How many years will it take DBD to do something like what SMITE is in the process of doing..

New engine...
New graphics..
New code..
Is it really that hard?..
I can't be the only one who wants DBD to be pushed forward into the next generation of gaming.. I want DBD to drop its extremely limiting game engine/code and show us how good the visuals and non-spaghetti code could be.. Is anyone else tired of settling for the way it is now?
Unfortunately they've said before they will never do an "Operation Health" type situation.
They are still graphically updating maps, which is probably the best we'll get.
My question though is what happened to the killer visual updates? They did like 4 or 5 of them years ago and then completely stopped.
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Might be an unpopular opinion but I personally think DBD isn't the type of game that needs the best possible graphics. They really just need to work on new game modes to make the game feel fresh again which they seem to be doing.
You're also leaving out a massive asterisk which is nobodies cosmetics from SMITE are transferring to SMITE 2. When people have dropped hundreds of dollars of cosmetics on DBD that seems like a hard sell to tell people they wasted their money in return for slightly better graphics.
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I don't think your opinion is unpopular. DBD truly doesn't need top tier graphics, I think it'd desaturate the game's aesthetic and charm.
Also afaik, the devs don't have any plans to recode the game. From what I can recall, it'd take a grave amount of time and money to do that considering dbd is built off spaghetti code.
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I feel like the last few killers have shown that the devs do know how make complex changes to the general coding to get what they want (coding Chucky to be a weapon for third person, PoV swapping for Singularity, tunnels being an actually map for Xeno, modes finally being possible, etc.). If they allocated their resources to the proper places, a lot of the games technical issues could probably be solved in engine. Maybe make minor reworks to the power coding so they can finally vary between cosmetics. It would also be cool if they increased Nemesis's zombie count per match, as I feel like the whole point of zombies is overwhelming numbers, but I digress.
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The devs don't have a quarter the driver and/or budget to perform what you want.
Operation health was about base coding like hit-scan/lag and an immense balance patch. 6.1.0 was the largest dbd balance patch but falls short of the two week cycle league preforms. As much as we all want, they won't do much and anything problematic will take 6 months which is better than before but damn, how? Their really just shilling doing nothing huh?
2 people who's soul job is to balance dbd should be able to pump out better results then what the devs have currently provided.
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I think licences will also be a factor why they can't do this. If they make a DBD 2, they likely need to renew the licences and it's the question if the holders will cooperate again.
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Maybe it doesn't need the best graphics, but if UE5 is better to work on or is easier or would just make the game coding and stuff better. I still think it'd be a worth while investment.
But yeah, I said it on other post. We don't need "DBD 2: re-buy all your dlc"
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It'd be nice to see DBD go through such a update. If feasible to bhvr, I think they should go for it.
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I agree that the amount of time it takes to do anything in this game is astonishing and the biggest issue with balancing.
Like the Demo and Doctor changes this patch were nothing more than very minor number changes and yet they announced them back in November. I don't see how small changes like that need to take over 3 months.
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It won't happen. DBD is more less fine when it comes to the engine and graphics. We had some really ugly maps in this game and I'd say they were preferable to the new maps when it came to the visual design.
However, it is clear that DBD's code is a mess. No matter what they touch, something else will break. So that deserves some attention. It's probably not something they can completely fix at this point but there have to be ways to make the game less prone to bugs.
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It won’t happen unless the player count tanks and the bean counters at BhVR give the Devs permission to rewrite the engine in hopes of getting players back.
They don’t need to make a DBD2. They just need solid code that takes into mind potential killer powers that may be introduced in the future (like flying, wall climbing), environmental obstacles like quick sand, mud, water (and whatever else they can think of), new game mechanics, more interactive maps and objects like ladders, mine cart that you can power up and ride across the map (just examples) and better character customization (I really want this).
They also need better servers.
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Considering how unbelievably slow they are when it comes to just balance changes that are really needed i don't it will ever happen.
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I'd like the graphics to be at least as good as TCM. That would be great.
Everyone that comes over and sees me playing dbd always says "oh god what are you playing it's so ugly and old, Nintendo 64?" lol
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“I think it'd desaturate the game's aesthetic and charm.” ~@versacefeng
So much of my and many player’s DBD enjoyment is in the silly animations (like healing), graphically, and especially the aesthetic charm that most people have under-appreciated by having gotten so completely wrapped-up in winning every match.
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I don't care about graphical updates and new engines to be completely honest.
What I really want to see is a complete health overhaul and fix a ton of the spaghetti code but we're not gonna see that.
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I appreciate all the in-depth responses and outlooks on the matter. Btw, my greatest interest would be DBD fixing its spaghetti code. If that is all we end up getting, I'll be more than happy with that. I hate seeing so called 'bugs' supposedly get fixed, but then just get reintroduced over and over as the game gets new content.. The graphics are just for immersion, I get that part.
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Technically they already did do this look at dbd vids from 7 years ago
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Okay? Do it again.. Tbh they won't have a choice a few years from now. This game already looks super dated compared to stuff coming out now.
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I know for a fact they don't have the time nor the money to be doing that with how many of their other games keep floppin
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I am personally hoping Dbd's devs will eventually care about the quality of their game but since the Q and A it seems they are more content with just churning out subpar content than they are with fixing or improving or innovating. Our "new" gamemode was just max fog and no perks, they DISABLED features and called that "new content", well probably never see what dbd Could be because that requires more work than just launching junk and fixing stuff once every 6 months.
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Why would they ever do this?
The community is perfectly fine with the slop they already serve. Why do all that extra work if the community if completely fine with having less? The only thing added to this game is microtransactions and a BATTLEPASS.
Dbd hasn't been scary in years, but the scariest thing they've ever added was that battlepass
This game hasn't yet pushed anything forward for the gaming industry, for its own genre, or for its own community. The last stream they did they JUST NOW are talking about doing a new game mode.
They only know how to recycle something that has already been done before instead of actually making something completely unique.
Hell DBD MAIN THEME SONG isn't even original is stolen lmao
The expectations this community has of BHVR dosent match the way they treat you at all.
It's a sad abusive relationship that no matter how much you try to get them to understand they won't, genuinely the only game/community I've completely lost hope on
That new game mode, all the game mode appears to be is the offering that made the level darker put turned up a bit.
Essentially what I'm saying is BHVR has proved they are incompetent, and like any company is the world all they want is money.
Which is fine nothing wrong with making money, but you have to make your community happy at the same time.
Well updating the engine does absolutely nothing but benefit the players, they can't charge you money for a new engine and you (the community) will be happy if they served you ######### on a plate.
This forum post alone has tons of people already saying
"DBD dosent need the best graphics"
See what I mean? Terrible community that fights for less.
NO GAME AT ALL *NEEDS* better graphics, isn't Dbd specific but of course there goes the community. Actively fighting for less. A graphical update with some good optimization could make Dbd feel like a ENTIRE NEW GAME.
But you'll never experience that because the community is still holding this game back with the devs
They know the community is just a huge push over, why do you think they keep shoving the community over and spitting in your face lol.
Let's never forget the
"Go outside, go play something other than our game if you don't think our game is scary"
So if anyone manages to read this before the notoriously know insecure mods delete it, make a change in this community and push BHVR to actually push this game forward
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Pretty sure they'd need to renegotiate all of the licenses acquired so far, so DBD2 would likely launch without Myers, Bubba, Freddy, Onryo, Wesker, Pyramid Head, Pinhead, Pig, etc.
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You got me there..