"Movie Buff" Achievement not unlocking

IHasDan Member Posts: 38
edited March 13 in Bug Reporting

Finished the gen in main and escaped twice now but has still not unlocked.

Update: Seems to be working now.

Post edited by IHasDan on
9 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • Pulseangel666
    Pulseangel666 Member Posts: 19

    Repaired twice with someone and escaped both times and it has not popped for me.

    Also repaired it solo and escaped and it did not work.

  • YmPrat
    YmPrat Member Posts: 28

    Sounds like a skill issue to me, worked first try for me. Was on PS5 and playing as Alan Wake with bond, windows, lithe, deja vu, and a map offering for the map.

  • Pulseangel666
    Pulseangel666 Member Posts: 19

    I am on PC btw

  • IHasDan
    IHasDan Member Posts: 38

    I'm steam, did the gen alone and still nothing.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 158

    Came here to report the same. Repaired the gen and escaped, got no progress. Playing on Steam.

    Currently set to anonymous mode in-game if that has any effect on it.

  • Leidenschaft90
    Leidenschaft90 Member Posts: 67

    Which generator is meant? The one inside the cinema or the one on the main square with the statue? I finished both and escaped but didn't get the achievement.

  • VentingSylar
    VentingSylar Member Posts: 177

    Maybe this bug is only effecting steam players it seems. As I did the gen today and escaped but it did not trigger the achievement. On steam.

  • Toader
    Toader Member Posts: 12

    Yup does not unlock for me as well. I did the generator in the theater and escaped. Playing on PC (Steam)

  • Orkai
    Orkai Member Posts: 10

    I have the same problem, also Steam

  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 271

    Did you restart the steam client after updating Dead by Daylight?

    After restarting the steam client, I login to Dead by Daylight, played the game and completed the achievements. I was able to unlock the achievements with no problem.

  • Orkai
    Orkai Member Posts: 10

    Update: Today it worked just fine :)

  • Pulseangel666
    Pulseangel666 Member Posts: 19

    I also got it to work today by doing the gen and escaping. I guess the servers were under fire yesterday. So worth it to try again.

  • IHasDan
    IHasDan Member Posts: 38

    Update: Got the achievement