How much more help could solo players possibly need??
I keep hearing that solo que players still need more help in DBD, but I got to ask..........Really??
I'd like to point out how many buffs solo que got in the past 2 years. Anti face camp, basekit BT, the new gen regression rework to prevent three gens, nerfs to gen regression perks across the board, a way for all survivors to see when another survivor is in chase, showing all survivors what specific action another survivor is doing at all times, the visual heartbeat, STBFL was nerfed, mangled is being gutted in the next update, solo que has gotten a lot of help over the years. The one other thing they tried was basekit unbreakable, but that PTB it was tried in showed why that should never be attempted again.
I gotta ask, what more do you want?? Basekit 5 second DS? Basekit Kindred? When will it be enough? At what point will they be satisfied?
would be nice to see your teammates load out in the match loading screen, oh and certain perks showing an icon when someone is trying to use it and has it . ex someone trying to take a protection hit with mettle of man or some icon showing a teammate is on hook with deliverance
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Solo queue does need some help, but the problem is adding all of these basekit things won't do it.
The reality is, the gap between solo and SWf will never be closed. If you look at all of the perks in the game, over half of them are simply about giving information about what your teammates are doing in one form or another. Discord with a SWF gives you all of those perks for free basekit. It also gives you a level of coordination that could never be achieved with any kind of perk.
Until the devs break down and admit that they need to separate SWF from solo, it'll never get fixed. The best solution would be to tie this into a "ranked mode". You create a "ranked mode" where MMR is present, your rank is shown to everyone, and its killer vs 4 man SWF ONLY. Then you balance the mode around that through whatever perk restrictions on teams/killers, or item restrictions, or gen times, or map generation or w/e you want.
Then you create a casual mode that is solo (or potentially 1 duo) only, and just remove MMR from it entirely and balance the same around that through basekit mechanics, perk restrictions, gen times, map generation etc.
Gives the casuals what they want. Gives the hardcore players what they want, gives the solos what they want, and gives the swfs what they want.
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Would be nice if my team mates didn't kill themselves on hook 1 minute into the game. Especially when the killer is running full meta and trying really hard to win. Some way to increase the likelihood of getting survivors that actually care about winning. A ranked mode maybe.
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It will never be enough until the Survivors can take the Killer’s blood and make the Killer run around with a little dunce cap and a foam bat that gives the Survivors permanent stacking haste and 1,000,000 extra bloodpoints per hit.
Realistically only time will tell depending on kill rates after buffs/nerfs and new releases.
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Solo players will never be on the same level as a SWF. This is a bottomless pit. We still have people that claim that BHVR only care about killers and don't do anything for solo survivors. When solo survivors already have a very powerful tool with the HUD to help them out and there isn't so much more they can do without breaking the game.
This is not to say that solo queue couldn't be better. Seeing your team mates loadouts and a few more emotes to communicate (similar to DBD mobile) would definitely help. But even that wouldn't stop the complaints.
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I think people want competent teammates. That would be the biggest buff possible.
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i agree with this fully i want to play a mode with 90% bully squads(not sarcasm)
i also want to play a mode with people who dont want to stomp or be stomped
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Solo queue is a wretched experience from what I've seen. About the only time I'll play survivor is to knock out challenges. So yes, personally I think the solo survivor could use some help. I think a good place to start is a flat 10,000 bloodpoint bonus just for lasting 7 minutes in the match and not attempting any self unhooks or missing more than one skill check while on the hook. Maybe that will motivate players to actually try and play the game legit.
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Gens back to 80 seconds would be a good start.
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I mean one simply thing could be done.... in game comms. It wouldn't 100% fix that because not every one is willing to listen to their team but it would be a major MAJOR step forward in terms of closing that gap.
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No matter how much money you spend, it means little if many SoloQs can't put it to good use, and only the survivors who want to take advantage of it with evil idea will benefit.
What is needed is the sharing of theories and ease of learning.
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That would be simple enough, I mean seeing loadouts of other survivors is something that swfs already have and always have had. It's not basekit and does absolutely nothing to disadvantage killers.
