Mapping the Realm

Mapping the Realm

Family Residence (Yamaoka Estate)



  • Member Posts: 13

    Map is generally very balanced. The biggest issue is just the map size. Killers generally don't want to commit to moving from one end to the other, so it is another territorial map. The tiles themselves feel fair.

  • Member Posts: 81

    I find family residence a little bland. its just a big house with a few decent jungle gyms and then a bunch of rocks in the middle that dont offer much in form of aesthetic or function.

  • Member Posts: 30

    Extremely balanced. Needs a collision pass (Playing Huntress is very hard), and maybe a few lighting touch-ups but overall I am very happy with it. I would not make it any larger though, and only shrink it if you add a few more resources. But it's unique, leave it as is.

  • Member Posts: 2,194
    edited March 2024

    Love the colors and hook designs. The hanging lanterns and upper height foliage are great.

    I feel like I am on an estate grounds with all the shrines around the main house. There’s a definite feeling of sadness. Like there are ghosts in the air.

    Post edited by HerInfernalMajesty on
  • Member Posts: 280

    Very 3-gennable, even if it was unintentional. Its just so easy to do all of gens on one side either because the killer patrols one half or due to no communication. Map def needs to be more of a square and not a rectangle. Maybe move main more towards the center and put some gens behind it.

  • Member Posts: 177

    There is a Bamboo asset for Yamaoka Estate maps that looks like it can be walked through, but it's not! Added to that, there are also tall plants on this map that can be walked through.

    It's quite a snag during chase, 'cause the two can be easily mistaken for one another and suddenly you'd find yourself hitting a Bamboo asset thinking you can go through it!

  • Member Posts: 488

    As suvivor I like the map because it's nice for hiding. I like the bridges, the ponds, the lights and the little garden houses but there are barely spots for Balanced landing. Maybe the broken stairs could lead into other rooms of the story?

    As Killer maybe a little bit too big but it's ok.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Maybe with a japanese word for Escape or Campfire or something.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Just a little bit too large, but not much. I think it would be better to leave it as it is (or maybe only move some loops around), before it ends up, like we Germans say, "kaputtgefixt" (lit. "broken-repaired").

  • Member Posts: 65

    The map generally favors survivors. Its a long stretch with many pallets and filler tiles on either side of the map. This map should be condensed to make it less of a chore to navigate. The bamboo that spawns near rocks has awkward collision, it should be kept as a hiding place but let players walk through it.

  • Member Posts: 41

    Family Residence is probably one of my favorite maps in the game. Only major issue I have is that it feels a little too big right now.

  • Member Posts: 566

    Map is quite big. Outside of that, i think its okay.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    Too big. Otherwise its not that bad.

  • Member Posts: 4

    There is no japanese vibe... No sided map

  • Member Posts: 4

    There is no Japanese vibe... Balanced map

  • Member Posts: 24

    Another one of the maps that make me happy no matter which side I'm playing.

    Being a rectangle, it feels bigger than the same-sized Sanctum, and main can suffer heavily from Dead Dawg Syndrome (too many breakable walls that make the building useless if broken or OP if not, no in betweeen).

    Overall love the map vibe, the palette and structures from Rin and Kazan's memories, hopefully it will get a visual update at some point cause it has so much potential!

    Still would play on this map and this map only until the end of time if I had to choose one.

  • Member Posts: 20

    The biggest issue of this map is that it consistently spawns a natural 3 gen in close proximity. The map or the spawn logic must be examined in order to prevent reliable 3 gen spawn. The map often spawns a deadzone in the center, I feel that redistributing pallets towards the center would be a good move while not completely depriving edge tiles their own pallets.

  • Member Posts: 755

    The map is pretty balanced in my opinion, it could favor killers that like 3 gen scenario; but it also pretty big so it makes some slower speed killers struggle abit to get to one side of the map to the other, especially when the survivors did a very good job at spreading the gen, instead of 3 gen themselves. The loops are balanced for both sides, there might be dead zone here and there, but their is plenty of bushes bamboo and rocks to hide behind. I wish other maps have decent line of sight breakers to hide in bushes.

  • Member Posts: 24

    Almost great balanced but too many svr sided structures and needs grafic and layout update

  • Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2024

    I apologize for bringing up something unrelated to map generation...

    Also, the intricate details of the map feel a bit like 'fake Japan' to Japanese people. Especially inside the main building... It's too old-fashioned to believe Rin would live in such a place in modern times. It might be a good idea to have staff from the Japanese-speaking community confirm this. If the design intentionally makes it difficult for overseas players to recognize it as Japan, then I apologize.

  • Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2024

    What's great about Family Residence:

    • Easy to navigate on both sides
    • Central area has great generator placements so Killers can contest them without being able to three gen
    • Unique loops that require a bit of dedication to understand aside from main building, which can be confusing
    • Main building is pretty and iconic <3, just safe enough for survivors to complete the generator inside but just dangerous enough for stealth killers to catch survivors that aren't cautious.

    What's bad about Family Residence:

    • It's a bit too wide so Killers lacking mobility powers have a tough time contesting generators if any of the central generators are completed. Usually resulting in 3 gen endgame on one side of the map if the killer is determined to win. (usually opposite the main building.
    • Small gaps in terrain appear that look like you can walk between them but you can't :(
    • The bamboo plants that you cannot walk through look too similar to tall plants that you CAN walk through.
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