Torment Creek (Coldwind Farm)

Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,390
edited March 22 in Mapping the Realm

We'd like to know what you think about the Torment Creek map, part of the Coldwind Farm realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!

Torment Creek (Coldwind Farm) 243 votes

This map favours Survivors
31% 76 votes
This map feels balanced
48% 119 votes
This map favours Killers
19% 48 votes
Post edited by Jocelynbee on


  • Johnny771
    Johnny771 Member Posts: 18

    For me it's balanced, with this size, and with these loops spread out

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    A map that tests the survivor's awareness of completing the generator. Survivors are at an overwhelming disadvantage if they can't figure out where and how to complete the generator, and can't move in time with the killer's movements. If the survivor is not at fault, this is slightly tough map for M1 killers.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,043

    I like this map, it's my favourite of the Coldwind maps to play on for either side. Definitely feels balanced, there's enough resources that are usually spread out pretty evenly, and the main structure is useful without being obnoxious.

    Also one of the few genuinely good breakable walls in the game, imo.

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    I think this is a fairly balanced map, especially by Coldwind standards. The map is a good size and the main building isn't too strong for either side; rather both sides have to be careful and aware of the generator there. If the gen gets completed, that can hurt the killer since it's in a fairly open spot, while if the killer defends it, that can be an important gen that can be a pain for survivors to complete later on.

    Loops are spaced out enough and not overly obnoxious, dead zones aren't too common and good map knowledge should keep you out of the few that there are!

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,614

    Behind main building the map sometimes doesn't spawn any pallets, otherwise pretty ok map

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276

    Like many other coldwind maps, this one also spawns too many deadzones and too few loops.

  • PaulieEsther
    PaulieEsther Member Posts: 71

    Make the farms dark again!

  • TripleStryke
    TripleStryke Member Posts: 59

    This map is quite long with a lot of very strong set ups. Some killers can have a decent time, but the main building god window, even with the door broken, is fun for no one and the majority of resources being insanely strong creates boring gameplay. It promotes the play-style of just eating pallets to get them out of the way instead of having actual interactive gameplay. Although there are some mid-strength pallets against the walls of main they can just be dropped and looped on the long(main) side or chain it until the killer is forced to break.

    On the survivor side this map can form some pretty tight 3gens around main, but with the 8 regression events I don’t see it being too much of issue.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,164

    No complains at all, love it on both sides. Slightly RNG sided, but once again:

    I think you guys should reduce the spread between the theoretically possible number of pallets. It can't be 10 in one match and 20 in another on the same map. It should be at least between 12-15, it will be way easier to balance maps.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,057

    Tone wise it feels highly secluded. Very middle of nowhere vibes.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 876

    Middle section of the map should more reliably have at least 1 pallet. Remove an unsafe corn filler for that.

  • AMGC
    AMGC Member Posts: 39

    Torment Creek is a survivor favored map that carries problems from its realm and has a massive size that makes the generators hard to defend. Unlike its realm mates, this map has no fillers tiles that are exclusively corn tiles (where only a few weak filler loops spawn), making where most of those spawn partially unpredictable. The vast size of the map and its low pallet count produce very awkward deadzones around the map.

    Coldwind Farm always had a very unique ruleset for its mazetiles, having both consistency and good distribution. Ever since the patch 6.6.0 (hidden mazetile RNG change that affected over 20 maps), Torment Creek would always have 2 jungle gyms (classic pallet & window mazetile), 1 pallet gym (classic pallet only mazetile) and 1 LT (classic double window mazetile); if main is located North, one of the jungle gyms would be placed at the pair of mazetiles on East side and the other at the pair on West side, granting the map with good distribution of safety. Unfortunately, the last Coldwind Farm update ruined this ruleset and now the good distribution is not assured and there is a huge disparity in strength given that now you can have a second LT spawn, randomly removing one jungle gym so one trial can have 2 jungle gyms and another can have only 1.

