantly almost no challenge ending a team of Survivors; any small percentage of time there is some difficulty, it’s from a well versed 4person Survivor squad.

    I want a challenge playing this game, not easy 3/4K each match on these ever shrinking realm sizes.

    The focus on making DBD easier for newer Killer players has destroyed all SoloQ enjoyment and caused the game to be 3/4K effortless for most Killer players who’ve been playing for a while.

    Time to switch it up a bit.

  • MadameExotine
    MadameExotine Member Posts: 177
    edited February 29

    There is a staircase in the resident building that is blocked off. I always wished survivor/killer could go up those stairs directly onto an open rooftop with ability to jump off (like in coldwin farm building). It would make for some creative gameplay (balance landing, huntress looking spot etc).

    But maybe with a Japanese wind chime in the stairs that would lightly sound if you go through it, so that it wouldn't promote too much hiding on rooftop.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    Seems like a waste of feedback opportunity to choose 3 of the most balanced maps.

    None of these need any further changes.

    Please look at Swamp, Badham, Coldwind and Garden of Joy.

  • Xioxwolf
    Xioxwolf Member Posts: 5

    Typical Yamaoka problems, size and gen spread. However I feel like Family Residence suffers from gen spread worse than Sanctum does. Consistently you can ignore 60% of the map as there will almost always be at least 4 gens around main building. For that reason honestly I'd consider it killer sided for the majority of killers. If they decide to hold that area from the start of the game there's very little you can do. Occasionally that entire side of the map can effectively be a dead zone as well which certainly doesn't help. 4 lanes and minimal fillers specifically.

    Honestly gen placements in the entirety of DBD could really use an overhaul. At the moment it really feels like two gens per game don't even exist since they're so far from everything else.

  • ssrjazz
    ssrjazz Member Posts: 71

    Mostly needs some dead zones attention.

  • KitchenWitchKaz
    KitchenWitchKaz Member Posts: 4

    This map used to be slightly larger I think. I do enjoy it though, but don't choose it very often.

  • HorrorLover74
    HorrorLover74 Member Posts: 39

    Like everyone else about said its a tad bit too big. It's fun when it's foggy and hiding in the bushes are fun as survivor and ghost face. I think it's pretty decent map, just have a lot of clutter around the map so playing some killers are a pain but that's the price you pay.

  • King_Flash05
    King_Flash05 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 35

    It's another pretty balanced map but it's a little bit too big but it's pretty good

  • AMGC
    AMGC Member Posts: 39
    edited March 4

    Family Residence can be considered more or less a balanced map, but not because it is well designed but rather because it is very bad for both sides.

    Most killers can't afford to constantly traverse the map due to its vast length, limiting their options to more territorial playstyles that aren't guaranteed to work out or be favorable (specially when the map's length still gets in the way by providing survivors with undesirable chases far away from the killer's territory); or unrealistic strategies such as killing all survivors faster than they can recover & repair the generators, which only the very strongest killers can opt to attempt and not even them can replicate such performance consistently. On top of the general gameplan, survivors can also use the length of the map in chase to keep running away in a straight path from the killer for a long time before allowing the killer to cut them off (specially effective against many killers that rely on corralling survivors to proficiently end chases).

    Survivors on their end have to deal with mostly inconsistent & unreliable safety (and therefore forced to capitalize on the unfun strat of using the length of the map to delay the killer) as well as dealing with the incentivized territorial playstyles from the killer which may involve having to rescue a defended hook in a very thin map that allows the killer to not let you go through comfortably.

    In a closer inspection to the safety of the map (to understand why it is inconsistent & unreliable) we first see main building which always provides 2 windows (3 possible pairs) that aren't too strong and that aren't exactly user-friendly for the survivors, while main building being on the weaker side of the spectrum is not necesarily a bad thing, it has to be taken into account when balancing the other resources in the map. The other "stable" resources are shack and the 4 mazetiles which do provide their fair share of safety (the mazetiles should remain 4, a lesser amount would result in inconsistent safety given than its 7 types are not all equally strong and less than 4 would introduce radical shifts of strength between trials).

    Then we have the landmarks. The 1x1 landmarks are located around the main building and would be the courtyard loop and the gateway & log loop; while the window in the courtyard is fixed, the pallet in both landmarks is not, meaning that survivors can run to these loops and find nothing despite noone else spending the pallets (note that main building has no pallets, so in an area that you find main building, 2 mazetiles and 2 landmarks, you can see from 1 to 4 pallets, such inconsistency is not to be taken lightly).

