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Effective anti-camping and anti-tunneling + major reworks and overhauls?

Member Posts: 376

I believe that camping and tunneling are things that the majority of the community finds valid, but thinking more deeply, if these things were removed from the game we could finally buff some killers properly and without fear.

What is your opinion about it?

Do you think a anti-camping and anti-tunnel system can be implemented along with some major reworks and overhauls?

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  • Member Posts: 2,267

    The anti camping measure in game now works fairly well, I have unhooked myself a few times due to a killer trying to proxy me so I think that is fine.

    As for anti tunnel, well I would like to see more done about this as it is becoming a bit of an issue spoiling enjoyment for newer players, as they are often the weak link and easy target for tunnelling out of the game.

    The main people I say making big noises about anti tunnelling measures being base is the comp scene but quite frankly I do not care what a tiny minority of the player base doesn't want as this issue affects the most common DBD player - the mid/low skill casual survivor

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    The developer promised to put soloQ in the same position as swf and then buff it to killer. Since installing the HUD, we have also buffed the killer, but there are also nerfs, so if you look only from the killer's perspective, it is difficult to feel the benefits of the buff because soloQ's cooperation has been increased. From these examples, it has been proven that simple nerfs and buffs will cause complaints from one side or the other, and will not balance things out.

    What is necessary is to make options other than tunneling and camping more useful for the killer, and encourage them to choose those options. On top of that, it would be more appropriate to introduce an anti-tunnel or anti-camping system.

  • The anti camp mechanic works ok but there are still quite a few situations where the killer can camp anyway they just have to be far enough away from the hook that the metre doesn't go up but they can still be pretty near and well within view, not to mention basement camping is still quite strong. As long as the killer can cover a main route into shack or the building basement is in, they can still guard the hook. I get that this is very situational but its happened to me quite a few times. Proxy camping seems to have gotten more common with a lot of killers never going far at all or using their power to go and come back all the time. I feel like a lot of this is very easy to deal with if your in a SWF but for soloq these strategies can seem to be pretty unbeatable.

    I would also like to see more in terms of anti tunnel. It seems like every second or third game I get hooked 2 or 3 times in a row instantly. I get that its a viable strategy at the really high levels but its a very rough experience if you are mid/low level in the game. Also noticed that in games where a gen pops before the killer has hooked anyone they just tunnel the first person they find to death. I like to play quite altruistic and usually to try stop a tunnel if I can, but this seems to be getting harder to do as well. Most killers just wont switch chase and/or use their respective powers to hit around you. There are perks that can help you not get tunnelled but I think its not fun that you have to run them just to stay in the game a bit longer. Most anti tunnel perks are okay but don't really solve the problem.

    If you as a killer have to tunnel someone out of the game to stop you losing without a kill then tbh you have already lost and its just not fun that whoever you tunnel gets punished for that

    Tunnelling is an issue that's probably quite hard to see on statistics but my point is its really not fun to play against and would put a new player off pretty quick. I'm not sure exactly how to counter a lot of these issues but I think it definitely needs some more attention

  • Member Posts: 2,123

    Hope of a few of the staple posters pop in to try and rebuff this. Its always hilarious lol

  • Member Posts: 2,331
    edited March 2024

    I honestly don’t think there’s that much that can be done that wouldn’t be a wasted effort on their part. Like anything that I can think of minus putting a survivor in a safety bubble of can’t be targeted again until someone else is hooked just falls flat bc there will always be people looking to take the easier route as the killer role. Like I’m telling you now they could put the survivor off hook in a safe zone that fully heals them, and killers would still wait outside the exit zone to get them bc they’re either easy to down, or closer to death.

    let’s assume they did take out tunneling though they’d have to analyze all killer roster performance over 3-6 months, I’d say closer to 6 to account for human adjustment in playstyles period, then balance almost every single killer around that. That would be a massive massive project. They’ll probably buff DS though.

    the only thing I can think of would be actual time punishment for the killers and put them in a box if they tunnel like if they hook the same survivor twice in a row they get a massive debuff to something so the thought of even doing it would be insane bc they’d just lose, and I highly doubt the devs would do something like that.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Tunneling is a common comeback tactic and taking it away just makes more games into one-sided stomps. Plus "tunneling" isn't a perk, it's target choice and to nerf "tunneling" just means taking free will away from the killer.

  • Member Posts: 691

    Things like camping and tunneling should be in the game. It is healthy that if survivors don't heal the killer can proxy camp to punish that. Survivors should in general want to avoid the killer and not try to force an anti-tunnel mechanic as an offense move. The problem with tunneling and camping really comes from the fact that spreading hooks is the only other option and is not only less effective but also harder.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    It isn't being used as a comeback tactic though, the tunnelling I see is at 5 gens and more often than not if the killer manages to get an easy down, they perceive that survivor as easy prey and tunnel them out of that game.

    It is a choice for sure, that much I agree with and you can choose NOT to tunnel and I know this is the case because I do exactly that.

    I still win the vast majority of my killer games (probably 90%) by 12 hooking, so I have no issue with base anti tunnel in the game, as I see it ruin matches time and time again for baby survivors especially.

    This is not good business for BHVR as it drives new players away when the continually have a bad experience and they never get to play the game as they are tunnelled out of every match.

  • Member Posts: 107
    edited March 2024

    I think I've unhooked myself a grand total of 3 or 4 times max since it's implementation. The bar ticks up far too slow, and killers can easily walk outside of it's range and proxy and guarantee a trade 90% of the time. Not to mention the bar stopping ticking if someone comes for the save, which is fair enough from a balancing perspective as it stops swarming hook, but as such if the killer is proxying and the survivor can't make the save/doesn't want to/can't trade it results in net wasted time. The system doesn't work.

  • Member Posts: 617

    A possible solution I believe is that tunneling should reflect gen speeds. Right now tunneling is the easiest way to win, as in getting at least a 3k-4k. Most killers who tunnel say it’s necessary because of gen speeds. I don’t think tunneling should be completely removed from the game, but I think it should no longer be the most optimal way to play, and killers should get rewarded for multiple hooks. If a survivor is hooked consecutively, gens receive a repair speed buff, almost like a BNP. If hooks are spread, gens receive a repair slowdown, making them longer to complete. This incentivizes killers to hook multiple people, giving everyone a fair shot to play, while also not completely taking away a killers ability to tunnel if they want to, but it no longer gives them the pressure they want.

  • Member Posts: 618

    Neither tunnelling nor camping can be removed from the game. Their effectiveness can be mitigated somewhat, but any "meaningful" change would require the removal of player agency on a significant level.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    The biggest problem with the anti-camp is people's misuse of it. If you could tap the button and queue up the Kobe to happen at 59.99s on hook, or hold to Kobe instantly, it would work much better.

    Tunneling just needs anti-tunnel Endurance to not Deep Wound. The Killer can run into BT, OTR, then a normal form of Endurance, and tunneling suddenly becomes less of an issue. To prevent bodyblocks, I would make it so a Survivor who hasn't done a CA to lose collision with the Killer. That way they can't be basement/window blocked, or block for an ally at a chokepoint, but the unhooker is still vulnerable to those strategies.

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