Suffocation Pit (The MacMillan Estate)

Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
edited March 2024 in Mapping the Realm

We'd like to know what you think about the Suffocation Pit map, part of the MacMillan Estate realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!

Suffocation Pit (The MacMillan Estate) 217 votes

This map favours Survivors
45% 99 votes
This map feels balanced
37% 81 votes
This map favours Killers
17% 37 votes
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on


  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,156

    The giant collection of windows that spawns near each other, is so awful for M1 killers. How is this considered acceptable?

    Killers don’t even have the option to break some of the walls in window-land… it’s just awful the entire game.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2024

    I don't find this map fun for either side, but especially for M1 killers like mentioned. The middle section is so full of connected jungle gyms that catching a decent survivor can feel almost impossible depending on RNG. On top that, the shape of the map absolutely incentivizes 3 genning one side of the map and completely ignoring the other side. Unless you have a way to traverse the map quickly, or get very quick downs in chase, it's just not viable for most killers to play the entire map.

    On top of that, some killers can hook a survivor on one side of the map, and then camp the middle section of the map, preventing any survivor that tries to go through it from getting the unhook. This can be really frustrating for survivors, especially if the killer can down them instantly or force them to stay injured.

    I think the biggest problem other than the potentially nasty middle section is the shape of the map. It's unique and all, but it just doesn't bode well gameplay wise.

  • PogbertChamperson
    PogbertChamperson Member Posts: 141

    3-gen pit. Hourglass shaped maps have offensive gen spawns. Made worse when there are connecting jungle gyms in the middle of the map. You stay on one side of the map as killer and it's pretty stinky.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815
  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,386

    This map is awful. The amount of loops and pallets in the middle, it’s endless for survivors to dance through. Definitely needs work

  • AMGC
    AMGC Member Posts: 39
    edited March 2024

    Suffocation Pit has 2 versions that differ greatly from one another. Both variations are large maps with an arguably troublesome generator spread that count with the same amount of mazetiles and landmarks; they also stand out in the realm for having crate and rock filler loops but no road crate filler loops.

    Suffocation Pit I has a long shape with a clustered middle full of mazetiles and inserted edge of the map walls that divide the map in two sides. This layout manipulates the gameplay of the map by heavily punishing a killer that takes chases anywhere and plans to pressure the team through many hooks, while a more territorial playstyle can potentially give an edge to the killer by holding the middle while defending hooked survivors and / or generators on one side of the map (which at times can be unevenly spread across sides). On top of the issued gameplan, there is a crippling problem with the pallet count in this version of the map (about 8 to 17) due to the absurd discrepancy in amount between trials as well as the potential for deadzones given that all 5 mazetiles are located in the middle and filler loops are this inconsistent.

    Suffocation Pit II has a more "standard" layout and is probably preferred by most people eventhough it is not the "classic" version of the map. It favors survivors, probably more than any other map in the realm, but other than a chain of 2 mazetiles that are adjacent to each other, there is nothing that stands out too much. The map is subtly too large so the killer struggles to defend the gens, the pallet count (about 10 to 14 with average 13) is decently consistent (which is good) but the crate fillers in MacMillan are a bit too strong (the rock fillers can be mindgamed if the survivor doesn't drop the pallet early so there is a risk-reward), which combined makes the difference.

    The realm The MacMillan Estate should receive a slight nerf to the design of crate fillers (where killers can't mindgame nor outplay a dropped pallet in most cases) to allow the filler loops to be more numerous and consistent.

    Suffocation Pit I should stabilize its pallet density to be more consistent & consider a layout overhaul and size reduction. Suffocation Pit II should separate the 2 adjacent mazetiles and slightly reduce its size (very minimally, like in the example below). Both versions should keep their 5 mazetiles, which is the amount that is stable for this realm (given the 7 types that are found in the realm).

    Post edited by AMGC on
  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    Killer sided if they decided to never leave one of the big areas

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
    edited March 2024

    First variant was problematic with three-gen setups though I guess it may be resolved now. Can’t really memorize second variant yet.

    I think it’s a little bit too big for non-mobile killers and center can be very strong for survivors depending on the spawns..

    Post edited by Mooks on
  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The middle part of the map is a bit too loaded, so you basically cannot chase there unless you are playing a really strong killer, the rest of the map is rather dry in comparison. However it can be really rng heavy, spawning huge dead zones or the most busted old cowshed stuff. This basically results in only ever holding one side of the map, because the middle is too loaded. So maybe just re distribute the loops across the map.

  • Iri4head
    Iri4head Member Posts: 25

    I actually think I prefer Suffocation Pit II in this case, and I think I'd be fine with the original being replaced with it. Main feels fine, but the "I" shape of the map gives it similar issues to Azarov's. In addition to this, Suffocation Pit I has a bad habit of spawning an egregious setup in the center of the map, with windows and tiles that are far too easy to chain together. I'd say Suffocation I is probably the worst of the Macmillan's (although it's not half as bad as some other maps in this game) and Suffocation II is completely fine.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    Original variation is just 3-gen city. Expect never to be chased to the side that the Killer is not interested in. Killer sided for sure

    On the newer one, it actually has a lot going for it. Spaced out pallets, wide open areas to not sneak about much, and generally a balanced map.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    In Asia, it is considered to be the top crap map. Unless the survivor makes a mistake, the killer basically has no chance of winning.

