Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)

We'd like to know what you think about the Lampkin Lane map, part of the Haddonfield realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!
Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield) 377 votes
This map is currently balanced by the fact that the houses are super awful for m1 killers (especially the long wall that has 2 windows), but the entire middle of the map is sort of a dead zone.
The problem is a lot of survivors want the giant dead zone removed, but I’m not sure how that is supposed to happen, without the houses getting severe nerfs.
I thought it was supposed to be clear, that if a map has a very strong building, or multiple strong buildings, that other parts of the map need to be weaker to balance it? I don’t understand why so many people are demanding for all dead zones to be removed, but BHVR doesn’t respond to these demands, by explaining that dead zones are sometimes necessary, and are in the game on purpose?
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Horrible map composition. The buildings are insanely strong but the entire middle of the map is a deadzone. The two story buildings with the two windows on one side are busted if survivors decide to run them the right away. M1 killers cannot do anything at all. Main building is a chore to play.
Meanwhile the road is just wide open and survivors can't cross the map safely. Killers like huntress and trickster can proxy camp someone hooked in the street from a distance and make any rescue impossible.
Haddonfield also has one of the worst RNGs of all maps. Sometimes you get two yellow houses, sometimes you get a double two-story house next to each other. The hooks are painful to reach and if one of the key hooks is destroyed, an entire quarter of the maps can be impossible to hook in. There are no lockers anywhere in the middle.
I'm excited for the April-June update on Haddonfield.
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Despite the rework, this map continued to favor survivors
Strong main building with two strong windows on the first floor, maybe it is possible to add breakable walls.
Other houses on the map are very strong too, with up to three windows on one floor and can become infinite against some killers.
Not to mention that on this map you have the possibility of spawning the house of pain, with the god pallet on the downstairs
In general, just remove some of the windows, or put holes in the walls
The main street seems very empty, with few loops, and a large field of vision for the killer, making it easier to camp.
It would be nice if there were some obstacles, or a smaller street, like it was on the old map
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Definitely better than old Lampkin Lane though.. yeah. Houses with Windows are awful on most killers, street is pretty much a deadzone.
Aesthetically I like it besides the always mentioned from me lack of atmosphere, fog, and lighting, which is not map exclusive problem.
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With the size of this map, the only house that should be on it is the Myers house. Having a strong main building and a bungalow is ridiculous. On top of that, the two houses that spawn which only have vaults are equally as strong, they waste so much time for no reason other than the killer has to follow without a chance to mindgame.
On that same vein, there are cars that spawn back to back with no gap in between that work just the same as the building, the killer is forced to just follow them round it, and then ultimately the survivor peels away to a pallet.
Any generator inside a building is, by default, difficult for Killers to defend. The fact this map has the chance of spawning 4 generators inside of buildings says it all really.
Put everything together and you have a free win as Survivor when the team is even semi-competent.
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The houses are strong yet the middle of the map is so open. If you had a jungle gym or two in the street made up of some cars that would be neat. The houses could lose a window or two on the lower floors. The current window setups at the houses make running basic-attack-only killers rather trivial. The locker spawns are a bit lackluster. Maybe if some lockers could spawn on the outside of the houses? Playing huntress and trickster can be painful when you run out of ammo in the street and have to run inside a house. Head on plays would also be nice to have when running outside of the houses too.
I do like how much darker the new lampkin lane is compared to the previous iteration. Removing the great fence of Haddonfield was also nice (yet i somehow miss it).
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feels way too open imo and the middle feels very empty you can still get the house of pain and you can't do anything other than leave as the killer, and I don't feel the map as being from the movie at all feels more like a zombie apocalypse with all those cars
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Lampkin Lane may be greatly different from its old version and it may not be as absurdly survivor sided as before, but it is still one of the worse designed maps in the game.
The size of the map is already large but the 5 houses along with some generators spawning near the edge of the map add artificial size that make the generators incredibly hard to defend for the average killer (thankfully the problematic genlock situation got solved at one point). Main building with both basement and the upstairs hook can be very hard to rescue from. The oddly wide road has a very vast line of sight that can hurt both sides with very uninteractive situations: killers can defend an area / hook and potentially not allow anyone to rescue; survivors can start running away very early to start using the very strong houses which happen to benefit a lot from long headstarts.
