Nostromo Wreckage (Dvarka Deepwood)

Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
edited March 2024 in Mapping the Realm

We'd like to know what you think about the Nostromo Wreckage map, part of the Dvarka Deepwood realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!

Nostromo Wreckage (Dvarka Deepwood) 284 votes

This map favous Survivors
30% 87 votes
This map feels balanced
42% 121 votes
This map favours Killers
26% 76 votes
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on


  • Tokiyosoup
    Tokiyosoup Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Very large map which makes it hard to protect generators but it feels very nice and fun to play on

  • FoxvanMR
    FoxvanMR Member Posts: 21

    The easter eggs are a very cool, thing that you should keep adding them in the future, but the map feels too big.

  • Lichmere
    Lichmere Member Posts: 13

    I wouldn't say it favors Survivors. The loops are really weird at times. The jungle gyms sometimes generate nonsensically so that you can't really play it. You exhaust the pallet, and that's about it. Sometimes the bypass is too short so that if you drop the pallet at the wrong time the Killer just moves around and hits you anyway. It feels like this map is too RNG.

    If there is a Killer that can clean up pallets quickly, I'd argue it's Killer-sided. The strong points are main and the bottom-middle portion since it has a good pallet/window setup. The "shack" on this map is bad too. Or at least I don't know how you play the pallet meaningfully.

    Something about the map I just don't like as Killer or Survivor. I think it's the RNG lowering the expression on both sides when the tiles spawn badly, the fillers are unsafe, and the main building is mostly hold-W + pre drop the pallet early to force the Killer to break. Main building is mostly just catching up to the Survivor, so there isn't much interaction to be had there. Even the steam, which is cool don't get me wrong, is there just to slow down the Killer if they run through it.

  • WhoSoup
    WhoSoup Member Posts: 180

    I hate this map, especially the debris field. It's way, way too safe for survivors who can chain several maze tiles together and then have some ridiculous pallets and windows in the debris field. I've seen double windows, double pallets, and all kinds of other nightmares. On top of that, most of the debris has awful collision where you frequently get stuck and killer powers don't work as expected. As an m1 killer, this area is just a horrific nightmare.

    Main building is terrible and has the small-midwich syndrome of having straight corridors with no real choice, but also really big at the same time so you just have to run after a survivor for a very long time. The dining table is also a very annoying loop.

    Shack is just... bad. There's one extremely unsafe pallet and a nightmare of a backside that doesn't seem to serve a real purpose.

    The map is also way too big for how extremely safe it is. Gens are spread really far apart unless you get a lucky main 3gen, so it's way easier to just tunnel someone out than to play a really difficult macro game on most killers.

    Awful, awful, awful map.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 142

    Hands down worst map in the game, mainly because it's large and loops are mostly garbage.

  • MSX_exe
    MSX_exe Member Posts: 50

    I hate it on both sides. Go against a clown or cenobite on there and you're dead 99% of the time, meanwhile you can run an m1 killer for a good amount there. Also super huge

  • vbarraganj14
    vbarraganj14 Member Posts: 69

    The map feels a bit large and both sides of the ship are dead ends, besides being difficult to rptoect gens its survivor sided

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    I've seen many comments about that the overall size of this map (and Borgo plus a few others) is too big.

    Here's the thing, shrinking maps shoves the gens closer together by default, increasing the likelihood of the awful three gens from the start. Which they're actively working to reduce in several ways.

    Perhaps a better approach would be tweaking some of the slower killers and/or their powers so they have better map presence and chase potential.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,232

    Not my favorite map on either side. It's pretty big and difficult for the killer to defend generators, but a lot of pallets are kinda unsafe and the ends of the outside parts of the map by the ship are dead-ends.

    The easter eggs inside the ship are cool though, I hope we get more stuff like that in the future.

  • King_Flash05
    King_Flash05 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 35

    I'm not super into this map, but it's one of those maps where it can go either way with the tile chaining but also the jank collision but the map is kinda small but also feels large but I don't really have any hard feelings for this map

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276

    This map is very similar to the new one : they are both big but very unsafe. Jungle gyms seem to be missing pieces / walls making them particularly difficult to loop.

    But the very infurating thing is that the map is missing of high-wall loops which can be a problem against certain killers.

    I'm not a big fan of the main-building as well, since it seems to suffer of the same Midwich's problem : straight corridor and bad pallets.

