Something in the game that you like that everyone else hates

I like the Swamp maps, especially the one with the big boat. I know everyone hates them, but I actually get excited when I see them.
I know they’re on the chopping block to be redone, I just hope the boat remains. Would be cool if they added water and new swim animations. Doubt the game engine can handle it though.
I miss the old Haddonfield graphics. I know that new Haddonfield has objectively higher quality visuals but old Haddonfield had a better atmosphere in my opinion. I also miss the old Coldwinds. They were disgusting, ugly and overall very uninviting but that's what made this realm fit with the game so well. I remember a game against a Huntress that would hit all of us from miles away and it was terrifying.
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I actually miss all the old maps. When they announced the reworks, I assumed that they would feel the same with just higher resolution textures and models with a higher polygon count. All the redone maps have lost what made them unique.
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Going next on hook.
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I genuinely hate all versions of the swamp. I'd take anything else over that realm.
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Indoor maps in general. I think they’re healthier design.
Old Spirit, as and against
Slugging, as and against
Twins current design, as and against. She just needs buffs and QoL changes
Definitely know I’m in the minority with liking most this.
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My pick would be the Swamp maps too. Grim Pantry is fun, even with its 4-gen clusters, and Pale Rose is pretty cool. Now that they're the last classic maps left standing, they're even more special.
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Tombstone Myers
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I’m sorry, but I really do like them.
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I like showing and playing my P100. I like Adrenaline, Distortion, Dead Hard, and seeing others bring FTP+UB. I like toxic killers who can be toxic without tunneling. Scrumpcious.
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I love a good TS Myers! I know people hate him because it feels “cheap”, but I love the fear he strikes into me. I wish stuff like this was a little more common.
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I also like the swamps.
Pale Rose more than Grim Pantry, though.
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1. Hate the Coldwind reworks (Too light)
2. Love the swamp maps
3. Enjoy playing against the Knight (love his TR music)
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I love his music as well! It’s perfection.
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The time when EGC didn't exist.
This is an extremely unpopular opinion around here, but I really dislike having a timer at the end of the game. Or having to 99% doors.
I think a different solution could have been found to solve the issue of survivors holding the game hostage.
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RPD as survivor with balanced landing equipped. There’s so many drops and l love the map visually.
stealth perks being used not for hiding,but covert operations.They get such a bad rap.
facing xeno, it’s just enjoyable even when they’re crouched with their tail.
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Old endgame used to be so much more fun when the playing field was equal. It was almost like a second match in one.
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Garden of Joy.
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I love:
- Skull Merchant (lore, music, vibe, design, cosmetics, even the power idea (drones)) sure, she needs adjustments to make her fun to go against, but she's awesome imo
- Jonah - one of the most handsome men in DBD imo, and the cutest. Awesome cosmetics, cool profession. Very misunderstood by many people who are blindly hungry for hating :')
- All indoor maps. I genuinely LOVE them as both survivor and killer. Very cozy, and interesting loops that you can't find in regular outdoor maps.
- Bloodwebbing - it feels sort of like doing a puzzle - which nodes can I claim, to make the entity consume large chunks of nodes at once, while I also get the things that I really want :)
- The Swamp - just like the OP, I like this map on both roles. Cool dark atmosphere, uneven terrain. Very interesting main buildings (ship, pantry) imo, I also like that the totems and the hatch can spawn in the whackies places xD
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The original version of Pale Rose.
I never really found its size to be too much of a problem, but everybody complained about it back in the day.
These days, I would say playing against Trickster. Everybody seems to hate him but I enjoy it.
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I really liked it! There was actually time for interesting plays to happen, it wasn't just a matter of leaving ASAP.
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I didn’t know there was an original version. I’m assuming they shrunk it then?
I actually don’t hate Trickster. I recognize that im bad and don’t blame him for downing me fast. I just hate his music. It’s really grating.
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Yeah exactly. It sucks when people ruin like pretty cool stuff for others. EGC is super limited now you gotta make quick decisions, I over all very much enjoyed the interaction and breathing room from before for like interesting builds, and plays. I completely understand why it had to change, but those were some good times.
