What other games does everyone like to play?

iplay minecraft and rainbow six extraction (sadly the game is very dead but its still fun to go solo)
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I play a varity of games at the moment on my own Subnautica below zero as I enjoyed the first one. With my friends Rainbow six seige despite being terrible at it I enjoy it but it can take its toll a bit like Dead by Daylight.
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I have a few I've been playing recently: Pinball M, Inkulinati, Have a Nice Death (great writing and art <3 ), Cult of the Lamb, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, and I FINALLY got the free time at the start of the year to sit down and play Paleo Pines! All I can say is this:
Any game where you can head pat a T-Rex as much as you want is a win in my book :3
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I play lots of stuff!
Currently I am playing the beast that is Baldur's Gate 3. I've got like...a dozen games in my backlog waiting for BG3 to be finished but this game is big! I don't like to play multiple games at the same time.
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From Software games
I would have played Lethal Company if my friends were interested in this
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Single player games: not much lately after finishing my Honour Mode in BG3, just some Binding of Isaac here and there. Just waiting for new interesting releases.
Multiplayer games: I'm playing a bunch of Hunt: Showdown, but that's pretty much it.
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I am slowly playing through Alan Wake 2 atm. It's really good, i think it's many more times engaging than the first game.
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Final Fantasy 7 currently.
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Oh fun, I play Dragon Quest Builders and I love it.
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I’ve heard of Subnautica but haven’t tried it. I’m thinking about it!
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I’ve been meaning to try The Cosmic Wheel of Sisterhood! I just started Cult of the Lamb and I have to say it is so fun with a really interesting vibe.
And wow Paleo Pines looks fun. I love games like Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons. My “sim” game that I’m playing right now is Harvestella. I’ve fallen completely in love with the game 😌❤️
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I have a family member who wants to do a BG3 LAN party. I purchased the remasters of the first 2 to prepare myself lol. I’m glad BG3 is doing well and that people love it.
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I have a Demon’s Souls file on the PS3 that I need to pick back up. It’s such an oddly satisfying game. Grinding to me is really fun in Demon’s Souls.
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I’ve never heard of Hunt:Showdown. I will have to look it up 😊
Binding of Isaac is the first game that got me into Roguelike games. They’ve really taken off! I love them.
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That’s so awesome! I recently just bought Control so I’m excited for that since it’s from the same company 😊
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The original or remake??? I LOVE Square Enix. I still can’t stop playing FF16 😍
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The Remake. Trying to get all the trophies. I love the game, it's such a nostalgic experience.
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Wow how nice 😊
And the second part is right around the corner 😃🤩
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Yup! I gotta get that 100% before the Rebirth comes. I'm at 60% rn. Got all the summons besides Bahamut.
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I've got two runs going, my own personal run where I'm doing basically everything I can find and a run with the peeps I used to play D&D with.
Funny enough, they were so desperate to play BG3 with me that they gave me a gaming laptop (which to be fair, my buddy worked for a game publisher that went under so he got the gaming laptop for free but still, could have sold it for a couple hundred bucks at least I imagine) and a $100 Steam Gift Card so that I could get BG3.
I've never liked PC gaming as I am too impatient to deal with all the ish you have to deal with to do PC gaming (and even getting BG3 to actually run was making me incredibly irked) but now that everything is up and running, I'm really happy to get to play BG3. The game is super fun, especially playing with them like we used to play D&D. The only mild thing that sucks is we're farther in our campaign than I am in my individual campaign so I've gone through a lot of "spoilers" but overall not the worst thing in the world. I am just about to finish Act 2 and in our co-op campaign we just started Act 3 so I should overtake them in the next few days.
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I looked up Harvestella (I have heard of it before but never seen game footage), and OH MY GOSH I love the idea of a Final Fantasy-esque faming sim! I don't think I have anything that could run a game like that right now without throwing a fit, but it is gorgeous!
Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is a really nice game and with a great (and sometimes, heartbreaking) story. And glad to hear you are enjoying Cult of the Lamb! Don't forget when a follower asks to eat a bowl of... um... 💩... there are two recipes that call for the ingredient... make sure its not the one with the 75% change to kill the follower 😅During my first playthrough, I was wondering why I had many more follower graves than others I saw playing the game... lesson learned! rofl
And Paleo Pines is incredible! Once you are out of the (very short) tutorial, you get quests and aside from that, can go and do almost anything from the get-go.
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Hunt is awesome, we should form a team ;)
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Would highly recommend the first one. It can be very scary at times. The story is very good.
