Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

What is the point in playing against this?

OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,279
edited March 2024 in General Discussions

I can't be the only one who thinks the slowdown in this game has gotten out of hand?

Like I can understand stacking a couple of slowdowns on Freddy or something, because his chases are naturally going to last a while. But this kind of thing on a Wesker? Nurse? Blight? It's just silly.

These matches are SUCH a chore to get through. I'm so over these 30 minute matches.

Post edited by OnryosTapeRentals on


  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,279

    I'm not sure. STBFL was definitely nerfed too harshly and should be looked at again. But killers still have loads of great non slowdown options. Spirit Fury, Enduring, Brutal Strength, Bamboozle etc. for chases. Ultimate Weapon, BBQ and Chili, Nowhere to Hide, etc. for tracking.

    killers like Onryo got nerfed

    Onryō is in the best spot she's ever been in IMO. Sure, she has a few rough edges (like survivors seeing TV auras in chase) but for the most part I'm finding her fun and well-balanced.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    especially when 90% of the games two of the survivors are just crouched in a damn corner the whole game doing nothing.

  • justalilbit123
    justalilbit123 Member Posts: 190

    It doesn't even matter about finding the weakest looper. Even good survivors are sick to death of being tunneled and will just go next. I really don't blame them.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Devs can prevent certain slowdown perks from staking, they just haven’t. Why? Well, it’s probably because they feel it’s all in a good place, rn.

    Regardless, certain builds absolutely do feel abusive when used by top tier players, and overly frustrating to face match after match.

  • coolgue1
    coolgue1 Member Posts: 130
    edited March 2024

    Well it just goes to show it dont matter how much you buff a killer people will still use the most op stuff regardless it killer is strong or not and their are no weak killers killer ate legit faster than survivours in 15 seconds tear 1 bloodlust so you are basically saying the power dont win me the case the killer weak no sir that call weak mind gaming and too lazey to actually put effor into playing if it was actually skill if killer is in tear 3 blood just it would only put us in deep wound since almost every pallet in the game is weak at 15% haste for killers

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,697

    The devs don't seem to want to take away synergy of running perks together. Which is fine but they always end up just gutting the perks so they are only useful in that synergy.

    Then the devs will remove perk synergy with powers no problem which imo only further cements every killer using the same handful of perks.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited March 2024

    The 50sec Gen basekit was because Ruin/Pop heavily nerfed. Now the new slowdown combo is more powerful than old Ruin/Pop, on top of that 50sec Gen basekit, on top of Medkit nerf, on top of self healing nerf.

    But if nerfing the new combo should add another 50sec Gen basekit.


    Its not that individual slowdown perks should be nerfed. But stacking 3-4 of them should not be a thing.

  • FunkadelicPeach
    FunkadelicPeach Member Posts: 20

    THIS^^ It's super easy to guarantee a 4k and just trust your perks to keep them slowed down enough to get your first 3 hook. If they try to go for a rescue you can just proxy. It's a brutal and unfun playstyle, but it works so well right now with these perks!

  • Felgoose
    Felgoose Member Posts: 163

    I've been playing since pre resident evil chapters and I've never seen the game in such a fast state. It used to feel like you were trying to escape or kill, but now it feels more like a race on either side. Feels like most of my games are less than 8 minutes and somebody gets stomped. It's rarely a close match which are the most fun.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,977
    edited March 2024

    Why not use the meta on every killer though? Nobody wants to risk losing because if you do you'll just get humiliated for it. So it makes sense that people are going to give themselves the best chances. If you don't, you have to try harder and people want to relax where possible.

