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I'm so sick of Ultimate Weapon



  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited March 2024

    If they make changes to Ultimate Weapon, they also need to add the perk icon to the survivor HUD while it is active.

    Survivors can climb into a locker to avoid the scream, but they have no idea when the killer opened a locker and when it is safe to exit the locker if the terror radius is not going away. They could exit too early and get revealed, or exit too late and waste a bunch of time.

    ...Or the devs could pause the idle crow timer while in the killer's terror radius. 😒

  • Member Posts: 1,993
    edited March 2024

    The power you get for simply opening a locker makes this perk one of the most stuffed values in the game.

    I had this discussion with my partner for about 30 mins last night. They were under the impression UW was a very balanced perk. After stating my issues with it (the amount of power you get from the minor activation cost) and I was hit back with "But opening that locker takes time. Time the killer doesn't have."

    I was silent for a moment but really didn't know what to say. I respect that PoV, but... I do NOT agree at all.

    2 seconds to open a locker (or 3? Cant remember)

    30 seconds of blind and a scream notification once a survivor wanders into your TR in that 30 seconds.

    Didn't get anyone after 30 seconds? Just open another locker buddy, easy. Ahh, there they are.

    Now, I've heard people say 'Just remove the blind.' That does nothing for the power this perk can hoist.

    'Put it on a 1 minute CD' Its still the top perk for power vs activation, and leagues away from anything else in the killer arsenal. 1 activation usually gets a chase started, sometimes two. Unless the CD was like 3 minutes, I doubt it would even be felt.

    The activation is the issue. Opening a locker AFTER hooking a survivor... now that's a good balance.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Its getting nerfed, soon, but just for fun, imagine that it stayed unchanged in the game for literal years and people defended it by claiming "lol, its just a perk in the game, git gud" or "if you outplayed them, but they DH to safety, did you really outplay them? smirk"

    I still think that, while UW is strong, isn't THAT overtuned (it is overtuned, though): UW only gives a momentary scenic view of where everyone is, it doesn't help with chasing anyone down or looping any better.

  • Member Posts: 657

    if you think adren is overwhelming then something wrong. There shouldn't be 4 adrenalins popping end game if you are a half way decent killer because 4 people shouldn't last that long sounds like skill issue.

  • Member Posts: 707
    edited March 2024

    Ugh yeah there are people that defended the Dead Hard for distance and reuseable Dead Hard which was 'nerfed' so much despite the fact it was painfully obvious they are broken. Ultimate crutch (weapon) isn't that bad but it's pretty damn close especially because it obsoletes every single other information perk. Yet people will defend it exactly the same way that some people defended Dead Hard. It is amazing how many people are so devoted to one side or the other and are not at all interested in balance.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    Ultimate Weapon is a big problem because it completely counters ALL stealth play unless you're running Calm Spirit, that's the ONLY counterplay in the entire game. There's nothing you can do basekit to counter it.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I miss it so, so much; why kick gens when you can hook survivors faster than they can do gens?

    This new Pain Res is simultaneously worse but somehow even more sweaty. I say this as somebody who has never cared for the Pain Res explosion notifications/scream block synergy

  • Member Posts: 1,132
    edited March 2024

    I would say that the thing that contributes to the low pick rate is merely because most killers like running 4 slow down perks instead, and the small percentage of killers who don't need that, are probably picking perks like UW.

    False. The killers that run UW the most are mainly the ones that have large synergy with it.

    Alien: ran due to base kit perk

    Trickster and Huntress: locker synergy

    Wesker: 40 m terror radius synergy

    Oni, Nurse, and Blight: high mobility let's them easily proc Ultimate Weapon

    The other killers that run it still need slow down: Nemesis, Pig, Execution, and Plague

    10% is still a high percentage though, that's actually a large amount of killers. I don't know how many killers there are in total if we include all platforms, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's high enough to make 10% very noticeable.

    You know 10% means you see it once every 10 matches right? That's hardly anything. Also, its usage is closer to 7% since Nov 2023.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Oh, I don’t personally believe Adrenaline to be overwhelming. I was pointing out killer mains have the same attitude about Adrenaline the person I responded to said survivors have about Ultimate Weapon.

  • Member Posts: 308

    me who runs ultimate weapon on doctor just to make survivors scream

  • Member Posts: 657

    I don't know ultimate weapon you can use more then once a game.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Right. Adrenaline activates only once. But both are heavily complained about by the other side, ergo my response.

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    Circle of healing was countered by Shattered hope that came into the game AFTER the nerfs. If it had been in the game same time when circle of healing was introduced the usage rate would have been higher.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Don't people realise this is half of doctor's power in ONE perk? How can that ever be balanced? Imagine a perk allowd you to use half of freddy's power and teleport to gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Stealth also happens to be the only counter to some killers in the game like nurse as well.. put 2 and 2 together and yeah recipe for disaster (or success if ur a devout nurse player i spose)

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    It doesn't change the fact that just because a perk can be countered by another, that it can't be problematic. Asking people to use Calm Spirit every single game just to counter a potential UW is just as silly as asking people to use Shattered Hope just to counter CoH. That was mostly what I meant not that we should bring old CoH back LOL.

  • Member Posts: 2,412
    edited March 2024

    Or maybe, they should buff Scene Partner

    -Scene Partner will show the killer's aura to you for 5 seconds everytime your scream is caused by an add-on or perk. You leave no scratch marks or pool of blood for the time being

    I would run it 😋

  • Member Posts: 155

    But I like it on Bubba. It counters WoO so well, as well as hides the hooks for people not in SWF. You can see the massive difference in skill when people can't just run from yellow to yellow. 🤣

  • Member Posts: 59

    False. The killers that run UW the most are mainly the ones that have large synergy with it.

    That doesn't invalidate my point.

    You know 10% means you see it once every 10 matches right?

    That's not how probability works. In reality you might end up getting a match with UW 3 times in a row from pure chance. It's random, but that will make 10% seem a lot higher than it is in reality.

    Regardless UW is still way overtuned, in my opinion, regardless of pick rate.

  • Member Posts: 123

    I mean tbf...most are running that build already anyway lol

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