DBD is dying?

SrNinguem Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

Idk about you guys from NA, but here in SA you can`t play as a survivor, there is a lot of killer being toxic like always tunelling survivors, camping hooks or using cheats (like a 20 hours account from steam with p100 wesker...) and i`m afraid... i waste a lot of time and money while playing dbd and i feel toxic killers and cheat killers will kill the game if behavior dont do something...

In my last 50 games i think only 1 killer dont tun or cheat and this is very sad bc i really love this game but you simply cant play as a survivor

Dude look at this #########: https://streamable.com/x3b9by

sorry for the bad english.



  • SrNinguem
    SrNinguem Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    I mean camping and tunneling is toxic because it gives no chances for the survivor, yea ik dbd is a game for killers but still survivors need to have a chance for escape, so when there is 5 gens and the killer tun someone so the game stay with 3 survivors and 4 gens there is no chances for escape so for me the killer was being toxic.

    About the video u can see how freddy make a moon walk and dont get stunned by the pallet and in the whole game he was revealing the aura of everyone, i was healing my self in the basement and my friend only watch he walks for the basement like if he know i was there and when the match is over he didnt even have nurses call or something but he still come for me...

    Btw if you are saying this is not toxic, you'r probably doing the same thing as this:

  • SrNinguem
    SrNinguem Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    This is what im talking about, behavior need to do something about it, bc when the killer tun someone it is simply impossible to win with 3 survivors, so it give no chances for the survivior

  • SrNinguem
    SrNinguem Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    you can see the youtube video i put there, the pig was really mad at me and yea, it was VERY TOXIC.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700

    Tunneling can be countered by making chases take too long to be worth it.

    Camping can be countered by hook trading close to the end of the current hook stage.

    They aren't infallible strategies, but too many survivors don't know how to properly deal with them.

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    I would go so far as you don't know either. You can only prolong a chase against a killer that you can easily survive anyway (ie baby killers). With the recent changes and map updates, you cannot escape a competent killer indefinitely, if they want to tunnel you out of the game, for the majority of survivor players especially in soloQ means they will tunnel you out of the game.

    Yes in an ideal world you can use it to buy time. But BHVR made sure it is no longer the case.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882

    But the problem you have is not with the killer, it is with the developers for allowing the tactic to exist. Personally i would love it if they rebalanced the game around hooks and chases instead of kills. But that would mean eliminating tunneling and camping, but also they need to slow down survivors in some way. The point though is people need to stop looking at people using tactics to win. If you don't like those tactics your anger is misplaced.

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    this is nitpicking, the player cannot select whose incompetence or malice they wish to suffer, all they are facing is the end result. Furthermore, if your point is that killers should always have a comfortable way to 4K with some effort (because they either have to tunnel to get there, or the game needs to last long enough to make it possible), then you are not looking for solutions.

    So let me spell it out, tunneling and camping from the victim's proint of view removes their fair chance to feel victorious. To escape. If you are only fine with changes if survivors still dont have a fair chance, then your opinion reflects something else. This means to have a reasonable chance for any survivor to escape in the end. Following your suggestion to rebalance the game to a point where survivors still certainly die without tunneling is not desirable by anyone, and it is not a change anyone asks for. Also, i doubt that devs needs to pander to this particular mindset where "they need to do this before they do that", .. because why? you said so?

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    What i said above should have been clear enough. The current meta and the most recent map and perk changes do not allow this in the majority of cases. You can say it is a "skill issue" because what we have now can be comfortable from your perspective, but it seems kind of condescending (and ignores the problem).

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    Yes the game balance is on the developers, but your opinion is a bit strange as well - saying they need to slow down the game in exchange seems to suggest you still don't want survivors to have a reasonable chance, you would only be okay with a different timeline that leads to their loss.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,337
    edited March 2024

    I get a lot of SA killers on NA vpning very unfun experience and they definitely have interesting playstyles like mass slugging then going afk

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Yea but that means you have to get better none of my friends even want to try to get better because they only get to play for like 2 min because they get tunneled out and they have to wait 15 min to play again because they have less then 2 hours on the game.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882

    I think you are missing some information.