    The 1x2 landmarks are also inconsistent and will not spawn their pallet at random. The Gazebo (the old looking one) has a variable window that keeps its strength from one version to the other, but the window on itself is hardly a challenge for the killer without the pallet (2 possible spots). The Shrine (the tall modern looking one) has 3 patterns of windows, 2 are pairs of symetrical dropdown windows, while the 3rd is a single middle window that is very weak; either way the loop is vastly weaker without its pallet (2 possible spots too).

    The filler loops resemble Ormond's, focusing on rock loops that are overall not too strong nor weak. While the general concept is not bad, Family Residence only gets from 8 to 13 pallets (aprox.), a very scarce amount that isn't even properly distributed all the time. From those pallets we know 1 will be at shack and 3-4 at the mazetiles, but the rest are randomly distributed between the landmarks and filler loops, with no consistency to be expected.

    The map itself, Family Residence, needs a massive overhaul to its shape & layout, otherwise it will remain uninteractive regardless of any other change.

    The realm, Yamaoka Estate, needs its landmarks to start providing consistent pallets and on a peculiar note: one of the 7 types of mazetiles has no lockers, which is awkward for some killers and those survivors trying to make use of lockers (it is the one commonly tagged as "Labyrinth Gym" and "Maze Gym"), which is an exclusive issue of this realm.

    Post edited by AMGC on
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,307

    3 gen on bottom of the map could use slightly weakening. perhaps adding more pallet density in the bottom right corner of the map away from shack could be good. I also do not enjoy breaking breakabe walls in the main building on the map. unnecessary time sink.

  • SolidRazo
    SolidRazo Member Posts: 106

    Similarly to sanctum of wrath it wouldn’t hurt if the map was brighter and/or less grainy since sometimes it can be difficult to spot survivors as killer. But the map itself is alittle big could be shrunken but the placement of generators should be fixed due to the map having 3 generators in very close proximity to eachother.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,490

    Voted balanced, but sometimes there is too little pallets. Maybe it's fair with such size. Overall i don't mind this map too much on both sides.

  • roostan
    roostan Member Posts: 3

    the gen spread on this map can be crazy good for survivors, and sometimes it can be really favored towards killers. this map is also fairly big and has some great loops that spawn 100% of the time. its definitely survivor sided but most maps are anyways

  • GRONZ1
    GRONZ1 Member Posts: 6

    what is this for some reason in the Raccoon City police stations in the East wing they closed the 3rd floor in the library open it where to run if the killer locked you in that side which is only a dead end and a hole, and you won’t escape from the killer and you will get a camp. so please open the 3rd floor in the eastern wing at least time to win against the killer.

  • DrackieCutie
    DrackieCutie Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    A second floor would be pretty cool, make it more interesting and fun

  • SlasherFangirl
    SlasherFangirl Member Posts: 4

    Just don't take my bushes.. anything but the bushes. Makes for some interesting plays as survivor and jumpscare spots for killer

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    All in all balanced and really not anything noteworthy really. The map is lacking something (though i hope that something will get added soon after that Japanese animal vote!!)

    I like the sound of the wind chimes! Very cute!

    some of the bamboo I get stuck on as killer or survivor when I think it’s without collision as for me it seems at some loops I can get through and others I can’t?

  • Tipsy
    Tipsy Member Posts: 42

    A tad too large of a map, pallet spread can be weird, leaving random deadzones. Main building can also be very rng dependent. Sometimes giving very strong windows, other times giving very weak windows.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Too large. If the final 3 gens are on opposite sides and you’re a killer without mobility you’ve basically already lost. I don’t think we should have any maps where the game is nearly decided either direction simply on what 3 gens are left.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 266

    Family Residence is too big for both sides, which means that both sides are liable to have trouble playing on it. The map's biggest problem is that it's a giant rectangle with the bulk of generators and loops concentrated on the ends. The main house is alright, but killers will struggle in chase until they break the breakable walls, then survivors will struggle. The loops to the sides of the houses are alright, but only really good for one chase or chaining into the house. The house can also spawn a bad 3-gen, which can make getting the final generator done quite difficult for survivors if the killer takes advantage of this.

