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General Discussions

All Things Wicked releases in a week, what do we think about the Unknown?

This chapter has got to be the best marketed original chapter we've ever gotten, the teasers and the hype of a creepypasta Killer had the entire community on edge. Now that the hype has mostly settled down, does the new Killer live up to the hype in your opinion?

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  • Member Posts: 5,945

    Killer's power is okaish. Not quite what was marketed but still not horrible.

    The power itself is relatively mid. The biggest problem is that direct hits don't infect, or whatever the effect is called. If they made direct hits explode and infect instead of just going through them the killer would be in a much better state. There's also the fact that, unlike say ghost face if you just look at the killer for a fraction of a second, it counts as looking at the killer for "3 seconds" so you don't have to actually LOOK at the killer constantly to remove it, you just have to swing back for a bit, which makes it so you can often lose your infection after you have already gone around a corner, which feels really weird.

  • Member Posts: 642

    They just need to give better reasons to use said killers. I recently posted about how annoying it is to play Singularity, why play him when I can play nurse? (I don’t play her but she is still top tier)

  • Member Posts: 642

    interesting… (I’m on console so I couldn’t play him)

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Hag was recently buffed but I haven’t tried her to see if it’s an improvement—not that she was terrible or anything before. Dredge I think is fairly weak and I can’t really see a way to buff it. Maybe getting rid of its aura in Nightfall would be enough. Singularity is odd because I think what makes it fair is how technical its power is. If it didn’t require as much skill expression it would be overwhelming (for survivors) and that’s not going to work for this game long term. Nurse doesn’t leave any counter play for survivors so she can’t be the litmus of what makes a killer good.

  • Member Posts: 712

    I think Unknown will be fun to play, but his strength will be more on the teleport function, which since its a more random as opposed to other teleport Killers that will impct him. Range wise his noob tentacle tube will give him an edge over other ranged Killers considering you can hit through walls, though Survivors hugging walls against him will probably quickly learn. His perks will be pretty mid, though his missed skill check one will be very strong on Doctor.

    As for Sable, she'll be a cash cow for skins no doubt, but her perks are all either highly situational or just bad. Honestly for an introduction of Invocation, hers is pretty bad for the pay off. If it gave a permanent 15 charges thatd be one thing, but honestly I think they should make it so it auto completes one gen. Takes roughly the same time, goes faster with other Survivors, and you can even keep the broken aspect. Thats just me though.

    The map though is a bit of a toss up. Its very large, and every PTB match the exit gates always spawned on opposite edges of the map, and even Blight struggled to successfully patrol from what I saw, so if Killer closes hatch itll honestly be a 50/50 on most Killers. On the flip side though, there were very few safe pallets and a heck of a lot of unsafe ones, so itll take a bit to settle but I can see a lot of players on both sides hating the map and wanting it shrunk

  • Member Posts: 8,603
    edited March 2024

    I might come back for the killer. Not sure that he really needs the whole reveal-type mechanic. That's just going to severely weaken him against good players. And if Ghostface is any indication, the mechanic is going to end up frustrating both sides. We'll see where he is a month or two from release.

  • Member Posts: 521

    High B Low A tier they're pretty good but not that interesting either. Will be rare after a couple weeks and everyone will mistakingly call them weak as a result.

  • Member Posts: 3,095

    Probably not gonna touch it just like how i'm not gonna touch Dredge as their powers are not my cup of tea.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I think the Unknown was a bit of disappointment, and didn't really live up to expectations. There was a lot of potential there and I think it was wasted.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    This chapter is boring.

    Killer has amazing visuals but i am not fan of his power, it's boring. Not for my taste.

    Killer perks are not good but not trash either. Mid-tier at best.

    Survivor is looking good and people are already hyped for her. BHVR knows how to make new money maker survivors lol.

    Survivor perks are garbage again. They all are weak versions of existing perks. The only new type perk is just troll perk and helping to killers.

    Overall? This chapter is bad.

  • Member Posts: 16,688

    I mean, with that argument you can dismiss any other Killer in the game. If you only care about winning and nothing else, just play Nurse. There is no way around it, other Killers are weaker than her and also sometimes harder to play (e.g. Singularity is way harder than Nurse).

    But if you dont care that much about winning and also about fun, there is a lot of competition to Nurse. For me, I find her quite boring to play, so I dont play her as much anymore. But other Killers are a blast to play.

    It is more personal preference than anything else.


    I think he is alright. His power seems interesting to use, even tho I would not have expected a grenade launcher on that Killer. I would say he is above average, probably a high B-Tier. If they dont change anything on him. But I think I will probably play him a bit, he was quite fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    He seems like an amalgamation of other killers. Visually he looks super creeepy, great design, reminds me of a horror game I play the Crooked Man. But his playstyle is sort of boring and I don't feel it brings much to the table imo. Knight and Singularity were way more uniqueimo.

    Can't wait to play the new survivor though!.

  • Member Posts: 2,217

    I’m actually very excited for the new chapter 😊 The Killer is so scary!!! 💀

    Plus Sable is just pure awesome 🤩 I can’t wait to use the new perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    For the sake of solo queue players everywhere, please don’t use her perks. lol. You’ll doom us all.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    The invocation certainly does. I wish it had a stronger effect.

  • Member Posts: 16,688

    My biggest fear is that there will be Achievements around Invocations.

  • Member Posts: 521

    Tbf only the invocation is bad, Wicked is very mid and SiS is a good perk that only works if everyone thinks it's bad which they do so for now it's good if people catch on and start using it it might be mid hard to say.

  • Member Posts: 2,217

    I have to wait and try it out but absolutely. But only if Unknown gets a buff 😉

    I’M KIDDING! 😂

    But for reals I really am excited to try a new playstyle. From what I can see the broken status effect may be overkill though.