    Basically, the way the game is designed, at a high level, it is not possible to not tunnel. Survivors outrepair you when there are 4 of them. So you have to eliminate someone as fast as possible. Typically, against good teams, your first down means you will lose 2-3 gens. Against bad teams, it is differnet. But the point being is. Against low tier survivors, tunneling is hard to deal with and frustrating to play against. Against top tier teams, it is required. So, make tunneling literally NOT POSSIBLE. Not nerf it, not discourage it, i mean literally make it fundamentally impossible to do, and then do SOMETHING to slow the game down so that at a high level killers will still be able to compete.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    That's actually not true plenty of killers don't tunnel and win at high mmr. The problem is killers tunnel get to high mmr and then have to continue to tunnel because if they don't they find out they aren't as good at killer as they thought.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700

    If your queueing up with literal new players you are harming their experience, because you are forcing them to get matched with killers above their skill level.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Well they're not gonna play if they aren't playing with a friend. So the best way to fix that problem is to fix tunneling and make the game accessible for as many people as possible. Saying not to play with friends is a really bad business design for a multiplayer game. I hate playing fps games but the only way I play is with friends.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948

    If you want people that you respond to to actually read your post, I suggest you use the "Quote" option in the future. Otherwise they're not notified of your response. It was pure luck I stumbled upon this.

    I mean camping and tunneling is toxic because it gives no chances for the survivor [...]

    This is not toxic. If that was the definition of a toxic player (someone that plays in a way that leaves you no chance), then it would also be toxic, if your oponent was just way better than you. I can play perkless on whatever killer you want I'd still beat a group of beginners with no issue. Because they simply haven't learned how the game works yet while I have 3 years of experience under my belt.

    Apart from that, tunneling and camping can be countered. Admittedly, the counters available aren't great but it's not like you absolutely cannot win. You can loop the killer so long, that they won't tunnel you because they can't down you 3 times before the gens are done, you can use DS and OTR and your team mates can take hits for you. For camping there are perks like Reassurance and Camaraderie as well as the option to force an unhook (works against every though it requires a lot more effort against Bubba).

    Toxic behaviour is anything with the sole purpose of making someone else miserable. For example hitting people on hook repeatedly, bleeding survivors out and watching them die for no apparent reason (there are situations in which you don't have a choice), flashlight macros (although they were patched out), excessive teabagging, harassment in end game chat etc.

    They don't give you any advantage during the game, so the only reason you'd do that is to make someone else feel miserable.

    About the video u can see how freddy make a moon walk and dont get stunned by the pallet

    Good pont. I missed that. But that could also be a bug or a laggy connection. This is not enough to know, if he was actually cheating.

    and in the whole game he was revealing the aura of everyone, i was healing my self in the basement and my friend only watch he walks for the basement like if he know i was there and when the match is over he didnt even have nurses call or something but he still come for me...

    There are a lot of possibilities how he could have known you would be in the basement. Experienced killers usually have a pretty good idea where survivors are at any given point. There are only so many places they would go after all.

    Freddy also has addons that grant him the killer instinct on survivors after his teleport. So he could have teleported and found you that way. Apart from that, there also a lot more perks than only A Nurse's Calling that would reveal your aura to him. I don't know what perks he used exactly, so I can only assume that this is a possibility.

    Then of course, he also might have noticed you played Sable. Who has 3 perks that are all tied to the basement. So he could have made an educated guess on where he would find you. Especially if he had checked a few spots he was sure to find survivors to no success.

    Btw if you are saying this is not toxic, you'r probably doing the same thing as this:

    Bold of you to assume you know how I play. Especially since you couldn't be further from the truth. Mostly I go out of my to hook everyone twice before I get a kill. But I can't expect this of everyone else. This doesn't happen normally. In fact, it's more likely you'll have someone dead at about 5-6 hooks, if you don't count hook stages. Simply because you know where to go after an unhook and you're likely to find the same survivor again.

    Regarding that Pig player, I have no idea why she would do that. At first I assumed she might not have had a hook nearby but that was wrong. So I conclude that this was indeed done to make you miserable, which is toxic.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700

    You're bringing new players against experienced killers and then wondering why they aren't enjoying the game as much.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Well if I don't bring them in the game with me they wont play at all. So my point being is fix tunneling and more people will play the game. As a player you want a huge player count and the company to make as much money as possible and see as much growth as possible.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882
    edited March 2024

    Show me a video of a killer who isn't playing nurse or tomestone myers (they don't count in any challenge) of a killer winning against a comp team without tunneling.

