People are really so clueless against Sadako

And this is amazes me. There is not single normal match against her.
I don't know if that's because she is super rare or she is keep getting rework but look at this. Nea and Mikaela just dc'ed after they got many stacks. At least bot Nea was smart to remove some of them.
Played vs new new Sadako 2 days ago. Was quite excited cuz I didnt vs her yet.
First Survivor killed themdelves on hook.....
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Even after the change, the basic measures remain the same. The TV will turn on after a few seconds, so quickly pull out the video and work on completing the generator as usual. Turn off the TV as much as possible, return the video before the curse builds up, and repeat.
I wish I could share this theory somewhere where everyone can see it.
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I play her very much and most people just don‘t care about her, but the rounds against survivors, who understand the counterplay are so miserable.
She is really only good if people ignore her.
I hope we get her first version with buffs back. She was fair back then and far more fun.
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From your perspective, what percentage of people do you think are able to take precautions? It is expected that in the future, the sloppy butcher will be nerfed, making it even more difficult to aim for curse kills.
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Current Sadako feels so weak unless survivors don’t know what they’re doing. Which is what caused her nerf in the first place, not her actually being too good. I miss the global condemn Sadako version. That was the first time she was actually fun and good.
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People need a manual on how to play against specific killer rather than nerfing those killer, just like SM.
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I just genuinely have no idea how she works any more. Played a game a few days ago where I had a tape and still gained condemn. Is that how she works now? Is that an add-on? I can't be bothered looking it up and working it out because by the time I do she'll work differently again.
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Tape don't protect you anymore, but the condemn only gained within 16m of opened TV.
That means if u close TV before u do gens, she cannot condemn or teleport to you anymore for 70s.
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Except her first version, Sadako always felt like that.
Survivors don't know how to play against her. So she is getting high kill-rate. But when you face with the team who knows how to play against her, you are just powerless.
As you see in my screenshot, i was only one who countered her power. I never sit on gen if TV is active, i took tapes, i removed my stacks. But my team was clueless.
And when i play Sadako, results are not different. I am playing her pretty often but only few teams know what to do. It's really crazy.
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Normally people would learn how to deal with it through famous streamers, but is this kind of culture rare internationally?
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I miss global condemn version as well. Playing Sadako vs strong teams feels miserable now :(
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It's crazy to me as someone who mains her, that I can easily deal with her by myself and her condemned because I have enough knowledge about it and yet, teammates give up/get condemned out because they refuse to interact with her power.
There seriously needs to be better explanations of changes/general gameplay mechanics of killers easily available so players can figure out why they keep dying so easily to it.
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Every killer has survivors that just hate going against them. Sadako probably more so because no one takes the time to learn her counters.
New players really need to be forced to go through a tutorial whenever a new killer introduces new/secondary mechanics that survivors need to deal with. Loading screen tips need to be improved with images that take up the whole screen as well.
There’s just too many killers for players to go out of their way to learn how to play against them, especially since you hardly see some of them (The fabled Twins and Haddie Kaur).
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Yup :/ my favorite thing about the global condemn is it actually gave me counter play to those survivors that just stay hidden all game dragging it out and wasting all our time. Then I could force them into the game.
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That's seriously BHVR's fault lol. Their tutorials are terrible bad because it almost telling nothing.
Also it's really hard to follow all killer changes.
For example, i did not know guard is removing when you start unhook against Knight. That's because i am almost never seeing this guy and i was on break when he released. So it's really hard to know things like that. Especially if killer is rare, so you can't learn.
BHVR should add tutorial videos about each killer into game. And this video should tell the player how to play them and how to play against them. This would be nice QoL.
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I can‘t really answer this well, because it depends in which mmr I am. Most times they actually do the counterplay and it feels miserable, but then when I loose two games they just ignore it.
But I would say it‘s a 50 chance to get someone, who does the counterplay and who doesn‘t.
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A better organized compendium of this stuff is what I'd like, take what's hidden in the tutorial section, expand on it for killer powers as well, and make it a tab somewhere in the loadout menu that pops up like the archives and just has this information available to anyone who needs it.
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Playing both sides really helps. Encouraging that may be a more feasible solution than BHVR creating tutorials. If someone is having problems against a Killer playing that Killer does wonders for their counterplay.
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Thank you. Probably, if it is a killer that is rarely encountered, many people will be seeing it for the first time. Still, Sadako was popular as a strong killer for a while, so I thought that the act of extracting the video in the first place was already well-known as her basic knowledge.
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I played against her a few nights ago on RPD. She mori'd 2 people in under 10 minutes because they sat on gens in stead of picking up tapes and wound up getting a bunch of stacks locked in.
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I genuinely don’t understand how people struggle against her the only time I’ve ever died against condemned was her older versions with the brute force builds or intentionally filling up my condemned as a joke
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New Sadako is literal garbage just do the tapes and all she has is her stealth.
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Unless you’re me, who liked to play Trappi Boi and still managed to attract every trap on the map, thinking I was being smart and careful.
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so i just had the misfortune of playing against a sadako, and for some weird reason i did not dc immediately, i wanted to play normally.
What we got is a sweaty toxic piece of #########, who brought all the stupid gen regression perks (grim embrance, jolt, pain resonance, sloppy), then tunneled the first survivor out of the game at 5 gens, 3hooks back to back.
Then killed the 2nd, then slugged for the 4k.
Somehow this should have been "fun". This was just stupid. Her powers are way too easy to use and does not hinder her to apply her debuff. It does not matter if you escape condemned by playing the tapes right, if she will end the game at 5 gens tunneling people out faster than you can complete your objectives.
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I've had that feeling with Trapper before as well.
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The problem is here, maybe they don't like to play killer and they don't wanna use money / shards for killers.
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True and that leads to scenarios like you described in your OP where the bot played with more intelligence than the human they replaced. But it is a solution if anyone is having issues and the likelihood of BHVR putting out a detailed tutorial against every Killer is rather small.
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“Stealth” that can be seen a mile away and if that doesn’t catch your eye the VTR will. Lol
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Was this on aliens map?
If yes, this is the easiest map to avoid her condemn because the map is so large. I’m in a high MMR with her and condemning anybody on this map is nearly impossible, especially with how aggressive I am at it.
TVs are so spread apart, if I want to stand a chance at condemning people on large maps like this one, I have to use the brown add-on, videotape, copy and ring drawing. That’s sad
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That sounds more like a general killer problem then a sadako problem.
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absolutely, but it will not help in general when facing her to become more adept at countering her.
In general if people play her oppressively, then people will quit those matches quickly one way or the other, conducive to being clueless about her.