The Thompson House (Coldwind Farm)

Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
edited March 2024 in Mapping the Realm

We'd like to know what you think about the Thompson House map, part of the Coldwind Farm realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!

The Thompson House (Coldwind Farm) 271 votes

This map favours Survivors
31% 85 votes
This map feels balanced
48% 131 votes
This map favours Killers
20% 55 votes
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on


  • Johnny771
    Johnny771 Member Posts: 18

    The size of the map is ok

    However, there are many loops, sometimes very strong, connected to each other, close to the killer shack and close to the main building

    Filler loops could be removed around the strongest loops

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    It is a clearly defined map where M1 Killer is at a disadvantage and Nurse and Bright are at an advantage. M1 Killer basically cannot win against survivors who try to complete the generators on both sides of the unique building at the same time.

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    The main house can be rough for killers, and the gen that spawns up there sometimes can be difficult to defend. One of the areas next to the house can waste alot of time in a chase since there is a pallet between the house and a jungle gym. The other side of the house is not very remarkable but has the cow tree, tractor and shack which can be run pretty well. The dead zone in the middle can be nice for catching people out though and overall the map feels pretty easy to navigate

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    I said fairly balanced but I agree with another poster that loops that connect into the Shack need to be toned down a little.

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276
    edited March 2024

    The center of the map is literally empty while the main building a little too strong.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    massive dead zone in front of main building (but hey, you can pray that the killer has corn blindness, right?), otherwise ok-ish map

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502

    too much of this map is usually spent running around shack. because there is no other loops to do.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I would take that option!

    I very much miss the golden night skies of the old Coldwind maps and I was absolutely gutted when I saw the new maps were daytime maps :(

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited March 2024

    Keep Coldwind maps as daytime maps as it looks way better now with it's TCM vibe compared to before.

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 878
    edited March 2024

    I completely disagree. Me and everyone I play with want the night version back. They should either implement different variations of the map so that you can play it during the day and night or as I've brought up for a long time, make it to where every single map in the game starts at night time and as more and more Generators get done the sun will rise. Hence bringing the actual meaning of "Dead by Daylight" into the game play itself.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Maps way too dead in the middle and too strong near shack. Main buildings also a pain, witnessed a deathslinger absolutely go through hell yesterday on this map.

  • PaulieEsther
    PaulieEsther Member Posts: 72

    Make the farms dark again!

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited March 2024

    Good for you, and everyone i know don't want night time coldwind back, i myself refuse to go back to looking at some ugly slapped on piss filter because people are too blinded by nostalgia to let go of it.

    Your suggestion on different times of day or a day/night cycle is (just like every single take on balance and how you think dbd should be that i've seen you make on the forum) something i completely disagree with.

    Dead by Daylight is more of a saying rather than a literal meaning, the same way that dead by dawn or dead meat are nothing more than sayings rather than literal meanings.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 878
    edited March 2024

    I never even played the game when it was a thing jsyk and have no nostalgia for it whatsoever. I've only seen videos and I have to say it clearly looks better. Not only that but if they went with that first and then changed it, tells me that their first idea was the better one anyway. If I wanted to play TCM.....I'd go play TCM.. And yes I understand the name doesn't need to be in the game play itself. That's why it's a suggestion.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,232

    I would say balanced map overall, but kinda RNG-prone especially in the areas to the left and right of the main building. Those areas vary a lot in terms of strength and it has a pretty significant impact on which side has an advantage on this map, especially because there are often more generators on that side of the map than on the shack side (ie. generator distribution is often a little uneven). The corner of the map furthest away from the building and shack (closest to the harvester) is also very often a deadzone or has at most 1 filler pallet, maybe consider adding an extra pallet loop there.

    The main building I think is fine in terms of strength, except for the upstairs hook being kinda easy to defend since the killer can just stand on the stairs (defending the only way to get up there) and it doesn't allow the survivor to unhook themselves. So like if it's a Bubba just standing there on the stairs then you pretty much can't do anything.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited March 2024

    Well i did, i hated it back then and i hate it now, i was extremely happy when they removed it, the same way i'm happy they removed the blue tint from MacMillan.