Most of the houses provide very dull and plain gameplay with their windows since most killers just can't play around them and have to partake on a very long effort to get a hit that can be extended even longer if the survivor is crafty with their perks (using an exhaustion perk to transition to another house and force the killer to catch up for even longer).
The beige and the grey houses have 2 windows on the same wall, a very powerful combination that by itself is absurdly strong if the survivor has enough head start to use it. Two of the houses are connected to each other, making for a very strong area where the survivor can transition from one to the other very often and they can perfectly be the beige and grey houses, so those 2 outstanding houses could be indeed paired together.
Main building and the beige & blue houses always spawn in the map in fixed or predictable spots, where as the other 2 houses take from a pool of 3 types, which include one that can't be entered and that is vastly inferior to the other options. This alone adds a jarring variability in the safety of the map.
On the other hand, while most filler pallets in the map are strong, they are inconsistently placed to the point that the road may or may not spawn with a massive deadzone, introducing a strength variability that can be frustrating for either role.
Issues that need to be addressed in this map are: making the filler & house loops more interactive, stabilize the fillers to be more consistent and well spread, reduce the width of the road (and therefore the size of the map).
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Now it's survivor sided, until you are Blight or Nurse.
- 3 (three) (THREE) (I MEAN T H R E E) i-will-jump-into-these-windows-till-they-will-blocked braindead houses
- Main is infinite against m1 and 4,4 killers
- Gens are impossible to control with their spawn mostly in houses
- There are some completely useless pallets, not even mindgamable, just useless.
- Too much deadzones. I mean, no, pallets should not be every 3 meters, as many survivors here imagine, and deadzones are a normal part of map design, but there are too many of them sometimes.
- With adding multiple loops to the map, I would consider making some loops more mindgameable. Cars are god pallets, spawn with garden two lines bushes are two god pallets next to each other as well.
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I really like this map's design and general dynamic but currently it has some annoying problems
The middle : It's currently kind of a deadzone for both survivors and killers. It needs more line of sight blockers, more pallets, (currently there is already a couple spawns( 2 or 3 I believe), making it so that the pallet spawns on the middle are guaranteed would be nice) AND IT LACKS LOCKERS ! That's a big deal for both survivors and killers like dredge, huntress and trickster
The houses : To be fair there is a couple infinite loops on the sides of this map that makes it quite uneven. Make a couple of them a bit weaker and provide some counterpart like putting new loops in dead zones. there is also a serious lack of hooks on this map that makes survivor wiggling off very likely if they sabotage a single one of them.
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It's difficult to talk about the map without addressing the lopsided composition. Houses are strong for survivors with double windows, but at the same time survivors have no option but to loop in houses since there are so few pallets in the middle of the street. There needs to be a balance where there are generous pallets in the middle of the street with fewer houses that have strong double windows.
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Haddonfield is balanced just it promotes very uninteresting and unfun gameplay on both sides. Massive dead zones outside of the houses mean survivors can only go to buildings and hold w around them 2-4 times. While also no line of sight breakers means survivors can pre run to the very buildings that are boring to loop and killer can just proxy camp hooked survivors and gens in the middle of the map with ease. I would make the map have less dead zones while also nerfing the buildings to make them more interesting to loop. Some LOS breakers in the middle of the map would also be much appreciated.
Also please consider gutting the house with the 2 windows on side of it, its misery trying to loop that insanely strong building against good players.
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The gen spread on the map is way too spread out to defend as a low mobility killer because a majority are spread out on the edge of the map or In buildings.
This map can range from slightly to very survivor sided depending on the RNG with both pallets and houses, the double window houses specifically are unplayable for a majority of the roster, and the bottom of main building just exists to waste the killers time without any actual input from either side.
Most killer powers are difficult to use or not worth it within the houses, and stealth killers are hurt the most by the large open area in the middle.
The only time a killer has a strength on this map is when they are proxy-camping the middle of the map with a hook for example.
