Is this just becoming more common now?

This was my second game tonight getting bled out on the floor when the game was nowhere near done. Idk if the killer was salty that I brought a game offering(for a pallet challenge) only for his sacrificial ward to take us to RPD or what but like... As a killer main myself, how is this fun? You're waisting not only the survivors time(which I know is the main goal) but your own. The guy wasnt afk or anything, he was moving around us while cloaked but man... I just dont get why there seems to be more people doing this now.
Typical Wraith activities
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If you really don't want to waste time, you should crawl from under the pallet to under the hook.
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Why are you making this out to be the survivors fault? You go under a hook and they won't care either way. You must despise survivors because every time I see you on a discussion you shift the blame on them.
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Considering that the Wrait knew where we were the entire time thanks to his aura add-on and me and one of the other survivors crawled from UNDER a hook where he left us, went ALL THE WAY AROUND half of the map and then ran into him MULTIPLE times before we ended up under the pallet. I think it is safe to say he had plenty of chances lmao.
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I thought maybe Wraith was wary of the perk of getting up. I finally realized the difference with additional information, so I admit my mistake.
I wish I had presented that first. So you think Wraith left Slugged survivors?
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Oh he 100% did.
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Okay, then your opinion is valid. Wraith may have wanted to be mean and proud, or maybe he was afraid of the 4%, but we can't fully guess what he was thinking.
If I were in Wraith's position, I would hook one and if 4% was impossible, I would hook another one. If it turns out that the act is extremely malicious, I think it would be a good idea to file a report.
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I know it isn't really a solution to people playing like this... but I started running unbreakable every game lately. You don't get unbreakable value every match but when you do it really can be a game changer
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I have been fully bled out like maybe five times in my entire time in DBD. No, it is not common.
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It's a difficult perk to decide on, but there have been many matches where it actually helped. If you decide to turn things around, you are a hero!
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I only solo queue so I have found Kindred, Unbreakable and We'll Make It all to be massive help in solo queue games.
That being said, I have died on first hook multiple times WITH KINDRED in solo queue... :/
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The funny thing is, Unbreakable does not help with that kind of games. I mean, it rarely gives value anyway, Unbreakable is really niche, but CAN be strong in certain scenarios. But the scenario where a Killer decides to slug the full team is not one of them. Because you will most likely not be able to pick everyone up before they or you are slugged again.
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In fairness, no you're actually right in those scenarios. But it CAN work to change the course of a match however yeah, I slugging Knockout Nurse that intends to bleed out everyone for 4 minutes is not really counterable 99% of the time. Should be a justifiable reason to go next too but that is a whole different discussion...
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Yeah, of course, Unbreakable has the ability to turn a game around. Just not against people who want to 4-man slug and then let the people bleed out (I went against a Doctor who played like this a few weeks ago. Used Lerys, Knockout, Third Seal and put people into Madness 3 as often as possible while trying (and succeeding...) to slug the whole team).
But in normal gameplay, it totally can reset if for example multiple Survivors get slugged while the last one is in chase or something like that.
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Are you on NA east by any chance? There is a wraith on NA East who literally does nothing but send people to RPD and slug with knock out. It will keep happening until Behavior does something about this.
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Sadly there is not much which can be done about it, since it is not against the rules to slug all the Survivors without the intention of hooking them. I mean, the Devs can and should nerf/rework Knockout, it is a terrible designed Perk which is weak and only used in unhealthy ways. But apart from that, not much which can be done.
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This happens in all regions I think, we have Nurses or Dr's that do the same thing every game. I think when all four of you are slugged you should have an option to concede the match so you can go next rather than waste 4 minutes unable to actually play the game
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gideon offering = anything is justified.
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I have said the same thing in the past. Someone brought this point up after having a killer dancing around and performing rude gestures. Allowing them a way out after an established time would fix this.
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truth lol
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Yeah I don't know why we are forced to endure 4 minutes of BM when the match is clearly over...
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Unbreakable has been a permanent stable of my build for a-hole killer players like this. It pairs well with Inner Strength to get a quick and hidden heal and can turn the match around.
I just wish there was a built in practice mode against AI killers for survivors that taught them how to loop. Would make SoloQ much better.
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Nah, he brought a sacrificial ward so it negated the game offering and sent us to rpd instead
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I suggest reading further up, had someone else say the same thing but the killer had plenty of chances to hook us before we all crawled to the pallet. Besides I was solo qeue this match as none of my friends play dbd lol
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Yeah I meant to mention that you probably didn’t end up there but just saying I do that sometimes if they don’t crawl out.
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Had this happen last night with a Hag. They refused to hook and she couldn't quite get the last person and a couple of randos had unbreakable. Two of us got out including myself but I was one hit away from dying on the ground right away. My friend didn't get out but it was one of the most frustrating games to play against. It ruined the game and caused us to both stop playing for the night.
I wish BHVR had focused more on slugging and how to stop it instead of camping and tunneling base kits. Really if everyone is on the ground and slugged - there should be a timer set to, like, 15 - 30 seconds before everyone gets up if they continue to stay slugged - but let the killer see the downed survivors aura when said timer is in place. When someone is hooked, then the timer gets 10 seconds or so added to it. Slugging everyone at the same time should have a risk attached to it.
Any game where a player is forced to move very slowly and can't do any objectives for a long time is very unhealthy for said game.
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Must be the hex taking effect.
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Some comments on the thread were cleaned up due to their off-topic and argumentative nature. Please keep comments civil towards others, and also keep comments to the topic at hand. Thank you.
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Imagine BHVR announcing base kit Unbreakable after The Twins rework if this keep happening on a reg.
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Yeah I actually agree and as far as a practice mode for survivors, I realise it would not be possible for all killers but for a basic M1 like Trapper I am sure they could make some decent AI.
I have actually played the tutorial surviving with bots many times (trying to get decent FPS on my stupid laptop so I can play on that too) and while it is perfectly adequate for the purpose of a tutorial, Trappers AI leaves a lot to be desired.
But if you remember the cheating Spirit AI streamers that were doing the rounds a while back, it seems BHVR are more than capable of making an AI training option that would present a challenge
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Survivors become stronger when they are hooked, it only makes sense for the extreme low tiers to play like this now. This is what we get when we balance the game based off of player surveys.
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I have written a few times that I would LOVE a bleed out faster option. It's not fun laying there especially at the end of a game. Let's make this happen!!
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I occasionally run Low Profile, Unbreakable and Distortion for this. That's not a solution of course. A real solution would be a bleed out option if all survivors are slugged but we'll have to wait for that.
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Didn't realize we can emote as killer in this game.
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Happened just now against a billy, Knockout, Rancor, Coulrophobia and mindbreaker along with hemoredge add-ons. It was nothing but slug after slug. I love billy but not when players play like this.
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It could be humping. That doesn't require an emote.
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Same here, only experienced it a few times in my year of playing. The first time I remember it happening was a Skull Merchant, which is apparently normal for them. Another couple of times was Dredge, weirdly. Not sure why, I don't run annoying combos or flashlights and I can barely get a pallet stun. Must be aimless spite.