Looking for kind & chill people to play with :)

nephelees Member Posts: 1
edited March 5 in Looking For Players

I’m a 27 year old female (if that matters) and I’m looking for people to play with who aren’t toxic and are kind and chill overall. I don’t care anyone’s age as long as they’re 18+ girl or guy - I get along with everyone. I’m really tired of playing solo q day after day and think dbd is much more fun with friends! Anyone is welcome :) It doesn’t matter if you’re new or experienced because it’s not about winning to me - just having fun but winning is always welcome 🤔


  • itsvoodoo89
    itsvoodoo89 Member Posts: 11

    Hey! I'm always down to play. I'm on PS5, what about you?

  • EZGZ
    EZGZ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5


    Add on Playstation.

  • RARY
    RARY Member Posts: 5

    Hi if u still look for people to play with add me RARY#15ee.

    Maybe we can escape a few games.

  • SnazyToaster
    SnazyToaster Member Posts: 2

    Hey if you are still looking for people add me SnazyToaster#fe56

  • Iceberg_Pat
    Iceberg_Pat Member Posts: 14

    Playstation ?

  • Turtleman
    Turtleman Member Posts: 1

    Would it be easy to specify what platform you play on and your region?

  • StellarNebulae
    StellarNebulae Member Posts: 15

    Hi! Been playing for a few years now. Feel free to add me. PSN: StellarNebulae