    To conclude, the both the basement and the "shack" are too dangerous.

  • MeepLessThan3
    MeepLessThan3 Member Posts: 85

    This map has a lot of interesting things going in its favor, the Easter egg key card to unlock the secret room with the body changing locations, the window jump scare, and the steam pipes. The problem is it's so cluttered with debris that does nothing for gameplay other than to simply be there. I feel like half the map should be the ship's wreckage rather than about the current 20% or so, because there's a lot of good design and artistic choices in that part alone. I probably wouldn't have listed the following criticism if there was more than maps for this realm that expanded upon what we currently see for Nostromo Wreckage.

  • MxReese
    MxReese Member Posts: 14

    Hard to judge since I've only had this map come up maybe 5 times so far. It seems fine I guess, I don't have any gripes.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The visuals of the map are Allright, the Easter eggs are great and I like the concept of a bigger mainbuilding in combination with outdoor elements in comparison to an indoor only map. The slowdown trap you can activate is a great idea and I hope more of these things will get introduced as basekit mechanics, or at least on certain maps.

    As for the gameplay, it is a weird one for me, because I could not play the map lag free as killer, but did not have any issues as survivor, I don't know if that got resolved as I didn't get the map lately...

    The map is fairly big, the strength of tiles is a bit weird, because basically every pallet aside from jungle gym and the main building main room pallet feel super weak, so maybe make some of the tiles stronger? The middle of the map feels fairly free of decent windows so this could also be a point to investigate further.

    I like the idea cliff loops that can only be run in one direction and I hope they get developed further.

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 298

    This is another one of the 3 maps in the game that I feel very strongly about the color scheme. As I mentioned on Borgo's thread, please change the colors. When I get on this map, because I am almost completely blind in my left eye, the lack of different colors makes everything appear with no depth perception for me. No matter survivor or killer, I accept a loss when I load in, because I know my chases will be horrible and I won't be able to track at all as killer.

    I love the idea behind this map, and the Easter eggs are amazing, but please reconsider the colors.

    As for the loops..this is one of the most RNG dependent maps in the game. It's a bit large, so you want to think survivor sided....but...the collision is atrocious for collision based killers and the RNG of loops is so crazy that it can basically be a death sentence for survivors or suffering for the killer.

    Not to mention, because the lack of clear loop indicators, it's very hard to tell what you were creating with the "unique loops" that you created for some of the sudo jungle gyms, and almost always lead to player confusion on BOTH sides when approaching them, so quick downs or drawn out chases if the survivor is running windows.

  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 179

    This map is fairly well balanced with its' loop design: most tiles aren't overly safe but can be chained for a long time making the map more rewarding for better players similarly to Dead Dawg Saloon. There are some weird alterations of common tiles that make the map unnecessarily more confusing(like the shorter versions of jungle gyms and pallet gyms) which I don't like and would've preferred just having normal shaped tiles. But the main problem with this map is its` awful collision on most tiles, which makes all collision based killers suffer immensely from bumping into everything. It's also sometimes awkward to just loop tightly because you can get stuck on an invisible piece of collision that shouldn't be there.

  • ImprobableCarny
    ImprobableCarny Member Posts: 45

    I really like this map and a lot of what it's doing. Having interactable elements and easter eggs like the Jonesy jumpscare locker are SO fun and unique, and I'd love to see other maps with similar traits.

    The biggest issue I have with it is that it feels like it needs way more pallets. As survivor I frequently find myself in huge expansive chunks of the map with nothing to work with, unless I can get really lucky and spin the killer on a rock lol. The pseudo-shack is also very weak and there's very little reason to go over there as a survivor most of the time.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Balance-wise I think it’s fine? Big but not may super safe pallets. Layout is relatively easy to memorize.

    the details and Easter eggs are great! Though i think the color scheme and nostromo crashed and mostly not accessible is a let down. I know indoor maps are not liked especially from the ‚pro‘/not casual side but atmospheric wise I hoped for something more like the movie as what we got is mostly pretty boring/barren alien landscape..

  • NotJared
    NotJared Member Posts: 484
    edited March 2024

    The planet-side of the map across from the wreckage is incredibly barren. As Survivor, it feels like there is nothing to use on that side of the map, and if this is the side left for the last gens in late game, the game can suddenly become very difficult.

