Will Windows of Opportunity be nerfed too?

sinkra Member Posts: 452

After Adrenaline gets nerfed I can't imagine this perk will be allowed to stay they most used perk with the value it brings. MFT was nerfed because it extended chases by 20%, windows goes much further than that. It can turn a chase from 10 seconds into a minute plus with the amount of map awareness it gives.



  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,068

    Let's jump off that bridge when we get to it. Until then, let's just enjoy what we have until it inevitably gets nuked.

  • sinkra
    sinkra Member Posts: 452

    That's true but it means WOO is basically a crutch that many players rely on. BHVR have made it clear they don't want any perk to feel like players HAVE to take it to play the game.

  • catnip18
    catnip18 Member Posts: 149

    I dont think killers have ever complained about a perk and that perk not get nerfed, so if they start complaining I'm sure it'll get destroyed with something to make it useless like doesn't work when exhausted or injured.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786

    Adrenaline could at the very minimum use a tiny nerf to not directly counter freddy

    You have to be joking if you think FTP + BU as a perk combination is balanced, it should be less effective for something you don't do anything to activate for a huge upside, at the very minimum Were gonna live forever and BU should have their targets swapped (currently WGLF only applies to the survivor who is on the ground after it becomes activated) so then you have to earn the powerful effect of the combination and the weaker version would only apply to the picked up survivor leaving you vulnerable

    Background player could stand to be tuned down a bit in one of its strengths but not by too much, running 10m to fail the flashlight save then be 20m away using the rest of the effect is kind of silly so making it weaker against carrying perks by making it harder to get away or just reducing the speed a bit is reasonable. Like 4s duration of 175% speed.

    All of those perks could use some amount of nerfs or changes to be healthier for the game

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    Yes, and I already know what the nerf is gonna be

    WoO will only show the aura of vaults

    A new universal perk is gonna be created to show the auras of pallets

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276

    By this logic every perk should be nerfed because it can be a crutch in the right hands.

    In this period even terrible killers are literally carried by slowdowns, but I haven't seen yet BHVR make it clear to nerf them.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    Don't forget that by that time, several maps not terrible for survivors will also be heavily nerfed and they will also remove the ability to 99% heal yourself too! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Probably I mean anything a killer complains about on this forum gets nerfed.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024
  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 530

    Not from what I can tell.

    I cant imagine them needing to nerf WoO. Or even what they would do to it and still make it usable. It barely does anything super game changing as it is. And you see less and less of it the higher in MMR you go.

    Just because its usage is high doesn't really mean its the greatest thing in the world or broken. I personally stopped using it around the 600ish hour mark?

    It's nice to have as you cant really tell what pallets your teammate throws and it allows you to route plan a bit better/easier. But it takes up a perk slot that you could otherwise use for something else more powerful or useful, and requires survivors to just be a little bit more observant without it.

    tldr; Probably not

  • skylustv
    skylustv Member Posts: 237

    It should be, the perk is called WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY, not PALLETS OF OPPORTUNITY, that's it...

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Better not. I’ll riot if they do nerf it.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786
    edited March 2024

    I don't think dms should trigger with scream effects, I also think pigs boxes shouldn't reset upon screaming

    I have been asking for That Solidarity, Resurgence, and Reactive healing get an anti-hemorrhage buff as well in multiple discussions and maybe even at some point made my own about it

    You can't really balance the game around either side of the solo swf coin you need something in the middle because otherwise a killer with the right perks will stomp solo queue often those perks don't do anything against any coordination in teams and since you don't know who you are going against its a gamble, you can't buff it to make it good against groups and you can't nerf it to make it useless against solo queue without just deleting the perk, so if you have a balance idea by all means, the devs might be wizards but if you have a healthier design then get the ball rolling there

    Ive already advocated for a system to decrease the amount of anti-gen perks killers can equip in a match most people didn't care too much then and likely now the game balance is too fickle to have it work out well with mid tier killers stacking 3-4 just so they feel the game is playable on their main. Sure high tiers can do the same but I see it much more on mid tiers, and if a high tier ends up doing it usually its because they aren't confident and you have a good shot of winning anyway, I beat a Tinkerer, BBQ, Pain res, Pop blight earlier today no problems because although they can stack it the player themselves still has to perform

    I don't know why you think the fact that this one is talking about survivor nerfs that it also has to be about killer nerfs, clearly this is a specific contained issue / problem and these whole this side this and that side that just stifles discussion if you want something else to be changed then make a post saying something else should be changed or just combine them both and make a big overhaul post instead

    People won't stop complaining about changes because thats just how balance works, the current issue is usually the strongest options, and being dbd it will be the strongest option for ~1-2 years and be nerfed unless its excessively broken in which case it might be changed sooner or if it fits the current direction they want the game to go like how DS DH Unbreakable were like that for 2~3 years.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    I hope so. The number of survivors who slap this perk on and run from pallet to pallet to pallet in an endless chain creates some of the dullest and most obnoxious experiences in this game.