    The realm Coldwind Farm is known for having very strong safety yet not a very high amount of pallets, favoring skilled survivors over killers since the limited amount of safety is enough to excel but the less skilled survivors can be at a frustrating disadvantage. This unfair and unfun gameplay loop is enabled by the filler loops, their low amount yet overwhelming safety grant the survivors too few loops to play with and don't allow the killer to outplay most of them (unless their chase power does). All the haybale filler loops are safe and some even trick the killer into attempting mindgames when the survivor can see them over the loop (but the killer can't see the survivor). The plank focused fillers overall lean more towards semi safe except for one that is excessively large with a tractor on one side and a very large L shaped long side (this loop is absurdly safe). The new corn located fillers are unsafe but they dont weaken Torment Creek at all since they aren't replacing other loops and instead add on top. The road fillers are still very safe loops.

    The realm Coldwind Farm should receive nerfs to the strong fillers while increasing the pallet density to compensate (and therefore make the gameplay more interactive with more loops for the survivors to use yet more room for the killer to outplay them).

    The map Torment Creek should recover its old mazetile ruleset or one similar to it, in order to increase the consistency and distribution of safety. The size of the map should be reduced to give the killer a better chance to defend the generators and the amount of mazetiles should remain as 4, no less than that.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,731

    Notorious 3 gen map with survivor sided loops. 3 gen top side. You can watch skull merchant 50 minute match to understand this map. ignore boring maze tiles and survivor sided filler pallets.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,479

    I like this map for the most part but it’s just a tiny bit too big. There are often areas near the edges of the map that don’t have much going on in them (especially around the edges behind the killer shack), maybe some of that extra space could be cut out.

    There could also be another filler loop in the area near the main building that’s often a large deadzone (shouldn’t be a strong loop though since it’s near the building).

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 342

    Pick a side and play that to death. There are some strong tiles that link between areas quite nastily. But it's a map I don't mind getting as Killer or Survivor.

    Open space so it's hard for Survivors to sneak past you but also pallets are everywhere so it isn't a barren map either.

  • TheSemitron
    TheSemitron Member Posts: 14

    Maybe one of the cornfield should have no corn

  • MrLollersnakes
    MrLollersnakes Member Posts: 22
    edited March 5

    Honestly way too big, the main build is a nightmare for M1 killers as it has so many ways to reliably get to the window and around it's super long walls. Not to mention the 3-4 pallets that spawn around the main building.

    Although there are often times where 3-4 gens will spawn in, around, and behind main building that sometimes benefits killers that are great at holding three gens or smaller areas.

    Other side of the map feels decently strong too, but too disconnected from main which is where all the action usually takes place. I feel like the horizontal plane at the middle of the map is redundant/dead zone-y and would be better off gone to help connect chases out of main building and also make the map smaller and easier to defend for killers.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,686

    A map that spawn 5 pallets ...survivor sided


  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,373

    the only issue with the map is its potential to spawn very strong 3 gens around main building which generally isn't rich in resources. otherwise i think it doesn't favor any side heavily.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,392

    This map has like 4 good tiles for survivors and absolutely nothing else going for it besides it's size.

    Oh, it's got a harvester and maybe a hill too :)

    This map is truly a hold W simulator after 5 minutes have passed because there's literally nothing to use besides the 4 windows that spawn halfway across the map from each other.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,391

    This is the one with the silo/bulk tank (I googled the translation, what would you call it?), right?

    I guess it’s alright balance wise, main can be a bit boring with the long side if survivors know what they are doing against low mobility killers but there are worse maps.

  • Tipsy
    Tipsy Member Posts: 36

    Map is good. Same as what i said before I feel increasing pallets and lowering their strength is always good much like the new map in the PTB

  • YmPrat
    YmPrat Member Posts: 27

    Coldwind Farms is far and above my least favorite realm to play on. As a R/G colourblind player I can't see a thing on these maps. Auras? Only if I'm next to a maze tile and have the wood saving my eyesight. Scratchmarks? What are those? They're the same colour as the ground so they're literally invisible. Please do something, the colourblind filters you put in after Almo embarrassed you by talking about them are awful and don't work and they make already unfun maps even worse to play on.

