In need of a survivor’s opinion

What IS your ideal killer? I’ve been playing since 2017 and it’s kinda shocking how some survivors seem to hate anything that interrupts the flow of the game. It’s like they want every killer to be trapper, pig, or Michael levels of power and interaction.
Why does it seem survivors only want weak killers they can screw around with and get out 9/10 times? You realize that those are People you’re going against right? So they need to have fun too.
Because survivors were God mode without any skill needed for 5-6 years and only now that has changed. Who wants to be in an equal environment when he grew up literally in luxury all his life? Who wants killers that you can't outrun by predropping 20+ pallets, when such sweet m1 killers exist?
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You obviously didnt play the game the last 5-6 years otherwise you wouldnt make such a false statement.
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I don't particularly care about the exact killer, but it's how the match plays. For me, if the core gameplay is fun, I don't really care if I die or even if we lose as a team.
Maybe that's some chases with some back and forth, maybe it's funny moments with the killer, maybe it's getting some value out of your meme blast mine build once in 20 games. And, most importantly, I'd like to think that that gameplay can be fun for the killer as well. That's what I'm looking for whenever I play killer, but I have much more control over the 'fun' of the game that way.
But fun gameplay isn't really a part of the game anymore. It's all about 'winning' for most killers now, so you either get tunneled out immediately, or you're playing gen repair simulator and hoping that your teammate can last long enough to have a chance. That's not the kind of gameplay I'm interested in.
And you see this most often anytime there's an event. Survivors stop doing gens to throw snowballs, or the devs delete gen rush from the game and give killers free stealth? Oh boy, looks like it's time to tunnel for free wins ladies and gents. The fun gameplay is more or less dead anymore, or so rare it might as well be.
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How many bottles of wine did you drink before you wrote this? This sounds so bitter lmao.
Sure. Survivors never required any skill to play and playing killer has always required a PHD from Harvard. Considering you had to spend half your life training to be so good at DBD, I don't blame you for resenting survivors. Especially when they could beat you by throwing their controllers down a flight of stairs.
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Any killer with a power that has fair counterplay and you don't feel you're in the situation of 'dammed if you do, dammed if you don't' but mostly it's about variety, seeing a particular killer multiple times in a row just gets boring.
But no Skull Merchant. We hate her.
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I've been playing since 2018, so I'm used to killers who can be looped in the regular manner, but also have a power to work with.
Old Freddy will always be my favorite killer to play as and against, of course. But I also like Myers, Pig, Hillbilly, Huntress and even some of the newer characters, like Singularity.
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It's hard to pick an "ideal" killer to vs, because I wouldn't wanna VS the same killer over and over.
I like vsing "m1" killers, of course. But I also like vsing killers with strong chase powers, as long as I don't feel POWERLESS. There's gotta be a chance I can outplay them. So I like vsing Nemesis, Blight, Huntress, Hillbilly, Wesker, Oni, Demo, Artist etc.
Killers I don't like Vsing: Nurse, Spirit, A good Trickster, Knight, Skull Merchant, a good Chucky (soon to be Hag too).
- Knight and Skullmerchant: It's just a matter of time until I get zoned, then hit/downed for free. Holding W only gets you so far.
- A good trickster: If the loop doesn't have high walls and I'm not far enough away to predrop, I'm 100% getting downed soon.
- A good chucky: I'm gonna get hit for free no matter what I do, really. (Still learning to VS him though, but seems this way).
- Nurse: Obvious. If you think you can truly outplay a nurse player, you haven't VSed a really good one yet.
- Spirit: Vsing GOOD spirits that can hear your breath, hear when you grunt when you slow vault etc is PAIN, and when you're injured, what can you really do? And ok you might get lucky once at a pallet mindgame, but she'll replenish her power quickly and you can't usually run from that pallet, so it's just a guessing game, really. And I really don't like VSing spirits using the Cherry Blossom addon. Totally unfair.
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My prefered Killers are what I call the "bruisers", regardless of the role. Killers with a powerful presence around the map such as Hillbilly, Oni and Executioner have always been ones I love facing.
I'm not so much a fan of facing the more comical human-like characters such as Trickster, Ghost Face or Legion, because it feels less like a horror and more like dealing with unruly kids (although I've admittedly enjoyed playing as Ghost Face recently).