    Not only does DBD have Leatherface in the game but Hillbilly is an obvious inspiration from TCM, therefore it makes perfect sense to have it be daytime just like in the movie which most of it's memorable scenes takes place during daytime.

    Not only that but if they went with that first and then changed it, tells me that their first idea was the better one anyway.

    Only reason they would ever change it back to their first idea would be because of the community demand being big enough, not because they would want to.

    Also by that very logic, whatever we revert back regardless of how outdated, clunky or detrimental something may be to the game must clearly be better just because some people in the community refuse to let go of the older version because it's what they're are used to, which pretty much extend to just about almost every single updating of existing content bhvr has ever made to the game.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 878

    Yea I'll give you that, but I still hope we get day/night versions of every map in the future. I doubt we will, but I'll keep the faith.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Field near the tree could have at least one loop, other than that i have no problems. Love it on both sides.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited March 2024

    While i'm not generally onboard with day/night versions of maps, it's the option that i would be mostly fine with should it happen.

    I just hope they don't bring back the god awful yellow filter should we ever get a night time variant again, it was my biggest gripe with the old Coldwind maps, the same way the old filters for MacMillan and Autohaven was my biggest gripes with those maps, i still wish they would tone down the green on current Autohaven.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited March 2024

    How on earth is this map Survivor sided? It comes with 8-10 pallets, a dead middle, a mediocre main building and the only good spot for survivor is shack. Even cowtree is a deathtrap, since all you have is... well cowtree. When this pallet is droped, good luck if you have a generator in that erea.

    If Thompson house is a survior map, what is then a killer sided map? 0 pallets wasteland? This map used to be very survivor sided, but thats a thing from the past.

  • TripleStryke
    TripleStryke Member Posts: 113

    This is probably close to the most balanced farm map, but it has some issues. The 2 main issues are that it is too large/the gen spread is too wide for a killer without mobility to handle, and that RNG variations allows for some very strong chained set ups, like a god filler connected to a jungle gym window to spawn. The main building is definitely fairly balanced though. Add more playable tiles so it isn't mostly resource management gameplay in chase.

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 878
    edited March 2024

    I gotta say, I agree with you on the color filters over maps. Looking at older pics of MacM Estate shows a stark contrast to what we have now. It looked way too blue. Almost cartoon-like. THAT'S WHAT THAT IS.... My buddy swore I was crazy. There is a definite green tint to the Autohaven map.. Yea why TF don't they get rid of that...? xD It really drags down the visuals of the map..

    However, I will say that I was pretty upset when the Gideon Meat Plant got visually updated... The lights in the bathroom in the trailer were extremely blue which looked more faithful to the movie, but what we got just looks...meh.. :/ Probably some graphical thing that this almost 10 year old game engine/code couldn't handle well enough..

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    After the recent-ish Coldwinds nerfs, many of them really can be rather barren, with a reduced amount of pallets overall and with the incredibly unsafe new corn filler pallets taking away good pallet spawns. Thompson House is the most problematic of them, for a few reasons:

    The main building doesn't have anything survivors can actually play. Its downstairs window is a guaranteed hit at latest once the breakable wall is broken, and the upstairs windows often also are a guaranteed hit. Survivors can use main to abuse distance and to try and lose the killer, but that's about it. The hook featured upstairs in main is a huge design flaw. Not only can killers defend this hook way too easily, but they can even outright physically deny the possibility of unhooking altogether, by bodyblocking the staircase.

    The bottom side of the map is almost only corn. With a bit of luck you get a decent setup of a haybale filler and jungle gym leading to shack, but not only can this also only be a mere LT wall without the filler spawning, but the other bottom corner is literally just corn and one of those new Coldwind fillers. If cowtree spawns things are a little more playable, but even that is merely one tile in isolation, at latest once its pallet inevitably gets used you still only find death down here. And of course, if the combine harvester spawns instead of cowtree you are just stranded. Especially since the harvester has been nerfed so many times that it now provides no real outplay potential for survivors.