  • WhoSoup
    WhoSoup Member Posts: 180
    edited March 2024

    Suffo1 is the hallmark of bad map design. The map encourages killers to commit to a hard 3 gen because it's really long and the middle area is exceptionally strong. There's basically no point to ever commit to chasing anyone in the middle area that, for some reason, consists of an estimated two million maze tiles. The main building is unreasonable strong with multiple god pallets and, if lucky, a god window.

    This map is also heavily affected by RNG. Sometimes an entire section of the map will be a deadzone, sometimes it has several god fillers.

    I don't like anything about this map.

    Suffo2 is a huge improvement. The gen spread is a lot nicer, the shape is a lot nicer, and I usually enjoy the games I play on this. My only issue is the weird adjacent double maze tile, which seems out of place in an otherwise good map.

    MacMillan overall is such an ugly an uninteresting realm, though. It would benefit from a visual overhaul.

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276

    One side of the map constantly spawns 4 or even 5 gens, how can this be considered fair?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Suffocation pit's main issue is just the actual shape of the map istelf. The centre area between the 2 sides can cause loop with windows especially to chain together making it difficult for killer to chase survivors and the central location means that a survior getting hit can reach it from anywhere on the map

    Gen spawns can also encourage 3 gen strategies by having 3 gens in close proximity on 1 side of the map. The main building needs no changes but the general layout and loop spawns in the middle should be changed

  • theTARNavsky
    theTARNavsky Member Posts: 161
    edited March 2024

    Another terribly designed map with a bottle neck in the middle that makes it impossible for survivors to win if the killer knows what they're doing. Monitoring the middle part by the killer is too strong.

    Otherwise the size and tiles favor survivors.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 300

    Games on this map snowball heavily. The rectangular map size coupled with the fact that most generators spawn around main building and shack, which are on opposite sides of the map, means that survivors either complete all of the generators on one side, in which case the killer has an easy 3-gen to defend, or they spread out generators and the killer is going to have a hard time. Unfortunately, success in this map depends almost entirely on which generators get finished first.

  • Tipsy
    Tipsy Member Posts: 48

    Its largish but due to its shape having the choke point, it very manageable for the killer. Main and the middle is strong for survivors but if the killer plays right defending one side of the map its pretty balanced and well designed. I like this map as both sides. no complaints. This is for suffo 1 at least.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    new one is fine but god og suffo is atrocious. killer either 3 gens or loses, they dare not go to the middle of the map or they aren't touching that survivor ever, especially with bad rng for them. at least main side can spawn up to F I V E gens so killers will have the choice to play "smart" :)

  • Andro0020
    Andro0020 Member Posts: 6

    Unfortunately this map is not fun to play. In the original version of the map the central area is too strong, with many loops connected together. But for the killer this map is really good for threegenning. For this reason I find it quite balanced, even of Is not too fun when the killer stays on one side of the map for the whole game to defend generators . Instead the second version of this map is very Survivor sided. In one corner of the map there are almost all the tiles, but in any case the rest of the map is full of fillers. In all the games I played on this map, next to the shack there was always a god filler, which connected to another tile that connected to the main. It is absolutely necessary to reduce the size of the map and reduce the number of pallets that can appear. All in all, the original version of the map is quite balanced, it would perhaps be enough to remove one of the tiles in the center, or perhaps ensure that no more than two strong tiles, and ensure that the gens don't spawn too close to each other.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    3 gen map. The killer can just ignore half of the map and sit in the other half to guard 4 gens

  • LordSimagical
    LordSimagical Member Posts: 24

    Think its balanced but plays more comfy for svr and a bit annoying for killer cause loop structures

  • King_Flash05
    King_Flash05 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 35

    I dislike the original version of this map its big the middle area is a nightmare to handle and you literally have to say in one area with is not bad but it's not great and I'm not a big fan of this map

  • RogueRoentgen
    RogueRoentgen Member Posts: 24

    Suffopit 2: ok map

    Suffopit 1: promotes the "guard a 3gen or lose the game" gameplay on killer side. The middle can spawn some window-into-window rng and interconnect extremely strong tiles, incentivizing the killer to leave their side even less, especially if it's a low mobility killer. Really dislike this map with a burning passion and I can't recall having a good time on it whatsoever.

  • OhDee
    OhDee Member Posts: 13

    What's great about Suffocation Pit:

    • ???
    • Relatively small size if you ignore half the map.
    • Cool basement location, I guess?

    What's bad about Suffocation Pit:

    • Being bottlenecked into several strong jungle gyms is painful for killers. Usually have to drop chases the second they start running towards them.
    • Mindgaming at adjacent jungle gyms just results in survivors running to the next one to keep distance. You either get a hard read on a survivor or they continue to loop you.
    • Second chance survivor perks make this map insufferable.
    • Forced to break pallets and walls on main buildings when playing an M1 killer or suffer the consequences.
    • No way to cut off survivors or mind game on main building. Chases have to be brute force.
  • ImprobableCarny
    ImprobableCarny Member Posts: 45

    This map is a weird one for me because it can be completely busted for either side depending on how it spawns. Either the center part is a hellish mess of vaults and safe pallets OR all the gens are clumped up together in one spot. I feel like I shouldn't be able to hold a 5-gen while barely trying as Ghostface, lol

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