    I look forward to it to learn from it.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700

    The issue is you are expecting new players to enjoy playing way above their skill level. "Fixing" tunneling wouldn't solve the fundamental issue that people need to learn to play against other players close to their skill level. Throwing them into the fire doesn't help them.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Sure here also comp is a complete different game then dbd. People go on hundreds of game win streaks without tunneling as killer. These are all people you can watch at high mmr who don't tunnel every game to win.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Okay so you don't want new players to the game is what your saying? Because if the tunneling was gone they would have a chance to learn the game.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700

    New players who play with other new players will learn the game just fine. It's when you pair up with your less than 10 hour friends getting a killer with over 1000 hours then wondering why your 10 hour friends are not enjoying the game.

    Pretty much any online pvp game, you need to be playing against people of your own skill level. Random people you match with are not going to go easy, because you are trying to introduce your friends to a game. If you want to play with them, find a way to do customs until they get better.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    No you dont when I play fps games or any mmo I can play for more then 2 min with my friends without having to wait 15 min. I play ranked mw3 and get to play more then 2 minutes when I que with my friends that are crimson and I got against try hards.

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    this might be an accurate description of the current state of the game, but it is by no means desirable

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882

    Right so now you start linking content creators. And here is where we are gonna get into a debate.

    I have no problem with these content creators, in fact, i watch several of these. But, even these content creators will admit they don't play at the highest level because scott for example memes around a lot, so he isn't high mmr. Same with Coconut. Who is memeing around with orbital huntress right now instead of actually trying to win. They are playing against entirely different kind of survivors then what i go against.

    Now do the same thing, and watch someone like tru3ta1ent, who, even right now, is starting to play more chill. But in the past, he did everything he could to win, and the matches he ends up and the survivors he goes against show it.

    But at any rate. This isn't going to result in what you think it will. So no point in debating at this point. I think we should just agree to disagree.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Who else makes videos besides creators?

    To be fair tru3talent just isnt that good at the game. The people I showed you are definitely in the top mmr since its very easy to get into. Thats the even crazier part they meme around and still get 4ks without trying to hard Scott has said plenty of times he is in the top mmr the threshold is like 1900 to be at the top mmr you start at like 1k. If I can find the video of all the hackers posting the killers mmr ill try to put that up here for you.

    Even if we are talking about only people at 2300 or more the comp players the best of the best the as Mandy said 5% of player that you probably have to tunnel against which you probably only face like 1 of those teams out of 1000 matches 50 times that does not constitute you needing to tunnel.

    Like I said originally the problem is killers tunnel to get into high mmr and then if they try to stop tunneling they cant because they never got good enough as a killer to play the game to begin with and shouldn't be in that mmr. So if you get rid of tunneling killers cant get better progressively. Most of the complaints killers have is because they get there hand held by bhvr so much they never actually learn how to play killer.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948

    This video doesn't help your point. It was not a tournament but a showcase. The difference is that you do not want to focus on winning by using the same strategies as always but by utilising the power to the best of your ability. Eveb then, he lost 2 of the 3 games shown and the last game, where he actually did win was on a favorable map where he also killed someone at 5 hooks.

    The survivors were also limited even more than in comp games and even there killers tunnel:

    Just go through these matches and look at how many hook stages it takes for the first survivor to die.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    This is comp dbd not dbd. So the video you provided shows nothing. They don't play by the same rules. The killers are also super nerfed in these tournaments. Again you dont base your game of thousands of players because 500 of them are better then everyone else.

    If you have to tunnel every game to win it means you're not as good at killer as you thought.

    Also please post the rules of the tournament since they weren't put in the video.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Thank you Scott for chiming in. Since I used you as an example.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948

    It shows how people in comp play. Which is what players try to adopt. This is exactly what it shows and it's a reflection of the average dbd game right now. Tunneling, tunneling and more tunneling.

    The rules of the tournament don't matter to show exactly what's important here. Killers will tunnel, if they are allowed to do it. It's that simple.

    I found the rules in a pinned comment under this video. This is the same tournament.

    12 | Loadouts and Balancing

    Every player has to create their loadout by following the rules and restrictions in this ruleset and the balance specifications in the Discord server.

