Fractured Cowshed (Coldwind Farm)
We'd like to know what you think about the Fractured Cowshed map, part of the Coldwind Farm realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!
Fractured Cowshed (Coldwind Farm) 264 votes
Kinda meh map. Way too RNG dependent for balance. Sometimes you can get a really nasty 3gen in main + behind main, sometimes you don't. The map isn't fun to play, it's just entirely forgettable. There's almost nothing about it that makes it interesting. If it was removed from the game, I'm sure nobody would even notice or complain.
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After recent changes, I believe the map is more balanced
With fewer strong loops connected to each other, as it was before
It's a reasonable size, I don't think there would be much need for changes to this map
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A well-balanced map. Even the M1 killer has room to compete, and the loop is relatively unbiased. However, if the survivors lack the awareness to complete the generator, they will quickly become overwhelmed.
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This feedback applies to all the farm maps. I think they are all way better than they used to be. Before these map reworks, survivors burnt farm map offerings way too much, and now it's way more reasonable.
I do think red scratchmarks/blood/auras need to be more vibrant on these maps though, because they aren't as visible on the bright yellow theme of the map. Orange event auras, and white auras, are also extra awful to see on these maps. I do think it's fun to have different aesthetics for different maps, but bright yellow maps are currently kind of a burden on killers, because this game doesn't allow us to have custom aura colors for each map (or anything else that could help make this problem better).
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Wayyy better than before! Still tough sometimes as killer I find since the main building is so tight and offers no line of sight (coming from a slinger and singularity player). The proximity of some strong loops like shack into cow tree or vice versa can mess you up as killer but of course once most of the pallets are gone this becomes a lot easier.
For the survivor side I have no complaints, the map feels fine and kind of just blends in with the other farm maps.
1v1 cowshed
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Cowshed feels so much better now after the rework. I have no complaints about this map
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The map is balanced and the Rework was needed.
However, it does not really feel good on either side. I dont like being on Cowshed, regardless if I play Killer or Survivor.
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This map is so much better after recent changes, no overly strong loops for Survivor.
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much like the other reworked cold wind maps, this one can spawn massive dead zones around main building and usually also spawns nasty 3 gens inside said dead zones
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I'm honestly not a fan of these new reworked Cowshed maps.
Massive deadzones, useless pallets and random junkyard at the side of the map make them really unattractive and too much alike.
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Make the farms dark again!
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I'm not sure who came up with the idea of the farm maps needing to be during the day, but it really takes away from the immersion and was a bad call. What was wrong with the map being during the night time? Change it back.
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Do not ever revert Coldwind back to night time.
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One of the best rework. Very balanced now imo, but slightly RNG sided. There could be too little pallets or just too much.
I think you guys should reduce the spread between the theoretically possible number of pallets. It can't be 10 in one match and 20 in another on the same map. It should be at least between 12-15, it will be way easier to balance maps.
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This map has way too much RNG variance. There aren't that many resources usually, but almost all of the ones that exist are way too strong. If there were more mid-strength pallets this map would be more fun against those pallet shredding killers that will make the map a deadzone very quick, and more fun to play on than just eating resources to make a deadzone.
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Cowshed is still a little too survivor-favoured. I think what most of all causes this are the safety levels of its filler tiles. Basically all of them are very safe. Decrease the safety levels of these (particularly the haybale "i-fillers") by simply shortening them a bit and things should be alright. Maybe replace one possible LT-wall spawn with combine harvester, the map otherwise has no elevation points. Elevation helps killers overview the map (and see through the corn) and provides survivors with opportunities to use Balanced Landing. Render survivors able to jump onto the haybales on the offshoot side from the ramp again, otherwise harvester just doesn't allow survivors to do much of anything that could outplay a killer.
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The cowshed feels like the middle of nowhere. Thereβs a peaceful quiet to it.
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Fractured Cowshed is a slightly survivor favored map that carries problems from its realm and has a still large size that makes the generators hard to defend. The 3 corn exclusive fillers tiles (where only a few weak filler loops spawn) around main building offer some awkward areas away from the road fillers (where only specific strong filler loops spawn).
Coldwind Farm always had a very unique ruleset for its mazetiles, having both consistency and good distribution. Ever since the patch 6.6.0 (hidden mazetile RNG change that affected over 20 maps), Fractured Cowshed would always have 2 jungle gyms (classic pallet & window mazetile), 1 pallet gym (classic pallet only mazetile) and 1 LT (classic double window mazetile); the mazetiles would be divided in two pairs and each pair would have one jungle gym, granting the map with good distribution of safety. Unfortunately, the last Coldwind Farm update ruined this ruleset (despite the overhaul on the map's layout being positive) and now the good distribution is not assured and there is a huge disparity in strength given that now you can have a second LT spawn, randomly removing one jungle gym so one trial can have 2 jungle gyms and another can have only 1.
The realm Coldwind Farm is known for having very strong safety yet not a very high amount of pallets, favoring skilled survivors over killers since the limited amount of safety is enough to excel but the less skilled survivors can be at a frustrating disadvantage. This unfair and unfun gameplay loop is enabled by the filler loops, their low amount yet overwhelming safety grant the survivors too few loops to play with and don't allow the killer to outplay most of them (unless their chase power does). All the haybale filler loops are safe and some even trick the killer into attempting mindgames when the survivor can see them over the loop (but the killer can't see the survivor). The plank focused fillers overall lean more towards semi safe except for one that is excessively large with a tractor on one side and a very large L shaped long side (this loop is absurdly safe). The new corn located fillers are unsafe while the road fillers remain as very safe loops.