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The gen spread on the map is way too spread out to defend as a low mobility killer because a majority are spread out on the edge of the map or In buildings.
This map can range from slightly to very survivor sided depending on the RNG with both pallets and houses, the double window houses specifically are unplayable for a majority of the roster, and the bottom of main building just exists to waste the killers time without any actual input from either side.
Most killer powers are difficult to use or not worth it within the houses, and stealth killers are hurt the most by the large open area in the middle.
The only time a killer has a strength on this map is when they are proxy-camping the middle of the map with a hook for example.
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Again well covered by others. Although I find it aesthetically pleasing, it’s got extremes in both directions. However this usually leads to being very survivor sided and brain dead to play provided the survivors don’t blunder into the dead zones.
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Trying to cross from one side of the map to the other is just a death trap the middle is jsjt to much of a dead zone.
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A lot maps have bad locker placement which killers who's power is locker related. I think trickster and huntress have never been at a weak state on these maps because their power is not bound to lockers. The dredge on the other hand really suffers from bad locker placement
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This map's kinda weird because it's balanced in the sense that it's bad for both sides; the main street and most surrounding area harbors really unsafe pallets for survivors, while the actual buildings are extremely strong with their window placement. Maybe make the actual buildings weaker and make the general area stronger, instead of having a few key extremely strong points on the map while the rest of it suffers. I honestly have no clue how this map could be balanced tbh
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I am in love with the lighting, the colors and all the interiors of all the houses, visually pleasing so much, but there is a one thing I do not love and it is the giant road. C'mon Murica is car dependant but not that much :) the roadway + on-street parking takes too much space, cut ~1.5m from each side and it will get more realistic.
The main building is great, I can not say anything bad about it. Similar feelings I have towards house of pain(basement one), also really well done. Unfortunately the three tho-story secondary buildings aren't that great. I remember when Haddofield get updated I thought that to counter the right side windows killer is meant to go upstairs and drop from there. Well it sounds like a fun, unique gimmick but in reality isn't usable that well since every one of this houses have only a single hole on the right side. I wish this playstyle to be more solidified.
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Well the infinite fences from old haddonfield are gone but this atrocity suffers from something different, the houses are so busted that you can almost infinite the killer on it, because you might be able to shift tech them and not be in chase therefore basically never getting entity blocker on the windows. This basically makes it so unless you play a strong chase killer you cannot chase in the houses because you would be throwing the game, as a decent survivor can loop you there for ages. Yeah sure the rest of the map is dryer than the Sahara but it is still not pleasant because you basically need to play area control as you can never chase in the houses...
The houses need to be tuned down severely, the dead zones should be filled maybe add some windows in the garden areas, maybe add some line of sight blockers in the middle? You can otherwise pre run from a mile away. Other than the art design there is just nothing good to say about this map, because the gameplay just feels like pre running to the busted house and then waiting for the killer to leave and as killer either hold a 3 Gen (unless you play a strong chase killer) or get 5 Gen ran because you just could not loop the house, the skill gap between survivor and killer needs to be immense to get a hit there otherwise...
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I personally loved the old version more
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Survivor-sided, but it has problems for both sides.
There aren’t enough resources in the street/center of the map. There are a couple pallets, but once they are used then the center of the map is just a big deadzone. So, this naturally pushes survivors towards running the houses instead, and several of the houses are too strong for survivors. I don’t even like running the houses as survivor because there’s little to no thought process that I have to put into it and it’s too easy to waste a lot of the killer’s time with minimal effort. But it's often the only place that makes sense to go to.
This house in particular is a problem because of these double downstairs windows:
The center of the map is also too open which means stealth killers struggle there (though the buildings are better for them), but adding more loops/obstacles in the street may fix that. I also feel like this map could use an extra hook or two, it sometimes feels like there aren’t enough of them.
There are also often pallets near the edges of the map which just aren't very useful and are isolated, like this one for example since once the killer breaks this the survivor is just deadzoned:
TL;DR: Above all else, certain houses need to be weakened/given more interesting gameplay, and survivors need more resources in the street/middle of the map.