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You could give them the option to walk around the maps by themselves, for one. Currently that is a treat purely for people who have friends willing to sit in the basement as the killer.
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The devs have already said they wouldn't want to do that, it also doesn't solve the problem because then you have the "i always get solos who don't have a mic" problem. Its still going to be divided.
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I’m not sure about the game having comms
guarantee you would get the crowd that lobby dodge teammates who don’t have a mic on
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The only thing I can think of to help solo would be basekit kindred.
There’s only so much that can be done.
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Honestly, any Base kit buffs survivors get will aid solo queue as well as SWF, and the coordination and communication that a SWF has at their disposal will mean that they can take advantage of these Buffs better than a Solo Q can: Look at the Base kit BT already.
The one way to massively close the gap between Solo Q and SWF is to provide some sort of In-Game Voice comms. I would love that to happen, but I'm pretty sure that's logistically impossible for BHVR to ever do.
A close second would be for the game to provide ANY kind of information about what your fellow survivors' builds are. Either in the pre match screens or preferably in the Tab screen in game.
TL;DR Solo Q is missing out on vital, basic information about their own team mates, wheras SWF have Spades of info and active comms to update and adapt thier coordination on the fly. Meanwhile a rando Solo Q wont know you have Plot twist and keep healing you to the injured state and unknowingly deny your perk from working.
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Basekit uuuuuhhhhhhhh all the perks
And nerf Pig
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The only reason those boring mechanics were added was because most of the surviver players tools were taken away from them. No dead hard, no ds, no insta heals, nerfs to loops, gen times increased, healing increased, toolboxes, medkits etc etc etc.
The devs took from one hand and added hand holding mechanics to the other.
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The old medkits didn't have syringes or hemostats, right?
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- Basekit Kindred
- See the loadout of other survivors in the lobby
- Fix matchmaking
9 out of 10 times SoloQ woes is literally skill issue, people playing with folks who are just significantly less skilled than the team/killer. It's just dead in the water sadly, either SWF up or accept that DBD is a horror roulette game.
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Can someone give me a valid reason why solo survivors shouldn't have kindred basekit? It doesn't give any sort of advantage that SWFs don't already have because of comms. Arguing against this is just arguing to keep solo at a disadvantage for no real reason. Kindred would prevent a lot of situations where no one goes for a save. It would also help teams approach camping situations better.
I would also really like the anti camp to show on the HUD. I've had a few instances where I could have unhooked myself but my teammates just hovered around the hook instead of moving away. The system is useless if people don't know the progress. Once again this is something that a SWF can already do.
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Honestly if they can’t make better decisions with basekit kindred then I’d argue in a large amount it would come down to skill issue.
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I would say that seeing others loadouts would be better then giving more perks basekit
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First off, the devs cant realistically emulate the advantage of consistent zeammates. You cant make your randoms care about you. The devs could tweak some challenges to not make them gamethrowing tho.
What I often see is the sentiment to give survivors the results of comms usage wirhout giving survivors comms.
The lazy and probably most welcomed way to do that would be slapping on lot's of free aura reading on survivors (or a mapscreen, minimap or radar): permanently knowing survivor positions, the position of interactable objects seen once by any survivor, the killer as long he's visible to others.
I say lazy because it's free and supporters skip the input needed to get the results when doing it with comms. Theres no need to gather and relay info when its just spoonfed to you instantly.
The most reasonable suggestion imo would be a chat wheel without ping. This adds only a weaker version of messages survivors convey with comms. So swf doesnt benefit as much as solo.
Adding a location ping tool (like highlighting the killer when you target him with it) may be helpful but a really huge bzff to both solo AND swf.
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Super true I literally don't play to escape so my other 3 teammates are doomed I don't touch gens and only want to have fun getting saves and memes on the killer. So 100% your survivor teammates are not your teammates this is a 1v1v1v1v1.
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Instead of trying to bring solo Q up to SWFs level (which will never work), we should ask why in all that years SWFs never got touched. Not once! Now we have so many surv perks / combos that only really shine in a coordinated SWFs, Killers get bullied and next match the solos have to suffer for this. A good solo team is fine, always was - good SWFs are the problem!