    But then again… lol jk jk

  • Member Posts: 350

    I'm on PS5 so Unknown gonna be a nightmare to play or even enjoy on controller. I'm gonna get Sable for sure though because I like goth girls too much!

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Boring. The art team did a fantastic job at his promo, but the development team did a 180. Seriously, why make him into a mashup of other killers? Why not finally go down the rabbit hole and make a killer that can blend with survivors? Do something new here.

  • Member Posts: 5,960

    I'm really curious what changes they will make to Invocation perks. They had a lot of feedback and I'm honestly pretty excited for a new type of perk but this doesn't work.

    The killer perk Undone is terribly unhealthy. I can already think of some builds to make casual survivors uninstall. Like Doctor with Distressing, Unnerving Presence, Huntress Lullaby and Undone on a small map. Slap on a Calm addon and maybe the Iri Queen and you have the most disgusting combination imaginable. This cannot stay.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    i think the pass through mechanic +explode is suppose to be his skill-cap. my problem is that his skill-cap is not rewarding enough. It is also not very consistent because of how easy it is for survivor to outplay it.

    He has 3% hindered effect as a reward for landing an incredible tricky skill-shot. I was surprised when reading it from wiki. this should be like 10%. Another strange aspect of his kit is that there is no incentive to do trick shots with his ability. I feel like if you bounce the projectile off the wall and hit the survivor, the reward should be greater. Maybe like you infect+injure a survivor.

    In any case, Unknown will likely vanish in 1 month. I don't think he is going get played.

  • Member Posts: 823

    Did it get the stealthy found footage horror power of my dreams? No, but it is fun to play as and against while still being balanced. Best aesthetic out of any original killer on the roster period by far imo. It's really interesting to see the devs take on an analog horror killer. I do hope we get more scary powers in the future, but ig I'm fine sticking ToT on this guy and making it work.

    No busted perks this time around, and Sable has a unique mechanic. The map is too big, but looks great and I like the new loops the devs are trying out.

    W chapter. BHVR hasn't missed killer wise since SM imo

  • Member Posts: 857

    First original Killer I won't be buying. Feels just as bad to play as Singularity and his perks are dog, so there's literally zero incentive to buy/play him. Hoping he won't be popular, not really interested in playing against yet another killer that is only countered by holding W into the most isolated corner of the map and hoping my SoloQ teammates know comp strats.

  • Member Posts: 3,015

    I think the killer can be good but i just wonder how much the lack of control over placing hallucinations and the staring down of unknown to remove weakness will affect him in practicality.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    The PTB is so weird to me. They've all but said nothing meaningful gets fixed between the PTB and live because their isn't time, which means it's little more than advertising.

    However, I really feel like several weeks between revealing the killer and it being live kill off the hype. It would be so much more impactful if it was like "ok, here's the trailer that finally shows you what it is, GO PLAY IT NOW."

  • Member Posts: 2,024

    The Unknown is, appearance and lore wise, one of the best killers we've ever got.

    The power.... It's a bit disapointing, really wonky and not really fitting for it.

    It's perks are nice, but not too strong (except Undone if you run an impossible skill check build or play as Freddy)

    Sable is also a great addition looks and lore wise. Very good job, BHVR.

    Her perks.... are not good. SiS is a nice perk, nothing op. Wicked is an interesting case, with a guaranteed kobe from the basement, it's gimmicky, but I like it. And at last, Invocation: WS. I said it before and I'll repeat it:

    Give it a BNP like effect, so the charges stay on the gen for good. That's all. Nothing else has to be changed.

    And the map is very nice and creative. No real complaints here.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Its lore, teasers, desing, voice lines, animations and hallucination part of its power are all amazing.

    However his main gameplay part being Fear Grenade Launcher that also feels kinda hard to predict is not looking much exciting to me. I am still waiting for changes from PTB before drawing conclusions but if they don't make his power at least more rewarding I don't think it will be my killer to play offten after the hype ends.

  • Member Posts: 937

    The unknown has a very scary look, it's perfect. It's power on the other hand is a bit odd. It's chase music sounds like a broken washing machine 🤣

    Sable is neat. I never thought they'd release a survivor with my hair style/color and same clothing style. I just don't think her voice fits her, it sounds too old for her.

    The map is neat, but has too many unsafe pallets.

  • Member Posts: 663

    Looks easy enough to play on controller so I'm amped.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I actually felt the opposite about her voice. I want a more mature voice for her.

  • Member Posts: 5,973

    idk the marketing for this one felt really weird and cheap. Doesn't resemble the character we got in-game at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    I am hyped af, loved the teasers but ultimatedly knew if the killer was a mimic they would be useless against swf and just another joke stealth killer. Lucky for me the power actually leaves room for skill and is a proyectile shot so as a slinger main and urban legend fan I am so exited about the release. Like not only is he creepy af, his power has room to learn cool shots and snipes, bounces in loops and even techs.

  • Member Posts: 3,029

    Agreed, he may be a ranged killer but I can land Clown's bottles decently well so I think I can manage with The Unknown.

    I'm looking forward to the update. I think the killer looks fun, especially with that teleport, and I like its perks too. Sable Ward's character is so bad, it's good; I want to play as her just for the amusement of being an edgelord 90s mall goth. Her perks kinda suck though, except that free basement healing one, I already dive into the basement to look for medkits so I can get use out of that.

    Both The Unknown and Sable are going to get a lot of good cosmetics, I feel optimistic about that. The roadmap teaser alone is promising for the future.

    I'm also looking forward to the 100+ threads of "Unknow is overpowered!" and "Unknown is underpowered!" and "I'm sick of everyone playing the new killer two days after release!"

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