    My suggestions would be to move the main building to one corner of the upper side, making it less possible for survivors to abuse distance from one corner to the other around the main or to find safety on each side of it, but making its windows a little more safe as a trade-off (an interesting way to do this for the drop-down window could be to add a small projecting roof that survivors vault onto from it, such that they are not immediately forced to drop down upon vaulting; this would create more of a game between the survivor and killer, with the latter trying to bait the former into jumping down). You can also have one pallet spawn in main, perhaps an unsafe pallet upstairs. Move the hook from upstairs main downstairs, maybe to the porch. With the new space created by this move of the main building, you can then have fixed spawns for both combine harvester and cowtree, with the harvester spawning in the middle of the corn and cowtree spawning all the way in the lower left corner. This makes it so cowtree cannot reliably be chained to other tiles, but serves as a safety pocket. Increase the safety of the corn fillers a bit. As the upper sides won't be separated by main anymore, you would have to remove at least 1 possible maze and 1 filler tile spawn so as to make sure there won't be too dense a tile setup in that upper corner. Combine harvester at the very least should be changed to enable survivors to jump onto the offshoot-side haybale from the ramp again.

  • AMGC
    AMGC Member Posts: 39

    The Thompson House is a slightly survivor favored map that carries problems from its realm and has a long shape that makes the generators hard to defend. The 5 corn exclusive fillers tiles (where only a few weak filler loops spawn) in the middle of the map push the gameplay towards the edges of the map (where the strong loops are lined up) and also protect the survivors from being in the line of sight of the killer (which will make the killer waste more time patrolling).

    Coldwind Farm always had a very unique ruleset for its mazetiles, having both consistency and good distribution. Ever since the patch 6.6.0 (hidden mazetile RNG change that affected over 20 maps), The Thompson House would always have 2 jungle gyms (classic pallet & window mazetile), 1 pallet gym (classic pallet only mazetile) and 1 LT (classic double window mazetile); if main is located North, one of the jungle gyms would be placed at the pair of mazetiles on East side and the other at the pair on West side, granting the map with good distribution of safety. Unfortunately, the last Coldwind Farm update ruined this ruleset and now the good distribution is not assured and there is a huge disparity in strength given that now you can have a second LT spawn, randomly removing one jungle gym so one trial can have 2 jungle gyms and another can have only 1.

    The realm Coldwind Farm is known for having very strong safety yet not a very high amount of pallets, favoring skilled survivors over killers since the limited amount of safety is enough to excel but the less skilled survivors can be at a frustrating disadvantage. This unfair and unfun gameplay loop is enabled by the filler loops, their low amount yet overwhelming safety grant the survivors too few loops to play with and don't allow the killer to outplay most of them (unless their chase power does). All the haybale filler loops are safe and some even trick the killer into attempting mindgames when the survivor can see them over the loop (but the killer can't see the survivor). The plank focused fillers overall lean more towards semi safe except for one that is excessively large with a tractor on one side and a very large L shaped long side (this loop is absurdly safe). The new corn located fillers are unsafe but they dont weaken The Thompson House at all since they aren't replacing other loops and instead add on top.

    The realm Coldwind Farm should receive nerfs to the strong fillers while increasing the pallet density to compensate (and therefore make the gameplay more interactive with more loops for the survivors to use yet more room for the killer to outplay them).

    The map The Thompson House should recover its old mazetile ruleset or one similar to it, in order to increase the consistency and distribution of safety. The length of the map should be reduced to give the killer a better chance to defend the generators and the amount of mazetiles should remain as 4, no less than that.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited March 2024

    (For some reason, the reply box won't update with the poster's edit.)

    I gotta say, I agree with you on the color filters over maps. Looking at older pics of MacM Estate shows a stark contrast to what we have now. It looked way too blue. Almost cartoon-like. THAT'S WHAT THAT IS.... My buddy swore I was crazy. There is a definite green tint to the Autohaven map.. Yea why TF don't they get rid of that...? xD It really drags down the visuals of the map..

    You know why we even still have a green tint on Autohaven? It's because people was still really hung up over the removal of the blue tint on MacMillan for it's rework and this is the result of bhvr listening to that feedback, it is not the only time something like that has happened based on outrage feedback.

    Another example is the new Survivor movement and how it's turning locomotion was removed because people couldn't either moonwalk anymore or spin the killer as easily despite the fact that by comparison, there were virtually no difference in terms of turning speed as well as it making Survivor movement look much more smoother and up to date, in fact you can find more people nowadays saying how they want it back, in fact i've seen more people being vocal nowadays about how they miss the now removed locomotion.

