Unknown is Singularity, again.

Once again devs have decided to make an aesthetically awesome Killer with a completely unreliable projectile power. The blast radius is delayed and also extremely small, and the projectile itself bounces in totally unpredictable ways. Shooting a survivor directly slows them a miniscule amount. Successful shots are not rewarded in any way. Not to mention the only side effect of "weakened" is that it makes your projectile ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING.
Why would I pick this character? For his randomly-happening worse Hag traps? For his Worse-than-trickster projectile? I don't think enough thought went into this killer before he went live.
Its funny when I play as him I feel like his power is a little slow and could need some tweaks to feel smooth. But when I play against him, I get hit by everything. It's really annoying.
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He's a 115% ranged killer with no manual reload and a near instant teleport he can manipulate to place wherever he wants. You will never convince the killer nor survivor in me that he's anything lower than A.
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Bruh, No Manual Reload? There's like 7 Seconds of Cooldown between each shot. Good Survivors can just stare him down so Weakness can go away in like 9 seconds. You have like 2 Seconds window hitting Good Survivors. You also can't control where you place his Hallucinations.
You also can't just go M2 every game, unlike the actual A tier Killers. He's low B tier.
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Seven seconds on Unknown, how long is the reload you have to commit on Slinger? Unknown can fire and jump straight back into it, Slinger, Clown, Huntress, and Trickster can all get caught out without ammo. If that's happening to Unknown you have seven seconds before he shoots again. Ironically, this means he actually is one of the characters you can do mostly M2 with without issue.
Also, just to clarify, Unknown not having a manual reload isn't an opinion. He starts reloading automatically, so idk why you say "No manual reload?" like that isn't an objective fact. You're allowed to think that's not enough to make him good, but you can't deny it's a bonus he has over the rest of the cast.
Post edited by ArkInk on1 -
Well, for one you want to avoid line of sight, and try getting hits around/through walls with the AoE/bounce. Sometimes you want to take otherwise unoptimal routes to stay out of sight, and if you hit someone who can't even see you, of course they won't lose weakness. As for his impeccable, instantaneous teleports, you can also weaken a survivor and then teleport while they're waiting to juke your projectile. He's pretty damn good.
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i mean he actually take skill to use and proper head of time planning for quick down the last 2 killers that were released were so easy to use someone with 2 hours could pick them up and get a 4k eays Chuckey is still op and so is alien of no turrets are put down so yeah if your are comparing killers of course he going to be weaker because he has like 7 items in his kit he has teleport , projectile, bouncing projectiles, hit through walls, hinder, NO TR if you use addons, and also his projectile is huge once it hit the ground i mean if they buff him even further he will need to have things took from BK because their too much going on with him right now and the biggest stop point of the killer is FORCING survivors to took at him or just get downed by power he seem to have a lot going for him
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That's what I called placebo killer's power. You can use it and try to get any advantage with it but it's so easyly countered you won't do mutch with it. Oh and let's not forget when you are using power you are slowed down just to make sure using it only waste your time. For me it is another blank chapter without killer.
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Thats still not a manual reload, compare it to say Slinger who's slow as hell when reloading and he's a 110%. You can also use cover to your advantage and the bouncing of the projectile to land some VERY nasty hits. Ive pulled off a few myself and ran into some one a day ago who was hitting these insane shots consistently.
You also do have quite a bit of control of where you place your hallucinations. When the boarders of your screen are yellow it means one is about to be placed, and you can simply tap your power to prevent it from being placed and it doesnt even slow you down.
The only time you cant prevent it, is if youre in a situation where you cant tap your power. Like if youre on cooldown or youre carrying a Survivor.
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Same reason you would pick Nemesis over Pyramid Head. He's there if you want a more versatile but less impactful power.
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he looks around demogorgon tier. C-tier. he has teleport but the mobility is average. He has chase power but the chase power is unrewarding.
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My issue with playing him is that the bounces are so wildly unpredictable. I find it ludicrous that you can fire the projectile THROUGH a survivor, they scream, and it doesn't affect them at all.
For a power with such a brief window of needing to land the second and third hits, it feels genuinely terrible when the projectile just decides to fly off in a random direction and miss when it originally went in the perfect direction.
That said, he has a very oppressive chase power, AND near instant teleportation around the map, which is usually left near places he wants to go anyway.
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Manual Reload: Huntress, Trickster, Clown, Slinger.
Killers without reload input: Nurse, Blight, Wesker, Spirit, Artist... their powers reloaded itself.
Image Nurse success hitting a target, get into fatigued, then have to press a button breath in (reload) before continue the chase.
Image Blight success hitting a target, get into weapon cooldown, then have to press a button to inject serum before continue the chase.
Unknown doesnt have to pres reload button to stand still and drink a jar of UVX after each shot.
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They're both high skill floor killers with incredibly skill-expressive powers.
Your opinion of them would likely change if you spent the time to build up the muscle memory and knowledge base required to play these killers well.
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I dunno man, I mean, in my opinion, you can't always get the best of both worlds. I feel like a few buffs here and there could help it, sure, but other than that it's really not a bad killer. Who knows, it might get a rework like the Skull Merchant.
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Maybe watch a good player play him sometime and reconsider how "unreliable" his power is: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2088698595
KnightLight here is on a 30 or so winstreak with him, usually winning at 3-4 gens left standing I think. Coincidentally, he's also of the opinion Singularity is borderline S-tier, and that certainly a good Singularity player will basically never lose in pubs. In fact, I'm pretty sure he's never lost a Singularity match even in tournaments.
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I'm having more fun playing Unknown than I do Singularity, so I disagree.
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As a Demo main, I really disagree.
The two Killers have the same power on paper but work vastly different in practice and ultimately have vastly different play styles and strengths/weaknesses.
To put it bluntly, the two are not really comparable due to them fundamentally working differently when you consider nuance.
Also both Killers are better than people give them credit for. Demo is low B-tier to high C-tier. Unknown is low B-tier to high B-tier.