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I really wish they’d do like a certain Company that shall not be named and give us a Classic mode. I wanna see what I missed since I started with Demopuppys release.
Also, I’m not fond of long(or short) games and think they should be about 10-15 (maybe 20) on average so I’d be okay with them removing the hatch and just adding a timer. If the survivors don’t escape at like the 30 minute mark, they get sacrificed but the killer doesn’t get the points for their death. I’m sure it’s an unpopular opinion.
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I was there back in the day. Pale Rose was way bigger. Nearly as big as old Mother’s Dwelling.
I personally thought it was a nightmare and for one reason only: it has two docks. Size is whatever but having two docks was horrific.
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All realms and their maps
Also, I like them all larger
Much easier 3/4K’ing on these shrunk down, smaller maps after putting manyK hrs in to that side… While very helpful for newer, inexperienced players or those who just can’t seem to ever up their skill level, it cuts down on the challenge in the majority of matches for others.
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Oh no! As a killer I’d probably afk if I got that map more than once a week. As a survivor I’d probably giggle every time I got it.
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Midwich School is the main one. I love the design, the Easter Eggs, the attention to detail, and it's unique design.
I enjoy playing Ormond as Killer. I do get confused when people say it's Survivor-sided. It may be, but it's one of my most successful maps as Killer.
Finally, situational and underpowered perks. I prefer those to strong perks because they are the ones which add the diversity. They're what makes me think how to go about a strategy and come up with unique plays.
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I love the swamp maps too! Plenty of tall grass to hide in.
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Oh, a classic mode would be so fun! I know I'd love it!
And honestly, I like longer trials. It is good to have a match where there is actually time for things to happen and no one is in a rush to finish the objective as quickly as possible.
They were, yes. It was a completely different way to approach the Endgame, and I wish we still had that. There is no fun in rushed plays.
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Current ADS Deathslinger, landing shots feels far more satisfying and rewarding to get than what hitting with his original ADS felt like.
Also something not necessarily related to how loved or hated it was, but generally i've enjoyed all the realm beyond updates and how they've updated, removed or changed all the outdated stuff from pre-realm beyond over the years, genuinely cannot wait for bhvr to finally once and for all get rid of the remaining stuff from old dbd still present in the game.
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Playing as The Nightmare
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I like indoor maps only after I learn them. I hate them all on release because it takes me a long time to learn their layout.
I didn’t hate Old Spirit as long as I had Spine Chill before it was nerfed.
I’ve always liked Twins, even if they slugged a lot. Unbreakable is a permanent part of my build and I love when I get value out of it. I just hated facing them because bad teammates, but that’s a teammate issue.
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All very fair points!
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Dead by Daylight.
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The devs
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Going against Nurse
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Hey now! How dare anyone not absolutely LOVE her in every way, especially vs’ing her!
She is the lovely Floaty Slay Queen of DBD👻☺️
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Indoor maps. Most people seem to dislike them but I don't. On either side.
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Only thing I’d change with indoor maps to make them even more lovable is add the beautiful bushes from Mr Cowboys map to them. That’s it.
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1.) How many variants of the swamp map exist?
2.) What distinguishes them from one another?
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i hope the remake makes them look grosser, wetter and bog like.
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Me too! Maybe throw in a few alligators 🐊 that scurry away when you run near them!
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I absolutely love playing against legion this is a super unpopular opinion
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Old Freddy. I miss his gameplay style, and honestly feel if he was brought back in with current meta he'd be a lot better recieved than how he used to be, and be stronger as wrll now that Ruin is no longer the sole gen slowdown
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Skull Merchant. To a degree.
Hate her lore, but I actually have had a lot of fun against them recently. Mindgaming their drones is hilarious sometimes.
Also, I really like playing RPD on both sides. It was pretty easy for me to learn the layout since it doesn't change much at all.
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I don’t hate them, but I don’t really love them either. I do like the fact that more often than not, the players who play them can be pretty chill.
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Indeed. She's treated so harshly :( it's undeserved
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Swamp maps and dying to pig rbts
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Jonah is immensely underrated
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For real 😥 There is so much good going on for him, if only people weren't so blind. Hopefully they open up to his awesomeness in the near future. 😎