This game is a joke

4 gens done at 4 hooks then Killer decides they want to tunnel out last hooked person. Then proxy camp rest to get 4K.
Survivors don't get those comebacks when they get stomped.
Lots of second chance and exhaustion perks
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Glad you agree that the game is a joke too.
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If 4 gens are done and only 4 hook stages have been made, than at best Killer has only gotten 1 person out. Even in that situation, if a Killer hard tunnels and proxy camps one person that should only result in a 2 K as the other 2 can finish a gen and open the exit gate and survive.
Camping and tunneling only work because Survivors allow it to.
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Tbf you weren't really descriptive with what happened. Like yes the killer decided to play serious after falling behind and then won but it's unlikely it was completely out of your team's control.
Now I'll grant you I've noticed recently the biggest downfall of teams in soloQ is either playing hook roulette and always having someone on hook and being unable to reset and/or someone being tunneled out.
Against the former there's no other way to say it but someone needs to actually last in chase so the rest of the team can reset and if that doesn't happen you're just not gonna win. Against tunneling either again the person has to be able to last in chase or there needs to be some sort of anti-tunnel perks in play like DS, OTR, BT, Babysitter, Wicked, etc just something to punish the tunnel attempts if there's none of that then you don't have a chance. Also people need to be pressuring gens while this happens, way too often I see someone running for their life and the teammates are doing dull bones or chests or just following the killer around ready to miss a flashlight save and get hit. Do the gens and actually make the time the person in chase is buying mean something.
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Yes, cannot forget that everything is the survivors' fault.
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Camping and tunneling working because it takes no more iq than a frog has to pull off and people don't want to put effort into winning they think that forcing the survovurs had is a play style when it just them being lazey to get the free win and plus most killer main have big egos more than 70 % of the community followes the playstles of tournaments wich are farm from normal game play and choose to use thoese tactics because it dont take ANYEFFORE ON THE KILLERS PART but on the other side more than 3 or 4 times the effort has to be pit in to survive
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Fully agree - killer has any easy mode reset button in camp/tunnel which is outright devastating especially in soloq since they cannot communicate to the others what the killer is doing. Unless they all take a bunch of other info perks which further limit the perks they'd have to choose from to succeed in other areas - like chases or doing gens.
Some killers don't even bother to play the game - they just to good old reliable camp/tunnel because it works.
But you know - as some would say on this forum - it's the survivor's fault doing well against the poor killer who is only trying to eliminate your participation and bloodpoint scoring in the game.
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Most killers arent good so they tunnel then when their mmr goes up and it doesn't work anymore and they get stomped to the ground they come here and start complaining about everything else lol. One dude was on a almost 2k win streak as blight lost to a good team and started acting like a little cry baby because he finally lost 1 game out of almost 2000 which in no other game would ever happen.
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Camping and tunneling only work because they devs allow it because most killers are trash at the game and don't even try to learn how to play killer. That's also why they have bloodlust in 15 sec.
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OK - when the killer is losing badly, they should just keep playing the same way so you can vault-spam and t-bag them at the gate.
Seriously though - what do you want to the killer to do when they're losing badly? How do YOU want them to play??
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If 4 gens are already done and the killer is spending their time around the hook, there's no reason the remaining survivors can't rush the final gen and get out.
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It's literally the truth, I think you just need practice, respectfully. I play both sides so I know
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Issues on both sides don’t justify making the game not fun for either. The devs are the ones to blame and if you played both sides you’d know that.
Survivor side: Getting tunnelled sucks. I don’t get to play the game beyond the first hook.
Killer side: If I don’t strategically lower the number of enemies I’m facing, I’m going to get overwhelmed.
The simplest solution is to make sacrifices impossible until a certain number of global hook states have been met and no longer notifying the killer when a survivor is removed off hook. In exchange the game must take longer. Increasing gen times again or even the amount of them would do this but I think that’s very boring. I would make totems do something else which makes the game significantly more dangerous for survivors if ignored. Chests could do something else too aside house items. However to get into any such ideas would make the post incredibly long.
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I also think it has to do with the win condition being kills and escapes. Killers want to win so they need to kill everyone as soon as they can.
Survivors want to win so they rush gens and try to make sure they get escapes.
I feel like if I played the game well like getting 8 hooks and having good chases that's a win for me.
Same when I play survivor. Did I get unhooks, did I heal others and take hits did I die to save someone. That to me is more important than an escape.
Just how I chose to play.
Remember, win and lose with dignity.
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Killers want to win so they need to kill everyone as soon as they can.
