Mapping the Realm

Mapping the Realm

The Pale Rose (Backwater Swamp)



  • Member Posts: 1,026

    Although relatively fair, it is also the map most affected by whether or not the survivor is swf.

  • Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2024

    I picked "survivor sided" for the sheer size of this ugly antiquity piece, but it has been a hard choice.

    Middle of the map can be littered with unmindgamable loops or completely empty, pier can have the strongest setup known to man of a sad excuse for a TL, overall tiles feel like a dice roll, size is already huge and feels even bigger since totems, gens, hatch can make out with the literal map borders.

    Trapper and immersed survivors wet dream, grass on both Swamp maps make tracking a nightmare, with scratchmarks sometimes not even making it out of the grass strands!

    Also, please don't even CONSIDER giving maps uneven terrain ever again.

    Props for main, it's really strong but one of the funniest imho

  • Member Posts: 1

    I came here after playing against a Billy on this map with a total of 8 pallets and 7 windows. Mind you that 2 of those pallets guarantee spawn in the main building, and 1 in shack, so that left 5 pallets to cover the rest of the map. Since the Billy ran an aura build with bamboozle, and no one on the team had stealth perks, we all died after exhausting what little we had to work with. Why would people want to play on this map when alternatives such as Macmillan, Autohaven, Badham, and Ormond exist which bring much more to offer for survivor resources? This map also has a horrible hatch spawning system which has made superstitions as to if the hatch can even spawn on swamp maps.

  • Member Posts: 20

    Locating totems on this map is extremely stressful since RNG can force them into corners of the map. The same goes for hatch. The large ship in particular isn't very decent for Survivors and without pallets there isn't any good windows to loop for a bit. Perhaps another window spawn would help. Secondly, the center of the map often spawns a deadzone, there needs to be a decent number of pallets to avoid that.

  • Member Posts: 33

    The better of the two variants. My biggest complains is too unpredictable pier and the totems/hatch/killer specific objects can spawn on the very edges. I like that they are big and sloped, do not get me wrong, I is just miserable searching for something there/having a long walk just to pick up an EMP.

  • Member Posts: 1,062

    I for one enjoy the swamp maps. I think they are balanced overall, posing some problems to both sides. Although one thing that really irks me is that the pier RNG sways the "sidedness" of the maps a little too much. Make the strong pier spawn a little weaker, and the weak spawn a little stronger. Just for reference: There are 3 possible pier spawns, the strongest being the one that features a "jungle gym" at the head of it (pallet and two windows), the weakest the one that features a glorified LT-wall at its head, and the most balanced one resembling a 4-lane. To nerf the "jungle gym" pier, remove one of its two windows, making it a pain passage way instead. To buff the "LT" pier, add a pallet between the two windows.

  • Member Posts: 2,217

    There’s definitely a feeling of sadness. Of a time long since past with the boats now lying in the mud. A past time of grandiosity that now serves as a shadow of its former self. It feels like the void but for the boats.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    bubba unfun on this map. too many windows and boats are not interesting.

  • Member Posts: 3,029

    I wish the log loops were deleted from the game.

  • Member Posts: 187

    As others have said. this map is very rng in terms of which side benefits more in terms of loops.

    Outside of that I would say this map does have a problem with hooks spawning way too far in the corner and few in the inner area. My biggest issue is the map still hasn't had a visual update. I'm not that crazy about the realm beyond map updates but I really want this map and Grim pantry to be updated.

  • Member Posts: 50

    Map is huge. the changes in elevation hurts killers like artist. can spawn large dead zones. There is a verision of the docks that can very op. Its a mix of and long wall and short wall gym with a safe pallet, a god pallet and an safe window. Shack window connecting to "pog log" window can be very strong too.

  • Member Posts: 428
    edited March 2024

    So far, Backwater Swamp is the only realm in Dead By Daylight that hasn't had a visual rework yet. While some do genuinely like it, a lot of people are still waiting, as both parties AND in between equally dislike it. I'm sure everyone would be happy with it, if there was a bit of adjustments here and there, and if the visuals look more appealing. For me personally, just keep the dark, cloudy filter and change the rest. Make it look like you're in an actual swamp in Louisiana, with maybe some water at ankle level for details; give Trapper that well-deserved buff he's been needing. Maybe add some neon lights for color. And if possible... please don't remove the main building crow sounds that indicate when someone enters a building, as I think it's what makes it more unique out of the rest. Otherwise, if you do, could you transfer it to Erie of Crows? It's in the name, and I like the idea of maps with consequences, like indoor maps without breakable walls; each could have their own pros and cons, while potentially making them as balanced as they can be, but yeah that's just my hot take on the matter. It'd also be a good excuse to add a third Swamp map once you remodel the realm, if the feedback is positive.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Make it not ugly as ######### please

  • Member Posts: 302
    edited March 2024

    It's a map that has so much clutter that it exacerbates any issues it has regarding loops, and generator placement. I honestly don't think it's possible to rate this map on its loops and object placement alone, because the high grass, trees, and changes in elevation completely change how survivors and killers interact with all of it.

    My biggest point of feedback for both swamp maps is actually that too many hooks and even the hatch can still spawn on the edges, which can make hooking people and playing the hatch game difficult. There's always the potential that a corner hook will be chosen to be a Scourge Hook, and that hook will end up being unused for the entire game. Given how hatches on every other map spawns somewhere around the interior, it can take an excessively long time to find the hatch on this map, because the player will search the outside first before trying to search the map edges.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Pale rose I feel is a pretty balanced map. It features one of my favourite main buildings and feels pretty fun for both sides at times, but it has a couple of issues.

    I feel like it's core issues lie in killer prop placements as well as some certain generator/loop spawns. They can feel a little too volatile at times, spawning at the edge of the map or nothing spawning at all. This spawning logic can create very good three gens for the killer or can create vast deadzones depending on the rng.

    For example, pig traps can spawn really far away from each other, and if you get unlucky as well as the pig interrupting you now and then, it can feel like a guaranteed death at times.

    The log loop (the one with the window that spawns at the edges of the map) is a little too strong and could be shortened a little. Unless you have a chase power to deal with it, the loop is pretty strong against certain killers.

    This is a small complaint but a complaint nonetheless, the trees and some of the objects have some wonky collision. So killers like blight can struggle using their power due to the hitboxes being a little inconsistent.

    Overall, I'd say remove/shorten the outer edges of the map, (maybe make the map a bit bigger to compensate?) tweak a couple of loops, make the rng and collision of objects and loops feel a little consistent, and I think the Pale Rose will be in a very good spot.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Balanced map. Feels good on both sides. Never unhappy when it comes up in rotation. Could maybe use a couple more lockers.

  • Member Posts: 13

    What's good about The Pale Rose:

    • Main building is small and relatively balanced.
    • I like the docks because they feel balanced and fun to chase in.

    What's bad about The Pale Rose:

    • Pog Log. The log window tiles are too long for M1 killers to mindgame and survivors can slow vault them to prevent entity blocking.
    • Why can no one ever find hatch on this map??? The corner spawns are so far away from anything that I rarely find hatch on either side.
  • Member Posts: 328

    Every single control station clustered together in the middle. No power in pier, small boat, shack, big boat. Basically anywhere you need it. Control station spawns should be looked at in general. Extremely frustrating to get handicapped by rng.

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