BP offerings don't work when an Event Offering is being played.

I hope this is a bug. Once at least one person burns those Bloody Eye offering, any BP offering is declined. If that was intentional, this has to be one of the worst BP events ever. . .
Any mod or something writing a statement?
Pretty good job so far.
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didn't expect to get value out of this again so soon
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Good thing I heard of this after wasting only one Escape Cake.
Good job BHVR, completely destroying BP offerings during the BP event.
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Pretty good job so far
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Is that why I’ve been getting low BPS even when stacking multiple offerings with others?
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I already know Anni events will 100% still continue give out the most BP. Also, why does the Blood Moon event not start with a global bonus??? Why make us work for it when a LESSER BP event like a blood rush/hunt will auto have it????? Gotta screw over people with busy schedules, I guess.
Overall, not impressed at all.
Post edited by LilacHeather on0 -
They seem to get refunded, like how a "survivors spawn in pairs" offering gets refunded if one of your teammates brings a "all survivors spawn together" offering. At least, when I saw someone bring one into a streamer's game it played the "refunding offering" animation. Still stinks that you don't get the bonus, but you didn't lose the offering.
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Has anyone said 'pretty good job so far' yet?
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same happened with the bbq event.
aparently intentional
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Scroll up
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Of course I know, I was sarcastic
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The bonus caps out at 2X which is pathetic.
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Poe's law mate, carry on
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Yes, I just noticed it for myself, but thank you for informing me. That makes me feel better. Still disappointing though.
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Event is complete disappointment PLUS I just spent 1.2 million bps on Sable and only got 20 Bloodshot Eye offerings.
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Yeah, can someone ‘official’ answer this? Is there any need for nothing to be explained? Are we wasting our BP offerings? Newer players don’t have these stocked to waste. Do the new event offerings give bonus BP? (Cause they don’t say it) the lack of information is unreal.
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in the halloween event with the void, bp offerings increased the event points multiplicatively so i think they might have done this to prevent it from happening again. if that's the case, hopefully they can figure out ways to seperate event points from bp offerings or at least disable them so people don't waste them.
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oh the offering flying off the screen is "refunded" animation?? lmao always thought that was a bug.
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Everyone needs to relax for real, they said the bonuses will increase as the event goes on. We’re only 3 hours into the first day☠️
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That's already too much. You will be sitting on many of them once the event is over.
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Just testing myself, the animation aside, you do NOT get them back. Entered a match with 15 Bloody Party Streamers, someone brought an eye, I had 14 Bloody Party Streamers remaining.
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No, its not. It means that it was rejected, but you still lose it, as I say above.
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And yet no one is surprised.
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oh my god that's terrible lmao hope they fix it
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They go up to 200% at max, which is just a bloodhunt. Anniversary events are still far more lucrative.
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200% plus 100% for the offering you bring like a cake. I just played a match and got 190k and that’s at 50% so I assume at 200% I’ll be getting 400k
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Plus there is EXTRA points scored within blood zones before that +50/+100/+200 is even applied at the end of the match. So yea, maybe starting at only +50% and the bug with the eyes was a major oversight, but now that the eyes are killswitched pending a fix and as long as that fix allows us to still use BP offerings as normal if we wish, then this event will be as promised.