    The listed offerings are obligatory to bring. If there is a choice between two, the killer must bring one.

    No penalty will be applied if an offering does not influence the match layout (e.g. a map offering). Aura/location showing offerings are considered a balance offense, except for a Basement Offering on a map where the basement is consistently in the exact location.

    If a team brings a lower rarity on med-kits or toolboxes (items and add-ons), they will not be punished. This does not apply to the sports flashlight.

    13 | Killer - Additional Rules:

    The killer is the lobby’s host and is responsible for setting the correct map and the correct killer for that set. According to Rule 7, a Tier I penalty will be applied against the team if failed.

    You may not block the pathway of a survivor for more than 10 seconds. The timer starts when the killer takes the position to block the pathway. The timer ends when the killer leaves the position of the blocked pathway and allows the survivors to pass through that spot. Offending this rule results in a Tier I-III penalty.

    Clarification: A location with multiple entrances is not addressed with this rule. For example, Blocking a shack entrance for more than 10 seconds is allowed. Once the Endgame Collapse is active, this rule no longer applies.

    An open hatch has to be closed within 5 minutes. A violation results in a Tier III penalty.

    14 | Survivor - Additional Rules:

    After the last generator has been completed, the survivors must attempt to open the gates within 9 minutes. A violation results in a Tier III penalty.

    Survivors are not allowed to open chests. A fully opened chest results in a forfeit of this set.

    All survivors have to play different characters. Violating this rule results in a Tier I penalty.

    Survivors are not allowed to attempt a self-unhook (Kobe). The self-unhook is permitted if the perk Deliverance is ready to be used. A successful self-unhook (not with Deliverance) during the game results in disqualification. A non-successful self-unhook attempt with an impact on the match leads to the same consequences.

    Particular ruling: Speeding up death when all survivors have been hooked is allowed. If a successful self-unhook happens under these conditions, the survivors are not allowed to move and can’t make any attempts to escape, and they can also not use any perks. When allowing an immediate re-hook, no penalty will be applied. Otherwise, the rule above applies.

    I found that this rule set was copied from DBDLeague as stated in the Discord.

    If you have to tunnel every game to win it means you're not as good at killer as you thought.

    Maybe so. Maybe not. I know that I am not playing on that level (I also don't tunnel) but for everyone else? How the hell should I know? Or anyone for that matter. Most of us think they're way better than they actually are and some popular content creators make this even worse. Because they are considered top MMR when they clearly display that they have no idea how to play some killers. Sadako is a good example of that. I am pretty sure I am not allowed to call out any player in specific, so I won't go into further detail and simply hope you get the reference.

    It doesn't matter though. What does matter is that tunneling is the more effective way to play the game. So naturally players will adopt that play style. After all, it allows them to win more, which is what most are focussed on. Do you see survivors running around doing dull totems and chests all the time? I certainly don't. And why would they, if they want to win?

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    It's also fair for me to invite my brother over only to unplug my brother's controller when playing games on the same console, the game doesn't prevent it so its fair! At the same time, my brother will punch me in the arm and say "I'm not going to keep playing with you if you keep being a jerk". People are sick of playing against the equivalent of a controller unplug, and can't choose to stop playing with jerks.

    What I'm saying here is playing the game is a social experience, and choosing not to play with people is part of that experience. When people are denied the ability to avoid people and playstyles they don't like, they swap games, hence 'game dying/dead' cries. When I load up soloq matches, I don't want to face someone acting like there's a $5 subway card on the line, I just want to enjoy myself, maybe complete some tomes, and end the night with "that was fun" as my parting thoughts. I don't want to end the night contemplating uninstalling to avoid more nuisance/stress/boredom.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    You said like a comp team should not have at least 2 escape.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    okay so this is dbd league rules then its not a bigger nerf for killers. Again this dose not apply to regular dbd what you are showing is a completely different game. The people I showed are top mmr and dont tunnel to win.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948

    We assume they are high MMR. We really cannot know. I mean, some of the survivors they play against really aren't all that impressive and it's clear that at least some of them have no clue about certain killers either.

    And when you watch games in which they really want to win (mostly streaks), they do tunnel.