    The other side of the map essentially has the shack and connected filler pallets, with a jungle gym on the other side of the end. This feels like a really unsafe area for survivor, but there aren't enough gens here to make it worth the killer's time to come near the area, unless they know that survivors are there.

    The middle of the map is essentially empty. There are a couple gens, yes, but the loops are very weak, leading survivors to favor doing gens on either side of the map over doing gens there. Chases where survivors run into this area end pretty quickly unless they chain into either end. The only reason the killer comes here, though, is to chase a survivor or react to confirmation of a survivor's location because there aren't enough gens to make patrolling the area regularly worthwhile.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Just way to big

  • Trapper_Main311
    Trapper_Main311 Member Posts: 3

    me wan Jizu statues from Sanctum of Wrath to be in this map too

    Bear traps work on this map but this map not as interesting as its cousin sanctum

    7/10 🤓

  • cheysomo_
    cheysomo_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    Probably the most balanced out of the other maps, good tiles and decent main building. Well done BHVR

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    The loops are generally unsafe, and unorthodox. Both Yamaoka maps are really iffy on the survivor side in my opinion, and its mostly due to how bad the loops are lol.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Once survivors finish one or two generators around the main building the match is over - so killers are encouraged to stay around that end of the map. The predictable and concise nature of that gen spawn logic betrays the map and often gets brave survivors in trouble, and rewards boring killer methodology.

  • empressyenni
    empressyenni Member Posts: 3

    As a killer main who plays a lot of survivor I love this map. It's nice and dark like previous iterations of dbd, the only thing is it's slightly large feeling to walk back and forth as a killer with lower mobility

  • TheScottishGuy
    TheScottishGuy Member Posts: 2

    It’s pretty balanced but just way to big which is why it favours survivors slightly more but it’s not that big a deal

  • chang2001
    chang2001 Member Posts: 1

    I love this map & I think it's well balanced

  • S3rpul0
    S3rpul0 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I think , the big sizes of the maps were made to create a little bit of anti three gen and better solo q perfomances . But know , kinda survivor sided , but i dont play this game on pc :)

  • WampaPl
    WampaPl Member Posts: 33
    edited March 1

    Another map with well designed main building and other structures. What i do not like is how the textures are so dark as well as having bamboos sometimes passable and sometimes impassable.

    Just like I said in Mount Ormond poll. I disagree with a statement that it is too big. 26 tiles is the right amount of tiles and having some maps more stretched that the other is a perfectly good thing.

    Also weren't we promised that an animal will be added on this map aren't we?

  • drwilburdaffodil
    drwilburdaffodil Member Posts: 99
    edited March 1

    I think it is fine to have maps the size of the Yamaokas, it adds flavour to the game having differing shaped maps and they're not unplayably large. It's the maps that start getting larger after these that are more of a concern imo.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 480

    As killer it’s hard to track survivors with all the clutter and sometimes it’s not obvious what u can collide with. Tad on the large side too.

  • francuz
    francuz Member Posts: 2

    I noticed that many people write about a good balance on this card... it may be so, but it doesn't seem that way to me and I'll explain why.

    From the perspective of the "Survivor" role, I noticed a very small number of pallet appearances. I would also like to note that there is almost always a lifeless wasteland in the center of the map, so you mostly have to move along the sides of the map. If pallets do appear, they are not safe, mostly in stones. There must be at least one good pallet near the generator at least. Next is the spawn of generators. It is very difficult for survivors to start generators in the main building and on its sides, since there is almost always a "line" there. I know you'll say right now that an update has been released that fights "triangles", but before you say it, remember what I wrote about pallets - you have practically nowhere to run. Going further, from the side of the "Killer" role, this map is too big and it is very difficult to guard the generators, but on the other hand, it is easy to guard the "line" of generators in the main building and on its sides. Then I noticed that the feature of this map was the longer walls in the "boxes", mainly in those with 2 windows. This makes it more difficult for the killers to catch the survivor. What would I do if I were the developers? I would consider reducing the size of the map, also slightly changing the designs, which would give an advantage to the killers, but in contrast, I would increase the number and "quality" of pallets for survivors.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Maybe bit too big but other than that its balanced.

  • imjay
    imjay Member Posts: 8

    Not many 3 gen holding killers anymore since the regression update, but fair point.

This discussion has been closed.