The realm Coldwind Farm should receive nerfs to the strong fillers while increasing the pallet density to compensate (and therefore make the gameplay more interactive with more loops for the survivors to use yet more room for the killer to outplay them).
The map Fractured Cowshed should gain a mazetile ruleset similar to the one of its old layout, in order to increase the consistency and distribution of safety. The size of the map should be reduced even if so slightly to give the killer a better chance to defend the generators and the amount of mazetiles should remain as 4, no less than that.
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For me the only thing i hate about coldwin realm is that i can't really see any aura and it's very annoying and i miss this map being at night how it was before
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low pallet density but most of the pallet are ultra strong.
it doesn't feel good on killer because your chasing skill means with pallet strength but you don't have enough pallets to loop killer so the killer can remove all the pallet on the map leading entire map to be a dead-zone.
point 1 is unfun for killer
point 2 is unfun for survivor
the map has opposite design of GreenVille Square.
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I don't like the main building
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deserved gutting of the map, but depending on the rng, behind of main can be such a dead zone. there should be some guarantee that a map won't spawn multiple LTs or C tiles (the tile without a window).
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ugh. I always think about the abattoir map when I read cowshed. Isnβt this just a red barn?
at times the current main can feel a bit too open/killer sided? But with certain pallet spawns it may be the opposite. So guess what I see for a setup when player killers vs when playing survivor. π
I do feel like the previous version was easier to memorize the general layout though. This one is kinda.. well. Main and then everything around?
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Honestly think this map is in a good spot. increase pallet count and lower pallet strength is what i would do.
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Coldwind Farms is far and above my least favorite realm to play on. As a R/G colourblind player I can't see a thing on these maps. Auras? Only if I'm next to a maze tile and have the wood saving my eyesight. Scratchmarks? What are those? They're the same colour as the ground so they're literally invisible. Please do something, the colourblind filters you put in after Almo embarrassed you by talking about them are awful and don't work and they make already unfun maps even worse to play on.
Fractured Cowshed is certainly much more playable than it was before the rework, but as a corn map it still sucks. It's probably the most balanced of the corn maps overall. It feels a little too big, and the area between shack and main has too strong of fillers (especially compared to the rest of the map).
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same as other farm maps... seeing in corn is terrible, specially on console. and worse for killer because it's first person.
don't like the main building.
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At shack side this can be a huge time waste for killers. RNG can dictate cowtree and a large hay-bale stack pallet loop to spawn next to it. That in turn can lead into a potential jungle gym spawn.
However, on Main side, you can have a T/L spawn on either corner and a weak small hay-bale in between with an even weaker small pallet tile in the corner field.
On the whole this map feels balanced. I don't fear this map like I used to. But there is still that huge, safe pallets tile that always spawns outside Main on the path towards shack, so that sucks lol
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Only coldwind map actually viable now a days
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Map feels MUCH better than it used to after the changes made. Size feels good, tiles don't feel as though they can connect absurdly. Sometimes you can get kind of a wack setup with gens that can heavily favor either side, so maybe slightly less RNG and this map will be completely fine.
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I feel like I'm playing a different Fractured, because...I think the balancing while better than before is still REALLY bad, but it's also very RNG dependent. Sometimes I can get 5 very strong loops back to back, but then multiple dead zones that feel miserable. Overall if the survivors simply predrops on this map when the RNG is on their side, they will win.
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Well, sometimes it depends on luck. Well, even taking that into account, the benefit of the smaller map is great, so it's good for killers now. The previous version was a map that was extremely advantageous for survivors.
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well-balanced mapππ»ππ»ππ», the map rework the devs did for 'Fractured Cowshed (Coldwind Farm)' is so nice!, thanks to everyone who worked on this map rework because now it's way better than before!. ππ»π
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This map is very balanced now. While there is a lot of clutter on the edges and between loops, this clutter replaces filler, making the loops more balanced because survivors have to play them well. The main building is not too strong. It is only good for survivors until the pallets are dropped and the breakable walls are gone. Then it becomes much easier for killer.
Not much else that I can think of.
Overall, a map that gives a fairly even chance to both survivors and killers.
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If survivors get amazing rng like shack window -> jungle gym window/i tile or shack window -> i tile -> jungle gym window it's the worst m1 killer map on the game. If survivors don't get amazing rng after the rework it can go either way based on killer.
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This map gives a slight advantage to survivors due to how the road connects a lot of strong stuff, but it is so much more fair than it used to be
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SO much clutter, so few "loops". There is nothing to loop. Just massive deadzones and random planks.
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Love this rework. Feels pretty fair to both sides with a couple of small issues.
First off, the 3 gen spawns can be rough at times. Specifically the main building + the generators in the jungle gym tile and corn is a pretty oppressive one.
Certain loop spawns near shack can be rough. If a loop spawns right next to it, it's still pretty easy to chain both together and makes it a bit of a nightmare for m1 killers.
Great map.
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Can't see anything as killer on the corn maps. Too bright, the color distinction for aura reading perks is non existent for anyone with even slight colorblindness. Playing as Dredge when his power turns everything black and white its so bright my eyes start burning.