    Also, please explain why comp DBD is a "completely different game". It's the same game just with different players and rules. Tunneling works in both settings and it's pretty easy to pull off, which is why it's imitated.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    I saw the video and there were two survivors who came to recover, so they should have covered you. That's definitely the skill issue. And if possible, you might have made it in time if you headed to the gate without wasting anything within the time limit. First of all, in this situation, I should have gone straight to the gate instead of building up my recovery gauge. Your survival rate will vary greatly depending on whether you know the theory or not.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948

    Highest MMR is extremely simple to get.

    This seems very unlikely given what the developers themselves have stated (player distribution across MMR is shaped like a bell curve - few people on the extremes, most in the middle). And no offense to you but I reckon that they have more knowledge on the matter than either of us.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882
    edited March 2024

    I regularly watch otz and hens and ayrun play regular matchmade games all the time and make videos out of it, often together. I honestly don't know what it is, but i was in a thread before where it seems clear to me that when you, and otz and others stream killer games, you are for some reason not going against the same caliber of survivors that i often see. You can actually tell the difference just by watching how they play. I have no rational explanation for it, nor proof, other than when i watch you guys i see the survivors make TONS of mistakes, but the ones i play are on a different level.

    I plan on doing an experiment soon where i play at different times and record/post matches to see if maybe its a regional thing, or a time thing, or what.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    I think what is truly needed on this forum is a thread can dig deep and exchange opinions on what was good and what was bad in both survivors and killers using a video that shows an all of match. Perhaps that's where the differences in people's perceptions will become clear.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    From the below sources, 1600 is the top skill bracket, where if you lose, you don't lose as much MMR. People are also dragged up into high-MMR matches when a match can't be found quick enough. Anyone within this 'drag' range is within the same matchmaking potential, and thus 'Highest-MMR'. This effectively is 1400-2100 (since they lowered the 3000 hardcap down to 2100 in October).

    All of this basically means that you get funneled into higher ranked matches. A far larger group is actually found within 'highest-MMR' than reported. Since MMR is adjusted based on your opponent's MMR, those high MMR losses don't hurt your MMR as much. Even when you are at the lower bracket, you lose even less to keep you in sweatier matches.

    Not only that, but the dev behind gaming MMR (an adaptation of Chess ELO), basically said modern MMR is broken. The original MMR is supposed to intentionally put you in above, below, and at skill level matches in some quantity. The stomps aren't great but forgotten fairly quickly, the times you stomp are fun and also forgettable, and the close matches are highly stressful, thus not good all the time. Modern MMR ignores the designed free wins/losses, and only aims for the high-stress 'even' matches. The insta-losses and wins are meant to be a palate cleanser for the stressful matches, but aren't used in modern gaming enough.

    Finally here is another (somewhat outdated, but mostly relevant) video that also explores aspects of MMR (in its first ~4 minutes). The issue is even though they reduced the maximum MMR, that just means the same number of players in that upper range regardless, just with 2101-3000s at 2100 instead.

    Personally I trust the dude who actually created the framework of what we call MMR more than anything else without transparency. Sadly DC rates were not shown in the last kill rates, nor was it broken down by MMR. That means I can't trust BHVR as much as I'd like to, as they hide too much information to be trustworthy.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    I personally agree with this as well. After all, many players are now unable to play a proper game because they encounter opponents who are not up to their level. I also saw that for a time, the opponents that top players faced were filled with people who were not worthy of the competition.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Do I really have to explain how rules change the game? I think you just explained yourself its a different game.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Enlighten you okay if I play uno and I change the rules to if you have 2 cards in your hand you can day dou. its basically a different game. I'm not about to argue if you agree a game with different rules isn't a whole different game. You cant reason with someone who wont admit when they are wrong, and you are clearly wrong or out of reach.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,948

    Only in DBD comp there are some extra rules. The existing rules of DBD are not changed though. So you could compare this to the extra rules that allow you swap hands by either using a 0 or a 7 in UNO. It's fundamentally still the same game. What you can pull of in normal UNO you can still pull off with the extra rules. And partially this is also true, if we reverse it.

    Tunneling works in comp DBD. It also works in normal DBD. It's highly effective in comp DBD and it's highly effective in normal DBD. People tunnel to win in comp DBD and people tunnel to win in normal DBD. It's not always necessary but it allows you to win more often, which is what most players care about.