The Temple of Purgation (Red Forest)

Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
edited March 2024 in Mapping the Realm

We'd like to know what you think about the Temple of Purgation map, part of the Red Forest realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!

The Temple of Purgation (Red Forest) 164 votes

This map favours Survivors
34% 56 votes
This map feels balanced
48% 80 votes
This map favours Killers
17% 28 votes
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on


  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    There’s just so much unnecessary clutter on this map.

  • gothbave
    gothbave Member Posts: 60

    I hate this map there are way too many bushes and stuff on the whole map, playing this realm as Huntress, blight, and Billy is very annoying. and this map seems big and it makes M1 killers way worse

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Most killer sided map in the game right now imo. Giga boring for both sides, too much clutters and objects to stuck on as survivor and as killer. Bottom floor could be annoying for killer, especially against boons.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Since the size got changed I think it is in an OK spot, I just think that some textures don't really match with their hitboxes, so some stuff just gets you stuck despite there not being anything close by. Also the amount of clutter could be toned down a bit, does not really serve a purpose despite getting stuck...

    But other than that the map is in a good spot I think.

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276

    With the rework the map has become incredibly killer sided, also it spawns too much clutters.

  • WhoSoup
    WhoSoup Member Posts: 180

    I kinda like temple. It's a neat map with a good size. The biggest complaint is the size of the underground area as well as the lack of hooks down there. There's only one and that's in the back, so sometimes there are unhookable spots down there.

    The Red Forest realm has really awful hills though where it's not immediately apparent which side you can go up. Please change that.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    I think it’s okay balance wise. It has clutter, sure, and I am not playing killers as affected by it so can’t really say much about that but it doesn’t seem to affect the killers that I face significantly compared to other maps(?) and as survivor I get stuck on plenty of clutter that shouldn’t get me stuck so..

    I think the main basement could use another way up possibly? But it’s not in that bad of a spot really

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,351

    Most of the game's remaining fat shame spots are found here in the Forests. Those are not fun to run into, in either role. The clutter is somewhat rough too, and as others have said the downstairs of the Temple seems more vast than it looks. Despite all of that it feels like a pretty well balanced map overall.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,245

    Temple I feel like is anywhere from balanced to slightly killer sided depending on RNG, definitely killer sided if you get bad mazetile RNG since there are only 2 on this map. In best case scenario you can get 2 strong jungle gyms, in worst case you can get a TL and a pallet-only tile.

    Also (and this applies to both maps in this realm) please revisit a few totem spawns in this realm, I very often see totems on this map that are not hidden at all and are directly next to generators (and easily visible from them). For example, this one on the hill:

    And this one:

    And also this one:

  • AMGC
    AMGC Member Posts: 39

    The Temple of Purgation could be tagged as balanced but it is an incredibly inconsistent map. It overrelies on the filler loops that it generates, which on itself is a very unpredictable display of safety for the survivors.

    The landmarks are pure pallet loops but the pallets don't spawn consistently, providing no safety for the survivors at random times (like if they were filler loops). There are only 2 mazetiles so the strength of the safety they provide is highly inconsistent, since the realm Red Forest has 7 types and you need 4 mazetiles to guarantee 1 strong one.

    The main building has fixed resources at the underground but variable resources above it. There are 4 configurations, one with 3 windows, one with 2 windows and two with 1 variable pallet (one very strong and the other not so much) and 4 windows of which 2 are the exact same as the configuration with 2 windows. The discrepancy between configurations is absurd and therefore adds a large strength variability to the main building. The underground hooks are very powerful to defend, that being the one in the back or basement; with a sabotage or sacrifice, the underground could get an unhookable spot if basement isn't there.

    The realm Red Forest has very awkward collisions, specifically on its filler loops and random obstacles, where the players get drastically slowed down when moving too close to the geometry. This may be an issue of friction, since the players dont get fully stopped by the geometry but instead lose speed.

    The realm Red Forest needs to solve the collision issues on its loops.

