What happened to "We love going against billy, he's fun!"

2 people immediately dced as soon as i landed a chainsaw hit, and the 3rd one dced right as i hooked the guy i chainsawed.
The question is. Did you like going against billy becuase he was fun? Or did you like going against billy because he was an easy win for you?
I thought I was having deja vu
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Thats one match and it doesnt prove anything
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It was never about Billy as a killer. People loved Billy mains. As in M2 Only Billy or Space Billy. Nobody liked Insta-Saw Billy or Hook Camping Billy.
Going against Billy inbetween his fall from grace and his current buffed incarnation was never easy, as the only ones you met were cracked and could waste you incredibly fast. But they were fun regardless.
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tbf a lot of the old players that liked old billy are probably gone, these new players that never knew good billy are in for a rude awakening.
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Maybe they DC'd because they are tired of being found right away with Lethal and saw spammed, then having to do 6 gens due to Pain Res, and and then be locked out of doing gens due to Grim Embrace. Just a theory.
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I think it has to do with popularity. Not many people played Billy before his overheat rework, so he wasn’t seen often and his power is unique while remaining balanced in most people’s view. His strength isn’t fundamentally different, even though overdrive is very decent, but he is far more of a popular pick and is seen quite often now. That alone enables people to nitpick and dislike a character. Same goes for Wesker and other killers with a high pick rate.
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Projecting. There was no possible way they could have known i had pain res or grim embrace when i started the match. It could be argued that they could have assumed i had lethal since i got there so fast.
Bu what exactly is your point? Killers are gonna use good killer perks? I could say the same thing to the survivors i see every other game who run the same 6 perks too. I'm also tired of seeing:
- Adrenaline
- Resilience
- FTP+Buckle Up
- Hyperfocus
All while running the same cracked toolbox or medkits with insta heals and sending me to garden of joy.
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Who is this thread addressed to?
Or is it just a vent?
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I still love going against Billy.
Reminds me of the old days, and anything that reminds me of the Old DBD is a huge W.
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I mean there’s gonna be DC’s on every killer tbh. Billy is still fun now and seeing him more prevalent has been a breath of fresh air
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They forgot to pay their internet bill is all.
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You know the answer. Whenever survivors "love" a killer, it isn´t because they like going against him. Its because they like winning against him.
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I would rather play vs 1000 billies than go up vs a knight skull merchants xeno chucky or singularity
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At the same time?
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The only fun killer is one rarely played.
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Because he was easy! 😂
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How often does this happen to you when playing Billy? Just because these survivors gave up does not mean a significant amount of people dislike Billy now.
It could also be the Wesker effect. They don't necessarily dislike the killer but are just fed up with how common they are.
The question is. Did you like going against billy becuase he was fun? Or did you like going against billy because he was an easy win for you?
Back then I liked going against Billy mains that knew what they where doing. Fun gameplay with counterplay that is skill based. And I can respect the skill and dedication to what was a weak killer back then. Him being stronger now does not make the gameplay less fun for me.
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I predicted this. Billy was fun to play against because he felt dangerous to survivors even when he wasn't. So you'd constantly feel like you just barely managed to outplay him when from the killer's perspective it was clear, that there was no way they could have gotten that hit. This is not the case anymore because he now actually has the power to follow through.
That and overexposure will lead to some players fed up with a killer. Give it a bit more time and he'll probably go back to being regarded as alright to play against.
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personally I’ve always been in the camp that I’ve never particularly liked going against hillbilly
stealth hillbilly is scary though lol
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Long story short version:
He is still fun, arguably in my top 5. Issue is that everybody plays him now and he is a bit to powerful. Wait a few months, nerf him a little bit, and he is in a perfect spot.
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I don't know, he is fun to go against. It's hilarious watching him run into stuff like blight.
He's still very easy to counter, most of it consists of standing still waiting for the next move.
People really DC against this guy? Jeebus.
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There isnt a killer that i like playing against because whether or i enjoy the games depends more on the killer playstyle rather who they are playing.
