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Why is it every single time I bring escape capes or bloody party streamers I get tunneled out of the game immediately!!!

Like they are so RARE to get(wether bhvr ones to admit or not) and I NEVER get any value out of them

And the weirdest thing is how they know I was the who brought it?

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  • Member Posts: 2,418

    “And the weirdest thing is how they know I was the who brought it?”

    ikr, does seem that way, tho; crazy! haha

    When Killers bring Survivor Pudding and trounce everyone fast n ferociously is always like, “Yep, that sucks, respect… but throw us a bone and offer up some Streamers or sth!”😄

    Cut Coin and Franklin’s always gets me in a tizzy lol JustEvil

  • Member Posts: 1,057

    Everyone, including the killer can see who brought what offering into the trial, by pressing start during the match. I've seen killer gameplay where they will sometimes target survivors who brought an offering for realms they don't like, or more comically tunnel someone who didn't bring a shared BP offering when everyone else did.

    In theory, they can also tunnel someone out when they bring offerings such as the bloody party streamers, if they want to be anti-social.

  • Member Posts: 312

    It shows what offering was brought but doesn't show who brought it until after the match has ended

  • Member Posts: 1,057

    Assuming I remember correctly, the offerings are listed in a line. That line correlates to the order that survivors are listed on the side of the screen. So you can figure out who brought what by comparing the two.

  • Member Posts: 15,095
    edited March 2024

    It certainly seems like survivors that use those offerings get a huge red arrow that points at them with the words: "kill me first!"

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    Isn't that limited to cases in which all participants brought their own offering?

  • Member Posts: 1,057

    I'm not sure. I only play killer when I play in customs with friends on rare occasions. My guess is purely based on some killer streams that I've watched.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    I remember it only lined up nicely if all 5 people gave an offering. I hope someone can provide me with accurate information.

  • Member Posts: 1,057

    Until then I guess the mystery will continue to be mysterious.

  • Member Posts: 2,264
    edited March 2024

    Its the BPS/cake curse and I just don't use them unless I know the others in the lobby or its an event etc

    It's the same reason I rarely run Deliverance... I am almost always the first found and hooked every time I run that damn perk

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    This is correct. If less than 5 people bring an offering, the offering screen you see during “pause” won’t accurately reflect who brought what (unless the killer brought like a killer-based offering, obviously).

  • Member Posts: 937

    Yeah this happens to me when I bring anniversary cakes. So not only do I get tunneled out but the person gets the benefits of my item.

    ....I don't bring them anymore unless I'm in a pre-made.

    Same with BPS. Escape Cakes seem safe though, I am ok with bringing those...for now 🫠

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    It's the deliverance curse obviously. Everytime you bring a perk to do a specific strategy, you will get chased first.

  • Member Posts: 5,948

    If all 4 survivors bring offerings, then the offerings match the order of the survivors. So that would be a way to tell, that you were the one to bring these offerings. It's unlikely though that anyone would specifically target you for the crime of bringing BP offerings. This is probably more a case of you feeling like it happens even when that doesn't match the reality.

    I'm not accusing you of lying but it can easily feel like we are targeted more often and then we search for explanations and do mental gymnastics.

    Good luck in future matches though.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Same reason I get Shelter Woods when I bring Balanced Landing

  • Member Posts: 5

    As LegacySmikey put it, there are unspoken rules of DBD.

    There's a solid 95% chance that having a goal in mind, pre-match, may not receive or meet the conditions needed to achieve a success. Honestly though, I kind of like this. It means if you DO actually manage to pull it off with success, it feels 95% more satisfying haha!

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I feel your pain. Happens to me too. Even worse is when I'm the killer and some survivor brings a party streamer or cake. I would love to know who brought what offering so I could make sure not to kill them first. Somehow it frequently is the survivor with the least amount of bloodpoints that brings it. Feels bad.

  • Member Posts: 1,934

    Man... a lot of players, more than those whom try and defend it, horribly, seem to despise tunneling as a mechanic. I heard its hurting player retention, new and vets alike. Now I'll probably hear some sort of defense! Will it be 'Its a legit strat, get gud'? Perhaps 'Optimal is optimal and I only optimal optimally.'?

    @Xxjwaynexx Actually, I've thought about it, and I'd like to reconsider me response. Only reason I'm tagging ya! <3

    I heard that match making is to blame for new players getting tunneled more games than not. I can agree to this as a fact, most of BHVR's system's could use some reworks. But in no way does or should that excuse the player behavior? It's still sending terrible experiences for 4 out of 5 players. It's still a lame way to inflate one's own MMR.

    Anyway, maybe it'll be "Tournament players tunnel." I almost spit my drink when I saw that lol.

  • Member Posts: 401

    It’s like when you do a certain tome challenge.

    “Complete 2 generators” : Killer finds you in 10secs of the trial and will keep chasing you. You’ll never get even 1 gen done for about 5 games.

    “Throw down 6 pallets” : Killer never sees you, straight up ignores you if they see you, or chases you for 7 secs before they drop chase.

    idk what it is but the games be opposite of your challenge.

  • Member Posts: 3,007

    it does feel like bringing BPS curses the game for me, as both survivor and killer.

    As survivor: I'm found first and my match tumbles downhill rapidly, no one does gens or rescues me, dead in 5 minutes.

    As killer: the soloQ survivors somehow gain perfect telepathy with each other, all generators done in 8 minutes, game ends with 3 hooks or less.

    Sometimes think the offering screen should be updated to show which survivors brought which offerings. But then we'd end up in situations like the killer beelining to tunnel the survivor who sent them to Badham while ignoring the one who brought an anniversary cake.

  • Member Posts: 657

    Cause survivors/killers do not want you to enjoy the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,082

    It's perception bias. Players almost always play the way they would have before loading into a lobby, regardless of the offerings. When you bring an offering and hope for a long game, you feel it a lot more if it's a quick one, but that doesn't mean bringing the offering was the cause.

    I always play whichever role has the BP bonus, and bring a BPS or Anniversary Cake almost every single game (I rack up hundreds of them during the anniversary) and over a big sample size note nothing but the usual chaos.

    The only time I get annoyed is during the anniversary event itself, when everyone is bringing the event cakes, and many players play like they're on a timer. That is annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,529

    It actually is possible to know who brought what, as long as every survivor brings something. If that is the the case, then things will be on the pause menu in the same order that the survivors are on the screen. That said, I don't think most killers even know that, they just are tunnelers and don't care that you brought BPS, they just don't care about you getting BPS but hey thanks for bringing one so THEY get more BP.

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    Akin to the hidden effect of bringing Purple Medkits: Summons Plague or Legion.

  • Member Posts: 1,979
  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited March 2024

    If you think you're getting tunneld for bringing bloodpoint offerings, you def need more hours in DbD. On both sides!

  • Member Posts: 1,405

    If you wanna get value out of it, do it while SWF-ing or use it as killer. IDK why but certain killer-mains get tunnel vision when they see BPS. Although those always have tunnel-vision anyways.

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