Could we make it so that once a mori starts you can leave without a leaver penalty?

This is less for me than for my friends. I have 3 different friends that full on refuse to play the game because specific moris either trigger them or gross them out. The legion mori is very akin to SA, plagues is on par with a common phobia, and cenobites is pretty gross. I feel like letting survivors play without seeing the mori's should be a very easy on/off toggle, but if they cant be bothered to do such a simple fix, removing the leaver penalty once a mori starts should be fine, as at the point you've already died.
League lets you leave during the end game animation without a penalty, dbd should be the same
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Not to sound insensitive here which this might come across as but there's a good amount of gore without the mori. People getting slashed, impaled, thrown up on, etc. I'm just curious how it doesn't trigger when they happen before the mori?
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Are they on PC? If so you can alt tab out and even make it so the sound mutes when the game isn't in focus. On console I guess they could just switch the input on their TV for a minute then flip back? Not saying their concerns aren't valid, just offering a possible solution for the here and now.
I still think plague should have a emetophobia option, as should other phobia-related killers like clown.
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I thought I was the only one who felt icky with Legion's mori, probably one of the only ones that makes me feel super uncomfortable enough to usually tab out during it.
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This makes 0 sense
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My friend who hates the legion mori has never be thrown on a hook but has been SA'd by someone grabbing their foot, is that graphic enough for you?
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This is a bad option for something devs should have known about earlier, there's always going to be 'work arounds' i'm asking about them making the game accessible. People with epilepsy have always had workarounds, but it doesn't mean a game is accessable
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Yea I mean I can see that. With that though that means they cant play against Wesker too right because he grabs you?
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Thank you! I personally love legions mori but when my friend explained why he hated it I couldn't get it out of my head why people should be able to skip it.
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I never said they shouldnt change anything (quite the opposite) but just offered advice for the meantime.
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I can't speak to their experience, but from what they've said its specifically legions mori. But literally it doesn't matter! People should be able to opt out of graphic kill scenes!
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You're right, sorry. I just got caught up in the current issue of preventing my friends from reliving their abuse. But these are work arounds, and they'd be fully useful if the issues weren't so severe. The issue is that they're fully manual which means every time they do them they get to relive stuff, instead of having a single on/off switch