If the killer is in a tournament, sure. Pubic lobbies? I mean if you enjoy it!
But in no way does a killer have to try and kill everyone 'as soon as they can.' That'd be pretty miserable from either side imo.
Survivors don't rush gens when they know the killer isn't going to be a low tier gamer. Personality goes a long way I've found lol.
But I do agree with you. Winning in your own vision is a good way to go about it. You eventually need to make your own fun :)
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The game is designed for survivors to down in a chase eventually. Thats why bloodlust 3 130% speed against 100% speed is a thing. Survivors last longer than they should, they need to down.
Survivors who last a chase longer than 1min is just killer’s skill isnt equal to their MMR.
For Op’s complaining. Killers can turn their games to their favor at anytime. Without requiring of perks: tunneling. Perkless Trapper still can tunnel. Survivors are losing have nothing to come back. Not talking about skill issue.
How manytimes you can turn 2 hooks 5 Gens done into 3K?
How manytimes you can turn 1 teammate death at 4 Gens remaining into 2 escape?
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I see what your saying but your over thinking it, just have fun. End of Discussion
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Just have fun, if your not doing to well, And I quote from bhvrs Community manager "play a different game"
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No killer has fun with 10 matches of zero kill streak. I cant have fun against thousand win streak killers.
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LOL they really said that? I mean, instead of asking for feedback on the forums to consider making the game more enjoyable and less frustrating for everyone, its just play a different game?
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I do love the fact that I don't have to try hard to win as killer though i just kind of glide through the game guess because I don't tunnel and put myself in crazy mmr survivors usually end up screwing themselves so it not to hard.
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If there are two other survivors free in addition to the hooked survivor, a rescue will definitely be possible unless you are dealing with a chainsaw. They don't even need a hook trade. It's a matter of whether they have that knowledge or not, and there is no need for communication between survivors.
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The Killer lost 4 gens in 4 hooks. Certainly looks bad. They then force themself to win by playing aggressively. Then they get matched up with Survivors they can't compete with then write about it here on the Forums that SWF need nerfing.
No kind of Skill Expression because the design of the game is dictated by Kill Rate. Even bad players get boosted by game design.
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Yeah lol, I don't know why
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You have to learn the killer and use good perks, you really have to lock in. From a community Manager, "the games supposed to make you go agh dammit" as in you won't always win
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What do you want the killer to do to bring the game back when they're losing?
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That's kinda the point of the killer can manage to pull it off
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Wrong thread this is the survivor complaining about the killer making a comeback.
Anyways the survivors couldve used the hatch to escape or just wait till the killer closes zhe hatch to just walk out the gates. There's your hardcoded comeback mechanics you failed to mention.
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How does that work? When 4 gens are done and the killer only has 4 hooks, then there is no way they can get a 4k. A 2k is the best possible outcome that they can still get at this point.
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Why would that be? Maybe i am missing something here but there is still plenty of ways to get the 4K. Many games fell apart for survivors because they could not finish the last generator.
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With 4 hooks we can assume, that all survivors play decently well (in comparison to the killer). At that point, when nobody is dead, the killer can only chase 1 person and possibly kill them seconds before the last gen is finished. That's already optimistic. When the exit gates are powered and the killer proxy camps another survivor (assuming they even get someone else before they escape), then the last 2 escape with no trouble.
There is simply no way for the killer to turn this around by tunneling / proxy camping. Not anymore. Back when 60 minutes games were still a thing, you could have argued that it was at least possible but now not so much. You don't get to activate Pain Res when tunneling and Pop will not prevent the last gen from getting done either.
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The killer has a disadvantage but it is very far from impossible. I would even argue 0 hooks is still winable. Many resources are most likely gone, sluging may come into play, perks like PR, Pop and Grim are still live. If we have a decent 3 gen, i would not eve be worried to much.
Good example:
2 hook stages and yet the survivors are in a difficult postion.
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You were at 1 gen remaining and couldn't find 90 seconds of time to finish the last gen with all four of you alive? You lost to a pressure mismanagement issue, not a lack of ability to comeback.
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Is the game still winnable? Yes. The game isn't over until it's over. I've lost games with 6 hooks at 5 gens and won games with 1 hook at 1 gen left. But this is not done by tunneling or proxy camping.
Slugging can sometimes work. But mostly it's the killer playing nearly flawless and the survivors making mistakes. Tunneling will not help you so late in the game and neither will proxy camping (even less than tunneling). Which is what op complained about. If the killer truly does turn the game around at that point it's because they play well, not because they tunneled or proxy camped.