This is the best time to be playing Dead By Daylight (in my opinion)

We all love DBD, that's why we play it, and that's why we're here on these forums always addressing our concerns and the things we like. But now I would argue is one of DBD's peaks. Resident Evil chapters were obviously great hits but now we've got (I would argue) hit after hit. Yeah we went through some tough times, some tough releases, but now things have been great, despite all the negativity people have about balancing. We got the Xenomorph, which was awesome (even though it needed some tweaks to be brought down a little), a super cool implementation of Chucky, Alan Wake and this All Things Wicked chapter! Maybe I'm a bit biased too but the Iron Maiden collab and Slipknot collabs are also reasons I've returned after many months.

Anyways, what do you think are some of DBD's peaks?


  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Xeno morph was terrible chucky was mid cage was whatever and this patch is also mid. As a killer its a little better but playing survivor is super boring now, if you are trying to escape. That's why I just go for saves and chases now. Id rather have fun then have to do gens for 20 min just to escape less then 50% of the time while the killer runs full slowdowns tunnels and just plays super sweaty. There's survivors that do this also but bhvr is trying to mitigate those problems but isn't doing anything to mitigate the survivors misery for like the last year. While I understand not every patch can be survivor sided or vice versa or 50/50 I haven't seen anything worth while for survivor in like a year that has stayed in the game.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 821
    edited March 2024

    I agree with this for the most part. Anti-3gen and Anti-Facecamp killed two of of the games most unfun playstyles, although Proxy camping has become much more prevalent as a result.

    Killer balancing is the best it's ever been imo, as most of the roster is at that "strong enough to be viable in capable hands, well designed enough to be countered" level. Whether or not all these killers are fun to face is a different storie, but the cast is the largest it's ever been and I've loved every new killer from Singularity onward to play as and against.

    As well, I think a lot of their reworks have actually been right on the money, at least in regards to Billy and most of New Sadako (fight me grr).

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Anyways, what do you think are some of DBD's peaks?

    2019 DBD before Freddy's rework was THE PEAK.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,369

    As someone who like to rotate between killer swf and sometimes solo q i can say it pretty good right now. Solo q still feel like unplayable at times but balance wise the game feel alright. Definitely not peak tho

    Behavior been buffing killers across the board and solving a lot of survivor issues (3 gen solutions, DCs bot, anti face camping)

    Wicked chapter been amazing. Unknown feel cool to vs and sable perks went from being terrible to kinda good. Weaving spider horrible still but not to bad overall

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I think immediately prior to 5.2 or 5.3 was the best time. 5.3 Introduced the boring hatch we have now, and more importantly Boon Meg, both of which were terrible changes/additions. To be fair, the brief time where CoH was killswitched was good, but still had the negative hatch change. 5.2 Introduced MMR to replace Ranks, which still to this day makes the game worse. When you had to balance your gameplay to rank up, it meant you were actually playing the game instead of cheesing the game. Now that we are forced into the kill/escape binary, which means "it doesn't matter how you got there", and thus skill-expression is ignored, something that didn't happen (to remotely the same degree) under ranks.

    Alternatively, immediately prior to 6.1. We had fair perks needlessly gutted, and many of them are now buffed to arguably better states. At the same time, perks that were fair got needlessly gutted or nerfed (Self-Care, DS, Calm Spirit, Hex: Ruin, Thanatophobia). Now to be fair, Conspicuous Actions and Basekit BT were good changes, but anti-tunnel Endurance should still work while Deep Wounded, and (anti-tunnel Endurance) shouldn't even apply Deep Wound to begin with. Pop and PR are now better than they were before. I can get 6 hooks with all PR procs and a kill (1/1/1/4) with MORE regression (6*15=90%, 4*25=100%) than before, and Pop gives more regression as long as the 4th piston is active, so basically on the only gens you should bother kicking anyways. Also it introduced Call of Brine+Overcharge+Eruption 'monkey with a keyboard can win as Killer' gameplay.

    Right now we still have busted Blight/Nurse, no anti-tunnel in the game unless you want to count Buckle Up+For the People (which sometimes is a problem on its own when not used for anti-tunnel), no ranked game mode features when we only have ranked and customs (because MMR isn't optional, ranked is the only public play game mode), and more. They also just introduced No Mither 2 Electric Boogaloo aka "lemme spend 2 minutes in the basement to apply No Mither and at most 50s of usable gen progress". Soloq is probably the worst it has ever been right now, but casual Killer isn't bad.

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    All of these past few chapters and paragraphs are the reason I've come back after ~6 month break!

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    Definitely lots of buffs to killer, but I play killer probably 60% and survivor 40% (solo too) and I don't really mind dying, maybe it's my approach to the game but I just love the chases and getting better every time :D

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    Lots of changes to the meta with 3gen and camping changes which is definitely healthy stuff for the game. I don't know if there will ever be a way to truly get rid of camping whether it be face camping or proxy camping.

    Yeah I agree maybe not everything is still great and fun to play against, but there have definitely been big steps taken to improve.

    I also agree with the reworks part! I think we're seeing more consideration with killer powers, their identity and health of the game.

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    Right before I started playing! Heard that old Freddy was a lot more unique, hopefully they can bring some of his identity back in the future!

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    I also play both sides, and solo queue can definitely still be tough, but a lot of it comes with the mindset you play with! Of course your teammates might not be doing things optimally, or doing things at all, but I think it's important to focus on improving your own gameplay and just overall have fun :D.

    Seeing killer buffs can be disappointing for some people but variety in killers is what keeps people coming back.

    Also love this new chapter. I've seen lots of praise and of course some mixed thoughts but the marketing has been incredible, we get a cool looking survivor, and and awesome looking killer. Even if the killer power doesn't deliver on what a lot of people expected, the aesthetic is super cool! Would love to see a change to weaving spiders! Maybe lower time to invoke?

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,369

    yeah the killers are the selling point so they definitely need to be strong and unique. Behavior had did a good job in buffing them which the community have been asking for forever.

    "Would love to see a change to weaving spiders! Maybe lower time to invoke?" Just by how powerful the effect is it's going to even be terrible or overpowering. i think it just need a different effect all together.

  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    I see what you mean, maybe it is something that should be changed or stay underpowered. It's a bit of a dangerous game messing with something that has the potential to have this much influence on a match. Still a nice new side-questy thing to be explored :D

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    I think the new killer is pretty fun. However, anti-3gen sometimes causes problems even in normal matches, and the additional maps are still advantageous for survivors. However, if you're dealing with survivors who don't notice the interrelationship of pallet loops, or the change in pallet wall loops that imitate the existing one, but the walls are slightly longer, it's no different from the old map.

    Above all, it is very boring that rescue is boring and has become just another task. There is no need to think, and there is no sense of urgency. I think the current DBD has stripped away too much of the fun in order to make it more casual.

  • stonedcandle
    stonedcandle Member Posts: 55

    Dbd will peak when the devs pull their heads from their butts and properly balance their game like the 4v1 it is.

    They really did luck out, if this game were to be released today with what the base game had it would've crashed and burned like VHS.

    They nerf killer tactics but do nothing about the abused survivor tactics. And people claim the devs aren't biased in favor of survivors. It's laughable. But this'll get discarded into the void and I'll be banned because the devs want an echo chamber filled with "game hard for survivord, killers bad, nerf killers now!" They've got their whales hooked and that's all that matters at this point.