  • MalekithHatesSnow
    MalekithHatesSnow Member Posts: 253
    edited March 2024

    Why is it whenever new slowdown becomes meta its "Uh THIS time its REALLY out of hand" It was out of hand with Eruption Pop Pain Res you ask for an 8 gen regress limit killers start using gen block now its "No no now its out of hand again!" That other forum user was 100% right when he said gen block will now be complained about

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    That's the problem this game has, and which will get even worse. 35 killers and every killer can use every perk. You will get perks which are fine on 34 killers, but way too strong on the other 1. On top of the very big casual majority who have difficulties in chase or being efficient on gens

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 505

    Personally I think there should be 30 second corrupt base kit and gen kicks increased slightly maybe to 7-8% then all slowdowns nerfed to thana, dying light levels of strength and on the survivor side any perks that speed up gens should only be a few percent also with toolboxes no longer increasing repair speed.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited March 2024

    I have to agree with @Blueberry on this one. Onryo is the worst spot she has ever been. I share same opinion in regard global condemn being best version for her & uniqueness aspect.

    I suspect that when decisive strike gets buffed to 5 second stun and 80 second duration, I would not be surprised if the survivor meta turns into something like OTR+DS+Lithe/DH where survivor is just running 3 anti-tunnel perks vs killer running game-delay. in my view, the game is being reverted more and more into pre-6.1.0 patch with low perk variety.

  • Man_of_triangles
    Man_of_triangles Member Posts: 302

    Mass slowdown is mandatory if you want to play without camping and tunneling against decent survivors, which is why I use them. Of course, most will still do those things because it is the optimal way to play.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    No you're just trying to find excuses to give buffs to killers which don't need to happen.

    When the second ruin and cob were finally nerfed as well as when pop was weaker for a time gen times were increased. But when all these new arguably better gen slowdown perks like grim, pain res, new pop, eruption, you name it were added, where were you calling for gen speeds to be reverted back to 80?

    Killer power creep on the next level.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Yeah I think that might be where it’s heading. Ironically lol. We tried to pull away and change things and then just inadvertently go right back.

    New Onryo is not only totally boring and lost all her uniqueness but she is ridiculously weak now. Like during global condemn version I actually felt like she was pretty strong and could compete against some decent teams. Now..she’s like C tier and I feel like that’s being very generous even. Totally unviable against remotely good players again. We went full circle back to original Onryo.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    for me, she feels like she is trending to be among top 5 worst killer in the game. I played vs Onryo and the killer got... 1 hook with highest condemn being 4 stacks. The idea of manually building up a mori was fun concept for a killer but this version is not very fun for me. Onryo is not anywhere on the developer update listing so it looks she is staying in this uninteresting state.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2024

    Yeah it’s so sad. The global condemn version actually made me fall in love with her. The play style was so refreshing and viable at the same time. She became one of my main killers at the time. She’s now boring and so, so bad. I’m a little bitter as you can tell lol. I miss my fun killer.

    Requiring hooks to lock in stacks makes so sense either (unless it was back to the unlimited lock in anyway). Right now by the time you lock in enough to condemn easily they’re already on third hook so at that point the mori is irrelevant rofl. All her condemn is doing now is saving you the walk to the hook on their 3rd hook nearly. Pointless.

    Really destroys her condemn not removing tapes on hit as well. You feel like you have no meaningful way to stop them removing stacks unless you commit to every chase an m1 killer with no anti loop..enough said. Her manifest/demanifest is useless anti loop against anyone even remotely decent.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2024

    Would your opinion be that 4 slow downs is still too overwhelming if the killer is not tunneling anyone out and playing fair?

  • PotatoPotahto
    PotatoPotahto Member Posts: 250

    For everyone arguing for nerfing the slowdown with no compensation for killer, remember - the devs just showed the killrates being on the targeted level so that probably won't happen.

    The best you can get is the Grim Embrace nerf which is probably justified

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I share your bitterness. I love playing her too. I am mildly hoping for a revert.

    Requiring hooks to lock in stacks makes so sense either (unless it was back to the unlimited lock in anyway). Right now by the time you lock in enough to condemn easily they’re already on third hook so at that point the mori is irrelevant rofl. All her condemn is doing now is saving you the walk to the hook on their 3rd hook nearly. Pointless.

    Pyramid head torment with extra steps is my summary of the mechanic. pointless indeed.

    Really destroys her condemn not removing tapes on hit as well. You feel like you have no meaningful way to stop them removing stacks unless you commit to every chase an m1 killer with no anti loop..enough said. Her manifest/demanifest is useless anti loop against anyone even remotely decent.

