Pig Changes

Blueberry Member Posts: 13,166

Do you feel Pig is actually stronger now post PTB?

They significantly buffed aspects of her that were so bad that even with these significant changes they're still bad, but in exchange nerfed her RBT, which were the actual strong part of her kit by removing box auras. This is a significant nerf. Her ambush is still largely unusable in most loops and the ones that it is, are playable for an m1.

I was excited when I heard we were finally getting Pig buffs as someone that plays her a lot. Then we get this. Why can't we just buff Pig without nerfing her? These changes just feel totally unnecessary.

Now even aside from power level this has removed what made Pig fun to me in the first place, her macro game play. There was unique fun in juggling survivors, gens, and boxes trying to simultaneously pressure them all. With box auras gone this has essentially been removed. Now she's just a anti-loop(weak) killer with some passive slow down like a dozen other killers. Even if her ambush was buffed more and made amazing, it's made her lose what made her fun and unique in exchange.

Everyone calling this a buff while to me this is a significant nerf to Pigs power level (I'd put her lower on a tier list now and she was already low) and also removed the part of what simply made this killer fun to me.

Pig Changes 21 votes

OnryosTapeRentalsJustAShadowglitchboiReverseVelocityAlex_sizzlingmario4Archol123MechWarrior3CorvusCorax86jonifireBlightedTrapperYharwicksillysellywellyLethal1903 14 votes
BlueberryaeonskulFridayNightPizzaOrangeBearxltechnoTheSingularityTyler3 7 votes


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,075

    You can still play around Traps just fine. Just learn the box spawns or run a tracking perk or something.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,166
    edited March 13

    So for example something as simple as old Pain Res asking people to let go of a gen as they see someone about to be hooked is too much and gets nerfed, but Pig should have to memorize every single box on every single map? That seems like a double standard to me. The average Pig player is not memorizing boxes on every map.

    Just as we're balancing around the average survivor we should be balancing around the average killer, if we're going to balance by that rational.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,075

    You don't have to memorize every single box spawn, just the general layout. The boxes are quite loud by themselves (they beep and clunk a bunch).

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 495

    If the change to the boxes makes it so that Pig players find it harder to force head pops then great. Her kill rate will become more reflective of her actual strength as a killer, and she can be buffed as necessary. Even if she isn't that strong now, if the changes have normalised her, she can keep getting improved.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 13

    I think the changes are nice, but nothing big. The box aura removal will make her lose a lot of free kills.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,166

    That's impractical. Just go into every match and slowly figure out where each box is listening for them? If you play Pig at a high level you know that you need to know box spawns immediately to pressure even first RBT.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,075

    Slowly? Pig Boxes will pretty much always spawn in a similar pattern. You should know generally where to patrol still if you've played a decent amount of Pig.

    Cenobite players can find a tiny ass box in the middle of nowhere pretty consistently, you'll be fine.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,166

    Cenobite box is way more predictable as it is not map reliant, it's simply based on yours and the survivors spawn points. Completely different. Pig boxes do not function the same in spawn logic.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 997

    Until now, Pig has established itself as the perfect killer to practice with the M1 Killer. This is because she has a slight spice to her chase ability and stealth ability, but her basic ability is an M1 killer, and she has the ability to delay the completion of gen with her own ability. This was because it was perfect for making matches a little longer and gaining experience points for the game as a whole.

    That unbalanced adjustment is stupid to say the least and diminishes the appeal of RBT's "game-dominating" killer.

  • Lethal1903
    Lethal1903 Member Posts: 4

    I like the changes they made to Pig, trying to focus her more on her ambush power for chases. Her traps will always slow down survivors but even if you try and interfere with the survivors while they're on the boxes it's still unlikely that you'll secure a bear trap kill. I think this buff to her chase and very slight nerf to her traps will make her stronger, and more fun to play as and against

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,166

    I'd average 1 to 2 RBT kills every game..so not unlikely at all if you know how to macro play her and pressure boxes and gens simultaneously. Now, not so much. Now you'll never get one and it's just passive slow down in the background.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,440

    I think it is a buff now, but only because they reverted the timer increase. On the PTB it was an overall nerf.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,788

    But losing free kills is a good thing, you should not be able to get free kills.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,788

    I like the changes, forcing head pops has always been a really unfun strategy and I preferred to use the antiloop power anyway. In Combination with the ambush addons her dash is actually really useful now. I will probably pick her up again, now that the ambush is actually usable.

    The changes to her crouch speed and movementspeed are also great, even though they could have gone further with them.