It's mainly about the presence of the killer which I enjoy most. Although he doesn't have the presence, the Shape also ranks highly for me in terms of enjoyment - not because of weakness - but he's one of the genuinely scary killers and also very unpredictable. I do admit his stun sound is very derpy though. They need make that something like a less-annoyed Ghost Face sigh.
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I don't mind facing any killer no matter who it is. I just play the videogame for the fun of it, and nothing else. If I'm facing against a killer with the power to down me while running them, in which case, every killer has that potential. Then so what? It's on me to put in the effort to try and dodge them. The person using the killer is there to have their fun too, so they have the right to play how they want. We all bought this videogame for a reason.
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My ideal killer is Trapper but without traps. 😁
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I understand, guys, the truth doesn't always sound pleasant, but I'm sure you'll find the strength to put up with it, it's okay.
I started play back in 2019 on mobile and from 2020 i'm PC player, which almost didn't play killer before 2021. Now i'm 60/40 player, but feel free call me "killer main who hate survivors" if it makes you feel better.
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Your statement was so ridiculous. You might as well double down on it I guess.
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I mean I love going against Pinhead and absolutely can't stand Pig. Is that anything?
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Well, why not? Yes, to say that the skill was not required AT ALL would be untrue, but the fact that it was required ten times less than today is absolutely true. So many things i remember was carried by while i was completely dogshit at this game. I remember how i took old Coldwind, just drop every pallet without even looking at the killer and looping and it was guaranteed 3 minute chase, put on DH for distance and gg, 5 gen chase even with the fact you are new to the game. Only thing that won the killer games was camping, because no one understood how to deal with it. And Mori after first unhook. But hey, now we can escape through hatch with friends at 1 gen left. On top of it there were not many killers, and good killer was soooo rare, even every Nurse player was awful.
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Oni. He is the killer of every man, woman, and child's dream. As Thanos would say, "perfectly balanced, as all things should be."
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Best killer in the game is wesker hands down. best 50/50s best killer movement and management best chases best pressure best everything but I dont want to go against him every match either.
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I like Sadako, Nemmy, Pinhead, Hux, and Alien. Nemmy feels very balanced. Side objectives on the others are solid and make me feel like I can DO something.
I think I would like Skull Merchant if disabling her drones felt more effective.
Trapper and Hag side objectives are fine but I prefer to face them when their player is playing them as antiloop rather than basement campy.
I hate Clown and Huntress. They make me feel essentially helpless, Clown in particular. Legion is annoying as a mending simulator but ultimately not super threatening otherwise. I’m not big on stealth killers. As a whole they just make me stressed in the same way that flashlight players do when I play killer.
Everyone else is kind of in the middle
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I'd never deny that the game was awful for killers at the start, and has gotten progressively better over time. I also know that even when the role of killer was hideous, survivors often still thought that the role of killer was overpowered. There's always gonna be whiny types, especially online. But we're not all bad.
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Killa Whale did a good video called “I found out why survivors are so mad all the time”
and it pretty much explains 1 of every 4 survivors will hate the killer you picked. So honestly there is no reason to care what survivors like. The only killer I dislike is Legion and that’s it. Mending over and over is exhausting tbh.
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killers don't bother me i just don't want to get hit by pop and pain res every game like i have to sit here and watch my gen go from almost being down to going down to nothing
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I just played a match where the killer brought us to Midwich. As soon as I saw it was Myers I knew we were up against scratch mirror. It was very fun. Plague is also fun, as she's very unique.
We salute our Oni players. Especially when they are using the AoT skin.
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I know, dude, that's why i don't take everything too serious right here.
Survivors now imo need to know toooooo many things and i'm afraid it will become unbearable for this role in couple of years with other 10-15 killers and new mechanics. And i respect it and understand why there is so much complains about everything from everyone who is not at least with 1000 hours in this game.
And i swear, you can include me in your "we".
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Yeah, me neither. I usually just crack jokes and leave. I might use a gif if I'm feeling somewhat spicy.
I'd draw stuff, like C3Tooth, but I'm utterly talentless. Thank God I'm pretty.
That's me at the Louvre in 2019.
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The people who complain aren't the same people every time. Everyone has different preferences. I'm fine with most killers, atm I don't particularly enjoy SM, Knight, and Trickster. Everything else is generally fine.
