Are there any plans to rework Freddy?

He's arguably the worst killer in the game right now. His snares barely do anything and his fake pallets are like a meme at this point. Show Freddy some love!!!
It's possible since we don't know anything about the next road map after the twins rework which is the next PTB after All Things Wicked chapter release.
Let's hope our boy get the love he deserves.
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The devs did say yes, he’s on the radar and lost to fixed. Likely won’t be till second half of the year. We will have to keep our eyes on that roadmap :)
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Indeed, my friend!
Well, me and everyone who has supported this struggle for Freddy throughout the years! I appreciate each and every one of them <3
I sincerely hope they announce it on the next road map, after the anniversary event. It has been quite the journey, but I would like to end it with a victory, if possible :)
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Honestly I don't even want buffs or reworks to his current kit, it's just boring, even if it was "good". I wish they'd bring back old Freddy and just improve on that. It actually was fun and very unique in design/play.
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The Freddy army will always have your back, General.
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You are not alone, my friend. We are here to get our killer back!
And I'll always be thankful for the support, my friend <3
This struggle does not end until Old Freddy is back.
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The only build I run now is skill check with his dress add ons. I don't even bothered with snares that much.
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Hopefully they will bring old version with good buffs. That's what we need.
Also his teleport power should stay and it should be buffed as well. I don't understand why he can't teleport to finished gens, we already got a lot better teleport killers. That won't make him broken.
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Rework? Sure.
Old Freddy? Absolutely not. He was changed with good reason.
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He was changed for bad reason. People called him weak and there was a lot posts to buff him.
BHVR needed to give him some buffs and some QoL, not full rework.
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I'm almost positive they said Freddy is on the radar for some changes in that Twitter Q&A they did a few months ago. I know they confirmed Mikey is down for one;
I wish I had taken a screenshot of it, too, for @GeneralV
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Freddy in dire need. I want the killer that made me play this game in the first place to be showed some love by bhvr.
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He was reworked because everybody hated to play against him and because newer players struggled against him.
His basekit slowdown hit solo players much harder because they couldn't coordinate nearly as well as SWF.
His basekit aura reading also goes against the devs design philosophy from 2018 onwards. Legion was originally going to have aura-reading but they didn't like killers having such a precise tracking ability as part of their kit, which was why Killer Instinct was implemented. They also said that going forward, they wouldn't be using aura-reading for killer powers, hence why it was missing from his rework 6 months later.
He was absolutely miserable to play against and a total DC magnet.
No way in hell he is coming back.
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I'm hoping we will get some new information on the new road map, after the anniversary event. Otherwise it might be another long wait.
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Dreams (haha) and hopes are still there, but I highly doubt they put time in him, because they cant make money out of him... no cosmetics, no nothing.
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I miss old Freddy I want his old powers back he had a creepy vibe to it and now he became even worse hopefully this rework brings him back and get my man some cosmetics