    Torment Creek still has some nasty 3 gens. There's a reason cm9i_ picked it for that infamous Skull Merchant game against the best comp team and held them hostage for 50+ minutes. It is survivor sided outside of those set ups (and the 3 gen can't be held forever anymore anyway) but it's insanely boring to fight a 3 gen for a while. Main building has some reasonably strong pallets but without strong filler pallets nearby its reasonable.. but it can be awful with fillers nearby. Shack is usually pretty shackish on this map, strong but not a busted setup. Overall my 2nd favorite corn map, still awful but not as bad as the rest.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I don't know why, but thinking about the Coldwind maps properly has me realising that, while most of them feel relatively balanced, I still despise playing on them more than most maps. Corn sucks.

  • FunkyMonk
    FunkyMonk Member Posts: 10

    All the Coldwind maps are TERRIBLE for Dredge. He needs to spawn more lockers for himself.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,532

    This map favours pc. Because I cannot see anything in corn on console

  • Stopterriblereworks
    Stopterriblereworks Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    Barley any good tiles

  • Iri4head
    Iri4head Member Posts: 25

    Similar to Cowshed, map feels much better now. Honestly the only real issue with the map is Coldwind's shared problem of difficulty with seeing, primarily auras.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Does this map actually have a creek? :)

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 227

    This map is surprisingly well balanced. The main building (the silo wreckage) is very balanced, as it relies on pallets that can be destroyed and a window by a breakable wall. The shack always spawns on the opposite side of the map as the main building, so it can't be chained together with the main building. It also takes time to get from shack to another loop, so survivors have to play shack well. The jungle gyms that spawn are small and reliant on survivors playing them right.

    The generators are spread out pretty fairly, and are almost always near a structure that can be used for a chase. The only exception is the generators in the corn, but this is fair because the corn acts as a line of sight blocker, so this is a tradeoff.

    Overall, I'd actually say this is one of the most balanced maps in the game, as well as one of the most fun maps in the game for both sides. I've had great, memorable games on this map as both survivor and killer.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 227
  • SimpingforThePig
    SimpingforThePig Member Posts: 29

    Pretty balanced overall. The main building window is sometimes annoying with strong pallet spawns. Could use more lockers for Dredge though.

  • LordSimagical
    LordSimagical Member Posts: 24

    Balanced but hard to win for killers also

  • King_Flash05
    King_Flash05 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 35

    This Map is okay for both sides but it's more survivor favored but it's okay

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353

    I saw that too. I thought people were trolling but a lot of people think size = survivor sided, even if most of the size is basically nothingness/empty space. This map is full of dead zones—as are the other coldwind maps.

  • WampaPl
    WampaPl Member Posts: 31

    My very favourite coldwind farm. Nailed distribution of tiles and corn

  • RogueRoentgen
    RogueRoentgen Member Posts: 24

    I wish it was smaller! Otherwise no complaints whatsoever

  • OhDee
    OhDee Member Posts: 13

    What's great about Torment Creek:

    • The corn fields are smaller.
    • Great line of sight blocking from a lot of thin but tall structures
    • Good size for a map methinks.

    What's bad about Torment Creel:

    • The main building's lack of line of sight blocking prevents any mind gaming or stealthy approach.
    • Killers are forced to break the wall near the window and/or eat the several strong pallets surrounding it.
    • The realm's unique loops, tractors, are frustrating and unintuitive for newer killers. Not sure why this is seen as a good thing for skill expression when I consistently see decent killers struggle on it.
    • Cow tree. Weak killers hate it, strong killers get mildly annoyed by it.

    Suggested changes:

    • Make one of main building's walls not have gaps to allow mind games.
    • Take away some of the strong pallets spawn directly outside of an already strong main building.
    • Just let killers walk around the tractor platform without the gap. Survivors with Balanced Landing are gonna love this loop anyway.
    • Make cowtree's window area slightly less wide and make the tree itself wider so M1 killers can at least mindgame it with a line of sight blocker instead of being forced to break pallet the second it drops.
This discussion has been closed.