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I have been playing for about 6-7 years and like all survivor mains miss old haddonfield, still I do not understand everyone talking about how survivor sided it is because sure the main house and maybe even the house with the basement have above average vaults and pallets but unless you play trapper you won’t have to bad of an issue because the street is a massive dead zone so once you get rid of the 2 pallets that are on the street, you would get a free hit. I always found that playing on the map felt killer sided with that whole area but then again the matchmaking system might have had on it being that I play with survivors who just installed the game or people that will DC at the sight of any killer they do not like, or an average killer who realistically most players like me would be able to beat but end up losing do to MMR lmao.
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Most of the map dont have enough pallets and thus the houses have really good Survivors sided loops. Survivors always run to the houses cause they are so strong, I am unsure if that is a good way to keep the map.
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Haddonfield is a map that feels miserable to play on for both sides. The map is pockets of unfun gameplay with some prerunning to them thanks to the super clear sight lines courtesy of the largely empty middle of the map.
Main building is a chore to chase as killer, 2 very strong windows that have a tendency to not block because chase breaks as you run them isn't engaging gameplay for either side. Toss in a basement that's both difficult to hook someone in, and difficult to get someone out of and you've explained everything you need to about main.
The middle of the street can spawn some fantastic filler pallets, but once your teammate drops it the middle of the map is a massive deadzone which can lead to killers hooking on one half and just patrolling the street because they can't be bothered chasing the ridiculous house loops.
On the survivor side none of the loops are particularly enjoyable to run either, they're just there and you use them or die (which tbh is preferable to the boring gameplay the map encourages for both sides.)
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This Map is not at all good for either side cuz,
Number 1: the houses have windows that are literally infinites and the killers cannot catch them unless your nurse,
Number 2: it's also bad for survivor cuz outside of the houses are straight up dead zones and there is nothing the survivors can loop around on which makes this map poorly designed for both sides,
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Haddonfield has tons of unique and interesting loops and gameplay for Survivor! I love the gameplay that plays with elevation, and the labyrinthine-shapes of the houses are really exciting to chase through.
Unfortunately, though, M1 Killers are disproportionately affected by the strength of the window loops on this map. Being able to play any other Killer can be a quite better experience, but otherwise every loop can take quite a long time for a Killer to follow through if they have no power that can shut down using the same loop over and over again, or a ranged/movement ability to cut Survivors off from reaching a window on the other side of a house.
The sides of the buildings are so long and full of so many glass windows that it's very easy to tell when a Killer is heading to cut you off, and it's quite easy
The massive clear lines of sight down the middle of the map enable Survivors to start pre-running incredibly early whenever a Killer even things about heading their way, and the open sightlines enable SWF teams to make incredibly accurate callouts/comms that disproportionately affect Killer gameplay on this map.
The open sightlines also means that Killers have an easier time spotting Survivors from across the map; however, the accurate SWF comms on this map can completely negate this advantage when it is relevant. Also, Stealth killers can be spotted from miles away, which is not great.
As Survivor, crossing the street feels incredibly dangerous, which is cool! You can be easily spotted, and there are only a few resources in the center. As Survivor, having consistently dangerous parts of the map have me thinking more critically about how I play maps in different areas, and it makes stealth gameplay more pertinent. Thanks to each side of the map having a decent amount of window vault resources to play around, crossing the street does not feel like a necessity, which is good - instead, I can usually play around the various houses on each side of the street within a chase. Once the street resources are fully depleted, the match does not feel utterly hopeless.
The size of the map actually feels pretty reasonable; however, again, the open sightlines give Survivors plenty of opportunities to start running early, making any chase that starts with the Killer coming from the street feel like it takes a metaphorical eternity to catch up to even begin a chase, which makes the map feel huge in turn.
I think slightly reducing the maximum view before fog falloff would to prevent Survivors from spotting Killers approaching from too far away, and populating the street with more big sightline blockers for killers to sneak up on Survivors with would be nice. This right side of the street especially could use some larger sightline blockers, like another large pickup or something. A line of sight blocker is needed to help killers traverse both across and laterally down the street.