I got people to DC against my trapless trapper1 -
Yes, thats the reason. Same reason why Blight is #1 most fun killer on recent surveys. Because Blight, as we all know, is extremly weak and is very easy to play against.
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Same to you. Please explain why Blight, Huntress and Wesker are among the most beloved killers then.
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Wesker effect.
Billy is fun to play against.
Billy isn't fun to play against twenty times in a row.
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I liked Billy before because of the high skill floor. If you went against some one who was actually a threat you knew they poured tones of hours to perfect their craft. Now, just like before, anyone can just pick him up and get results.
Reason behind that is Overdrive holding their hand. Just make it so he doesn't get it every half a second and he's fine.
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I love playing against Billy and I will die on that hill. I loved pre-nerf pre-Overheat Billy.
The only thing I don't like about current Billy is the camera still feels janky after their pre-rework update they added without adding it in patchnotes.
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Personally, I have always hated and always will hate him. I hate playing him and hate going against him. I hate his design, gameplay, his dumb limp that makes me feel slower than 115%, ect. He the only killer I have a burning hatred for.
Either way I do think most survivors only love Billy's because they only went against newbies who don't know how to use him and stomp him or the mains who only care about doing curves and will throw a match just do cool curve plays. Either way it meant a easy win for them unless. On top of all that Billy was a super rare killer and it's even rarer to encounter a try hard Billy who playing to win.
The story is different now he been buffed, there is a lot more Billys and odds are alot more of them are trying to win more than goofing around. Survivors mains only want easy wins against killers who aren't trying or weak killers.
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I don't mind Knight, SM and Singularity, to be honest. But I would be happy to never see Xeno again.
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Bc survivors only like killers they can bully. Now that billy is actually a threat, they won't like him as much.
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I had one match against SM and nobody dc'ed or suicided on hook. Guess we all love SM now. One match proves everything.
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That's a very cynical and depressing way of looking at things. Most people's experience of Billy was OG players who were more concerned with landing swaggy chainsaw hits than hard tunneling survivors out at five gens. OG Billy's have never been a pushover, due to how skilled they are. Despite this, survivors loved them. I think it really comes down to how the killer player approaches the game, rather than the killer themselves.
I can loop Wraith easily, but I hate going against him as almost every one of them gets angry if chases last more than twenty seconds or so. Playing against a pissed off opponent isn't fun for me. Nurse is busted as hell, but I'm happy to face them as they rarely get angry when you outplay them. They'll even show you respect for playing well sometimes.
As far as people disconnecting goes, I can only assume it's the normal "I went down too fast, so DC" or "I'm sick of seeing this killer, so DC". Neither of which is really specific to Billy.
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They only liked Billy because if you met one, he was most likely a newbie player. Those who kept running into every wall and who could be looped endlessly because they tried to use his power while not being able to do those crazy turns. As soon as you met a good main Billy it was exactly the same thing as you describe.
And despite the changes Billy is still probably the most difficult killer to use. The only difference is that now an average player can hit you with the chainsaw without needing a master's degree on Billy.
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Oh yeah thanks for the reminder, Blight too! 59% kill rate smh 😂
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I guess your question mains to ask if players still love Billy or not but your example with the dc looks a little bis misleading because that was just one match and some players dc/kill themself on hook for nearly every stupid reason (no matter which killer, no matter how the match looks, they would even dc against their own cute little dog that plays the killer for the first time just because they know there is no punishment for doing it).
I am a killermain but when I play survivor and have a match against Billy, I am happy because he is fun to play against. His chainsaw is more threatening than before and to dodge a good one or to make a good play against him feels so satisfying. In addition, facing a Billyplayer that tries some big plays is also really cool for me because since his rework I like to play him and it is always great to see good tricks to then copy them (to learn from other killerplayers is always good). Lastly, some of his skins look so goofy and funny. Year, in my opinion Hillbilly is still a fun killer to play against and I am really happy about it.
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Chucky and Singularity? To each their own I suppose. Those two are easily some of the more unique killers to face imo
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Billy is Noob stomper and that's true. Noobs can not keep up with Billy and 90% of all Killers so It doesn't mean anything.