    Agree. Ineffective anti-loop, forced to commit to chases as weak killer, no real impact on attempting to make tapes less effective.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    In the first place, the decent survivors wouldn't let the killer easily tunneling or camp. If you do that, gen will be completed, right? Because they threatens killer.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    i think they need to limit the number of gen slowdown perks you can have to 2 and significantly buff weaker ones for greater variety of both overall perks and of slowdown perks used.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    Yup, and when kicking gens was introduced it could only regress at max 25% :)

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 420

    Better??? What color is the sky in your world? Pain Res, Pop, and Eruption are all shadows of their former selves. Pain Res is 4 times per game instead of infinite times. Pop is current gen progress instead of total gen progress. And eruption is a shadow of its former self across the board. And you stand there saying they are "new arguably better gen slowdown"?? Stop talking. Just....stop.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I'm sorry this is a terrible take.

    New pain res is still just as strong as old pain res, infact new pain res means you don't need to hook people many times as long as you hook someone once each you can camp them out and still get full value from the perk.

    Old pop was 25% total progress of the gen. New pop is 30% current progress of the gen plus the additional 5% total progress from base kits. New pop is only worse if you're kicking gens with minimal progress, otherwise it's actually better.

    Old eruption was completely broken so yes new eruption is not as strong as that, but it's definitely NOT a bad perk. Plus grim embrace dms all these new perks basically fill the roll of eruption except they're better.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 420


    Saying new pain res is better then old pain res is being disingenuous at best, an outright lie at worst. Having survivors lose 25 percent progress 5 times will always lose to having survivors lose 15 percent progress 12 times. 100 percent lost progress is worse then 180 percent lost progress.

    Moving on Pop mathematically isn't capable of being better then old pop total progress will always be more powerful then current progress. Hypothetically speaking, lets say a gen has exactly 25 percent progress. Old pop would drop it down to 0 percent progress, new pop would make it lose 7.5 percent from the pop, plus 5 percent more fron the kick itself, forcing the gen to lose exactly 12.5 percent. Not enough proof? Lets say that same gen had 75 percent progress? Old pop would drop it down to 50 percent, while new pop would drop it down by 22.5 percent, plus an extra 5 from the kick, bring it down in total by 25.5 percent. Thats more then old pop......until you realize that for new pop to be stronger then old pop, the gen must be at 75 percent finished or higher. Anything from 74 and below, old pop is stronger. Which mean, by default, old pop was stronger then new pop 74 percent of the time.

    Combine both of these examples with Eruption, Call of Brine, and Overcharge being completely gutted, and I think I proved beyond a doubt that you were wrong about "new arguably better gen slowdown perks like grim, pain res, new pop, eruption"

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Nah just nerf tunneling so killers can actually get good at the game.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Just because its a shadow of its former self it doesn't mean it doesn't need to be looked at. Remember when killers advocated for dh to be nerfed time and time after time again 🤣

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    You're assuming that games actually get 12 hooks which is very rare, often people die on first or second hook. The last 2 to 3 are negligable anyway because everyone is already dead. In most scenarios new painres is better because it does more damage early on and is alot more reliable.

    Your maths is wrong in that 75% calculation because you didn't properly add the 5% base regression, so pop applies 30% of current progress deletion PLUS you get 5% more from that so it'd be over 27.5%. Most of the time your actually popping gens over 60% anyway so in those situations pop is either equal or stronger. When are you actually popping a gen with 15% progress that actually matters? This means new pop does more damage when you most need it.

    You mentioned some perks that were nerfed and i mentioned some perks that were massively buffed but the gen speed nerfs happened before all of these perks were introdcued when there were alot less slowdowns in general, so my point is why would gen speeds need to be nerfed again considering removing some of these slowdowns would only return us to a pre CoB era with 90 second gens, not making slowdowns worse than they were when gens were nerfed.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 420

    I did properly calculate the the math, as behavior as confirmed that the 5% from kicking a gen is given AFTER progress from the gen is lost from the perk itself. It goes Perk regression, THEN kick regression, not vice versa