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Dbd ate a lot of playtime the last years. Before that i played all Resident Evils, God of Wars, Metal Gears, Silent Hills.
At the moment i started Monster Hunter World which is better than i thought.
It is really good we have a breake right now with no new rift.
Need to finish God of War Ragna and Dark Souls 3 sometime.
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I play alot of different ones. Could make a long list but going to keep it short.
Recently finished solo game: Far Cry 6. Love the animal amigos and feeding the wildlife. Rest of game was good too but animal bits made the game for me. 😂
Current solo game is Cyberpunk 2077. Started this one awhile ago but had stopped playing when I heard there was going to be a big patch that changed up gameplay and DLC that added endings.
Multiplayer: Diablo 4, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed, Among Us
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Recently, I've been doing a Minecraft classic Skyblock. It has been a massive help with getting me to relax in this very busy January.
I've also been rounding off my remaining Binding of Isaac unlocks. Only Tainted Lost and Tainted Lazarus remain!
Before that, I did two playthroughs of Death's Door. A classic-zelda-like starring a crow.
Also in keeping the bird theme, I've played through Aviary Attorney this week. An Ace Attorney parody set in 19th century France, based on the works of J.J. Grandville. It's a bit short, but if you love bird puns and solving crimes this one's for you.
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Besides DBD, i'm currently dividing my time between Pinball M, Team Fortress 2, Meet Your Maker, Left 4 Dead 2 & soon Alan Wake 1.
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sounds like a dnd type game im gonna check it out
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i beat everything on extraction. im sad now
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Currently, I'm also playing Stardew Valley (on occasion) and We Happy Few. Just finished the latter, so may go onto something else soon
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I play almost any genre if I like it.
Recently I enjoyed f76 with friends and next month I will play persona 3 reload and tr 1-3 remaster when they come out.
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Hello, everyone. To be honest, I don't have much time for video games anymore, but I still manage to do it sometimes. Lately, I've been playing a lot of FIFA, CS and UFC. Especially when one of my friends comes to visit. I was very passionate about video games when I was a kid, when I got my first console and then a PC. I was so passionate that I sometimes even missed school because of the counter strike (Download CS 1.6 Non Steam).
Post edited by Reydussen99 on1 -
I love playing Soulsborne Games like Dark Souls, Eldenring, Bloodborne. Also i love Storygames like Red Dead Redemption 2 or The Last of Us 1 & 2. Online i rarely play other stuff than DBD but if so its most like Red Dead Redemtion 2 Online or TCM, maybe also For Honor (I hate that game xD)
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I've just been getting into a fangame called Sonic World DX. Played the original years ago but I wanted to revisit it. It's pretty fun!
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Elder Scrolls Online, Skyrim, Hearthstone, Overwatch 2, Fortnite, Gauntlet Slayer Edition
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Fortnite, super smash bros ultimate, mario kart
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So did you get Rebirth??? 😊
I’m thinking about starting my FFXIV file up again!
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I have so many happy and precious memories playing TF2 😌
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When F76 came out I was OBSESSED with it!
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I followed your advice. Although, now that I can compost bodies well…. 😬
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Baldurs gate 3 is reallly fun!!
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I can’t wait to try it 😊
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My favorite non-DBD title would have to be Pirate101, an MMORPG developed by KingsIsle and the closest thing we'll ever get to a Fire Emblem MMO. I've been playing it for about, I wanna say, 8-ish years (I started seriously playing around 2015-2016 if I remember right), and still do to this day. It's one of the more solo friendly MMOs to play through, though its free trial content is a bit sparse and should be expanded just a bit (making the first world free to play).
Got one of each class at least on my main account and currently leveling Buccaneer (which is basically the tank class).
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I play lots of stuff, actually!
I love From Software games (especially Dark Souls Remastered, which is my favorite), Pokemon, Cyberpunk 2077, and Overwatch, though I do wonder why I still bother to play that one.
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Oh that’s so cool! Great game choices!
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One fun and relaxing group of games are the hidden object games from DevCats. There's a few games that range from completely free to only a few dollars (game proceeds go to help shelter cats), but specifically I am enjoying 'A Castle Full of Cats'.
And when you are closing the game, you see this adorable floof, and what's not to love about that?
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I play Texas chainsaw, Minecraft, NHL 24 and recently telltale batman 2. Sometimes other story games. I used to play fortnite a lot before but it's not the game I liked anymore.
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Oh wow I never even thought about game proceeds going to good causes. That’s wonderful. I looked them up and they look cute. The art style is really nice too. The Arcade Cat one caught my eye.