    Planet-side of the map mostly only has pallets, as well, and not a lot at that, I must add. If these pallets are gone early, Killers that can greatly take advantage of deadzones or killers that can approach quickly have an incredible upper-hand in this area, which while I would normally enjoy areas of consistent advantage for killers, it feels like this leans a little too heavily in favor of Killers.

    Nostromo has some maze tiles are also kind of incredibly weak, and unfun to play around as Survivor. I'm especially not a fan of this one in particular:

    There are also tons of open sightlines across the map anywhere that's not Wreckage-side, which makes it just as easy for one to be found as Survivor as it is easy to start pre-running to somewhere very safe very early.

    Planet-side needs more high line-of-sight blockers, to make it easier for Killers to approach and more difficult for Survivors to know where the Killer is.

    The raised platform of the wreckage is very cool, but it also makes it very easy for Survivors to see where the Killer is coming from. The relatively low fog falloff distance helps with this.

    The sides of the map often have a lot of really strong chaining tiles and filler pallets, that if played correctly can waste an enormous amount of time. I suppose it can be said this balances out for having a more barren middle-area that Survivors must be more cautious in, but I think I would enjoy seeing resources spread out a little more:

    The mechanics of the reusable steam pipes are an incredibly cool and unique detail added to the map, and I would love to see more dynamic and directly interactive map elements like this, more than just a gate that opens when a generator is completed! And perhaps something Killers can use.

    However, since coming to live, it feels like the gimmick was learned pretty quickly and Killers can very easily sidestep or just wait out the Steam. It's a very cool gimmick, but not very practical in chase unless you're playing against someone who's literally never played the map before and doesn't know the steam is there.

    Generally, while the interactive components of the map such as the Secret MU/TH/UR room and and Steam Pipes are incredibly cool, they are all elements that can only be interacted by and can only benefit Survivors - it would be nice if future interactive mechanics provided affordances for Killers to use for an advantage or to alter gameplay, as well.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348
    edited March 2024

    Too much clutter. Too much ambient noises.

    Too many safe tiles. Too big.

    This map set the players up for the what the new standard in map design would be "take the old tiles that everyone got used to and make them harder to actually get Survivors at without breaking the pallet ASAP."

    This map is just awful to play on. Survivor sided

  • AMGC
    AMGC Member Posts: 39

    Nostromo Wreckage is the licensed map from the Dvarka Deepwood realm and it introduced many charming features like the freezing traps at main building or the secret chamber of the keycard easter egg. The size of the map is maybe slightly too large for the generator spread. The main building is the largest in the game and while that is not an issue, the sides of it have such cornered space that it is very strong to defend hooks around the Nostromo.

    Some of the filler loops have weird shapes that while mostly being okay, collisions sometimes get in the way. The filler loops also spawn windows in this realm and they can potentially create set ups with other structures. There are a few deadzones caused by the peculiar edge map.

    The jungle gym of Dvarka Deepwood has one variation with the pallet next to the window, despite it being the official jungle gym and not an instance of the "impostor gym". This pattern of window and pallet is not exactly new, it was once a bug on a PTB for all the jungle gyms in The MacMillan Estate. This iteration makes the tile less interactive and it is not favored by the players.

    The pallet gym of Dvarka Deepwood is highly peculiar given that half the time it spawns an insanely powerful window that singlehandlely shifts the strength of the safety in the entire map (since it doesn't always spawn and half the time it is missing the window). The finest survivors can stay out of chase and vault the window without blocking it. While Nostromo has 5 mazetiles (the middle one, an altered "four lane", being fixed and different from the rest), the pallet gym for some reason only spawns at the ones near the center on the sides and not always.

    Nostromo Wreckage needs to polish some collisions (maybe adjusting the friction), relocate the pallet on the weird variation of the jungle gym, reconsider the strength or logic of the window at the pallet gym and potentially address the generator spread or hook defense issues.

  • OhDee
    OhDee Member Posts: 13

    The central area feels a little barren and large, but otherwise I like the map. :)

    I like what you tried with the steam valve traps, but they don't really do anything so survivors tend to ignore them. It would be cool if more map specific trap were introduced in the future, but they gotta be balanced.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 385

    Large maps can be balanced, the design just needs to be different than smaller maps. Smaller maps need more pallets since the killer can easily patrol areas and quickly cause resources to be used up in those areas. Larger maps are harder to patrol for killers but as a trade off there tends to be less pallets and more opportunities for creating deadzones. Killers need to adapt how they play depending on the map to a degree. Certain maps require different approaches and large maps are no exception. For example, low mobility killers generally just need to write off a corner gen or 2 on these larger maps which reduces the area they need to patrol making the map artificially smaller.