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My ideal Killer is one who brings a new skin I haven’t seen in-game yet. I love it so I can make my own story based off of the Killer and the level.
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You should be at least on the cover of Vogue and in Chanel and Dior ads with such prettiness!
To the OP's post: once against completely surprised of how underhated PH is. No one mentioned him, but he is easily most uninteractive killer in the game. I will deny your every movement and possible counterplay with just going behind you with 4,4. Never stops surprise me how low hated this killer is for how annoying he is.
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I'm still waiting for that call back from L'Oreal.
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I mean, fussy's post has some form of truth. In the game's "early days" (more like the first few years) Survivors had some ridiculously abusable stuff and SWF were far more busted than now (go watch "The downfall of Bully Squads" by Ardheta on Youtube, it's an interesting watch) and over time the devs did things to equalize the playing field (or at least not make playing Killer basically torture).
In my opinion the game was at it's most balanced and fun state between 6.1.0 and 7.5.0. Except for a few temporary bumps (old Skull Merchant, old MFT etc.) the game was in it's most stable state.
They recently messed up hard in the 7.5.0 update and 7.6.0 doesn't fix any of the issues from the previous update (in fact it makes a few things worse, hopefully a hotfix or update makes things better soon, getting tired of the same 6 Killers using the same 5 perks and someone getting tunnelled at 5 gens almost every game alongside Survivors giving up on 1st hook more than ever and M1 Killers being more stressful and difficult to play than before).
It's not rare to hear some players saying something along the line of "the game was better before" because the game was horribly unbalanced in the past.
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This can is a rather subjective and loaded question, but to provide an answer my ideal killer would be one that doesn't have a power like the knights. He can legit down you without a lot of effort on his part. Other killers at least take effort to be good with and reward the player for doing so such as nurse
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I honestly care little about the actual Killer and more about the playstyle being used. At best the Killer used will simply increase or decrease my hopes of escaping, not the fun potential (although Skull Merchant admittedly puts me in the "lets just get this over with" mindset and Nurse/Blight are making me play for bp more than actually escaping).
I don't care about dying if I didn't get tunnelled out quicker than the time I was in lobby. Killers that don't tunnel (at least not at 4-5 gens) are gigachads.
If they don't BM then more power to them. A Killer that demolished my team but still goes "gg" in the post-game chat will get props.
If they don't slug for the 4k then even more power to them. Not many things more boring than being forced to afk for 4 minutes.
I'd much rather die in a lengthy, action-packed tight match than escape through Hatch after watching my teammates get tunnelled and proxy-camped to death before 2 gens are done (it's one of the many reasons I stopped playing SoloQ ever since 7.5.0, it's been a common occurrence since then).
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I like going against killers with weaker anti loop but they have tons of map pressure through map mobility and some game slow down mechanic that gives them more time. This is also what I prefer playing as well. More macro game play and less micro essentially.
Post edited by Blueberry on1 -
Don't bother pondering this, there are too many insane people on the internet. Some portion of the survivor team will have a problem with either your killer, your perk, your addon, or your playstyle. If you load into a lobby with 4 flashlights and you equip franklins, you're a toxic troll. If you camp endgame (because there's nothing else to do), you're a boring tryhard. If you found somebody while they were hiding, you're cheating (got called out by a ttv for this a couple days ago)
Remember that MCote told us this game was designed to be frustrating and go with the flow.
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Someone never got downed by an instant saw Billy then Mori'd on first down on launch day and it shows. I really do wish some of y'all were there to see how this game actually worked in its hayday. It'd be like making Baby Boomers live through the Great Depression.
We aren't all Bully squads looking to make your life miserable with broken builds and perks, some of us are that Nea running Chemical Trap for the third match in a row because we truly believe that THIS game we'll finally be able to use it.
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I don't have any particular thoughts regarding playstyle or the type of killer. It's just fun to be able to compete honestly. When I was begginer, my alive had a heavy meaning, but as I understood the mechanics of the game, I realized that they were worthless, and I didn't care if I died for be tunneled.
The most fulfilling moment for me as a survivor is when I make the killer admit that I'm not worth pursuing. If you follow me, others will complete gen. I'm happiest when I can control the killer's actions through teamwork.