To make chases better for both sides, I think the smaller buildings could either use more holes, or maybe some of the 1st floor windows on the sides of buildings should be replaced with holes. The window vaults on the rear side of the buildings are fun to play around on both sides, though!
One last side note of feedback: on the upcoming Haddonfield tweaks, I would love to see the bathroom from the 2022 PTB make a return! It would not be a problematic area should a window vault spawn there, and should the closest hole in the hallways always spawn nearby for the killer to cut survivors off! Just keep the uncleanseable totem spawn out of it. It would be an incredibly unsafe window vault, and it would just add a small dash of gameplay flavor.
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This map has some of the strongest loops in the game. Against some killers, the house that has two windows on the side is very nearly an infinite. Aside from that, house of pain is still pretty strong and most of the other houses can spawn with extremely nasty windows that lead to obscenely long loops.
Outside of this, the map is way too big (mostly due to the fact that the street feels less like a suburban neighborhood road than a 10-lane highway), generators tend to be either way too easy to defend or way too difficult to reach, and it's extremely easy to turn the huge expanse outside of the houses into a massive deadzone with no resources for the survs to use.
Also, for some reason, it always feels like when you pick someone up, there's a maximum of 2 hooks you can reach unless you're running Agi or something. And that sucks if you keep downing people in the same general area trying to contest a generator, because eventually, you run out of those two hooks and can no longer hook the survivors.
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Well if you manage to complete the 2 gens on the street, essentially it's a gg for the survivors
I love the ambiance though
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We need another option, this map is sucks for both sides. So i voted to balanced but that does not mean it really does. Because houses are so busted and road is dead zone.
Terrible map.
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No one on either side likes this map. It is absolutely horrid to play on for both sides and forces incredibly unfun playstyles. House loops are unengaging and painful unless your specific killer power can play around it. The road is a dead zone for survivors. Killer has to only play the road. Survivors have to only play the buildings. It is also incredibly affected by gen RNG. As killer you are praying you have more gens in the road to make it somewhat playable. As survivor you are praying all the gens are in/behind houses to make it somewhat playable. There is also often a huge hook deadzone behind/left of the main where you physically cannot make a hook despite no anti hook perks in play. Even if I wouldn't consider this the most unbalanced map it is the first map I would delete in a heartbeat.
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Guess I'm going against the grain but I voted balanced. The houses are survivor sided, but the outside (particularly the street) is killer sided. So I think it balances out.
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Too many houses, and too many of them are too strong for the survivor side. Killers stand little chance in the Myer's house and the bungalow. Windows are in places that makes it really tough for killers to keep up and track. On the flip side, the street loops and the loops between houses are super, super weak and make for easy hits if you can find a survivor there. Also killer POV can make it frustrating to navigate some houses.
Because of the disparity between loop strengths, survivors are forced to run the houses as much as possible and killers just have to suck it up until the gens pop. Lower mobility killers struggle the most because of this! Also some gens are just too difficult to defend, mostly those found inside the houses.
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Balanced in all the wrongs ways that take fun away from both sides.
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Terrible map for both sides.
Houses are too strong while the rest of the map is a huge deadzone with unsafe pallets.
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Bad map for both sides. The map consists of a lot of deadzones, which make Survivor b-line to the houses, which are really strong. Toning down the houses and adding stuff to the rest of the Map should be a thing.
Also, Gen-Distribution can really be bad on this map, especially when you get multiple Gens on the street (I have seen up to 4 Gens on the street).
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I think the most logical fix is to:
1. Fix it so only 2 houses plus Myers house can spawn. One 2-story house and one basement house similar to Springwoood.
2. Narrow the road so it's both less of a deadzone, and less of a trek to patrol from one side to the other.
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I think the common opinions here are the houses are too strong, whereas the rest of the map has too many dead zones like in the street.
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I still say this map is the most visually appealing map in the entire game. It really does look like its from the Halloween movie. I hope to see more maps look like this one in the future. As for balance, well....just remove more of the windows from the houses and it'd be a bit easier for Killer. Most Killers suffer terribly on this map due to all the vaults and house loops that Survivors can abuse..
