Clown Iridescent pinky change, making a weaker killer even more weak.

At higher levels all survivors do is body block these types of killers, I don't know if you realize that or just think that we won't see it. But giving Clown a "buff" to the antidote and completely gutting the tonic is only going to make body blocking even worse and probably lower his kill count even more let's be honest, as well as making the killer think they can down at pallets which they cannot, because we all know that it forces a dead hard strat or a for the people buckle up play that clown couldn't do anything about before and has to break the pallet losing more and more distance. Especially with a power that has the worst reload of all time. Don't get me wrong this was a nice attempt to make the character better, but it won't, it will make him worse especially with the lack of more and more options in his kit now.
Can we nerf the iridescent addon? Yes, you can you do it, but in its current form? No. I propose to make the tonic flask of bleach 5% and ether 15% basekit, this will prevent survivors from body blocking while also staying in that 2 hit range that you need for clown.
The strength of Clown comes from utilizing the power of both bottles at once in order to create a massive speed difference that the survivor can't get away from. The antidote absolutely needed the buff and will make Clown stronger in chase when used at its full potential, allowing for more freedom for more creative gas setups and making his chase power more consistent. If you don't want to use the antidote then run Rapid + STBFL with Flask of Bleach and Ether 15 Vol%.
Making him too strong at his lowest skill-based playstyle would make him even more miserable to go against. That's why Clown needed the antidote buff, to buff the strength of his highest potential.
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i agree. not enough of a buff to off-set negative changes.
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I'm referring to high level play, not the lower end, the lower end always loses no matter how you give them. And they also don't care either.
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Nah, pinky finger is super boring to play against. It needs to be reworked entirely.
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It's okay to read the whole thread my friend.
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I mean it’s still kinda good if you expose survivors not near a pallet or window.
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Pinky was not even that good and it was horrid to against. Besides that I have not seen many good players even running that addon, because even before the nerf it was not that good.
Even without it there are many interesting things you can do on clown if you are invested enough, there is apparently an around 200 pages long clown guide out there, otz mentioned it some time ago, that shows how to outplay basically every loop in the game. Which is something not too many killers are potentially able to do.
Did something else but his iri addon get touched? Because if not I would consider this a nice buff, as you shouldn't base a killers strength on a single (iridescent) addon alone anyway.
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Pinky Finger was just boring and unfair. I am happy this Add-On got nerfed, even though a rework would be better because instadown Add-Ons should not exist since they are either too strong or too weak.
If a killer is too weak, the developers should buff their basekit or add more to it because a killer should never be good/playable only with Add-Ons. We have this issue already with Knight and Dredge and know how bad this is. However, Clown is now in a better spot with these buffs but he still needs some buffs because he suffers against more stronger stuff. So I hope the developers will give him another tweak in the near futher.
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Crowns are weak killers for high-ranking players, and in reality, there was no problem even if the number of pinky add-ons was kept at 3. This is because, unlike the Huntress's ax, the Survivor will not be knocked down just by hitting it.
However, using the pinky finger is not his true preference, and in fact, it is the aura visibility add-on that is often used, so if that was not nerfed, I think it would have been a buff overall.
With the increase in the number of bottles, he will actively use antidotes to improve his ability to patrol the map. He was only capable of chasing, but now he can focus on patrolling the generators.
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Something "Not that good" shouldn't need nerfing.
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If it is boring to go against and unfair then it should... It still was super annoying to get majorly slowed down and just bombarded with flasks until one hits you directly... I think that is good enough of a reason to nerf it, but I think they should just rework it, and while they are on it also rework Iri Head...
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I liked going against pinky finger. more challenge. clown is too easy to defeat without the add-on. saying it is boring and unfair is opposite of "not that good". for reference, in the ptb, you could use yellow bottles->pink bottle->pink bottle into a direct hit. you can do same on live server but the extra 2 bottles allowed for margin of error.
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It is not the opposite of that... Stuff can be boring and not fair and still weak... You can ruin a single players game in that way and still throw the match, which is boring and unfair but still not good for the purpose of winning.