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Chat wheel
Some perks need infos, like teammate with Headon activated should have their locker shows yellow aura with Headon icon on top of it. Or showing Deliverance icon on top of the hook...
Its just that.
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You jave to remember that those buffs happened after the biggest nerfs all around to perks for survivors and certain basekit buffs to killers. So the buffs were probably to stabilize survivors. But they had been stronger initially.
If i lose my leg tomorrow and I got a wheelchair, it would be better than being one legged. But not better than when I had both legs initially. It's the same thing for survivor. The buffs survivors get are essentially tweaks, not real buffs. Because the state pf the game remaina the same. If the killrate is still 60% across the board, then the buffs dont really have any effect. The buffs and nerfa are really a meta shift to keep things fresh .
When people ask for buffs, whether that is killer or survivor, they rarely adk for shifts. Instead what they ask for is different results to what is going on now. When people were happy about the anti-camp mechanic, thry thought camping in general would become weaker. Not that camping would remain as strong or that the advantage camping gives killers would shift to a different strategy (say tunelling).
On top of rhat map changes etc. hurt solo survivors who can only rely on themselves, not SWF. So basically you get constant nerfs to solo survivors, that barely touch SWF. It's expected that solo would bleed as a result because most of their tools are taken away so the survivor's gameplan has to shift to a more team oriented one, thereby encouraging SWF.
Perhaps the only way to give strengths to solo survivors is to buff players who play solo. I think in league when you played duo rank, you'd get somewhat better opponents MMR wise because you're supposed to have an advantGe as duo. Maybe they could do some thing similar for solo's where they can get extra info, such as whoch killer they are up against and the teams loadout. SWF's wont get those benefits for obvious reasons
Posted from my phone, so lots of typos.
Post edited by JustAnotherNewbie on1 -
I am also a supporter of that, I don't understand why so many people are resistant to it.
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Gotta love that you included the VHB addition, in a post whinging about survivors being entitled. Classy.
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You bring up highly fascinating points.
I think you’re completely right.
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Soloq needs to bridge the gap between that and the lack of communication missing that pre made groups on VC have.
There are so many times I want to tell someone something in soloq, but we are lacking the one single thing that makes humans the most powerful species on earth, the ability to communicate.
Now, let's say they add voice chat, that would be a mess where people would be harassing each other, people not using it etc.
I don't mind typing, but then you risk the same thing. Unfortunately some people just can't be civil and mature, so it seems we're stuck like this.
That's your answer though. People need that level of communication and it's not realistic to have it in the environment that is soloq due to how people behave.
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Well the obvious thing is to allow survivors to see each other's perks, items and addons. Like DBD mobile. But in an ideal world they would go a step further and reveal a perk such as For The People when you're injured near a healthy survivor. So that that injured survivor knows the other survivor might be trying to FTP them. Doing this with as many perks (and addons like the insta heal) would be ideal.
Other examples: Showing a survivor has Ace in the Hole when you're opening a chest near them; revealing which survivor has BT/No One Left Behind when someone's on a hook; reveal a survivor has Deliverance active when they're hooked; revealing whether a survivor has DS or OTR (or Endurance effect) active when getting chased by the killer etc.
In fact, if you could (at least toggle an option) to SEE other survivor perks the same way you see yours (albeit a much smaller UI), I'd LOVE that.
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I didn't know that visual heartbeat was a solo queue buff. Looks like I learned something new today.
Also, it's quite amusing how people (I wonder if those are mostly killer mains) emphasize that STBFL was nerfed, but never mention that killers received a basekit buff equal to 2 STBFL stacks. So, in the end, nothing really changed (except that you don't need to earn the equivalent of 2 STBFL stacks anymore).
Strange, isn't it?
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It doesn't matter how much assistance you throw at some players, it will not help them regardless.
I always play solo and the decision making of so many survivors is highly questionable and often so bad their misplays lose us the game more than the killer being amazing.