  • Man_of_triangles
    Man_of_triangles Member Posts: 309

    Unlikely. While the perk is broken on a top tier survivor it's also mandatory for most of the playerbase to last more than 20 seconds in a chase.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    Bring back the old version of WoO and you can still do the same things. But that would actually require players to think, so it's probably not an option.

    WoO is not a not just a crutch for new players. People with more hours than me use it on a regular basis and I have played this game for 3 years. The funny thing is, that WoO has done a lot of damage. Slap on something to apply blindness and watch WoO enthusiasts run around like headless chicken.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    They probably will. I think they care more about numbers than their players' experiences. That has been VERY clear for years now. Let them nerf these perks and see how many people you're going to keep. Also if it goes by pickrate they should nerf Pain Res and POP into the ground as well.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited March 2024

    For me as a solo on console (some maps are REALLY dark and we don't have any graphic settings nor filters) WoO is just a QoL perk.

    It was great even before the buff. So i wouldn't mind if it had a 20 sec. cooldown again.

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 288

    Personally, I see distortion getting nerfed sooner, since there is so much complaining about this perk out of nowhere since MFT and dead hard are nerfed.

    And it kinda grinds my gears that when one perk gets nerfed (yes, I know MFT was kinda busted), the focus is already on another perk that is totally fine (especially when aura reading is quite meta nowadays).

    The moment distortion is getting nerfed that it only recharges in chase (which is bs to me, since the killer gets the hook state for free at some point because you will get caught eventually), I will quit playing survivor almost entirely outside of challenges or dailies. Maybe I will drop the game as well, because every perk will be on the chopping block eventually.

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 288

    I like this post hahaha, it really sums up the complaining that is so prevalent these days. And the worst part is, the devs will most likely listen to this complains and nerf perks because of that when there is no reason to.

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 288

    But they will run out of pallets eventually if you break them immediately. Then they have almost no resources left outside of a few windows.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    The perk doesn't do anything that is overpowered, so I don't see why it would need a nerf.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I am not playing survivor too much anymore.

    Why i would play it when they are keep nerfing it to ground and barely giving anything.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited March 2024

    Distortion should get changed and not nerfed. I think how distortion is now it promotes unhealthy gameplay teamwise. I personally think distortion stacks should be tied to doing gens, unhooking or healing teammates. That way people actually have to participate to gameplay and not hide in corners.

    Right now i see many distortion users avoid killer and team gameplay all together leaving people to die on hooks or push the chase on deathhooked people even if they have 0 hooks. Distortion is quite often combined with calm spirit and even iron will.

    These people are eather death scared of seeing the killer in the game or selfish enough not to care about teammates.

    Windows i think personally should have a cooldown. I see many survivors run to pallet after pallet autodropping them instantly.

  • xerox8521
    xerox8521 Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2024

    My pet peeve with Windows is that a lot people turn off their brains and just run from palette to palette like a bot. No attempt of mind games or anything like that. Just holding W+ Shift and pre drop everything they find. If the killer brings Ultimate Weapon the basically become headless chicken

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    My call on this one is a definitive NO, I very much doubt it will be nerfed.

    The reason? Because Windows makes the game a lot more welcoming for newer players who are already overwhelmed with the sheer number of perks, status effects and even maps to keep track of.

    Anything that helps BHVR gain and hopefully retain new players (customers) is not something they will be keen to get rid of

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    The game becomes a mess because of players who force their hook states onto others, then watch them die and scream, "It's the killer's fault."

    Everyone should share the hook states, and it would be interesting to see the involvement of a game system that tries to reduce the number of early dropouts.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    So was old bbq, but the only reason why they ultimately changed it wasnt because of complaints but because they don't like people using perks to reduce the grind

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    Really? I think its really obvious when a worse player is running it even when I'm playing survivor because these people don't even try looping they just pre-drop without looking behind them and waste all the pallets.

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 288

    But killers are not entitled to free hook states, when you run distortion. I sure will trade hook states, because I don't play scared. But I find the fact that the killers knows exactly where you are all the time (when running 4 aura perks), also bullshit. I think a counter to that as not much to ask.

    Of course there are people who play stealth, but there is nothing wrong with that too. When I play killer, I have no problem finding people who run distortion. When running aura perks as killer myself, sure, it's a bit harder, but they're not immune to you as killer.

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 288
  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 512

    When a perk reaches a 30% pickrate it absolutely should be nerfed, we want to see a wide variety of perks being used so no two games feel the same.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    And by that point, the generators are done and the game is over.