    Another example is chase music, while this one is more subjective, it is still a case in point as for every chase music that is replaced, you'll have half of the community on the forum, youtube, twitter, etc. saying how they miss that version.

    It's quite frankly become routine with this community, first they want something gone and then they want it back.

    However, I will say that I was pretty upset when the Gideon Meat Plant got visually updated... The lights in the bathroom in the trailer were extremely blue which looked more faithful to the movie, but what we got just looks...meh.. :/ Probably some graphical thing that this almost 10 year old game engine/code couldn't handle well enough..

    It seems we might agree on some things after all. Yeah the sharper blue light in the bathroom is the only thing really missing from the map, that and if Tobin Bell's voice would play on the Jigsaw tv screen in the workshop part of the map when you approach it and tells you ''I wanna play a game.''

    It's removal however i don't think it has anything to do with the coding, i think it's more likely to have been toned down due to people's feedback, but that's just my guess.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,211

    The aesthetics of the house itself are so nasty, disgusting, and gross. It definitely triggers a type of germaphobia when I play it.

    So what I mean is: It’s a massive success in horror.

  • gothbave
    gothbave Member Posts: 60

    For me the only thing i hate about coldwin realm is that i can't really see any aura and it's very annoying and i miss this map being at night how it was before

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    the entire map is big giant connected loop is why. most of the pallet are low mindgame, no mindgame pallets.

    I am going use @AMGC map to showcase what i mean.

    you can follow red line and go from pallet to pallet to pallet. Shack gen is undefendable from killer POV because look at travel distance between shack gen and top-left gen. You can say that killer has 4 gens on the map instead of 5 gens. poor gen spread, somewhat big map. uninteresting loop chaining from killer POV.

  • NightingaleOwl
    NightingaleOwl Member Posts: 20

    Much like Ormond, there is a design flaw in main building where one hook can spawn on the top floor where the killer can bodyblock to deny an unhook entirely. This needs to be re-examined immediately. The middle of the map is a deadzone with either 1 weak filler or a bunch of corn which does not help either side.

  • TheSemitron
    TheSemitron Member Posts: 14

    The house on this map is better than garden of joy

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    The most killer sided map in the game, and look at the votes LMFAO

    these polls are doing nothing

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Alright, i already know how this will look but i checked it anyway.

    The entire middle, the by far most important part of the game is dead, beside 1 tent filler that is not even worth mentioning and not playable.

    Lets go through your route.

    Shack to Harvester. Harvester is nerfed now (a good thing for killer!)

    From Harvester to 9 oclock. The pallet is a tent filler in the corner and the loop is a TL.

    Right after TL we come to 10 and 11. A decent pallet with a good Gym. Unfortunatly you.....

    are conntected to a big pile of nothing that spans across entire 11 12 and even close to 1.

    1, 2 have 2 pallets.

    The pallet you see there is the one on the picture above. At least we have a good gym there. A very VERY fortunate side here.

    A bad filler with a pallet gym at 4 and 5. Right is a pile of nothing followed by shack.

    9 pallets. 3 of them super weak and not even worth mentioning since they are not playable.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    the pallets all connect into each other is my point and killer has no way to shorten the chase because pallet design is safe.

    The tractor is rng component to the map. I am sure the map can spawn a cowtree on top side which connects shack. 1, 11 and 12 has no resources because there is breakable wall window in the house in that direction.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,164

    There was a PTB when BHVR gave survivors actual animation frames for when they turned, and there was survivor outrage because it wasn't as easy to confuse the killer when their movement was properly animated. So we're stuck with garbage looking survivor movement, that's totally missing animation frames.

    Which means we simultaneously have "360s are fine because they barely work anyway" and "we'll super complain survivors are properly animated because that makes it more difficult to 360"

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited March 2024

    Exactly what i was referring to with the Survivor turn locomotion being removed, it simply just showcases that bhvr should not listen to people during the PTB and wait longer before making changes as it's clearly not enough time for people to get used to it.

    However like i wrote in my previous post, i've seen more people in favor of wanting it back than previously, if there is enough support for it's return, then they will re-implement that part of the updated animation so that we're not stuck with a purposefully half-finished overhaul.