You can tell who is experienced/good by the decisions they make imo and most of the survs I get queued up with make bad decisions and appear clueless (not saying I don't make stupid mistakes myself).
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i still thin the thing that really seperates soloq from swf is the players you have with you. sure voice is a powerfull tool too but the fact that you have three people with you that most likely wont dc or kill themselfs on first hook. people that actually try to play together and care for each other, that ofcourse also can have negative sides like trying to hard to safe
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What are you on about, the nerf to stbfl literally made it unusable on some killers like slinger. Even the 2 basekit stacks do not compare to the perk literally not existing for the character.
And yes technically you can equip it on slinger but is like using oblivious perks on freddy, you will be better off using beast of prey.
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Agree. If someone else has the perk the Survivor needs, displaying it will help the weakened Survivor. Development can be improved without buffing the swf.
I think multiple people have probably thought of it, but implementation has been delayed because it is a difficult road for BHVR to realize.
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I'm hesitant to add any perks to base kit but there are lots of other things that can be added that won't be too advantageous for survivors and wouldn't add anything that a SWF wouldn't already know. For example:
- Inner Healing and Plot Twist displaying a healing icon on the HUD when a survivor is using it.
- Perks like Built to Last, Flash Bang, Head On, Lucky Star have icons on the HUD to indicate what the survivor is doing.
- Anti-camp meter being visible to other survivors.
- Hooked survivors with Deliverance active have an icon visible on the HUD.
- Icon or effect on the HUD for survivors under the effect of Reassurance on Camaraderie.
- Fix aura display priority (especially with gens). For example if I have Deja Vu on and a Killer with TOT kicks it, the gen stays displayed as Red not Yellow, Same with Blast Mine, Wire Tap, ect. Loud Noise Notifications should not block Auras, this completely negates the Aura reading aspect of a lot of perks for both survivor and killer.
- Add more Aura colors for perks so there is less guesswork behind figuring out why a gen has an aura.
- More perk icons are displayed to other survivors, for example, if I have Power Struggle and am downed on a pallet, a survivor approaching me will have the perk icon show up on their screen.
- Downed survivors with Unbreakable and Soul Guard available show up on the HUD.
- Endurance and Exposed showing on the HUD along with their timers.
- Seeing Healing, Cleansing and Chest Opening Progress on the HUD.
And I know base kit Kindred is pretty popular, honestly I'd be down for something similar. Like all survivors see each others auras for 5s after another survivor is hooked. This way Kindred still has a place in peoples load outs for the Killer aura and the unlimited survivor auras, but the effect is still super helpful.
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Out of curiosity, how would you fix the matchmaking. I agree that this is the biggest solo queue issue but when it comes to MMR I don't think it's the actual numbers that are too different but the way MMR gains and losses work.
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They could make it so that you can see your teammate's loadout while loading onto a match, but then people would still complain that the solo queue survivors leave everything they're doing to come unhook you even though your Deliverance is activated, or that they still bring the killer to you even though your gen is highlighted with Better Together and you were almost done. At the end of the day, people who play in groups ARE better at communicating than the average solo queue survivor playing high at 2 am. Nothing can be done about this, no matter how many basekit perks you give.
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Tbh, those are all great ideas. They should have been implemented by now if we're being honest. It's taking a little bit too long.
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Of course soloq can never be equal to swf. Swfs biggest strength is reducing randomness by knowing everything about your team and coordinate accordingly.
However, that doesn't mean that the devs should stop trying to make soloq better. Features like knowing your teammates' perks or seeing a teammate's anti face camp bar should still be implemented to help soloq survivors make better informed decisions.
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I'd just suggest a more comprehensive training section, allowing survivors (and killers) to practice looping, playstyles and such.
It's notable many people aren't adept at understanding the HUD, nor practicing their own game. Blame is often thrown at anyone other than themselves.
There are people out there who just want more and more, but it won't change much because they still won't spend time learning the game; they'll still give up on 1st hook; they'll still make mistakes. As a SoloQ player myself, the main thing that will improve the solo experience is the opportunity and congruence to improve their own basic game.