For me Billy is fine and it's very fun to play against Billy - good Billy can actually play for 12 Hooks and make the match very fun for both sides - that;s my opinion.
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never liked billy, would rather go against a bubba
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"We love going against billy, he's fun!"
I am not aware of any mass act of anyone ever saying this. Care to link some evidence to back this up?
Used to actually be a killer in a decent spot on the killer roster. Takes 0 to no skill to play nowadays and the majority of them play and act like this
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Yes but 1 has two be the new billy and the other has to be the old one lol
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I never have a good time vs them especially chucky
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In my experience, people who play conventionally 'weak' killers like to play them. They tend to play well, they utilise their power properly, go for hooks over kills, and play to have fun.
While people who play conventionally 'strong' killers tend to play to win, they camp, tunnel, slug for the 4K, etc.
It's a generalisation, but it's never been so apparent as it has with the Billy buff. I've had tunnellers galore, I've been slugged for 4 minutes, and I've had the other survivor kept alive until they led the killer to me to end the game. All Billy.
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People will DC/give up for literally any reason. One match where people DC isn't indicative of everyone suddenly hating that killer.
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This will continue to get better as BHVR seems keen on finally making more than 2 killer viable. The billy buffs have finally brought him to that point, now we have 4 viable killers instead of 2.
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Eh, I'm not super sure on the curve window buff yet. Makes him a little too strong, imo.
It's just an overabundance of Billy atm. I think everyone is kinda sick of him. It'll get better eventually once people stop playing him (when Unlnown comes out)
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For survivors who don't know how to turn Billy into an M1 killer, they probably feel that Billy is a nightmare.
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They are beloved? Blight, that gets threads how he still hasn´t received a nerf, after every single patch? Wesker, who gets constant complaints about being boring to play against. When he just makes use of perks that capitalize on his big terror radius? And don´t get me started on all the hate Huntress received, when the upcoming buff was announced.
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Is it though? Release Billy was loved. Everyone considered him to be balanced. No one would have asked for a nerf. But that was a very long time ago. A lot of things changed, i´d even go as far as saying the community changed.
Release version Onryo was loved, because weak af.
Singularity a fan favorite. Because of how much power survivors had over his power.
Demogordon, loved but not because he´s strong.
Twins, Pig... do i have to say more?
Whenever a new killer releases and the front page isn´t filled with nerf threads. Then its save to assume that survivors love the killer because they can easily win against him.
Or let me put it differently. The amount of threads that complained about the flashlight exploit stands in no comparison to the amount of threads that complained, when flashlights were kill switched.
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And yet, they are beloved by the commuity the most. Just because a killer is strong does not mean survivors cant have fun with the them. Thats the point.
I believe also that Blight is to strong, objectivly speak he simply is without a doubt. But i still love him. Same with Billy. Even Wesker might be a tiny big to powerful, yet he is great fun and intense to play against. And also fair.
The argument survivors like easy wins, is objectivly and subjectivly completly wrong. Look at Freddy or Trapper. Super weak, but not many like playing against them.
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Are the people who claimed that they loved Billy, the ones that are now disconnecting after his rework though? I don't think the people who are disconnecting against him are the people who once proclaimed love for him. I think they are the people who have always disconnected against challenging opponents or when things go poorly.
I think because Billy players were so rare, people actually forgot or never had any real experience with him. He was like some mythical creature that half of the playerbase had no experience with, and when they did meet one, he would be focused on fun and style over efficiency.
The over-saturation of Billy combined with how strong he now is has definitely frustrated many players. There's no denying that. But there's plenty of weak killers that people hate. Legion would be a good example. Onryo has always been considered trash but people hate her regardless. Larry is the game's version of a unicorn, he's very rare. Given how strong he is when he focuses on protecting gens, I'm sure players would hate him almost as much as SM if they actually played against him regularly and his skill floor was lower.
TLDR: Killer strength does play a part in their perception by survivors, but it's not everything. Over-saturation, the killers kit and how players tend to use them also plays a role.