Solo Queue Pain Res morale deflation.

You solo queue players know exactly what I'm talking about. Game starts. Killer is chasing a teammate. You've got 75%-90% of a gen done. Your teammate goes down after an okay chase. The hook happens, bam pain res on your 90% done gen. All of a sudden you've got a teammate on a hook, 5 gens still left, and the killer is now chasing someone else while you have to do a good chunk of your gen all over again, or the killer comes for you and that gen regresses all the way and you GET NO PROGRESS and you're whole team is now way behind.

This exact scenario plays out in like 40-50% percent of my solo queue games it is literally demoralizing seeing that first pain res hit before you get that first gen done. It seems to start the domino affect of pain. I play both sides equally and I'd equate it to 2-3 gens being done before your first hook when playing killer.

Every once in a while you get a start where 3 survivors start on separate gens and you can bypass this, but that's rare in solo queue for survivors to stick gens early like that.


  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 771

    Well same here. That's the problem with this game. You switch back and forth and it's the unfun BS on both sides.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,408

    I wish a mode was around that was just perkless games. Might be boring to think about, but man all thats left in those games would be the good stuff: chases, chases and chases.

    Wait, thats customs, the superior game mode currently lol. Anyone wanna 1v1 cowshed later? :P

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    I don't run pain resonance. Should I start? Idk I like to just run thrilling tremors and/or surge. Scourge hook builds often seem overhyped to me. I mean... grim embrace just does it better? Sure 15% regression on the gen with the most progress is nice, but what's the point if you can't prevent the survivors from completing it. 99-15=84%. That's like 10 seconds.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,964

    Third pain res threads today. im actually shock!!! What wrong with pain res? it keep the early game from getting out of control and even slightly incentivize people to go for different Chases to keep the gen pressure down. Even tho plenty still tunnel with it

    I think Dead Man switch is more of a problem personally especially with grim running around

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    "keeps early game from gettting out of control", this is trolling right?

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,563
    edited March 12

    Morale is not the same as moral

    Morale : "the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time."

    Moral : "concerned with the principles of right and wrong behaviour."

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,563

    Pain res is one of the best killer perks. I'd say it's probably the best one but it's at least in the top 3.

    It can give killer early game pressure which is invaluable. If you use corrupt with it on a killer that can down fast early then you can get this very reliably and it's very hard for survivors to deal with.

    You don't have to run it in a scourge hook build. The other scourge hook perks in the game aren't that good.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 293

    It's 25% on Pain Res because, you see, it got nerfed. Which means it feeds well into Pop and does so even better with Grim Embrace.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    It got nerfed? Live servers say 15% for me. PTB was 25%. Guess I'll double check when I have a moment. I know the update comes out later. Or did you mean something else? Your response confused me a bit. 25% to 15% as a nerf makes sense, but that as a reason to use it seems counterintuitive. Nerfed perks tend to be ignored. Do you mean buff?

    I get the combinations. I just don't see the point in dedicating that many perks to the first 30 seconds of a match. That's Iike bringing lethal pursuer and not really doing much with it beyond the first 30 seconds. Or the alternative of bringing 4 aura timer perks.

    I even understand the idea of how important to some people that first 30 seconds is. 4 survivors working 4 separate gens unabated for the time it takes you to cross the map is in many ways an uphill battle and a guaranteed 3 gen loss at 90 - 140 seconds. But I'd rather play the 2 gen over the 3 start gens. Like... corrupt intervention is a great perk when it works, but get a 50/50 gen split on a map with the 7th being central and you're still not countering the survivors that are going to spawn midway with dark sense. Nor are you countering deja vu or the myriad of other perks that survivors have to counter the early game rush down.

    And it still doesn't help in the 1v1 hatch scenario. Idk. I'm just bad I guess.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 293

    @ wydyadoit

    You are looking at the yellow tier1 which is 15%. 6.7.0 changed Pain Resonance from being able to regress 12x15% to 4x25% at tier3 (once per survivor) because games devolved into hook trading on a scourge hook. So to compensate for fewer regression instances it is now frontloaded to give almost double on your first scourge hook. This is generally regarded as a nerf due to less total regression. In practice it went from being the best perk in the game to still being the best perk in the game. It got nerfed twice now by the way.

    Also you seem to think you need great synergy between your perks. You do not. You need perks to assist your time management. If Lethal Persuer helps you to start a chase and thus get your first down quicker then it is irrelevant if there are no aura perks or addons to benefit from if you can snowball from there.