And that can only be obtained against strong and serious killers. So any killer who seriously wants to win is fine.
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The only killers I don't like going against is Nurse and Blight cuz they're hilariously overtuned and Stealth killers cuz they're more hit and run and don't chase much which isn't as fun.
But anyone else I don't mind and more often than not I'm getting mad at my teammates more than the killer and I'm actually going to go on a side rant here for a moment about tunneling.
The most annoying thing about tunneling to me is actually not getting tunneled myself cuz I know most of the time I can waste the killers time to a decent degree. I get more upset when my teammate that lasts 15 seconds in chase gets tunneled out because well they stand no chance and now I probably die over something I didn't have a ton of input over and that's very feels bad, I don't blame killers for this per se cuz it's generally seen as common knowledge getting the weak link out is a good tactic but watching it happen on the survivor side is so sad cuz the only real counter is find better teammates and SWF.
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As a former killer main who hasn't kicked a gen in 2+ years, a killer who doesn't kick gens. I swear if I see another killer forfeit a free hit to kick a gen I'll implode.
Eruption meta rotted killers brains and pop + 5% base hasn't helped even a little bit.
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The one they can kite around the map the most.
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For me it's about chases. Even if I end up dying in the end, I have more fun when I have fun chases with the killer. The mind games and outplaying one another adds to the fun. Another thing is when the killer spreads out the hooks amongst survivors. If I see they hard tunnel someone straight away I'm just like "welp...this game is lost", especially if the person they tunnel doesn't last in chase which means the rest of us don't have time to work gens to compensate. Again, even if I end up dying in the end, the game is more fun for me if there are fun chases and the killer hooks everyone (mostly) evenly (I understand tunneling is needed sometimes. I play killer too lol).
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A pyramid head who can do flicks is a blessing in my eyes
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your pyramid head statement sounds like a skill issue
and he’s not even 4.4 whenever he’s in his power his movement speed goes from 115% to 92%
and also maybe try to play the killer to know why there’s only a few people who hate him + he has garbage addons so there rlly isn’t anything to complain about him
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Been here for his old times and still miss him
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PH main doesn't know how his main works and accuses in skill issue great comedy watch online without registration
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Torment mode isn’t even relevant and an almost non existent aspect in his kit
charging torment mode also refers when you’re holding your m2 as to prepare for a range attack but outside of that he’s still 115%
maybe try again :)
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Haven’t read the other comments, but generalizing a group of people is pretty much never a good starting point for a discussion..
there is all sorts of survivor players that all look for different things. Sure there are the entitled ones only wanting easy matches where they can bm the killer, but those are the minority and if you actually see them so often it might be because of your MMR/region level or it might be due to your playstyle.
same applies to killer players, and don’t forget many players do play both sides
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Same, my friend. Same.
But I still have hope he will be returned to us.
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I won't even, call strongest part of his power "non existent aspect" already said enough about you as PH player
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My take on killers:
Ideal Killer:
- Bubba: Always fun unless proxycamping. But these days, good bubbas go for the Hunt. And they know how to handle loops effectivly.
- Hillbilly: He is a bit overtuned but still awesome. Exciting chases, many chases, skill expression on both sides. What more can i ask for?
- Blight: Same as billy.
- Demogorgon: Good chase power, but can also teleport around the map so he is constantly a threat.
- Wesker: Same as Billy. So much fun in chase and dont forget the music!
- Oni: What a great killer. Standard looping followed by his insane power. Both phases are good, because getting hit in early is no option so you have to play carefully but without mindless waisting resources - and in late... well he is a constant threat without being totally unfair.
- Huntress: Arguably THE most terrifying killer in the game, at least for me. Against top level Huntress, you are never safe, but they still have fair counterplay. Thank god they reverted the movement speed buff.
- Dull Merchant: N/C
- Knight: Guard left, Killer right. win
- Artist: Bird left, Killer right. win
- Twins: Slug slug slug
- Trickster: Dumb gameplay
The rest of the killer roster is between fine and bad, but not outstandingly great or terrible.
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non existent aspect refers to the movement speed outside of that he’s 115%
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I love that y'all are fighting over a character.
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Hey he’s the one who mentioned that he doesn’t like playing against a killer nobody even brought up