I don't know about that part, that might just be a skill issue on the Clowns side then, have you had a look at that clown guide or the guys gameplay?
I found pinky finger always super boring, because the guy usually just slows you down to get an easy direct hit without much skill involved and then just hit you... I prefer the anti loop playstyle without insta down.
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your suppose still use clown's yellow bottle+pink bottle combo. the only difference is that you have land a high pressure direct hit to get instant down. that is why it is such high-skill cap add-on because there is no margin for error.
the guy usually just slows you down to get an easy direct hit without much skill involved and then just hit you
should you not get punished for being out of position? that is your fault for playing survivor poorly.
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Isn't it an even higher skill cap thing to do this with only one bottle? So this argument does not really work.
It is not always possible to reach another tile with the slowdown he has, which makes this addon so annoying to go against. Or when you stay at a tile in a 50 50 situation to not be in the open he can just loop it normally, hit you with the bottle while you vault and get the down? You cannot leave because you won't make it anywhere so you are going to go down eventually... Such situations are rather boring and not always possible to avoid.
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with 1 bottle, you can't do the yellow -> pink -> direct hit. clown was much better when this add-on had no drawbacks and he could run cheap gin bottle for 6 bottles. that is long gone.
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Sure, but isn't it less skillfully to slow a survivor down before going for a trick shot with just one bottle? High risk high reward...
I mean obviously an addon that does the same as it currently does without drawbacks is better than with? That's a weird statement... I don't know how he was at that point though, was that when he still got slowed down when throwing the bottle? I would argue that if that was the case (+yellow bottles didn't exist) then he surely was not better than he currently is. Except for that one busted addon combination that allows for cheap insta downs.
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That's a weird statement... I don't know how he was at that point though, was that when he still got slowed down when throwing the bottle?
No, it was after his rework which added yellow bottle, removed his pink bottle m/s reduction and reduced his reload by 50%. for around 1 year and half, there was no negatives for pinky finger. you could run 6 bottles, do yellow bottle+pink combination and instant down.
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I mean Solvent Jug and Cheap Gin Bottle as basekit will make him stronger overall. But just like Trappers buffs it's not going to put him in a higher tier Clown will still be pretty weak overall.
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That s horrid tbh, but I guess the same was true for Iri head at some point...
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Clown main here.
While Pinky got hit with the biggest nerf bat that came out of BHVR's closet, this doesn't make Clown weak by any means! Well, maybe a tad bit weak if anything, in my opinion. I made a series of meme build with new Pinky finger and I already been told that there 1 or 2 perk build that works well with the add-on.
With 6 bottles being basekit next week, it open to combos that make him a bit stronger such Cigar box w/ Make up kit or Bleach, Bleach and Either 15%, hell even Gin w/ Soda pop (9 bottles in total) and so on.
However, he still weak to pre-drop and map pressure and mobility. Split pressure on different gens and your going to be fine!
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I envy your positivity, I used to have that when I started a while back. Unfortunately facing actual teams got the best of most Clown players. Iri pinky was not something that you would run every single trial, but more of an option to the horrid things that a team could do to the character overall. But oh well, doesn't really matter, these devs will always now design based off of player surveys rather than understanding what actually destroys this character. 1k cap killer incoming.
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Honestly, nerfing his reload speed and reload movement add-ons to give the nerfed part to basekit and reworking Pinky Finger (my idea is to gain undetectable while invigorated) and therefore removing the bottle limit would definitively be a good and reasonable buff.
There's a reason the current version of Pinky Finger is as restrictive as it is, and it's because it's a really boring and annoying add-on to go against.
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Pinky Finger was disgusting and needs to come with the same drawback other one-shot add ons do. Having multiple chances to keep whiffing your one-hit down and still getting it rewards bad players, not "high level" ones.
More than that, a killer's kit should not be balanced around a presumption that they're bringing an ultra rare add on every game.
I do think that since the bottles lost their distorting effect to prevent motion sickness, they should have introduced a thick vignette around the edge of the screen so that being intoxicated still limits your vision, just in a less vomit-inducing way.
If Clown needs buffs, he needs buffs. Redhead's Pinky Finger is not where those buffs should be aimed.