Lampkin Lane (Haddonfield)



  • jasonq500
    jasonq500 Member Posts: 102

    all the building has way to many windows which can be very annoying to catch survivors apart,

    there are a few cars that feel way too big especially next to a pallet making it impossible to catch survivors

    the main building is impossible to catch survivors since there’s no way to make interesting place except the one broken wall from the top, that’s honestly what this map needs, more broken walls and add some ramps to compensate for how many windows there are

    another issue is the road side of the map, this section can either spawn a pallet tile or absolutely nothing making it real annoying for survivors

    that’s all the feedback I have for this boring uninteresting map

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 227

    Buildings are incredibly frustrating for M1 killers without some kind of teleport ability. Of the M1 killers, only Singularity and Dredge are really capable of using their powers to outsmart survivors in building loops through their teleports. For survivor, most of these buildings are boring to run because they largely play themselves: Run around the building, run inside the building, make the fast vault, and repeat. It makes completing generators very safe because most of them are inside or near a building. Even generators that aren't near windows are pretty safe for survivors. Generators near the ends of the street are so far removed from the others that the killer loses time going there, yet they are near buildings so the survivors can feel pretty safe doing them. The building with the generator in the basement has been dubbed the House of Pain for a reason, and it's often best for the killer to just ignore that generator and accept that it's going to get done anyway.

    The street itself is largely a deadzone, but the cars and pallets can buy a survivor enough time to get to a building.

    Overall, this is one of the few maps in the game where the killer doesn't get stronger as the match goes on, largely because of how the map's loops rely on static window loops.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 497

    Middle of the streets is a deadzone while houses with the 2 window vaults are very busted

  • Moman624
    Moman624 Member Posts: 106

    It's not balanced, it's survivor sided and annoying to play on, to much going on just like RPD

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,180

    The killer is either playing a killer that can't deal with the main buildings and has no mobility or is playing nurse and hooks someone center map and holds blink.

  • SimpingforThePig
    SimpingforThePig Member Posts: 29

    One of the worst map reworks. It used to be extremely terrible, and now it's very terrible. Almost every building has a god window that makes killers physically impossible to catch up. Survivors also have no choice but to abuse these god windows because this map has no pallets worth using, which only makes the problem worse. Add more pallets, remove some windows please.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,230

    I'm surprised the votes on this one are leaning so heavily toward Survivor-sided; this is one of the maps that as soon as it loads in I mentally say "gg" and almost always get a 4k.

  • LordSimagical
    LordSimagical Member Posts: 24

    I think this map is balanced but there are 2 or 3 alomst invinites witch are very annoying for a solid and fair killer play

  • WinterDraft7
    WinterDraft7 Member Posts: 45

    Even though the rework on the new Haddonfield map is better than the old Haddonfield map, I still think the map is a bit stronger to play on, from the survivor side. Mainly because of the windows on second floor that are quite strong against Survivors with Balanced Landing. It makes chasing survivors quite impossible to deal with and waste a tremendous amount of time catching up to them again, before they make it to another tile or loop again. As well as the other main house, too. That one has strong windows, too. It might need to be balanced out a bit.

    The main road isn't too bad. But it is a bit of a dead zone, because of how spaced away the pallets and windows are from the main road.

    Now, as survivor sided as this map is, let's take a look at this map another way. This map also becomes a bit killer sided, too. Because if you're the last survivor standing, and you're desperately trying to open the exit gates without getting caught. Chances are, you aren't making it out alive. Because the main road is so open, there is not much place to hide anywhere, and the killer will have clear line of sight of you, so you will most likely die. So, either make this map a bit bigger to balance out both sides and add a few bushes or something, in front of the exit gate, to block out the killer's line of sight a little bit, or add more fog to the map, so the killer doesn't find you as easy while you are making an escape.

  • RogueRoentgen
    RogueRoentgen Member Posts: 24

    Another map that is balanced in the worst possible way. All houses are hell for killer with insane windows that can turn the building in an infinite due to the number of windows and the length of the loop, meanwhile there's like 1 pallet on the street and the playgrounds which, once dropped, makes those areas complete deadzones.

    I love the aesthetics and how faithful it is to the movie, but please fix loops :(

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,076

    The middle is dead and with the amount of gens spawning there it is pretty easy for killers to patrol these. The houses can be nasty though and favor survivors. The rest is fine.

  • MeepLessThan3
    MeepLessThan3 Member Posts: 85

    I will praise this map in the sense it's very beautifully executed from an artistic perspective, however gameplay is quite different by comparison. The map feels like it forces you to play it a certain way or lose essentially. Once the 2-3 safe pallets along the middle street are gone, that's it for the most part. After that, you're basically forced to loop the windows in the main buildings as they're the last safe things on the map to go within a chase. However, as a killer, without an anti looping or mobility power, or certain perks, it becomes frustrating to play against as there's virtually no mind games when it comes to how safe the window looping can be. This imbalance of resource scarcity needs to be offset with the consistent safety by the others generated. The pallets located at the back or exterior of the map are often unsafe and can be easily mind gamed with a red stain turn. These issues need to be addressed overall. Also, could we bring back old Haddonfield?

  • Endrance
    Endrance Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    My only complain with this map is the unsafe pallets placements like they will just be in open zones most of the time.

  • sailorvmoon
    sailorvmoon Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 10

    The rework of this map is terrible for survivors. It is easy to 3 gen and the middle section is a huge deadzone. The rest of the map is a mix of deadzones and unsafe pallets. The houses are the only place where there are decent loops but if you dont make it there you're just dead.

  • FoxvanMR
    FoxvanMR Member Posts: 21

    Middle of the map: deadzone once you get rid of the pallets. Rest of the map: heavilly survivor sided with A LOT of GOD windows and potential infinites.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,194

    Houses should get nerfs, especially the ones with 2 windows on the same side.

    Also the huge deadzone in the middle is very stale, maybe shrink the street and put lots of unsafe fillers connecting both sides of the street so you have something to play with instead of crossing streets from 1 strong building to the other

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 935

    Honestly, I won't vote at this poll because, while the map is technically balanced, it only is because it has awful things for both sides, which makes it quite boring. It has huge spaces with no pallets, pretty much dead zones, which favors killers... which means survivors just hold forward until they reach a building, and those are survivor sided and quite boring to face too. There is a house with multiple windows, two of them being on the same side of the lower floor, that works as an infinite if a survivor knows how to run it and the killer doesn't have a power or perks that counter windows. The main building is not as strong as that but it doesn't have any room for mindgames, so you just take the shortest path until you catch up. Pretty boring, honestly.

    Also, the visibility is so ridiculously high outside of the buildings that killers just can't use stealth there. You will always see a Pig, Ghostface, Myers and even Sadako approaching, which sounds ironic, since it's Myers' map.

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