    After all, if bhvr is willing to bend the knee over things such as reverting killer reworks & changing ptb chase tracks, then there's no reason they wouldn't revert this as well if given enough public demand for it.

    Also i'm not entirely sure if it's true, but i've seen some people say that the FOV slider makes it impossible for Survivors to spin the killer now, which if true means there is even less reason to not bring the Survivor turn locomotion back.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    They are connected? In what way? 2x2 pallets are connected with each other, and the last screenshot is the woodplank loop into a Pallet gym lol. And on the other side, we have a dead middle, a dead main, a dead top mid side and a dead 7, 8, 9. And the killer has not even done anything.

    If this seed (it is for that map actually not that bad, i have seen more killer friendly Thompson seeds) is in the killers mind survivor sided, then this explains a lot.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    I like the current version of Thompson house very much! Nice size, loops, deadzones not too big but still there, main looks visually ‚appealing‘, not too much corn but it’s there and is more than just noticeable

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    the pallets can be chained one into another. a dead middle is not a good thing for killer. there is no chases to detach to as killer and you cannot pressure survivors if survivor spread out and loop in opposite way of their gen pressure. all gens are in the corner parts of the map. The middle being a giant zone wastes walking time from the killer to go from one side of the map to other side. this is one of those maps where you can use health-states to hold-w as survivor.

  • YmPrat
    YmPrat Member Posts: 34

    Coldwind Farms is far and above my least favorite realm to play on. As a R/G colourblind player I can't see a thing on these maps. Auras? Only if I'm next to a maze tile and have the wood saving my eyesight. Scratchmarks? What are those? They're the same colour as the ground so they're literally invisible. Please do something, the colourblind filters you put in after Almo embarrassed you by talking about them are awful and don't work and they make already unfun maps even worse to play on.

    This is the most bearable Coldwind map to play on. It's not fun on either side still, but it's the Coldwind map that least reminds me of being kicked in the ballsack.

    Main building isn't crazy strong, but it's fun enough to play.. absolutely reasonable. Shack is tucked away in a corner that can often be avoided which is nice. The middle of the map is a deadzone which sucks as survivor if you have to cross it but unless the killer has pressure pushing you across it you can avoid the center of the map.

  • Tipsy
    Tipsy Member Posts: 48

    Large but not unbearably so. can spawn large deadzones near cow-tree/harvester. Super dense tiles on both sides of the house. Sometimes god pallets spawning 8 meters from strong jungle gyms with windows. Corn sucks.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    same as other farm maps... seeing in corn is terrible, specially on console. and worse for killer because it's first person.

    at least this has less corn. but the giant nothing zone in the middle is awful

  • Stopterriblereworks
    Stopterriblereworks Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    Glad coldwind is getting talked about because these maps were unjustifiably nerfed in the Nicholas cage patch so many weak useless tiles into dead zones

  • Iri4head
    Iri4head Member Posts: 25

    Only real problems with the map are the shack corner which can be difficult for some killers to work around, while alot of the rest of the map is kind of a dead zone for survivor. I'd like to see that corner made a little weaker while the filler areas of the map with weak tiles are made a little stronger. That's pretty much it imo.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 302

    The map is mostly balanced because of how most of the good loops are in close proximity of the main building. The generators away from the main building are less safe, to the point where some of them have nothing nearby, allowing for a free hit. This feast or famine setup for loops means that the map averages out to being balanced. Main building isn't that bad for killers, especially if they break the breakable walls. There are a lot of opportunities for survivors and killers to outplay each other here.

    The middle is a massive deadzone, which is fine because of how this map's loops are set up.

    Overall, a uniquely balanced map that relies on an all-or-nothing approach to loops, making it neither survivor nor killer sided.

  • WampaPl
    WampaPl Member Posts: 33

    I like corn very much and that map have a lot of it

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    I would like to have more corn 🌽 , instead of random structures in the field and a bigger size.

  • RogueRoentgen
    RogueRoentgen Member Posts: 24

    I wish main was stronger and the map smaller. That's it.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    It it doesn't spawn Cow Tree that area is dead. Can have nasty 3-gens at main but OK for the main part.

This discussion has been closed.