    The map The Temple of Purgation should increase its mazetile count to 4 to achieve consistency (like in the example below), the landmarks could spawn a pallet all the time and the main building requires some changes. The configuration with 4 windows could get 0 pallets, the one with 3 windows could get the weak pallet and the one with 2 windows could get the strong pallet. The underground might require some adjustments.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 789

    Killer? You can’t even play top tier killers on this map

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,149

    If you're not playing doctor on this map or a kind of aura based killer it's really tough to track survivors due to the size of the map. The verticality of the map and the texture of the terrain promotes using specific perks. Scratch marks don't show up on trees in ways that allow for long ranged visual cues. Crows fail to inform due to the size of the map. The underground temple has a great mechanic with the unlocking doors. It adds some risk/reward, but i wish it was something more lore based than a chest - like an exclusive item. Also without the quick drop it's almost impossible under normal circumstances to place survivors in a temple basement. And boil over all but ensures that you can't use it.

    The walls tiles that do show up (the 4 locker piece and the jungle gym) are always beside a log vault which makes it rough on killers to punish lithe users. The wall corridor is jarring, but otherwise fine. The trees, bushes, and stumps make for some weird interactions between the log gyms where there might be an unintended extension to a log gym because a tree or bush body blocks the killer. The hit box of log gyms is also weird where the logs are calf high, but can't be shot over by deathslinger, huntress, nemesis, trickster, etc.

    The elevated platform tile is visually hard to distinguish pathing on. On one side there are stone steps that look like they could be traversed. However, they're not. It's not a major issue, but definitely annoying when under pressure.

    Overall - i like the map. The temple is iconic - if not a little bland in interior decorations. The trees could be thinned out a little in exchange for stone tiles with more defined borders. It feels like someone tried to build a base and forgot to put the aesthetics down to promote visual story telling.

    Oh and with the alien dlc - I think adding some interactive tiles like levers, pressure plates, and buttons could be fun. I could see elevators, trap doors, relic cages, secret doors, etc. Being added to make the temple more templelike.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    Any map that has an area on it that is detached from the rest of the map, making it so entertaining that area means you have no potential pressure on anyone else, is an awful map design and heavily favours Survivor. There is no reason ever to go downstairs in the Temple as Killer. It's a free gen for Survivors to complete, meaning if left as one of the last ones to do, it guarantees the exit gates get powered. Awful map

  • TripleStryke
    TripleStryke Member Posts: 114

    This map is very balanced with a relatively small size since the most recent rework. Nothing is overtly overpowered and the clutter adjustment made the map not that bad. I actually love this map and there's advantages for both sides

  • KazRen
    KazRen Member Posts: 187

    The map is a lot more balanced since they reduced the map size. There is a lot of clutter similar to mother's dwelling making some killer's have some problems with their power.

  • King_Flash05
    King_Flash05 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 35

    This Map is fair balanced and it still has some of the same problems that mother's dwelling has where there's a lot of clutter but not as bad and a lot of dead zones as well depending on rng

  • Ihmislehma
    Ihmislehma Member Posts: 22

    I just really don't enjoy this map.

    I know it's a skill issue, but I can never make good use of the main building, it feels like a massive deadzone (I know it's not).

    If the mini inside balcony spawns with a vault, it's Boil Over abuse-able.

    Main building basement is extremely camp-able, especially for trapping/area denial killers.

  • MxReese
    MxReese Member Posts: 14

    Not a terrible map, but it's very very difficult to maintain any real map pressure as killer.

  • OhDee
    OhDee Member Posts: 13

    Suggested changes:

    • A ramp or exit/entrance from the basement level of main building opposite the generator to the outside would be nice.
    • A second generator to patrol inside the building to make traversing through it worthwhile.
    • Shrink the outskirts.
  • FoxvanMR
    FoxvanMR Member Posts: 23

    Too many things in the map, but all useless for looping. Very big to traverse as a M1 killer, but nothing to play with as a survivor.

    Make the map smaller, but put something to play with.

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