    As you mentioned, shrinking maps further and further just leads to more gameplay and balance issues by allowing worse 3gens. Larger maps can be balanced and when they are balanced, killers need to learn to play around them.

  • NightingaleOwl
    NightingaleOwl Member Posts: 20

    This map needs to feature re-occuring tiles from Macmillan and Autohaven. Some gyms generate awkward tiles to the point where if a pallet is used the gym is unusable.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    There is one thing that really grinds my gears on this map and it's the unsmooth loop collision that makes tightly hugging loops difficult as survivor and also has a tendency to cause you to erroneously bump as blight

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    Map isn't that big at all due to the gen placement and the loops are just really bad. Collision on the loops are awful too

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    This map is meh? Idk.... On one side the map is large, making defense difficult. On the other hand you can get 3 gens in the ship where nothing is to loop.

    The easter-eggs are well done though.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Oh yes. Same as Dvarka. Those are the 2 maps I cannot hug-tech gym walls as Wesker because they are round and blobby. I also get stuck on them frequently.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,010

    Cool design but it tanks performance on console so I can't enjoy playing on it very much. It's somewhat too big, and the level geometry's collision is terrible. Wish there was more Nostromo and less outdoors. The lighting is also too bright, it's eye-straining.

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337
    edited March 2024

    In terms of balance, I think the map is fine: 9/10

    The map is really big and this makes it harder for most killer to defend the gens. However, since many loops are usually very short or unusable, the whole thing evens out.

    Visually, I personally find the map to be the least beautiful or rather annoying to the eye, it is too colorful but as I said, this is very subjective.

    Edit: Maps like CWF, Forsaken Boneyard or the game have beautiful colors.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    This is one of the best maps in the game and also balanced. You have many maps needing to be worked on so you can leave this alone for a long time.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,963

    I don't have very strong opinions on this map.

    But I still don't understand how this is in the Dvarka Deepwood realm, firstly, but then also gets an offering of its own.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,999

    Please remove the Airlock Doors offering and let the Alien Flora work for both Toba Landing and Nostromo

  • Johnny771
    Johnny771 Member Posts: 18

    The map size is great, but the absurd amount of random obstacles on the map needs to be fixed, which is terrible for killers like Billy/Blight

    These obstacles also make it difficult for the survivor to identify where there are loops.

    I think the map could be cleaned up

  • Snake481
    Snake481 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2024

    the map is same as toba way too cluttered and the loop design is questionable imo. there's a lot of tiles that look like tiles that we know (for example long wall gyms, short wall gyms) but then you actually go there and realize there's like a wall missing or one of the walls is just way too short, making the tile essentially useless. variety and adding new tiles that are fun to play around is a good idea, taking already existing tiles and ruining them, making them almost unplayable is not.

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 128

    This map would be fine for me if it didn't run extremely choppy on Switch when playing killers. Every match I play killer on Nostromo I have to fight harder than normal to get anything. Please do something about this map's performance on Switch, it is unplayable.

  • Tipsy
    Tipsy Member Posts: 48

    Very large. the weird shape of the walls makes it hard to use some killer powers making for less smooth gameplay and pointlessly hindering some killers. The gates seem to always spawn in the same spots and are almost impossible to defend both. Other than the size the general balance feels good.

  • MajrGaming
    MajrGaming Member Posts: 6

    It’s a little big but not awful, the only issue I ever have with this map are hook spawns, they can be very far apart, if the map was a little smaller that might fix that issue

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143

    gameplaywise one of my favorite maps out of the last ones you released. there are quite a lot of loops, but many of them are mindgameable. I also really like the idea of having the gas stations in the main building. those are really fun. you should make such unique chase things more often^^

  • Iri4head
    Iri4head Member Posts: 25

    Map actually feels pretty good, only thing is the lighting is a lil bit funky in the outside areas but other than that I can't really complain about this map

  • KazRen
    KazRen Member Posts: 187

    Lots of clutter and the map is too big.

This discussion has been closed.