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It nails the feeling of evil in the air. It’s quiet, I can imagine breezy, and secluded. Like something happened and everyone disappeared without a trace. Just from the color scheme alone it’s obvious that you don’t want to be caught out in the streets.
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needs a golden toolbox
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infinity window loops. enough said.
you can already do 2 minute chases consistently on the map with 1 health-state. Imagine if this map had as many pallet as Gideon's in the streets. 5 minute chases.
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I'm fairly sure a lot of people want the deadzones removed, but the houses to still be very strong.
Imagine if BHVR made the streets stronger for survivors, but nerfed the houses as compensation.... there will be so many people screaming "BHVR HATES SURVIVORS. Look at how much they nerfed the houses just to make killers happy".
And I'm STILL seeing a whole bunch of comments on these map threads, where people just want every deadzone removed. For reals? People think every place on the map should be safe? Every generator should be safe to work on, with zero risk because they should all connect to strong resources? There are even people admitting certain main buildings are very strong, but are still complaining if there are deadzones around that strong building.
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map is balanced as it can be an absolute misery for each side heavily depending on the killer and how they play.
more than 2 gens on the street isn't okay. main is basically the most brainless looping of all time, but the other houses... while being still mostly no brain looping idk, not so much? they are easily bloodlustable as m1s i suppose.
THOUGH, both 2-windows-on-the-same-wall houses connecting to each other is not fine.
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i think it is more that every part of the map should have weak pallets or weakish window tile-set loops. a dead zone survivor is free down. most of older maps have too little pallet density but too strong loops. Haddonfield is perfect example of that. the houses are outrageous strong loops but pallet density is so low that the killer can turn entire map into barren dead-zone where only play is said windows. A compounding problem is that strong windows reduce requirement to use pallet resources because using a window costs nothing. You don't need any pallet resources if every house is like haddonfield infinity.
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The problem with this map is that the centre is wide open and survivors can see you a mile off and just pre run to the houses that have numerous god windows. Painful map for m1's.
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That won't work. "Weak pallets" won't be considered acceptable if killers could actually outplay them. People will demand for the street resources to be safe enough that they could safely and reliably get to a house.
Usually when people talk about "mind gameable" pallets and windows, what they really mean is that survivors can mess it up if they play the resource incorrectly, but if they play the resource correctly then it's a 100% chance they are safe. Otherwise it's considered "unsafe", because the killer can get a hit if they play the pallet or window correctly.
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This a strange map. Honest i think most killers dont know how to play it either. I like a open line of sights. it adds character to the map and sets its apart from the other maps with is good imo. Usually not a high pallet count and pallets vary in strength. sometimes mostly weak, sometimes most safe. Can spawn several large deadzones at both ends of the street and the play ground. I usually win most games as killer on this map. The only thing I can see where this map may heavily favor survivors is when the three two story house spawn all on the same side of the street. Those 3 house together can make a literal infinite where m1 killers like legion cant deal with even but a lot of killers have ways to deal with that set up.
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The houses that spawn many windows inside them are absolutely miserable to play as M1 killer. I'm pretty sure I've had houses with all 3 windows open, and it just feels awful. Played right, some of these houses can be near infinites, and I'm not exaggerating.
Any good survivor will instantly gravitate toward them as soon as they see the killer, and for good reason. The main building is kind of annoying, but playable for killer. The loop where you vault the main entrance, vault the window in the back, then run by the side of the house and vault the window near the main entrance again is kind of lame.
And at the same time, the amount of pallets on the map is really low. So once the killer has broken those, the best play becomes to play around the strong buildings even more. Not a fan of this one.
Aesthetically it's cool and unique looking though.
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all the building has way to many windows which can be very annoying to catch survivors apart,
there are a few cars that feel way too big especially next to a pallet making it impossible to catch survivors
the main building is impossible to catch survivors since there’s no way to make interesting place except the one broken wall from the top, that’s honestly what this map needs, more broken walls and add some ramps to compensate for how many windows there are
another issue is the road side of the map, this section can either spawn a pallet tile or absolutely nothing making it real annoying for survivors
that’s all the feedback I have for this boring uninteresting map